TITLE:Stories of your negative past SUBTITLE:--DashyDesu BPM:188 WAVE:story.ogg OFFSET:-0 DEMOSTART:76.595 PREIMAGE:story.png COURSE:Oni LEVEL:9 BALLOON: #START #MEASURE 4/4 0, 0, 0, 0, 10020010, 0, 10000001, 00020000, 10010020, 0, 10101111, 100100100100100010001000100100200000100100200000, 3000200210102010, 1011201202102011, 1110200211202011, 1020201121102011, 1000200210102010, 1011201212102011, 1210200211202011, 100000200000200000100100200100100000202020200200, 1020102210221000, 1020101202111222, 100000200000100000200200100000200010200000000000, 1022101010222011, 1020102211201020, 1022102211201010, 1011201110112010, 200000100100200000100100200020002000200020002000, #SCROLL 0.75 50000008, 12121221, 11222111, 22121211, 12121212, 12121221, 11222111, 22121211, 11212212, 21121211, #LYRIC "Within the endlessly flipping pages of this book," 12112122, 12112221, 12121212, #LYRIC "I heard melodies call out to me..." 12121221, 11222111, #LYRIC "They asked me if I could express their emotions for them;" 22121211, 11210230, 0010202010112000, 11220230, #LYRIC "If they could borrow my voice." 3020201030001110, 31120210, 0010102010222000, #LYRIC "...In which I accepted, for their sake." 31102111, 22112111, #SCROLL 1 1010201111102010, #LYRIC "So here I stand, ready to express..." 1010201111102010, 1010201111102010, 1010201111102010, 1010201111102010, #LYRIC "...The stories of your negative past." 1010201111102010, 10101111, #LYRIC 100100100100100100100100101010101010200000000000, #GOGOSTART #LYRIC Surely, my voice can resonate with you 1011200110112210, 1011201202102210, 1020200110112010, 1010201102202011, 1011200110112022, 1010201202102010, #LYRIC Somewhere out there, in that deep dark void 1010201110102011, 100000200000200000100100100100100000200010001000, 1011200112102011, 1010201202102010, 1011201210122210, 1011200210221211, 1010201212102011, #LYRIC of your truth. 1010201212102020, 1011202010102220, #GOGOEND 100000200200100000200200100020002000200020002000, #GOGOSTART #LYRIC ...though, you can see a glimmer of the truth 1010201110102210, 1011201202102210, 1020200110102011, 1010201102202011, 1001201110112020, 1010201202102011, #LYRIC in your glass, shattered heart... 1011201212102011, 100000200000200000100100100020002000200020002000, 1001201110102011, 1010201202102010, 1012102010121020, #LYRIC Someday you will find the light. 100000100100200000000200100000200200100020002000, 1010202010112011, 1010202010222020, 1011202010102220, 100000200200100000200200100200200200102020200200, #LYRIC #END COURSE:2 LEVEL:6 BALLOON:50 SCOREINIT: SCOREDIFF: #START 0, 0, 0, 0, #BPMCHANGE 188 10020010, 0, 10000001, 00020000, 10010020, 0, 1111, 1010100011101110, 30201021, 01210120, 10201021, 02210120, 10201121, 01210120, 10201221, 01202120, 30121011, 10121220, 10121011, 12101220, 10101212, 1000102010222000, 11201120, 21212121, 7, 0, 0, #SCROLL 0.8 0008, 10020020, 01, 1, 11, 10020020, 0011, #LYRIC "Within the endlessly flipping pages of this book," 1, 10020020, 10020020, #LYRIC "I heard melodies call out to me..." 01001020, 10020010, 02001001, #LYRIC "They asked me if I could express their emotions for them;" 10010030, 00201120, 10220030, 3230, #LYRIC "If they could borrow my voice." 30020210, 0112, 3021, #LYRIC "...In which I accepted, for their sake." 2121, 30020002, 20001004, #LYRIC "So here I stand, ready to express..." 4021, 21, 30020010, 01002002, #LYRIC "...The stories of your negative past." #SCROLL 1 1111, 1010101110004000, #GOGOSTART #LYRIC Surely, my voice can resonate with you 11201121, 10210120, 10211021, 10221022, 1000201110002000, 5, #LYRIC Somewhere out there, in that deep dark void 80001120, 1010201010222000, 10211022, 10201221, 1000201110002010, 11211022, 5008, #LYRIC of your truth. 11221020, 5, #GOGOEND 0000000080001111, #LYRIC ...though, you can see a glimmer of the truth #GOGOSTART 11201121, 10210120, 10211021, 10221022, 1000201110002000, 5, #LYRIC in your glass, shattered heart... 80001120, 1010201010222000, 10211022, 10201221, 1000201110002010, #LYRIC Someday you will find the light. 11211022, 5008, 11221020, 50000008, 1010100022202220, #LYRIC #END COURSE:1 LEVEL:5 BALLOON:40 SCOREINIT: SCOREDIFF: #START 0, 0, 0, 0, 10010010, 0, 10000001, 0, 10010010, 0, 1111, 10101110, 30201001, 01201000, 10201001, 01201010, 10201021, 0210, 1212, 01200120, 30101011, 1112, 10111010, 1112, 10101011, 1122, 1212, 2244, 7, #SCROLL 0.6 0, 0, 0008, 10020020, 0, 1, 11, 10020020, 01, #LYRIC "Within the endlessly flipping pages of this book," 1, 12, 10020020, #LYRIC "I heard melodies call out to me..." 01, 10020010, 01, #LYRIC "They asked me if I could express their emotions for them;" 10010030, 02, 10010000, 33, #LYRIC "If they could borrow my voice." 30020010, 01, 32, #LYRIC "...In which I accepted, for their sake." 22, 30000002, 20000004, #LYRIC "So here I stand, ready to express..." 41, 21, 30020010, 02, #SCROLL 0.75 #LYRIC "...The stories of your negative past." 1111, #SCROLL 1 11111040, #GOGOSTART #LYRIC Surely, my voice can resonate with you 10201021, 01201000, 10201021, 01201010, 10211020, 5, #LYRIC Somewhere out there, in that deep dark void 8012, 10002220, 10201002, 10201011, 1012, 1212, 5008, #LYRIC of your truth. 33, 5, #GOGOEND 08, #GOGOSTART #LYRIC ...though, you can see a glimmer of the truth 10200120, 10200120, 10201120, 10220020, 10011020, 5, #LYRIC in your glass, shattered heart... 8012, 10210020, 10201022, 1210, 1212, #LYRIC Someday you will find the light. 10211020, 5008, 34, 50000008, 11102222, #LYRIC #END COURSE:0 LEVEL:3 BALLOON:40,9 SCOREINIT: SCOREDIFF: #START 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 10000001, 0, 1, 0, 11, 1110, 30001001, 01001020, 10001001, 01001000, 11, 2220, 11, 2220, 3111, 1110, 1111, 1110, 1111, 12, 11, 2244, 7, #SCROLL 0.6 0, 0, 0008, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 01, #LYRIC "Within the endlessly flipping pages of this book," 1, 1, 1002, #LYRIC "I heard melodies call out to me..." 01, 1001, 02, #LYRIC "They asked me if I could express their emotions for them;" 1003, 0, 10010000, 33, #LYRIC "If they could borrow my voice." 30020010, 0, 32, #LYRIC "...In which I accepted, for their sake." 22, 3, 2, #LYRIC "So here I stand, ready to express..." 4, 21, 3001, 02, #LYRIC "...The stories of your negative past." 1011, 58, #SCROLL 1 #GOGOSTART #LYRIC Surely, my voice can resonate with you 1112, 1110, 1112, 1110, 1001, 5, #LYRIC Somewhere out there, in that deep dark void 83, 33, 1011, 11, 11, 1110, 5008, #LYRIC of your truth. 33, 5, #GOGOEND 08, #GOGOSTART #LYRIC ...though, you can see a glimmer of the truth 1202, 1202, 1212, 12, 3003, 5, #LYRIC in your glass, shattered heart... 84, 44, 1012, 1011, 1012, #LYRIC Someday you will find the light. 1210, 5008, 34, 50000008, 7000000000000008, #END notes: after intro, lyrics in order are: #LYRIC "Within the endlessly flipping pages of this book," (11) #LYRIC "I heard melodies call out to me..." (14) #LYRIC "They asked me if I could express their emotions for them;" (17) #LYRIC "If they could borrow my voice." (21) #LYRIC "...In which I accepted, for their sake." (24) #LYRIC "So here I stand, ready to express..." (27) #LYRIC "...The stories of your negative past." (31) after cooldown, lyrics in order are: #LYRIC Surely, my voice can resonate with you (1) #LYRIC Somewhere out there, in that deep dark void (7) #LYRIC of your truth. (14) #LYRIC ...though, you can see a glimmer of the truth (17) #LYRIC in your glass, shattered heart... (23) #LYRIC Someday you will find the light. 28) #LYRIC (32)