mirror of synced 2025-03-03 07:58:48 +01:00

Add instant result patch for JPN39

This commit is contained in:
esuo1198 2024-11-12 22:26:20 +09:00
parent f6440fd501
commit fb2c5c117d
3 changed files with 210 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ It currently supports the following versions:
## Setup
Copy the extracted contents of `dist.zip` to the same directory as Taiko.exe
If your game hangs on a black screen at launch for more than a minute, Start Taiko.exe as Administrator !
Copy the extracted contents of `dist.zip` to the same directory as Taiko.exe
If your game hangs on a black screen at launch for more than a minute, Start Taiko.exe as Administrator.
### config.toml
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ unlock_songs = true
freeze_timer = false
# use cn font and chineseS wordlist value
chs_patch = false
# send result per song
instant_result = false
# enable one piece collab mode
mode_collabo025 = false
# enable ai soshina mode

dist/config.toml vendored
View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ unlock_songs = true
fix_language = false
freeze_timer = false
chs_patch = false
instant_result = false
mode_collabo025 = false
mode_collabo026 = false
mode_aprilfool001 = false

View File

@ -14,14 +14,21 @@ HOOK_DYNAMIC (i64, curl_easy_setopt, i64 a1, i64 a2, i64 a3, i64 a4, i64 a5) {
return originalcurl_easy_setopt.call<i64> (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);
FUNCTION_PTR (i64, lua_settop, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_settop"), u64, u64);
FUNCTION_PTR (i64, lua_replace, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_replace"), u64, u64);
FUNCTION_PTR (i64, lua_pushboolean, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_pushboolean"), u64, u64);
FUNCTION_PTR (i64, lua_pushstring, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_pushstring"), u64, u64);
FUNCTION_PTR (i64, lua_pushcclosure, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_pushcclosure"), u64, u64, u64);
FUNCTION_PTR (i64, GetPlayDataManagerRef, ASLR (0x140024AC0), i64);
FUNCTION_PTR (i64, lua_toboolean, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_toboolean"), u64, u64);
FUNCTION_PTR (i64, lua_tolstring, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_tolstring"), u64, u64, u64);
i64 lua_State = 0;
HOOK (i64, luaL_newstate, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "luaL_newstate")) { return lua_State = originalluaL_newstate.call<i64> (); }
FUNCTION_PTR (void, lua_settop, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_settop"), i64, i32);
FUNCTION_PTR (void, lua_replace, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_replace"), i64, i32);
FUNCTION_PTR (void, lua_pushcclosure, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_pushcclosure"), i64, i64, i32);
FUNCTION_PTR (void, lua_pushboolean, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_pushboolean"), i64, i32);
FUNCTION_PTR (const char *, lua_pushstring, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_pushstring"), i64, const char *);
FUNCTION_PTR (i32, lua_toboolean, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_toboolean"), i64, i32);
FUNCTION_PTR (const char *, lua_tolstring, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_tolstring"), u64, i32, size_t *);
FUNCTION_PTR (i32, lua_pcall, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "lua_pcall"), i64, i32, i32, i32);
FUNCTION_PTR (i32, luaL_loadstring, PROC_ADDRESS ("lua51.dll", "luaL_loadstring"), i64, const char *);
#define LUA_MULTRET (-1)
#define luaL_dostring(L, s) (luaL_loadstring (L, s) || lua_pcall (L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0))
lua_pushtrue (i64 a1) {
@ -35,40 +42,6 @@ HOOK (i64, AvailableMode_Collabo025, ASLR (0x1402DE6B0), i64 a1) { return lua_pu
HOOK (i64, AvailableMode_Collabo026, ASLR (0x1402DE670), i64 a1) { return lua_pushtrue (a1); }
HOOK (i64, AvailableMode_AprilFool001, ASLR (0x1402DE5B0), i64 a1) { return lua_pushtrue (a1); }
const i32 datatableBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 * 12;
safetyhook::Allocation datatableBuffer1;
safetyhook::Allocation datatableBuffer2;
safetyhook::Allocation datatableBuffer3;
const std::vector<uintptr_t> datatableBuffer1Addresses = {0x1400ABE40, 0x1400ABEB1, 0x1400ABEDB, 0x1400ABF4C};
const std::vector<uintptr_t> datatableBuffer2Addresses = {0x1400ABE2C, 0x1400ABF5B, 0x1400ABF8E};
const std::vector<uintptr_t> datatableBuffer3Addresses = {0x1400ABF7F, 0x1400ABF95, 0x1400ABFBF};
const std::vector<uintptr_t> memsetSizeAddresses = {0x1400ABE26, 0x1400ABE3A, 0x1400ABF79};
AllocateStaticBufferNear (void *target_address, size_t size, safetyhook::Allocation *newBuffer) {
auto allocator = safetyhook::Allocator::global ();
std::vector desired_addresses = {(uint8_t *)target_address};
auto allocation_result = allocator->allocate_near (desired_addresses, size);
if (allocation_result.has_value ()) *newBuffer = std::move (*allocation_result);
ReplaceLeaBufferAddress (const std::vector<uintptr_t> &bufferAddresses, void *newBufferAddress) {
for (auto bufferAddress : bufferAddresses) {
uintptr_t lea_instruction_dst = ASLR (bufferAddress) + 3;
uintptr_t lea_instruction_end = ASLR (bufferAddress) + 7;
intptr_t offset = (intptr_t)newBufferAddress - lea_instruction_end;
WRITE_MEMORY (lea_instruction_dst, i32, (i32)offset);
// -------------- MidHook Area --------------
MID_HOOK (ChangeLanguageType, ASLR (0x1400B2016), SafetyHookContext &ctx) {
int *pFontType = (int *)ctx.rax;
if (*pFontType == 4) *pFontType = 2;
lua_freeze_timer (i64 a1) {
return lua_pushtrue (a1);
@ -81,6 +54,141 @@ MID_HOOK (FreezeTimer, ASLR (0x14019FF51), SafetyHookContext &ctx) {
ctx.rip = ASLR (0x14019FF65);
ExecuteSendResultData () {
luaL_dostring(lua_State, R"(
local currentGameMode = PlayDataManager.GetPlayMode()
if currentGameMode == GameMode.kEnso then
if g_entryType == 0 then
elseif g_entryType == 1 then
elseif currentGameMode == GameMode.kAI then
if g_joinSide_ == 1 then
elseif g_joinSide_ == 2 then
elseif currentGameMode == GameMode.kCollabo025 then
if g_joinSide_ == 1 then
elseif g_joinSide_ == 2 then
elseif currentGameMode == GameMode.kCollabo026 then
if g_joinSide_ == 1 then
elseif g_joinSide_ == 2 then
elseif currentGameMode == GameMode.kAprilFool001 then
if g_entryType == 0 then
elseif g_entryType == 1 then
bool sendFlag = false;
#define SCENE_RESULT_HOOK(functionName, location) \
HOOK (void, functionName, location, i64 a1, i64 a2, i64 a3) { \
sendFlag = true; \
original##functionName.call (a1, a2, a3); \
ExecuteSendResultData (); \
SCENE_RESULT_HOOK (SceneResultInitialize_Enso, ASLR (0x140411FD0));
SCENE_RESULT_HOOK (SceneResultInitialize_AI, ASLR (0x140411FD0));
SCENE_RESULT_HOOK (SceneResultInitialize_Collabo025, ASLR (0x140411FD0));
SCENE_RESULT_HOOK (SceneResultInitialize_Collabo026, ASLR (0x140411FD0));
SCENE_RESULT_HOOK (SceneResultInitialize_AprilFool, ASLR (0x140411FD0));
#define SEND_RESULT_HOOK(functionName, location) \
HOOK (void, functionName, location, i64 a1) { \
if (sendFlag) { \
sendFlag = false; \
original##functionName.call (a1); \
} \
SEND_RESULT_HOOK (SendResultData_Enso, ASLR (0x1401817B0));
SEND_RESULT_HOOK (SendResultData_AI, ASLR (0x1401755E0));
SEND_RESULT_HOOK (SendResultData_Collabo025_026, ASLR (0x140179A00));
SEND_RESULT_HOOK (SendResultData_AprilFool, ASLR (0x140177800));
#define CHANGE_RESULT_SIZE_HOOK(functionName, location, target) \
MID_HOOK (functionName, location, SafetyHookContext &ctx) { \
i64 instance = GetPlayDataManagerRef (*(i64 *)ctx.r12); \
u32 currentStageCount = *(u32 *)(instance + 8); \
ctx.target &= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000; \
ctx.target |= currentStageCount; \
CHANGE_RESULT_SIZE_HOOK (ChangeResultDataSize_Enso, ASLR (0x140180074), rax);
CHANGE_RESULT_SIZE_HOOK (ChangeResultDataSize_AI, ASLR (0x140173774), rax);
CHANGE_RESULT_SIZE_HOOK (ChangeResultDataSize_Collabo025_026, ASLR (0x140178244), rax);
CHANGE_RESULT_SIZE_HOOK (ChangeResultDataSize_AprilFool, ASLR (0x140176044), rax);
#define CHANGE_RESULT_INDEX_HOOK(functionName, location, target, offset, skip) \
MID_HOOK (functionName, location, SafetyHookContext &ctx) { \
i64 instance = GetPlayDataManagerRef (*(i64 *)ctx.r12); \
u32 currentStageCount = *(u32 *)(instance + 8); \
ctx.target &= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000; \
ctx.target |= currentStageCount - 1; \
*(u32 *)(ctx.rsp + offset) = currentStageCount - 1; \
ctx.rip += skip; \
CHANGE_RESULT_INDEX_HOOK (ChangeResultDataIndex_Enso, ASLR (0x14018074B), rax, 0x34, 0x07);
CHANGE_RESULT_INDEX_HOOK (ChangeResultDataIndex_AI, ASLR (0x140173EDD), r13, 0x24, 0x08);
CHANGE_RESULT_INDEX_HOOK (ChangeResultDataIndex_Collabo025_026, ASLR (0x1401789AD), r13, 0x24, 0x08);
CHANGE_RESULT_INDEX_HOOK (ChangeResultDataIndex_AprilFool, ASLR (0x140176716), rax, 0x34, 0x06);
int language = 0;
const char *
languageStr () {
switch (language) {
case 1: return "en_us";
case 2: return "cn_tw";
case 3: return "kor";
case 4: return "cn_cn";
default: return "jpn";
HOOK (i64, GetLanguage, ASLR (0x140024AC0), i64 a1) {
auto result = originalGetLanguage.call<i64> (a1);
language = *((u32 *)result);
return result;
HOOK (i64, GetRegionLanguage, ASLR (0x1401CE9B0), i64 a1) {
lua_settop (a1, 0);
lua_pushstring (a1, languageStr ());
return 1;
HOOK (i64, GetCabinetLanguage, ASLR (0x1401D1A60), i64, i64 a2) {
lua_settop (a2, 0);
lua_pushstring (a2, languageStr ());
return 1;
MID_HOOK (ChangeLanguageType, ASLR (0x1400B2016), SafetyHookContext &ctx) {
int *pFontType = (int *)ctx.rax;
if (*pFontType == 4) *pFontType = 2;
std::map<std::string, int> nus3bankMap;
int nus3bankIdCounter = 0;
std::map<std::string, bool> voiceCnExist;
@ -145,35 +253,6 @@ MID_HOOK (GenNus3bankId, ASLR (0x1407B97BD), SafetyHookContext &ctx) {
// -------------- MidHook Area End --------------
int language = 0;
const char *
languageStr () {
switch (language) {
case 1: return "en_us";
case 2: return "cn_tw";
case 3: return "kor";
case 4: return "cn_cn";
default: return "jpn";
HOOK (i64, GetLanguage, ASLR (0x140024AC0), i64 a1) {
auto result = originalGetLanguage.call<i64> (a1);
language = *((u32 *)result);
return result;
HOOK (i64, GetRegionLanguage, ASLR (0x1401CE9B0), i64 a1) {
lua_settop (a1, 0);
lua_pushstring (a1, (u64)languageStr ());
return 1;
HOOK (i64, GetCabinetLanguage, ASLR (0x1401D1A60), i64, i64 a2) {
lua_settop (a2, 0);
lua_pushstring (a2, (u64)languageStr ());
return 1;
FixToneName (std::string bankName, std::string toneName) {
if (language == 2 || language == 4) {
@ -182,12 +261,12 @@ FixToneName (std::string bankName, std::string toneName) {
return toneName;
int commonSize = 0;
size_t commonSize = 0;
HOOK (i64, PlaySound, ASLR (0x1404C6DC0), i64 a1) {
if (enableSwitchVoice && language != 0) {
std::string bankName ((char *)lua_tolstring (a1, -3, (u64)&commonSize));
std::string bankName (lua_tolstring (a1, -3, &commonSize));
if (bankName[0] == 'v') {
lua_pushstring (a1, (u64)(FixToneName (bankName, (char *)lua_tolstring (a1, -2, (u64)&commonSize)).c_str ()));
lua_pushstring (a1, FixToneName (bankName, lua_tolstring (a1, -2, &commonSize)).c_str ());
lua_replace (a1, -3);
@ -196,9 +275,9 @@ HOOK (i64, PlaySound, ASLR (0x1404C6DC0), i64 a1) {
HOOK (i64, PlaySoundMulti, ASLR (0x1404C6D60), i64 a1) {
if (enableSwitchVoice && language != 0) {
std::string bankName ((char *)lua_tolstring (a1, -3, (u64)&commonSize));
std::string bankName ((char *)lua_tolstring (a1, -3, &commonSize));
if (bankName[0] == 'v') {
lua_pushstring (a1, (u64)(FixToneName (bankName, (char *)lua_tolstring (a1, -2, (u64)&commonSize)).c_str ()));
lua_pushstring (a1, FixToneName (bankName, lua_tolstring (a1, -2, &commonSize)).c_str ());
lua_replace (a1, -3);
@ -249,6 +328,33 @@ HOOK (i64, LoadedBankAll, ASLR (0x1404C69F0), i64 a1) {
return 1;
const i32 datatableBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 * 12;
safetyhook::Allocation datatableBuffer1;
safetyhook::Allocation datatableBuffer2;
safetyhook::Allocation datatableBuffer3;
const std::vector<uintptr_t> datatableBuffer1Addresses = {0x1400ABE40, 0x1400ABEB1, 0x1400ABEDB, 0x1400ABF4C};
const std::vector<uintptr_t> datatableBuffer2Addresses = {0x1400ABE2C, 0x1400ABF5B, 0x1400ABF8E};
const std::vector<uintptr_t> datatableBuffer3Addresses = {0x1400ABF7F, 0x1400ABF95, 0x1400ABFBF};
const std::vector<uintptr_t> memsetSizeAddresses = {0x1400ABE26, 0x1400ABE3A, 0x1400ABF79};
AllocateStaticBufferNear (void *target_address, size_t size, safetyhook::Allocation *newBuffer) {
auto allocator = safetyhook::Allocator::global ();
std::vector desired_addresses = {(uint8_t *)target_address};
auto allocation_result = allocator->allocate_near (desired_addresses, size);
if (allocation_result.has_value ()) *newBuffer = std::move (*allocation_result);
ReplaceLeaBufferAddress (const std::vector<uintptr_t> &bufferAddresses, void *newBufferAddress) {
for (auto bufferAddress : bufferAddresses) {
uintptr_t lea_instruction_dst = ASLR (bufferAddress) + 3;
uintptr_t lea_instruction_end = ASLR (bufferAddress) + 7;
intptr_t offset = (intptr_t)newBufferAddress - lea_instruction_end;
WRITE_MEMORY (lea_instruction_dst, i32, (i32)offset);
Init () {
i32 xRes = 1920;
@ -258,6 +364,7 @@ Init () {
bool fixLanguage = false;
bool freezeTimer = false;
bool chsPatch = false;
bool instantResult = false;
bool modeCollabo025 = false;
bool modeCollabo026 = false;
bool modeAprilFool001 = false;
@ -275,6 +382,7 @@ Init () {
fixLanguage = readConfigBool (jpn39, "fix_language", fixLanguage);
freezeTimer = readConfigBool (jpn39, "freeze_timer", freezeTimer);
chsPatch = readConfigBool (jpn39, "chs_patch", chsPatch);
instantResult = readConfigBool (jpn39, "instant_result", instantResult);
modeCollabo025 = readConfigBool (jpn39, "mode_collabo025", modeCollabo025);
modeCollabo026 = readConfigBool (jpn39, "mode_collabo026", modeCollabo026);
modeAprilFool001 = readConfigBool (jpn39, "mode_aprilfool001", modeAprilFool001);
@ -352,6 +460,28 @@ Init () {
// Freeze Timer
if (freezeTimer) INSTALL_MID_HOOK (FreezeTimer);
// Send result per song
if (instantResult) {
INSTALL_HOOK (luaL_newstate);
INSTALL_HOOK (SceneResultInitialize_Enso);
INSTALL_HOOK (SceneResultInitialize_AI);
INSTALL_HOOK (SceneResultInitialize_Collabo025);
INSTALL_HOOK (SceneResultInitialize_Collabo026);
INSTALL_HOOK (SceneResultInitialize_AprilFool);
INSTALL_HOOK (SendResultData_Enso);
INSTALL_HOOK (SendResultData_AI);
INSTALL_HOOK (SendResultData_Collabo025_026);
INSTALL_HOOK (SendResultData_AprilFool);
INSTALL_MID_HOOK (ChangeResultDataSize_Enso);
INSTALL_MID_HOOK (ChangeResultDataSize_AI);
INSTALL_MID_HOOK (ChangeResultDataSize_Collabo025_026);
INSTALL_MID_HOOK (ChangeResultDataSize_AprilFool);
INSTALL_MID_HOOK (ChangeResultDataIndex_Enso);
INSTALL_MID_HOOK (ChangeResultDataIndex_AI);
INSTALL_MID_HOOK (ChangeResultDataIndex_Collabo025_026);
INSTALL_MID_HOOK (ChangeResultDataIndex_AprilFool);
// Use chs font/wordlist instead of cht
if (chsPatch) {
bool fontExistAll = true;