using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO; using static SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.SevenZipHelper; namespace TJAPlayer3 { class CSongReplay { /* Game version used for the replay * 521 = * 530 = 0.5.3 * 531 = * 540 = 0.5.4 * 600 = 0.6.0 * 700 = 0.7.0 * 1000 = 1.0.0 */ public int STORED_GAME_VERSION = 600; public string REPLAY_FOLDER_NAME = "Replay"; /* Mod Flags * Bit Offsets (Values) : * - 0 (1) : Mirror * - 1 (2) : Random (Kimagure) * - 2 (4) : Super Random (Detarame) * - 3 (8) : Invisible (Doron) * - 4 (16) : Perfect memory (Stealth) * - 5 (32) : Avalanche * - 6 (64) : Minesweeper * - 7 (128) : Just (Ok => Bad) * - 8 (256) : Safe (Bad => Ok) */ [Flags] public enum EModFlag { None = 0, Mirror = 1 << 0, Random = 1 << 1, SuperRandom = 1 << 2, Invisible = 1 << 3, PerfectMemory = 1 << 4, Avalanche = 1 << 5, Minesweeper = 1 << 6, Just = 1 << 7, Safe = 1 << 8 } public CSongReplay() { replayFolder = ""; storedPlayer = 0; } public CSongReplay(string ChartPath, int player) { string _chartFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(ChartPath); replayFolder = Path.Combine(_chartFolder, REPLAY_FOLDER_NAME); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(replayFolder); Console.WriteLine("Folder Path: " + replayFolder); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message); } storedPlayer = player; } public void tRegisterInput(double timestamp, byte keypress) { allInputs.Add(Tuple.Create(timestamp, keypress)); } public void tResetInputs() { allInputs = new List>(); } #region [Dan methods] public void tDanRegisterSongCount(int songCount) { DanSongCount = songCount; IndividualGoodCount = new int[songCount]; IndividualOkCount = new int[songCount]; IndividualBadCount = new int[songCount]; IndividualRollCount = new int[songCount]; IndividualMaxCombo = new int[songCount]; IndividualBoomCount = new int[songCount]; IndividualADLibCount = new int[songCount]; IndividualScore = new int[songCount]; } public void tDanInputSongResults(int songNo) { if (songNo >= DanSongCount) return; if (songNo < 0) return; IndividualGoodCount[songNo] = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.n良[songNo]; IndividualOkCount[songNo] = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.n可[songNo]; IndividualBadCount[songNo] = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.n不可[songNo]; IndividualRollCount[songNo] = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.n連打[songNo]; IndividualMaxCombo[songNo] = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.nHighestCombo[songNo]; IndividualBoomCount[songNo] = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.nMine[songNo]; IndividualADLibCount[songNo] = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.nADLIB[songNo]; danAccumulatedScore = 0; for (int acc = 0; acc < songNo; acc++) danAccumulatedScore += IndividualScore[acc]; IndividualScore[songNo] = (int)TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.actScore.GetScore(0) - danAccumulatedScore; } #endregion #region [Debug methods] public string DEBUG_ToString() { string ret = ""; ret += @"Game Mode: " + GameMode.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Game Version: " + GameVersion.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Chart Checksum: " + ChartChecksum + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Player Name: " + PlayerName + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Good Count: " + GoodCount.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Ok Count: " + OkCount.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Bad Count: " + BadCount.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Roll Count: " + RollCount.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Max Combo: " + MaxCombo.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Boom Count: " + BoomCount.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"ADLib Count: " + ADLibCount.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Score: " + Score.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Coin Value: " + CoinValue.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Reached Floor: " + ReachedFloor.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Remaining Lives: " + RemainingLives.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Dan Song Count: " + DanSongCount.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 0; i < DanSongCount; i++) { ret += @"Individual Good Count[" + i.ToString() + @"]: " + IndividualGoodCount[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Individual Ok Count[" + i.ToString() + @"]: " + IndividualOkCount[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Individual Bad Count[" + i.ToString() + @"]: " + IndividualBadCount[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Individual Roll Count[" + i.ToString() + @"]: " + IndividualRollCount[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Individual Max Combo[" + i.ToString() + @"]: " + IndividualMaxCombo[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Individual Boom Count[" + i.ToString() + @"]: " + IndividualBoomCount[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Individual ADLib Count[" + i.ToString() + @"]: " + IndividualADLibCount[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Individual Score[" + i.ToString() + @"]: " + IndividualScore[i].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } ret += @"Clear Status: " + ClearStatus.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Score Rank: " + ScoreRank.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Scroll Speed Value: " + ScrollSpeedValue.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Song Speed Value: " + SongSpeedValue.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Judge Strictness Adjust: " + JudgeStrictnessAdjust.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Mod Flags: " + Convert.ToString(ModFlags, 2) + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Gauge Type: " + ((HGaugeMethods.EGaugeType)GaugeType).ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Gauge Fill: " + GaugeFill.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Timestamp: " + (new DateTime(Timestamp)).ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Input count: " + allInputs.Count + Environment.NewLine; for (int i = 0; i < allInputs.Count; i++) { var input = allInputs[i]; ret += @"[" + input.Item1.ToString() + @"ms]: " + input.Item2.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } ret += @"Chart UniqueID: " + ChartUniqueID + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Chart Difficulty: " + ((Difficulty)ChartDifficulty).ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Chart Level: " + ChartLevel.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Online Score ID: " + OnlineScoreID.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; ret += @"Replay Checksum: " + ReplayChecksum.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; return ret; } public void DEBUG_DecryptAndExtractReplayFile(string optkrFilePath) { tLoadReplayFile(optkrFilePath); string debugString = DEBUG_ToString(); string _path = optkrFilePath + @"_DEBUG.txt"; try { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(_path, FileMode.Create)) { using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(fileStream)) { writer.Write(debugString); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } #endregion #region [Load methods] private List> ConvertByteArrayToTupleList(byte[] byteArray) { List> tupleList = new List>(); for (int i = 0; i < byteArray.Length; i += sizeof(double) + sizeof(byte)) { double doubleValue = BitConverter.ToDouble(byteArray, i); byte byteValue = byteArray[i + sizeof(double)]; tupleList.Add(Tuple.Create(doubleValue, byteValue)); } return tupleList; } public void tLoadReplayFile(string optkrFilePath) { try { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(optkrFilePath, FileMode.Open)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fileStream)) { GameMode = reader.ReadByte(); GameVersion = reader.ReadInt32(); ChartChecksum = reader.ReadString(); PlayerName = reader.ReadString(); GoodCount = reader.ReadInt32(); OkCount = reader.ReadInt32(); BadCount = reader.ReadInt32(); RollCount = reader.ReadInt32(); MaxCombo = reader.ReadInt32(); BoomCount = reader.ReadInt32(); ADLibCount = reader.ReadInt32(); Score = reader.ReadInt32(); CoinValue = reader.ReadInt16(); ReachedFloor = reader.ReadInt32(); RemainingLives = reader.ReadInt32(); DanSongCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < DanSongCount; i++) { IndividualGoodCount[i] = reader.ReadInt32(); IndividualOkCount[i] = reader.ReadInt32(); IndividualBadCount[i] = reader.ReadInt32(); IndividualRollCount[i] = reader.ReadInt32(); IndividualMaxCombo[i] = reader.ReadInt32(); IndividualBoomCount[i] = reader.ReadInt32(); IndividualADLibCount[i] = reader.ReadInt32(); IndividualScore[i] = reader.ReadInt32(); } ClearStatus = reader.ReadByte(); ScoreRank = reader.ReadByte(); ScrollSpeedValue = reader.ReadInt32(); SongSpeedValue = reader.ReadInt32(); JudgeStrictnessAdjust = reader.ReadInt32(); ModFlags = reader.ReadInt32(); GaugeType = reader.ReadByte(); GaugeFill = reader.ReadSingle(); Timestamp = reader.ReadInt64(); CompressedInputsSize = reader.ReadInt32(); CompressedInputs = reader.ReadBytes(CompressedInputsSize); var uncomp = SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.SevenZipHelper.Decompress(CompressedInputs); allInputs = ConvertByteArrayToTupleList(uncomp); ChartUniqueID = reader.ReadString(); ChartDifficulty = reader.ReadByte(); ChartLevel = reader.ReadByte(); OnlineScoreID = reader.ReadInt64(); ReplayChecksum = reader.ReadString(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } #endregion #region [Save methods] private byte[] ConvertTupleListToByteArray(List> tupleList) { List byteArray = new List(); foreach (var tuple in tupleList) { byte[] doubleBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(tuple.Item1); byteArray.AddRange(doubleBytes); byteArray.Add(tuple.Item2); } return byteArray.ToArray(); } public string tSaveReplayFile() { string _path = replayFolder + @"/Replay_" + ChartUniqueID + @"_" + PlayerName + @"_" + Timestamp.ToString() + @".optkr"; try { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(_path, FileMode.Create)) { using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(fileStream)) { writer.Write(GameMode); writer.Write(GameVersion); writer.Write(ChartChecksum); writer.Write(PlayerName); writer.Write(GoodCount); writer.Write(OkCount); writer.Write(BadCount); writer.Write(RollCount); writer.Write(MaxCombo); writer.Write(BoomCount); writer.Write(ADLibCount); writer.Write(Score); writer.Write(CoinValue); writer.Write(ReachedFloor); writer.Write(RemainingLives); writer.Write(DanSongCount); for (int i = 0; i < DanSongCount; i++) { writer.Write(IndividualGoodCount[i]); writer.Write(IndividualOkCount[i]); writer.Write(IndividualBadCount[i]); writer.Write(IndividualRollCount[i]); writer.Write(IndividualMaxCombo[i]); writer.Write(IndividualBoomCount[i]); writer.Write(IndividualADLibCount[i]); writer.Write(IndividualScore[i]); } writer.Write(ClearStatus); writer.Write(ScoreRank); writer.Write(ScrollSpeedValue); writer.Write(SongSpeedValue); writer.Write(JudgeStrictnessAdjust); writer.Write(ModFlags); writer.Write(GaugeType); writer.Write(GaugeFill); writer.Write(Timestamp); writer.Write(CompressedInputsSize); writer.Write(CompressedInputs); writer.Write(ChartUniqueID); writer.Write(ChartDifficulty); writer.Write(ChartLevel); writer.Write(OnlineScoreID); writer.Write(ReplayChecksum); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return _path; } public void tResultsRegisterReplayInformations(int Coins, int Clear, int SRank) { // Actual player (Used for saved informations) int actualPlayer = TJAPlayer3.GetActualPlayer(storedPlayer); // Game mode switch (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.n確定された曲の難易度[0]) { case (int)Difficulty.Dan: GameMode = 1; break; case (int)Difficulty.Tower: GameMode = 2; break; default: GameMode = 0; break; } // Game version GameVersion = STORED_GAME_VERSION; // Chart Checksum (temporary) ChartChecksum = ""; // Player Name PlayerName = TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[actualPlayer].data.Name; // Performance informations GoodCount = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.CChartScore[storedPlayer].nGreat; OkCount = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.CChartScore[storedPlayer].nGood; BadCount = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.CChartScore[storedPlayer].nMiss; RollCount = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.GetRoll(storedPlayer); MaxCombo = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.actCombo.n現在のコンボ数.最高値[storedPlayer]; BoomCount = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.CChartScore[storedPlayer].nMine; ADLibCount = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.CChartScore[storedPlayer].nADLIB; Score = TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.CChartScore[storedPlayer].nScore; CoinValue = (short)Coins; // Tower parameters if (GameMode == 2) { ReachedFloor = CFloorManagement.LastRegisteredFloor; RemainingLives = CFloorManagement.CurrentNumberOfLives; } // Clear status ClearStatus = (byte)Clear; // Score rank ScoreRank = (byte)SRank; // Scroll speed value (as on ConfigIni, 9 is x1) ScrollSpeedValue = TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.nScrollSpeed[actualPlayer]; // Song speed value (as on ConfigIni, 20 is x1) SongSpeedValue = TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.n演奏速度; // Just strictess adjust mod value (as on ConfigIni, between -2 for lenient and 2 for rigorous) JudgeStrictnessAdjust = TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.nTimingZones[actualPlayer]; /* Mod Flags * Bit Offsets (Values) : * - 0 (1) : Mirror * - 1 (2) : Random (Kimagure) * - 2 (4) : Super Random (Detarame) * - 3 (8) : Invisible (Doron) * - 4 (16) : Perfect memory (Stealth) * - 5 (32) : Avalanche * - 6 (64) : Minesweeper * - 7 (128) : Just (Ok => Bad) * - 8 (256) : Safe (Bad => Ok) */ ModFlags = (int)EModFlag.None; if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eRandom[actualPlayer] == Eランダムモード.MIRROR) ModFlags |= (int)EModFlag.Mirror; if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eRandom[actualPlayer] == Eランダムモード.RANDOM) ModFlags |= (int)EModFlag.Random; if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eRandom[actualPlayer] == Eランダムモード.SUPERRANDOM) ModFlags |= (int)EModFlag.SuperRandom; if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eRandom[actualPlayer] == Eランダムモード.HYPERRANDOM) ModFlags |= ((int)EModFlag.Random | (int)EModFlag.Mirror); if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eSTEALTH[actualPlayer] == Eステルスモード.DORON) ModFlags |= (int)EModFlag.Invisible; if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.eSTEALTH[actualPlayer] == Eステルスモード.STEALTH) ModFlags |= (int)EModFlag.PerfectMemory; if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.nFunMods[actualPlayer] == EFunMods.AVALANCHE) ModFlags |= (int)EModFlag.Avalanche; if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.nFunMods[actualPlayer] == EFunMods.MINESWEEPER) ModFlags |= (int)EModFlag.Minesweeper; if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.bJust[actualPlayer] == 1) ModFlags |= (int)EModFlag.Just; if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.bJust[actualPlayer] == 2) ModFlags |= (int)EModFlag.Safe; /* Gauge type * - 0 : Normal * - 1 : Hard * - 2 : Extreme */ var chara = TJAPlayer3.Tx.Characters[TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[actualPlayer].data.Character]; GaugeType = (byte)HGaugeMethods.tGetGaugeTypeEnum(chara.effect.Gauge); // Gauge fill value GaugeFill = (float)TJAPlayer3.stage演奏ドラム画面.actGauge.db現在のゲージ値[storedPlayer]; // Generation timestamp (in ticks) Timestamp = DateTime.Now.Ticks; // Compressed inputs and size byte[] barr = ConvertTupleListToByteArray(allInputs); CompressedInputs = SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.SevenZipHelper.Compress(barr); CompressedInputsSize = CompressedInputs.Length; // Chart metadata ChartUniqueID = TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲; ChartDifficulty = (byte)TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.n確定された曲の難易度[storedPlayer]; ChartLevel = (byte)Math.Min(255, TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.arスコア[ChartDifficulty].譜面情報.nレベル[ChartDifficulty]); // Online score ID used for online leaderboards linking, given by the server (Defaulted to 0 for now) OnlineScoreID = 0; // Replay Checksum (Calculate at the end) ReplayChecksum = ""; } #endregion #region [Helper variables] private string chartPath; private string replayFolder; private int storedPlayer; private int danAccumulatedScore = 0; private List> allInputs = new List>(); #endregion #region [Replay file variables] /* Game mode of the replay * 0 = Regular * 1 = Dan * 2 = Tower */ public byte GameMode = 0; // Game version used for the replay public int GameVersion; // MD5 checksum of the chart public string ChartChecksum; // Player name public string PlayerName; // Replay hash public string ReplayChecksum; /* Performance informations * - Good count (Int) * - Ok count (Int) * - Bad count (Int) * - Roll count (Int) * - Max combo (Int) * - Boom count (Int) * - ADLib count (Int) * - Score (Int) * - Coin value of the play (Short) */ public int GoodCount; public int OkCount; public int BadCount; public int RollCount; public int MaxCombo; public int BoomCount; public int ADLibCount; public int Score; public short CoinValue; /* Performance informations (Tower only) * - Reached floor (Int) * - Remaining lives (Int) */ public int ReachedFloor = 0; public int RemainingLives = 0; // Individual performance informations (Dan only) public int DanSongCount = 0; public int[] IndividualGoodCount; public int[] IndividualOkCount; public int[] IndividualBadCount; public int[] IndividualRollCount; public int[] IndividualMaxCombo; public int[] IndividualBoomCount; public int[] IndividualADLibCount; public int[] IndividualScore; /* Clear status * - Regular : * > 0 : Failed (None) * > 1 : Assisted clear (Bronze) * > 2 : Clear (Silver) * > 3 : Full combo (Gold) * > 4 : Perfect (Platinum / Rainbow) * - Tower : * > 0 : None * > 1 : 10% Mark (初) * > 2 : 25% Mark (低) * > 3 : 50% Mark (中) * > 4 : 75% Mark (高) * > 5 : Assisted clear (Bronze 可) * > 6 : Clear (Silver 良) * > 7 : Full combo (Gold 優) * > 8 : Perfect (Platinum / Rainbow 秀) * - Dan : * > 0 : Failed - No dan title * > 1 : Assisted Red clear - No dan title * > 2 : Assisted Gold clear - No dan title * > 3 : Red clear - Dan title * > 4 : Gold clear - Dan title * > 5 : Red full combo - Dan title * > 6 : Gold full combo - Dan title * > 7 : Red perfect - Dan title * > 8 : Gold perfect - Dan title */ public byte ClearStatus; /* Score Rank (Regular only) * - 0 : F (Under 500k, Press F for respects) * - 1 : E (500k ~ Under 600k, Ew...) * - 2 : D (600k ~ Under 700k, Disappointing) * - 3 : C (700k ~ Under 800k, Correct) * - 4 : B (800k ~ Under 900k, Brillant!) * - 5 : A (900k ~ Under 950k, Amazing!) * - 6 : S (950k and more, Splendiferous!!) * - 7 : Ω ((Around) 1M and more, Ωut-of-this-world!!!) */ public byte ScoreRank; // Scroll speed value (as on ConfigIni, 9 is x1) public int ScrollSpeedValue; // Song speed value (as on ConfigIni, 20 is x1) public int SongSpeedValue; // Just strictess adjust mod value (as on ConfigIni, between -2 for lenient and 2 for rigorous) public int JudgeStrictnessAdjust; /* Mod Flags * Bit Offsets (Values) : * - 0 (1) : Mirror * - 1 (2) : Random (Kimagure) * - 2 (4) : Super Random (Detarame) * - 3 (8) : Invisible (Doron) * - 4 (16) : Perfect memory (Stealth) * - 5 (32) : Avalanche * - 6 (64) : Minesweeper * - 7 (128) : Just (Ok => Bad) * - 8 (256) : Safe (Bad => Ok) */ public int ModFlags; /* Gauge type * - 0 : Normal * - 1 : Hard * - 2 : Extreme */ public byte GaugeType; // Gauge fill value public float GaugeFill; // Generation timestamp (in ticks) public long Timestamp; // Size in bytes of the compressed inputs (replay data) array public int CompressedInputsSize; // Compressed inputs (replay data) public byte[] CompressedInputs; /* Chart metadata * - Chart unique ID : String * - Chart difficulty : Byte (Between 0 and 6) * - Chart level : Byte (Rounded to 255, usually between 0 and 13) */ public string ChartUniqueID; public byte ChartDifficulty; public byte ChartLevel; // Online score ID used for online leaderboards linking, given by the server public long OnlineScoreID; #endregion } }