WEBVTT Offset: 0.150; 00:22.069 --> 00:24.310 Why do Why do Why do 00:24.310 --> 00:26.897 You look at me like that 00:27.586 --> 00:29.655 Why do Why do Why do 00:29.655 --> 00:32.414 You insist on eye contact 00:33.103 --> 00:35.172 Why do Why do Why do 00:35.172 --> 00:37.931 You believe you know why I just blinked 00:38.621 --> 00:40.690 Why do Why do Why do 00:40.690 --> 00:43.448 You believe you know how I think 00:44.138 --> 00:44.741 You 00:44.741 --> 00:46.207 You see me here? 00:46.207 --> 00:47.586 You see me here? It's a MASK 00:49.483 --> 00:50.345 A MASK 00:50.345 --> 00:51.724 A MASK that I wear 00:51.724 --> 00:55.172 When you ask about my day or how I am 00:55.172 --> 00:55.862 I 00:55.862 --> 00:57.241 I never know 00:57.241 --> 00:59.310 I never know how to answer 01:00.517 --> 01:01.379 Because 01:01.379 --> 01:02.759 Because I am an 01:02.759 --> 01:06.207 Because I am an ENDOMANCER 01:28.276 --> 01:33.966 Despite all of this, I am happy to be me 01:33.966 --> 01:39.483 For I'm so whole, so vibrant, so alive internally 01:39.483 --> 01:45.172 And the masks I make are painted with a brush of iridescent selfhood 01:45.172 --> 01:50.345 And if it inspires you to dive deeper into yourself, good!