using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace TJAPlayer3 { internal class CLang_en : ILang { string ILang.GetString(int idx) { if (!dictionnary.ContainsKey(idx)) return "[!] Index not found in dictionary"; return dictionnary[idx]; } private static readonly Dictionary dictionnary = new Dictionary { [0] = "Change the displayed language\ningame and within the menus.", [1] = "System language", [2] = "<< Return to Menu", [3] = "Return to left menu.", [4] = "Reload song data", [5] = "Retrieve and update the song list.", [6] = "Player count", [7] = "Change the ingame player countĀF\nSetting it to 2 makes able to play\nregular charts at 2 players by splitting \nthe screen in half.", [8] = "Risky", [9] = "Risky mode:\nSet it over 1, in case you'd like to specify\n the number of Poor/Miss times to be\n FAILED.\nSet 0 to disable Risky mode.", [10] = "Song speed", [11] = "It changes the song speed.\n" + "For example, you can play in half\n" + " speed by setting PlaySpeed = 0.500\n" + " for your practice.\n" + "\n" + "Note: It also changes the songs' pitch.\n" + "In case TimeStretch=ON, some audio\n" + "lag occurs if slower than x0.900.", [16] = "Layout type", [17] = "You can change the layout of the songs \ndisplayed on the song select screen.\n" + "0 : Regular (Up to down diagonal)\n" + "1 : Vertical\n" + "2 : Down to up diagonal\n" + "3 : Half-circle facing right\n" + "4 : Half-circle facing left", [100] = "Taiko Mode", [101] = "Dan-i Dojo", [102] = "Taiko Towers", [103] = "Shop", [104] = "Taiko Adventure", [105] = "My Room", [106] = "Settings", [107] = "Exit", [150] = "Play your favorite\nsongs at your own pace !", [151] = "Play multiple charts in continuation\nfollowing challenging exams\nin order to get a PASS rank !", [152] = "Play long charts within a limited\ncount of lives and reach\nthe top of the tower !", [153] = "Buy new songs, petit-chara or characters\nusing the medals you earned in game !", [154] = "Surpass various obstacles and\nunlock new content and horizons !", [155] = "Change your nameplate info\n or your character visuals !", [156] = "Change your game style\n or general settings !", [157] = "Quit the game.\nSee you next time !", [200] = "Return", [201] = "Recently played songs", [202] = "Play recently played songs !", [1000] = "Reached floor", [1001] = "F", [1002] = "P", [1003] = "Score", [1010] = "Soul gauge", [1011] = "Perfect count", [1012] = "Good count", [1013] = "Bad count", [1014] = "Score", [1015] = "Rolls count", [1016] = "Hit count", [1017] = "Combo", [1018] = "Accuracy", [1030] = "Return", [1031] = "Petit-Chara", [1032] = "Character", [1033] = "Dan Title", [1034] = "Nameplate Title", }; } }