TITLE:Unlucky Rain SUBTITLE:--DashyDesu BPM:178 WAVE:rain.ogg OFFSET:-0 DEMOSTART:51.465 PREIMAGE:rain.png MAKER:DashyDesu, Shoxk & Komi COURSE:Edit LEVEL:9 BALLOON: #START #MEASURE 4/4 #SCROLL 1.880000 400G00400030 #SCROLL 1.000000 2210, #SCROLL 1.880000 400G00400030 #SCROLL 1.000000 2210, 100101200200, 10 #SCROLL 1.050000 20 #SCROLL 1.100000 10 #SCROLL 1.150000 20 #SCROLL 1.200000 10 #SCROLL 1.250000 20 #SCROLL 1.300000 10 #SCROLL 1.350000 20 #SCROLL 1.400000 10 #SCROLL 1.340000 2 #SCROLL 1.280000 2 #SCROLL 1.220000 2 #SCROLL 1.170000 2 #SCROLL 1.110000 2 #SCROLL 1.050000 2, #SCROLL 1.000000 1010200110102100, 1010200110101122, 1010200110102100, 1011201100122122, 1010200110102100, 1010200110102120, 1010200110102100, 1011201101221202, 10030000 #SCROLL 0.750000 20002000, 2 #SCROLL 1.000000 300 #SCROLL 0.750000 2000 #SCROLL 1.000000 30101122, 10030000 #SCROLL 0.750000 20002000, 2 #SCROLL 1.000000 300 #SCROLL 0.750000 2000 #SCROLL 1.000000 30303022, 10030000 #SCROLL 0.750000 20002000, 2 #SCROLL 1.000000 300 #SCROLL 0.750000 2000 #SCROLL 1.000000 30301122, 1012012010120120, 4010401040120122, 10030000 #SCROLL 0.750000 20002000, 2 #SCROLL 1.000000 300 #SCROLL 0.750000 2000 #SCROLL 1.000000 30101122, 10030000 #SCROLL 0.750000 20002000, 2 #SCROLL 1.000000 300 #SCROLL 0.750000 2000 #SCROLL 1.000000 30303022, 10030000 #SCROLL 0.750000 20002000, 2 #SCROLL 1.000000 300 #SCROLL 0.750000 2000 #SCROLL 1.000000 30301122, 1012012010120120, 4010401040121122, 1001101022102100, 1001101022102100, 1001122110122122, 12323232, 1001101022102100, 1001101022102100, 1001122110122122, 1020302210 #SCROLL 0.900000 120 #SCROLL 0.810000 120, #SCROLL 0.730000 120 #SCROLL 0.670000 120 #SCROLL 0.610000 1200000000, 00000000000000 #SCROLL 1.000000 22, #GOGOSTART 1020120120121020, 1020120120121020, 1010221120120020, 1011202022221111, 2012012010102010, 2012012010112010, 1012121010112010, 200000101010200000200000100200000100202020202020, 1020120120121020, 1020120120112221, 2010221120120020, 1121101010122210, 2012012010102010, 2012012010112010, 200000101010200000100000200000100100200000100000, 200100100200 #SCROLL 1.880000 G010G010G000, #SCROLL 1.000000 #GOGOEND 0, 1001101022102100, 1001101022102100, 1221122110122122, 1020302030203011, 2001101022102100, 1001101022102100, 1221122110122122, 1020302210112000, #SCROLL 1.050000 1001101122102100, 1001101122102100, 1221122110122122, 1012101120203020, #SCROLL 1.100000 1001101122102100, 1001101122102101, #SCROLL 1.150000 20021011 #SCROLL 1.200000 20021011, #SCROLL 1.250000 20012211 #SCROLL 1.300000 20122112, 0 #SCROLL 1.350000 112 #SCROLL 1.300000 112 #SCROLL 1.250000 112 #SCROLL 1.200000 112 #SCROLL 1.150000 112, #SCROLL 1.100000 112 #SCROLL 1.050000 112 #SCROLL 1.000000 112 #SCROLL 0.950000 1 #SCROLL 8.880000 #BARLINEOFF 500000, 0000000000000800, 0, 0, #SCROLL 1.880000 #GOGOSTART 40030000 #GOGOEND #SCROLL 1.000000 #SCROLL 1.880000 #GOGOSTART 300400 #GOGOEND #SCROLL 1.000000 22, #BARLINEON #GOGOSTART 1020120210121020, 1020121120121020, 1011202010121120, 1011202010112010, 2012012010112010, 2012112010112010, 100000100200100200100000100200000100202020202020, 1020120210121020, 1020121120112221, 2010221120120120, 1121101010122210, 2012012011102010, 2012012011212010, 200000101010200000100000200000100100200000100000, 21121121, 1111222211112222, #MEASURE 2/4 111222, #GOGOEND #BPMCHANGE 88.000000 #MEASURE 1/8 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, #MEASURE 2/4 000000000000000 #SCROLL 8.880000 G, , #END COURSE:Oni LEVEL:9 BALLOON:2,20 SCOREINIT: SCOREDIFF: #START 3003003000302210, 3003003000302211, 102101201210, 100020001000200020001000200010002000700000000800, 1010200100112011, 1010200102102011, 1010200101102011, 1011201101221221, 1010200100112011, 1010201102102011, 1010200112102011, 1011201101201202, #LYRIC 8:00 on Wednesday 3003000010001000, 0300100030302122, #LYRIC Dark clouds covered the sky 1003000010001000, 000300000000100000000000300000300000300000202020, #LYRIC Walking to school, I realized... 1003000010001000, 0300100030302112, #LYRIC ...Something mustn't be right. 2012012010121020, 400000100000400000100000400000000400000000202020, #LYRIC But even then, I thought... 1001201010112010, 1200201110102122, #LYRIC "Could such a myth be true?" 1001201110102011, 0210221030103000, #LYRIC As negativity surrounded the world, I just didn't care. 3001201010112011, 0210201110112011, 2012012010121020, 2011201122012211, 10210010 #LYRIC ... But is this a big change for me? 22102100, 1021001022102100, 1011022210210122, 12323232, #LYRIC It's just the same 3021001022102100, 10210110 #LYRIC as always......... 22102100, 1011021110120211, 2011221120120120, 12012012 #LYRIC 00000000, 0000000000000022, #GOGOSTART #LYRIC On that day, the unlucky rain had fallen again. 1020120212021220, 1120120212221202, 1022102212012210, 2011203002102210, #LYRIC "Even if the blossoms may bloom, the petals fall in the end." 1012012011201220, 2021022011221020, 1011210112012210, 3003003003005008, #LYRIC On that day, this cold, dark rain had covered those blue skies... 1020120212021020, 1120120210211220, 1022102210210210, 2211203002102210, #LYRIC Perhaps no one will ever know, the truth of this, the truth of this-- 1012012011201220, 2021022011221020, 1011220112201120, 100100200200100200200200100020001000200010000000, #GOGOEND 0, 1001001022102100, 1021001020102100, 1001012210111222, 12323232, 3001001020122100, 1021001022102100, 1011022110121222, 11414142, #LYRIC Though it was cold, and everyone's positivity had fell 1021001022102100, 1021011022102100, 1011022210210122, 12323232, 3021001022102122, #LYRIC ...the day still continued............. 1021011022102102, 1021021010210210, 2021201120122012, 1201101202201201, 1021121120000000, #LYRIC 0, , , #GOGOSTART #LYRIC On that day, the unlucky rain had fallen again. 3003 #GOGOEND 0000 #GOGOSTART 3003 #GOGOEND 0022, #GOGOSTART 1120120210221202, 1022102211012210, 2011203002102211, #LYRIC "Even if the blossoms may bloom, the petals fall in the end." 1012012011201220, 2021022011221020, 1011210112012210, 300000000300000000300000000300000000202020202020, #LYRIC On that day, this cold, dark rain had covered those blue skies... 1011201121012211, 2011201021012221, 2011201020122040, 2011204000221122, #LYRIC Perhaps no one will ever know the truth of this; the truth of this mystery... 2012212020112010, 2212212020112011, 2010221120112020, 1020112011210120, 1121221012212110, #MEASURE 2/4 11221227, #MEASURE 1/4 #GOGOEND #BPMCHANGE 88 , , , , , , , 80000003, , #END COURSE:Hard LEVEL:8 BALLOON:1 SCOREINIT: SCOREDIFF: #START 3003003000300000, 3003003000300300, 300101200100, 200020002000200020500800, 1000200100101100, 1000200100102020, 1000200100101100, 1000200100111022, 2000200100101100, 1010200200102020, 1000200100100110, 1010200200200200, 3003000000000000, 0300000030302220, 3003000000000000, 0300000030203020, 3003000000000000, 0300000030302020, 1011022010110220, 4010401040040040, 1001201010002010, 1100201010102220, 1001201010002010, 1101102030303000, 1001201010002010, 1101101020100010, 1011022010110220, 41414141, 1001102010201200, 1011102010201200, 1011102010111020, 2010102220101010, 1011011020102000, 1011011020202000, 1011102010111020, 1110222010110110, 1101101100000000, , #GOGOSTART 1010110110110120, 0010110120111020, 1011102030030030, 0011101000102000, 1011011020102000, 2022022010201000, 10221022, 3003003003007008, 1011011020110120, 1020102010102222, 2010200020220220, 1000102000111010, 1022022010001010, 1022022010001020, 1000102010111020, 100000200200200000200000300000003000000030000000, #GOGOEND 0, 1001102010201200, 1011102010201200, 1011102010111020, 2010102220101010, 1011011020102000, 1011011020202000, 1011102010111020, 1010202011102000, 1001102010201200, 1011102010220220, 1011102010111020, 2010102220101010, 1011011020102010, 1011011020202020, 1011102010111020, 2011102220111020, 3003003003003003, 0030030030000000, , , , #GOGOSTART 3003 #GOGOEND 0000 #GOGOSTART 3003 #GOGOEND 0040, #GOGOSTART 1022011011011020, 1011102030030030, 0011101000102000, 1011011020102000, 1022022010201000, 11221122, 3003003003002222, 2011011020110110, 1020102010102222, 2011101020220220, 1000102000111010, 1022022010001020, 1022022010001020, 2000201020222020, 12121220, 1111101022222020, #MEASURE 2/4 11111010, #MEASURE 1/4 #GOGOEND #BPMCHANGE 88 1, , , , 0800, , , 00000003, , #END COURSE:Normal LEVEL:7 BALLOON:20 SCOREINIT: SCOREDIFF: #START 30030300, 30030300, 3222, 1001001001001000, 1000200100100000, 1000200100100000, 1000200100100000, 1000200100101010, 1000200100100000, 1000200100100020, 1000200100100000, 1000200100100200, 300300 #LYRIC 8:00 on Wednesday 0020002000, 0300200010101000, 300300 #LYRIC Dark clouds covered the sky 0020002000, 0300200010101000, 300300 #LYRIC Walking to school, I realized... 0020002000, 0300200010101000, 300300 #LYRIC ...Something mustn't be right. 0030030000, 3333, 300300 #LYRIC But even then, I thought... 0020002000, 0300200010102000, 300300 #LYRIC "Could such a myth be true?" 0020002000, 0300200010102000, 300300 #LYRIC As negativity surrounded the world, I just didn't care. 0020002000, 0300200010102000, 3003000030030000, 3333, 1021012 #LYRIC ... But is this a big change for me? 0, 10210122, 10221011, 2221, 102 #LYRIC It's just the same 10120, 1021012 #LYRIC as always......... 2, 10221011, 2000100030030030, 03003003000000 #LYRIC 00, 00000002, #GOGOSTART #LYRIC On that day, the unlucky rain had fallen again. 1010010010010010, 1020020020020020, 10201121, 01210120, #LYRIC "Even if the blossoms may bloom, the petals fall in the end." 1001001010102000, 1002001010102000, 10201120, 1001002002002020, #LYRIC On that day, this cold, dark rain had covered those blue skies... 10201120, 11201022, 1000200020020010, 02210120, #LYRIC Perhaps no one will ever know, the truth of this, the truth of this-- 1001002010102000, 1002001010102000, 10201120, 100200200100300030003000, #GOGOEND 0, #LYRIC 10210122, 10210122, 10221011, 20211010, 10210122, 10210122, 10221011, 20211010, #LYRIC Though it was cold, and everyone's positivity had fell 10210122, 10210121, 10221011, 2211, 30210 #LYRIC ...the day still continued............. 122, 30210122, 1002001010020010, 1111, 3003003003003003, 0030030030000000, #LYRIC 0, , , #GOGOSTART #LYRIC On that day, the unlucky rain had fallen again. 3003 #GOGOEND 0000 #GOGOSTART 3003 #GOGOEND 0000, #GOGOSTART 10221022, 10201120, 11210120, #LYRIC "Even if the blossoms may bloom, the petals fall in the end." 1001002010102000, 1002001010102000, 10201120, 1001002002002020, #LYRIC On that day, this cold, dark rain had covered those blue skies... 10201120, 11201121, 1000200010020010, 12210210, #LYRIC Perhaps no one will ever know the truth of this; the truth of this mystery... 1002001010102000, 1002001010102000, 10201120, 12211010, 11221122, #MEASURE 2/4 1122, #MEASURE 1/4 #GOGOEND #BPMCHANGE 88 7, #LYRIC , , , , , , 00800003, , #END COURSE:Easy LEVEL:4 SCOREINIT: SCOREDIFF: #START 3, 3, 3020, 2020, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1010, 1001, 1001, 1001, 1010, 100 #LYRIC 8:00 on Wednesday 00000, 2020, 100 #LYRIC Dark clouds covered the sky 00000, 2020, 100 #LYRIC Walking to school, I realized... 00000, 0100000020000000, 100 #LYRIC ...Something mustn't be right. 01000, 3030, 102 #LYRIC But even then, I thought... 00020, 0202, 102 #LYRIC "Could such a myth be true?" 00020, 0202, 102 #LYRIC As negativity surrounded the world, I just didn't care. 00020, 0202, 1010, 3030, 3000010 #LYRIC ... But is this a big change for me? 0, 10000100, 1010, 1111, 100 #LYRIC It's just the same 00100, 1000010 #LYRIC as always......... 0, 1010, 10003003, 0030000 #LYRIC 0, , #GOGOSTART #LYRIC On that day, the unlucky rain had fallen again. 1010, 1110, 10001001, 00020000, #LYRIC "Even if the blossoms may bloom, the petals fall in the end." 20020000, 20020020, 2020, 20020020, #LYRIC On that day, this cold, dark rain had covered those blue skies... 1010, 1110, 1000000010010010, 00020000, #LYRIC Perhaps no one will ever know, the truth of this, the truth of this-- 2002002000000000, 2002002000000000, 1010, 1110, #GOGOEND 0, #LYRIC 10010100, 10010100, 1010, 1011, 10010100, 10010100, 1010, 1011, #LYRIC Though it was cold, and everyone's positivity had fell 10010100, 20020200, 1010, 1011, 10020 #LYRIC ...the day still continued............. 200, 10020200, 1010, 1111, 5, 0080, #LYRIC 0, , , #GOGOSTART #LYRIC On that day, the unlucky rain had fallen again. 3 #GOGOEND 0 #GOGOSTART 3 #GOGOEND 0, #GOGOSTART 1110, 1010, 2020, #LYRIC "Even if the blossoms may bloom, the petals fall in the end." 2002002000000000, 2002002000002000, 2020, 2022, #LYRIC On that day, this cold, dark rain had covered those blue skies... 1011, 1110, 1110, 1020, #LYRIC Perhaps no one will ever know the truth of this; the truth of this mystery... 2002002000000000, 2002002000000000, 1020, 1110, 3030, 30 #GOGOEND 5 #LYRIC 0, , 0000000008000000, , 0030, , #END