using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using FDK; using System.Drawing; using static TJAPlayer3.CActSelect曲リスト; namespace TJAPlayer3 { internal class Modal { public Modal(EModalType mt, int ra, int re) { modalType = mt; rarity = ra; reference = re; _isSet = false; } public void tSetupModal() { CTexture[] arrRef; if (modalFormat == EModalFormat.Half) arrRef = TJAPlayer3.Tx.Modal_Half; else arrRef = TJAPlayer3.Tx.Modal_Full; if (modalType == EModalType.Coin) _box = arrRef[arrRef.Length - 1]; else { int usedTex = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(arrRef.Length - 2, rarity)); _box = arrRef[usedTex]; } _boxRect = new Rectangle( (modalFormat == EModalFormat.Full || player == 0) ? 0 : 640, 0, (modalFormat == EModalFormat.Full) ? 1280 : 640, 720); tGenerateTextures(); _isSet = true; } public void tDisplayModal() { if (_isSet == true) { _box?.t2D描画(, 640 * player, 0, _boxRect); Point[] Pos = new Point[] { (modalFormat == EModalFormat.Full) ? new Point(640, 140) : new Point(320 + 640 * player, 290), // title (modalFormat == EModalFormat.Full) ? new Point(640, tTextCentered() ? 445 : 327) : new Point(320 + 640 * player, tTextCentered() ? 442 : 383), // content }; _ModalTitle?.t2D中心基準描画(, Pos[0].X, Pos[0].Y); _ModalText?.t2D中心基準描画(, Pos[1].X, Pos[1].Y); // Extra texture for Puchichara, Character and Titles next } } public void tPlayModalSfx() { if (modalType == EModalType.Coin) TJAPlayer3.Skin.soundModal[TJAPlayer3.Skin.soundModal.Length - 1].t再生する(); else TJAPlayer3.Skin.soundModal[Math.Max(0, Math.Min(TJAPlayer3.Skin.soundModal.Length - 2, rarity))].t再生する(); } public static void tInitModalFonts() { if (_pfModalContentHalf != null && _pfModalTitleHalf != null && _pfModalContentFull != null && _pfModalTitleFull != null) return; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.FontName)) { _pfModalContentHalf = new CPrivateFastFont(new FontFamily(TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.FontName), 28); _pfModalTitleHalf = new CPrivateFastFont(new FontFamily(TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.FontName), 28); _pfModalContentFull = new CPrivateFastFont(new FontFamily(TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.FontName), 56); _pfModalTitleFull = new CPrivateFastFont(new FontFamily(TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.FontName), 56); } else { _pfModalContentHalf = new CPrivateFastFont(new FontFamily("MS UI Gothic"), 28); _pfModalTitleHalf = new CPrivateFastFont(new FontFamily("MS UI Gothic"), 28); _pfModalContentFull = new CPrivateFastFont(new FontFamily("MS UI Gothic"), 56); _pfModalTitleFull = new CPrivateFastFont(new FontFamily("MS UI Gothic"), 56); } } #region [Enum definitions] public enum EModalType { Coin = 0, Puchichara = 1, Character = 2, Title = 3, Text = 4, Confirm = 5, } // Full : 1P standard modal, Half : Splitted screen modal public enum EModalFormat { Full, Half, } #endregion #region [Public variables] // Coin number for coin; database/unlockable asset for puchichara, character and title; no effect on text, confirm public int reference; public int rarity; public EModalType modalType; public EModalFormat modalFormat; // For modalFormat = Half only public int player; #endregion #region [private] // Check if the text is vertically centered or slightly up (to let enough space for the unlocked unit texture) private bool tTextCentered() { if (modalType == EModalType.Coin || modalType == EModalType.Text) return true; return false; } // Generate the modal title and content text textures private void tGenerateTextures() { TitleTextureKey _title = new TitleTextureKey( CLangManager.LangInstance.GetString(300 + (int)modalType), (modalFormat == EModalFormat.Full) ? _pfModalTitleFull : _pfModalTitleHalf, Color.White, Color.Black, 1800); string content = ""; if (modalType == EModalType.Coin) { content = String.Format("+{0} {1} ({2}: {3})", reference, CLangManager.LangInstance.GetString(306), CLangManager.LangInstance.GetString(307),[player] ); } TitleTextureKey _content = new TitleTextureKey( content, (modalFormat == EModalFormat.Full) ? _pfModalContentFull : _pfModalContentHalf, Color.White, Color.Black, 1800); _ModalText = TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.act曲リスト.ResolveTitleTexture(_content); _ModalTitle = TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.act曲リスト.ResolveTitleTexture(_title); } private CTexture _box; private Rectangle _boxRect; private bool _isSet; private static CPrivateFastFont _pfModalTitleHalf; private static CPrivateFastFont _pfModalContentHalf; private static CPrivateFastFont _pfModalTitleFull; private static CPrivateFastFont _pfModalContentFull; private CTexture _ModalTitle; private CTexture _ModalText; #endregion } }