#include "bnusio.h" #include "constants.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "patches/patches.h" #include "poll.h" GameVersion gameVersion = GameVersion::UNKNOWN; std::vector plugins; const char *server = ""; char accessCode1[21] = "00000000000000000001"; char accessCode2[21] = "00000000000000000002"; char chipId1[33] = "00000000000000000000000000000001"; char chipId2[33] = "00000000000000000000000000000002"; HOOK (i32, ShowMouse, PROC_ADDRESS ("user32.dll", "ShowCursor"), bool) { return originalShowMouse (true); } HOOK (i32, ExitWindows, PROC_ADDRESS ("user32.dll", "ExitWindowsEx")) { ExitProcess (0); return true; } HOOK (i32, XinputGetState, PROC_ADDRESS ("xinput9_1_0.dll", "XInputGetState")) { return ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED; } HOOK (i32, XinputSetState, PROC_ADDRESS ("xinput9_1_0.dll", "XInputSetState")) { return ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED; } HOOK (i32, XinputGetCapabilites, PROC_ADDRESS ("xinput9_1_0.dll", "XInputGetCapabilities")) { return ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED; } HOOK (i32, ssleay_Shutdown, PROC_ADDRESS ("ssleay32.dll", "SSL_shutdown")) { return 1; } HOOK (i64, UsbFinderInitialize, PROC_ADDRESS ("nbamUsbFinder.dll", "nbamUsbFinderInitialize")) { return 0; } HOOK (i64, UsbFinderRelease, PROC_ADDRESS ("nbamUsbFinder.dll", "nbamUsbFinderRelease")) { return 0; } HOOK (i64, UsbFinderGetSerialNumber, PROC_ADDRESS ("nbamUsbFinder.dll", "nbamUsbFinderGetSerialNumber"), i32 a1, char *a2) { strcpy (a2, "284111080001"); return 0; } HOOK (i32, ws2_getaddrinfo, PROC_ADDRESS ("ws2_32.dll", "getaddrinfo"), const char *node, char *service, void *hints, void *out) { return originalws2_getaddrinfo (server, service, hints, out); } void GetGameVersion () { wchar_t w_path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameW (0, w_path, MAX_PATH); std::filesystem::path path (w_path); if (!std::filesystem::exists (path) || !path.has_filename ()) { MessageBoxA (0, "Failed to find executable", 0, MB_OK); ExitProcess (0); } std::ifstream stream (path, std::ios::binary); if (!stream.is_open ()) { MessageBoxA (0, "Failed to read executable", 0, MB_OK); ExitProcess (0); } stream.seekg (0, stream.end); size_t length = stream.tellg (); stream.seekg (0, stream.beg); char *buf = (char *)calloc (length + 1, sizeof (char)); stream.read (buf, length); gameVersion = (GameVersion)XXH64 (buf, length, 0); stream.close (); free (buf); switch (gameVersion) { case GameVersion::JP_NOV_2020: case GameVersion::CN_JUN_2023: break; default: MessageBoxA (0, "Unknown game version", 0, MB_OK); ExitProcess (0); } } void createCard () { const char hexCharacterTable[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; char buf[64] = {0}; srand (time (0)); std::generate (buf, buf + 20, [&] () { return hexCharacterTable[rand () % 10]; }); WritePrivateProfileStringA ("card", "accessCode1", buf, ".\\card.ini"); std::generate (buf, buf + 32, [&] () { return hexCharacterTable[rand () % 16]; }); WritePrivateProfileStringA ("card", "chipId1", buf, ".\\card.ini"); std::generate (buf, buf + 20, [&] () { return hexCharacterTable[rand () % 10]; }); WritePrivateProfileStringA ("card", "accessCode2", buf, ".\\card.ini"); std::generate (buf, buf + 32, [&] () { return hexCharacterTable[rand () % 16]; }); WritePrivateProfileStringA ("card", "chipId2", buf, ".\\card.ini"); } BOOL DllMain (HMODULE module, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) { if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { // This is bad, dont do this // I/O in DllMain can easily cause a deadlock const char *version = "auto"; auto configPath = std::filesystem::current_path () / "config.toml"; toml_table_t *config = openConfig (configPath); if (config) { auto amauth = openConfigSection (config, "amauth"); if (amauth) server = readConfigString (amauth, "server", server); auto patches = openConfigSection (config, "patches"); if (patches) version = readConfigString (patches, "version", version); toml_free (config); } if (!strcmp (version, "auto")) { GetGameVersion (); } else if (!strcmp (version, "jp_nov_2020")) { gameVersion = GameVersion::JP_NOV_2020; } else if (!strcmp (version, "cn_jun_2023")) { gameVersion = GameVersion::CN_JUN_2023; } else { MessageBoxA (0, "Unknown patch version", 0, MB_OK); ExitProcess (0); } auto pluginPath = std::filesystem::current_path () / "plugins"; if (std::filesystem::exists (pluginPath)) { for (auto entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator (pluginPath)) { if (entry.path ().extension () == ".dll") { auto name = entry.path ().wstring (); HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryW (name.c_str ()); if (!hModule) { wchar_t buf[128]; wsprintfW (buf, L"Failed to load plugin %ls", name.c_str ()); MessageBoxW (0, buf, name.c_str (), MB_ICONERROR); } else { plugins.push_back (hModule); } } } } if (!std::filesystem::exists (".\\card.ini")) createCard (); GetPrivateProfileStringA ("card", "accessCode1", accessCode1, accessCode1, 21, ".\\card.ini"); GetPrivateProfileStringA ("card", "chipId1", chipId1, chipId1, 33, ".\\card.ini"); GetPrivateProfileStringA ("card", "accessCode2", accessCode2, accessCode2, 21, ".\\card.ini"); GetPrivateProfileStringA ("card", "chipId2", chipId2, chipId2, 33, ".\\card.ini"); INSTALL_HOOK (ShowMouse); INSTALL_HOOK (ExitWindows); INSTALL_HOOK (XinputGetState); INSTALL_HOOK (XinputSetState); INSTALL_HOOK (XinputGetCapabilites); INSTALL_HOOK (ssleay_Shutdown); INSTALL_HOOK (UsbFinderInitialize); INSTALL_HOOK (UsbFinderRelease); INSTALL_HOOK (UsbFinderGetSerialNumber); INSTALL_HOOK (ws2_getaddrinfo); bnusio::Init (); switch (gameVersion) { case GameVersion::UNKNOWN: break; case GameVersion::JP_NOV_2020: patches::JP_NOV_2020::Init (); break; case GameVersion::CN_JUN_2023: patches::CN_JUN_2023::Init (); break; } } return true; }