mirror of synced 2025-02-18 19:44:08 +01:00

Uncomment unfinished translation entries and just put a notice on the files in order to keep a minimum of usability on the settings screen

This commit is contained in:
0auBSQ 2024-04-27 12:41:41 +09:00
parent 65d5000726
commit c578342307
3 changed files with 136 additions and 120 deletions

View File

@ -25,13 +25,15 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[3] = "Volver al menú de la izquierda.",
[4] = "Recargar lista de canciones",
[5] = "Recarga y actualiza la lista de canciones.",
// [10148] = "Reload Songs (Hard Reload)",
// [10149] = "Clean the existing database and\n" +
// "reload the song folder from scratch.",
// ----------------------------------
[10148] = "Reload Songs (Hard Reload)",
[10149] = "Clean the existing database and\n" +
"reload the song folder from scratch.",
// Please translate the text above!
[6] = "Número de jugadores",
// [7] = "Cambia el número de jugadores.\nAjustarlo a 2 permite jugar\n canciones regulares a dos jugadores dividiendo\n la pantalla a la mitad.",
// Please update the translation above. Up to 5 players can be active at a time.
// ----------------------------------
[7] = "Cambia el número de jugadores.\nAjustarlo a 2 permite jugar\n canciones regulares a dos jugadores dividiendo\n la pantalla a la mitad.",
// Please update the translation above. Up to 5 players can be active at a time.
[8] = "Modo Kanpeki",
[9] = "Modo Kanpeki:\nElige el número de fallos antes de\n que se considere un intento fallido.\nDejar en 0 para deshabilitar el modo Kanpeki.",
[10] = "Velocidad de la canción",
@ -69,8 +71,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[25] = "Tiempo de retraso(ms) para empezar a reproducir la\ndemo de la música en la pantalla\nSELECCIONAR CANCIÓN.\nPuedes especificar de 0ms a 10000ms",
[26] = "Ajuste que proviene de DTXMania.\nEn OpenTaiko este no hace nada.",
[27] = "Si está activado se mostrará información extra en\nla zona de BGA. (FPS, BPM, tiempo total, etc)\nPuedes activar o desactivar los indicadores\npresionando [Del] mientras juegas.",
// [28] = "Ajuste del grado de transparencia del fondo.\n\n0=completamente transparente,\n255=sin transparencia",
// Please update the translation above. The lane background (the bar drawn behind the notes) opacity is what's being adjusted, and will only take effect when videos are playing.
// ----------------------------------
[28] = "Ajuste del grado de transparencia del fondo.\n\n0=completamente transparente,\n255=sin transparencia",
// Please update the translation above. The lane background (the bar drawn behind the notes) opacity is what's being adjusted, and will only take effect when videos are playing.
[29] = "Desactívalo si no quieres que\nse reproduzca música de fondo.",
[30] = "Guarda tus récords en el juego.\nDesactívalo si prefieres que tus puntajes no\nse guarden automáticamente.\n",
[31] = "Ajuste relacionado con BS1770GAIN\n y por lo mismo, inutilizable.",
@ -85,11 +88,12 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[40] = "Comparte la información del .tja que estas\n jugando en Discord.",
[41] = "Cuando se activa, la entrada no tendrá pérdidas,\n pero la tasa de actualización de la entrada será menor.\nCuando se desactiva, pueden haber entradas perdidas\n pero se actualizarán con más frecuencia.",
[42] = "Actívalo para guardar info. de depuración\n en TJAPlayer3.log cuando cierres el juego.\nAquí se guarda información del rendimiento y\n eventuales errores del simulador.",
// [43] = "ASIO:\nSolo funciona en dispositivos compatibles con ASIO.\nTiene la menor latencia de entrada.\n\nWasapi:\nDesactiva cualquier otra fuente de sonido.\nTiene la segunda menor latencia de entrada.\n\nDirect Sound:\nPermite sonido desde otras fuentes.\nTiene la mayor latencia de entrada.\n" +
// "\n" +
// "Nota: Sal de la configuración\n" +
// " para aplicar los cambios.",
// Please update the translation above; DirectSound is no longer used, and has been replaced with BASS. BASS is compatible with all platforms.
// ----------------------------------
[43] = "ASIO:\nSolo funciona en dispositivos compatibles con ASIO.\nTiene la menor latencia de entrada.\n\nWasapi:\nDesactiva cualquier otra fuente de sonido.\nTiene la segunda menor latencia de entrada.\n\nDirect Sound:\nPermite sonido desde otras fuentes.\nTiene la mayor latencia de entrada.\n" +
"\n" +
"Nota: Sal de la configuración\n" +
" para aplicar los cambios.",
// Please update the translation above; DirectSound is no longer used, and has been replaced with BASS. BASS is compatible with all platforms.
[44] = "Cambia el buffer de sonido para Wasapi.\nDeja el número más bajo posible\n evitando problemas como congelamiento de la canción y\n timing incorrecto. Déjalo en 0 para usar un valor\n estimado, o encuentra el valor correcto para ti a base de\nprueba y error." +
"\n" +
"Nota: Sal de la configuración\n" +
@ -170,41 +174,43 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
"(Solo en modo de un jugador)",
[95] = "Ajustes de controles",
[96] = "Ajustes de los botones/pads que se usarán.",
// [10124] = "Use Extreme/Extra Transitions",
// [10125] = "Play a skin-defined animation\nwhile switching between\nExtreme & Extra.",
// [10126] = "Always use normal gauge",
// [10127] = "Always use normal gauge",
// ----------------------------------
[10124] = "Use Extreme/Extra Transitions",
[10125] = "Play a skin-defined animation\nwhile switching between\nExtreme & Extra.",
// [10150] = "Video Playback Display Mode",
// [10151] = "Change how videos are displayed\nin the background.",
[10126] = "Always use normal gauge",
[10127] = "Always use normal gauge",
[10150] = "Video Playback Display Mode",
[10151] = "Change how videos are displayed\nin the background.",
// Please translate the text above!
[97] = "Captura",
[98] = "Botón para capturar:\nPara asignar una tecla a la captura de pantalla.\n (Solo puedes usar el teclado. No puedes\nusar un pad del tambor para tomar capturas.",
// [10128] = "Increase Volume",
// [10129] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for increasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10130] = "Decrease Volume",
// [10131] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for decreasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10132] = "Display Hit Values",
// [10133] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying hit values.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10134] = "Display Debug Menu",
// [10135] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying debug menu.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10136] = "Quick Config",
// [10137] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for accessing the quick config.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10138] = "Player Customization",
// [10139] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for player customization.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10140] = "Change Song Sort",
// [10141] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for resorting songs.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10142] = "Toggle Auto (P1)",
// [10143] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P1).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10144] = "Toggle Auto (P2)",
// [10145] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P2).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10146] = "Toggle Training Mode",
// [10147] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling training mode.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10152] = "Cycle Video Playback Display",
// [10153] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for cycling video playback display modes.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// ----------------------------------
[10128] = "Increase Volume",
[10129] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for increasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10130] = "Decrease Volume",
[10131] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for decreasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10132] = "Display Hit Values",
[10133] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying hit values.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10134] = "Display Debug Menu",
[10135] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying debug menu.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10136] = "Quick Config",
[10137] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for accessing the quick config.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10138] = "Player Customization",
[10139] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for player customization.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10140] = "Change Song Sort",
[10141] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for resorting songs.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10142] = "Toggle Auto (P1)",
[10143] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P1).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10144] = "Toggle Auto (P2)",
[10145] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P2).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10146] = "Toggle Training Mode",
[10147] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling training mode.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10152] = "Cycle Video Playback Display",
[10153] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for cycling video playback display modes.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// Please translate the text above!
[99] = "Rojo izquierdo",
@ -233,7 +239,8 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[10025] = "Delay de la demo",
[10026] = "Delay de la imagen",
[10027] = "Informacion Debug",
// [10028] = "Transparencia del fondo",
// ----------------------------------
[10028] = "Transparencia del fondo",
// Please update the translation above. The actual title should read "Lane Background Opacity". Check comment on [28] for further details.
[10029] = "Volumen de música de fondo",
[10030] = "Guardar Puntuación",

View File

@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[40] = "Active ou non le partage d'informations\nde jeu avec Discord.",
[41] = "Permet d'éviter la perte de frappes en\ncas de chute de FPS.\nSi désactivé, des frappes peuvent être\nperdues mais seront plus souvent mises\nen attendes en cas de freeze.",
[42] = "Génère un fichier TJAPlayer3.log file à la fermeture\ndu jeu.\nPermet l'évaluation des performances et\nfacilite l'identification des erreurs.",
// [43] = "ASIO:\n- Fonctionne seulement avec les appareils compatibles.\n- Latence d'entrée les plus faibles\nWasapi:\n- Latence d'entrée généralement faible\n- Bloque les sons exterieurs à OpenTaiko\nDirect Sound:\n- Permet les sons exterieurs à OpenTaiko\n- Latence d'entrée élevée\n",
// --------------------------------
[43] = "ASIO:\n- Fonctionne seulement avec les appareils compatibles.\n- Latence d'entrée les plus faibles\nWasapi:\n- Latence d'entrée généralement faible\n- Bloque les sons exterieurs à OpenTaiko\nDirect Sound:\n- Permet les sons exterieurs à OpenTaiko\n- Latence d'entrée élevée\n",
// Please update the translation above; DirectSound is no longer used, and has been replaced with BASS. BASS is compatible with all platforms.
[44] = "Change la taille du buffer WASAPI.\nA définir au plus bas possible\nsans causer de problèmes de son\ncomme des freezes ou un timing incorrect.\nLe definir à 0 pour une estimation automatique,\nou chercher la valeur la plus appropriée\nen en essayant plusieurs.",
[45] = "Choisir une inderface pour ASIO.",
@ -150,38 +151,39 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[97] = "Capture d'écran",
[98] = "Assigner la touche pour le \ncapture d'écran.",
// [10124] = "Use Extreme/Extra Transitions",
// [10125] = "Play a skin-defined animation\nwhile switching between\nExtreme & Extra.",
// ---------------------------------------------------
[10124] = "Use Extreme/Extra Transitions",
[10125] = "Play a skin-defined animation\nwhile switching between\nExtreme & Extra.",
// Please translate the text above!
[10126] = "Gauge normale par défaut",
[10127] = "Ignore les gauges définies par personnage.",
// [10150] = "Video Playback Display Mode",
// [10151] = "Change how videos are displayed\nin the background.",
// Please translate the text above!
// [10128] = "Increase Volume",
// [10129] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for increasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10130] = "Decrease Volume",
// [10131] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for decreasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10132] = "Display Hit Values",
// [10133] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying hit values.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10134] = "Display Debug Menu",
// [10135] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying debug menu.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10136] = "Quick Config",
// [10137] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for accessing the quick config.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10138] = "Player Customization",
// [10139] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for player customization.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10140] = "Change Song Sort",
// [10141] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for resorting songs.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10142] = "Toggle Auto (P1)",
// [10143] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P1).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10144] = "Toggle Auto (P2)",
// [10145] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P2).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10146] = "Toggle Training Mode",
// [10147] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling training mode.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10152] = "Cycle Video Playback Display",
// [10153] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for cycling video playback display modes.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// ---------------------------------------------------
[10150] = "Video Playback Display Mode",
[10151] = "Change how videos are displayed\nin the background.",
[10128] = "Increase Volume",
[10129] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for increasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10130] = "Decrease Volume",
[10131] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for decreasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10132] = "Display Hit Values",
[10133] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying hit values.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10134] = "Display Debug Menu",
[10135] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying debug menu.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10136] = "Quick Config",
[10137] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for accessing the quick config.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10138] = "Player Customization",
[10139] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for player customization.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10140] = "Change Song Sort",
[10141] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for resorting songs.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10142] = "Toggle Auto (P1)",
[10143] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P1).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10144] = "Toggle Auto (P2)",
[10145] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P2).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10146] = "Toggle Training Mode",
[10147] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling training mode.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10152] = "Cycle Video Playback Display",
[10153] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for cycling video playback display modes.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// Please translate the text above!
[99] = "Rouge gauche",

View File

@ -28,13 +28,15 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[3] = "返回至上级菜单。",
[4] = "重新载入曲目",
[5] = "重新扫描曲目文件夹并载入曲目。",
// [10148] = "Reload Songs (Hard Reload)",
// [10149] = "Clean the existing database and\n" +
// "reload the song folder from scratch.",
// Please translate the text above!
// ----------------------------------
[10148] = "Reload Songs (Hard Reload)",
[10149] = "Clean the existing database and\n" +
"reload the song folder from scratch.",
// Please translate the text above!
[6] = "玩家数量",
// [7] = "选择是否使用双人模式。",
// Please update the translation above. Up to 5 players can be active at a time.
// ----------------------------------
[7] = "选择是否使用双人模式。",
// Please update the translation above. Up to 5 players can be active at a time.
[8] = "完美模式",
[9] = "选择多少个“不可”会导致演奏失败,\n" +
"将该选项设为 0 以禁用此选项。",
@ -79,10 +81,11 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[27] = "选择是否开启 Debug 模式。开启后右下角会显示额外信息\n" +
// [28] = "调整背景视频透明度。背景视频不可见时请调高此选项。\n" +
// "— 0完全透明\n" +
// "— 255完全不透明",
// Please update the translation above. The lane background (the bar drawn behind the notes) opacity is what's being adjusted, and will only take effect when videos are playing.
// ----------------------------------
[28] = "调整背景视频透明度。背景视频不可见时请调高此选项。\n" +
"— 0完全透明\n" +
"— 255完全不透明",
// Please update the translation above. The lane background (the bar drawn behind the notes) opacity is what's being adjusted, and will only take effect when videos are playing.
[29] = "选择是否播放音乐。",
[30] = "选择是否在曲目文件夹中自动存储 score.ini 文件\n" +
"曲目偏移量被保存在该文件中,\n" +
@ -116,19 +119,20 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[42] = "选择游戏关闭时是否生成 TJAPlayer3.log 文件\n" +
// [43] = "ASIO\n" +
// "— 只在支持 ASIO 的音频设备上生效\n" +
// "— 输入延迟最低。\n" +
// "WASAPI Exclusive\n" +
// "— 关闭除此游戏外的所有音频输出\n" +
// "— 输入延迟次低。\n" +
// "WASAPI Shared\n" +
// "— 输入延迟次低。\n" +
// "DSound\n" +
// "— 允许外部音频输出\n" +
// "— 输入延迟最高。\n" +
// "退出设置界面以使此选项生效。",
// Please update the translation above; DirectSound is no longer used, and has been replaced with BASS. BASS is compatible with all platforms.
// ----------------------------------
[43] = "ASIO\n" +
"— 只在支持 ASIO 的音频设备上生效\n" +
"— 输入延迟最低。\n" +
"WASAPI Exclusive\n" +
"— 关闭除此游戏外的所有音频输出\n" +
"— 输入延迟次低。\n" +
"WASAPI Shared\n" +
"— 输入延迟次低。\n" +
"DSound\n" +
"— 允许外部音频输出\n" +
"— 输入延迟最高。\n" +
// Please update the translation above; DirectSound is no longer used, and has been replaced with BASS. BASS is compatible with all platforms.
[44] = "不出现如曲目冻结或时间错误的声音问题时,该项设置越小越好。\n" +
"建议设为 0 以使用估计值或通过不断尝试进行调整。\n" +
@ -221,28 +225,29 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[97] = "截屏",
[98] = "分配截屏按键。\n" +
// [10128] = "Increase Volume",
// [10129] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for increasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10130] = "Decrease Volume",
// [10131] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for decreasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10132] = "Display Hit Values",
// [10133] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying hit values.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10134] = "Display Debug Menu",
// [10135] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying debug menu.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10136] = "Quick Config",
// [10137] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for accessing the quick config.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10138] = "Player Customization",
// [10139] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for player customization.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10140] = "Change Song Sort",
// [10141] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for resorting songs.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10142] = "Toggle Auto (P1)",
// [10143] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P1).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10144] = "Toggle Auto (P2)",
// [10145] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P2).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10146] = "Toggle Training Mode",
// [10147] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling training mode.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// [10152] = "Cycle Video Playback Display",
// [10153] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for cycling video playback display modes.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// ----------------------------------
[10128] = "Increase Volume",
[10129] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for increasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10130] = "Decrease Volume",
[10131] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for decreasing music volume.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10132] = "Display Hit Values",
[10133] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying hit values.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10134] = "Display Debug Menu",
[10135] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for displaying debug menu.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10136] = "Quick Config",
[10137] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for accessing the quick config.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10138] = "Player Customization",
[10139] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for player customization.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10140] = "Change Song Sort",
[10141] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for resorting songs.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10142] = "Toggle Auto (P1)",
[10143] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P1).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10144] = "Toggle Auto (P2)",
[10145] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling auto (P2).\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10146] = "Toggle Training Mode",
[10147] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for toggling training mode.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
[10152] = "Cycle Video Playback Display",
[10153] = "System key assign:\nAssign any key for cycling video playback display modes.\n(You can only use keyboard. You can't\nuse gamepads.)",
// Please translate the text above!
[99] = "左红",
[9994] = "材质加载方式:\n" +
@ -292,7 +297,8 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[10025] = "曲目预览缓冲",
[10026] = "图片预览缓冲",
[10027] = "调试模式",
//[10028] = "背景不透明度",
// ----------------------------------
[10028] = "背景不透明度",
// Please update the translation above. The actual title should read "Lane Background Opacity". Check comment on [28] for further details.
[10029] = "播放背景音乐",
[10030] = "保存得分",
@ -386,9 +392,10 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
[10126] = "总是使用默认规格(魂条)",
[10127] = "总是使用默认规格(魂条)",
// [10150] = "Video Playback Display Mode",
// [10151] = "Change how videos are displayed\nin the background.",
// ----------------------------------
[10150] = "Video Playback Display Mode",
[10151] = "Change how videos are displayed\nin the background.",
// Please translate the text above!
[100] = "演奏模式",