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Dictionnary Indexes
- This document describes all the indexes used by the fonction
0 : "System language" description
1 : "System language" option title
2 : "<< Back to left menu" option title
3 : "<< Back to left menu" description
4 : "Reload songs" option title
5 : "Reload songs" description
6 : "Player count" option title
7 : "Player count" description
8 : "Risky" option title
9 : "Risky" description
10 : "Song speed" option title
11 : "Song speed" description
12 : Reached floor (Tower)
13 : Floor suffix (1 character)
14 : Points accronym (1 character)
15 : Score
16 : "Layout type" option title
17 : "Layout type" description
18 : Ensou main menu button
19 : Dan main menu button
20 : Tower main menu button
21 : Shop main menu button
22 : Bouken main menu button
23 : Settings main menu button
24 : Quit main menu button