using System.Collections.Generic; using Newtonsoft.Json; using static TJAPlayer3.DBSongUnlockables; namespace TJAPlayer3 { internal class DBSongUnlockables : CSavableT> { /* DISPLAYED : Song displayed in song select, only a lock appearing on the side, audio preview plays * GRAYED : Box grayed, song preview does not play * HIDDEN : Song not appears on the song select list until being unlocked */ public enum EHiddenIndex { DISPLAYED = 0, GRAYED = 1, HIDDEN = 2 } public DBSongUnlockables() { _fn = @".\Databases\SongUnlockables.json"; base.tDBInitSavable(); } public class SongUnlockable { [JsonProperty("HiddenIndex")] public EHiddenIndex hiddenIndex; [JsonProperty("Rarity")] public string rarity; [JsonProperty("UnlockCondition")] public DBUnlockables.CUnlockConditions unlockConditions; } public void tGetUnlockedItems(int _player, ModalQueue mq) { int player = TJAPlayer3.GetActualPlayer(_player); var _sf = TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].data.NamePlateTitles; bool _edited = false; foreach (KeyValuePair item in data) { var _npvKey = item.Key; if (!_sf.ContainsKey(_npvKey)) { var _fulfilled = item.Value.unlockConditions.tConditionMetWrapper(player, DBUnlockables.CUnlockConditions.EScreen.Internal).Item1; if (_fulfilled) { /* _sf.Add(_npvKey, item.Value.nameplateInfo); _edited = true; mq.tAddModal( new Modal( Modal.EModalType.Title, HRarity.tRarityToModalInt(item.Value.rarity), item.Value.nameplateInfo.cld.GetString(item.Key) ), _player); */ } } } if (_edited) TJAPlayer3.SaveFileInstances[player].tApplyHeyaChanges(); } } }