--func:DrawText(x, y, text) --func:DrawNum(x, y, num) --func:AddGraph("filename") --func:DrawGraph(x, y, filename) --func:DrawRectGraph(x, y, rect_x, rect_y, rect_width, rect_height, filename) --func:DrawGraphCenter(x, y, filename) --func:DrawGraphRectCenter(x, y, rect_x, rect_y, rect_width, rect_height, filename) --func:SetOpacity(opacity, "filename") --func:SetRotation(angle, "fileName") --func:SetScale(xscale, yscale, "filename") --func:SetColor(r, g, b, "filename") local bg_width = 1280 local bg_height = 720 local cloud_width = 1200 local cloud_height = 360 local cloud_count = 11 local cloud_x = { 642, 612, 652, 1148, 1180, 112, 8, 1088, 1100, 32, 412 } local cloud_y = { 202, 424, 636, 530, 636, 636, 102, 52, 108, 326, 644 } local cloud_move = { 150, 120, 180, 60, 90, 150, 120, 50, 45, 120, 180 } local shine_count = 6 local shine_x = { { 885, 1255, 725, 890, 1158, 1140 }, { 395, 25, 555, 390, 122, 140 } } local shine_y = { { 650, 405, 645, 420, 202, 585 }, { 650, 405, 645, 420, 202, 585 } } local shine_size = { 0.44, 0.6, 0.4, 0.15, 0.35, 0.6 } local work_count = 3 local work_x = { { 800, 900, 1160 }, { 480, 380, 120 } } local work_y = { { 435, 185, 260 }, { 435, 185, 260 } } local worksTimeStamp = { 1000, 2000, 3000 } local commonCounter = 0 local gaugeFactor = 0 local mountainAppearValue = 0 local mountainClearIncounter = 0 local shineCounter = 0 local workCounter = 0 function skipAnime() commonCounter = mountainAppearValue end function clearIn(player) end function clearOut(player) end function init() func:AddGraph("Background.png") func:AddGraph("Background_0.png") func:AddGraph("Background_1.png") func:AddGraph("Background_2.png") func:AddGraph("Background_3.png") func:AddGraph("Background_4.png") func:AddGraph("Background_5.png") func:AddGraph("Background_Mountain_0.png") func:AddGraph("Background_Mountain_1.png") func:AddGraph("Background_Mountain_2.png") func:AddGraph("Background_Mountain_3.png") func:AddGraph("Cloud.png") func:AddGraph("Shine.png") for i = 0, work_count - 1 do func:AddGraph("Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") end commonCounter = 0 gaugeFactor = math.max(gauge[0], math.max(gauge[1], math.max(gauge[2], math.max(gauge[3], gauge[4])))) / 2 mountainAppearValue = 10275 + (66 * gaugeFactor) mountainClearIncounter = 0 shineCounter = 0 end function update() commonCounter = commonCounter + (deltaTime * 1000) if commonCounter >= mountainAppearValue then mountainClearIncounter = mountainClearIncounter + (deltaTime * 333) mountainClearIncounter = math.min(mountainClearIncounter, 515) end shineCounter = shineCounter + (deltaTime * 1000) if shineCounter > 1000 then shineCounter = 0 end workCounter = workCounter + (deltaTime * 1000) if workCounter > 4000 then workCounter = 0 end end function draw() func:DrawGraph(0, 0, "Background.png") gaugeAnimFactors = (commonCounter - mountainAppearValue) * 3 if playerCount == 1 then index = 0 if p1IsBlue then index = 2 end mountainScale = 1.0 if commonCounter >= mountainAppearValue and isClear[0] then func:SetOpacity(gaugeAnimFactors, "Background_1.png") func:SetOpacity(255 - gaugeAnimFactors, "Background_Mountain_"..tostring(index)..".png") func:SetOpacity(gaugeAnimFactors, "Background_Mountain_"..tostring(index + 1)..".png") if mountainClearIncounter <= 90 then mountainScale = 1.0 - math.sin(mountainClearIncounter * (math.pi / 180)) * 0.18 elseif mountainClearIncounter <= 225 then mountainScale = 0.82 + math.sin((mountainClearIncounter - 90) / 1.5 * (math.pi / 180)) * 0.58 elseif mountainClearIncounter <= 245 then mountainScale = 1.4 elseif mountainClearIncounter <= 335 then mountainScale = 0.9 + math.sin((mountainClearIncounter - 155) * (math.pi / 180)) * 0.5 elseif mountainClearIncounter <= 515 then mountainScale = 0.9 + math.sin((mountainClearIncounter - 335) * (math.pi / 180)) * 0.4 else mountainScale = 0.9 end else func:SetOpacity(0, "Background_1.png") func:SetOpacity(255, "Background_Mountain_"..tostring(index)..".png") func:SetOpacity(0, "Background_Mountain_"..tostring(index + 1)..".png") end func:SetScale(1.0, mountainScale, "Background_Mountain_"..tostring(index + 1)..".png") if p1IsBlue then func:DrawGraph(0, 0, "Background_2.png") else func:DrawGraph(0, 0, "Background_0.png") end func:DrawGraph(0, 0, "Background_1.png") func:DrawGraph(0, 0 - ((mountainScale - 1.0) * bg_height), "Background_Mountain_"..tostring(index)..".png") func:DrawGraph(0, 0 - ((mountainScale - 1.0) * bg_height), "Background_Mountain_"..tostring(index + 1)..".png") func:SetScale(0.65, 0.65, "Cloud.png") cloudOpacity = 0 if commonCounter >= mountainAppearValue and isClear[0] then cloudOpacity = math.min(255, math.max(0, commonCounter - mountainAppearValue)) end for i = 0, cloud_count - 1 do move = (cloud_move[i + 1] * (commonCounter / 10000)) clearValue = ((commonCounter - mountainAppearValue) % 10000) / 10000.0 clearMove = (cloud_move[i + 1] * clearValue) func:SetOpacity(255 - cloudOpacity, "Cloud.png") func:DrawGraphRectCenter(cloud_x[i + 1] - move, cloud_y[i + 1], cloud_width * i, cloud_height * index, cloud_width, cloud_height, "Cloud.png") func:SetOpacity(cloudOpacity + (math.min(math.sin(clearValue * math.pi) * 1000, 255) - 255), "Cloud.png") func:DrawGraphRectCenter(cloud_x[i + 1] - clearMove, cloud_y[i + 1], cloud_width * i, cloud_height, cloud_width, cloud_height, "Cloud.png") end if commonCounter >= mountainAppearValue and isClear[0] then quadrant500 = shineCounter % 500 for i = 0, shine_count - 1 do --shineCounter if (i < 2 and shineCounter >= 500) or (i >= 2 and shineCounter < 500) then func:SetOpacity(0, "Shine.png") elseif quadrant500 >= 100 and quadrant500 <= 500 - 100 then func:SetOpacity(255, "Shine.png") else func:SetOpacity((255 * math.min(quadrant500, 500 - quadrant500)) / 100, "Shine.png") end func:SetScale(shine_size[i + 1], shine_size[i + 1], "Shine.png") if p1IsBlue then func:DrawGraphCenter(shine_x[2][i + 1], shine_y[2][i + 1], "Shine.png") else func:DrawGraphCenter(shine_x[1][i + 1], shine_y[1][i + 1], "Shine.png") end end if commonCounter <= mountainAppearValue + 1000 then for i = 0, work_count - 1 do if commonCounter <= mountainAppearValue + 255 then tmpTimer = commonCounter - mountainAppearValue func:SetOpacity(tmpTimer, "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") func:SetScale(0.6 * (tmpTimer / 225), 0.6 * (tmpTimer / 225), "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") else tmpTimer = math.max(0, (2 * 255) - (commonCounter - mountainAppearValue - 255)) func:SetOpacity(tmpTimer, "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") func:SetScale(0.6, 0.6, "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") end if p1IsBlue then func:DrawGraphCenter(work_x[2][i + 1], work_y[2][i + 1], "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") else func:DrawGraphCenter(work_x[1][i + 1], work_y[1][i + 1], "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") end end else for i = 0, work_count - 1 do tmpStamp = worksTimeStamp[i + 1] if workCounter <= tmpStamp + 255 then tmpTimer = workCounter - tmpStamp func:SetOpacity(tmpTimer, "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") func:SetScale(0.6 * (tmpTimer / 225), 0.6 * (tmpTimer / 225), "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") else tmpTimer = math.max(0, (2 * 255) - (workCounter - tmpStamp - 255)) func:SetOpacity(tmpTimer / 2, "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") func:SetScale(0.6 , 0.6, "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") end if p1IsBlue then func:DrawGraphCenter(work_x[2][i + 1], work_y[2][i + 1], "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") else func:DrawGraphCenter(work_x[1][i + 1], work_y[1][i + 1], "Work/"..tostring(i)..".png") end end end end elseif playerCount == 2 then for i = 0, 1 do if isClear[i] then func:SetOpacity(gaugeAnimFactors, "Background_1.png") else func:SetOpacity(0, "Background_1.png") end func:DrawRectGraph((bg_width / 2) * i, 0, (bg_width / 2) * i, 0, (bg_width / 2), bg_height, "Background_"..tostring(2 * i)..".png") func:DrawRectGraph((bg_width / 2) * i, 0, (bg_width / 2) * i, 0, (bg_width / 2), bg_height, "Background_1.png") end else drawCount = math.max(playerCount, 4) for i = 0, drawCount - 1 do index = i + 1 if i == 0 then index = 0 end if isClear[i] then func:SetOpacity(gaugeAnimFactors, "Background_1.png") else func:SetOpacity(0, "Background_1.png") end func:DrawRectGraph((bg_width / drawCount) * i, 0, (bg_width / drawCount) * i, 0, (bg_width / drawCount), bg_height, "Background_"..tostring(index)..".png") func:DrawRectGraph((bg_width / drawCount) * i, 0, (bg_width / drawCount) * i, 0, (bg_width / drawCount), bg_height, "Background_1.png") end end end