diff --git a/GameDatabase/Entities/AiScoreDatum.cs b/GameDatabase/Entities/AiScoreDatum.cs
index 071afc3..fda3a58 100644
--- a/GameDatabase/Entities/AiScoreDatum.cs
+++ b/GameDatabase/Entities/AiScoreDatum.cs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ namespace GameDatabase.Entities;
public class AiScoreDatum
- public uint Baid { get; set; }
+ public ulong Baid { get; set; }
public uint SongId { get; set; }
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Entities/AiSectionScoreDatum.cs b/GameDatabase/Entities/AiSectionScoreDatum.cs
index 4113e98..e27eb3e 100644
--- a/GameDatabase/Entities/AiSectionScoreDatum.cs
+++ b/GameDatabase/Entities/AiSectionScoreDatum.cs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ namespace GameDatabase.Entities;
public class AiSectionScoreDatum
- public uint Baid { get; set; }
+ public ulong Baid { get; set; }
public uint SongId { get; set; }
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Entities/Card.cs b/GameDatabase/Entities/Card.cs
index 97538ee..a3fac1b 100644
--- a/GameDatabase/Entities/Card.cs
+++ b/GameDatabase/Entities/Card.cs
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
public partial class Card
public string AccessCode { get; set; } = null!;
- public uint Baid { get; set; }
+ public ulong Baid { get; set; }
+ public string Password { get; set; } = null!;
+ public string Salt { get; set; } = null!;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Entities/DanScoreDatum.cs b/GameDatabase/Entities/DanScoreDatum.cs
index d50a443..430d0c2 100644
--- a/GameDatabase/Entities/DanScoreDatum.cs
+++ b/GameDatabase/Entities/DanScoreDatum.cs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ namespace GameDatabase.Entities;
public class DanScoreDatum
- public uint Baid { get; set; }
+ public ulong Baid { get; set; }
public uint DanId { get; set; }
public uint ArrivalSongCount { get; set; }
public uint SoulGaugeTotal { get; set; }
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Entities/DanStageScoreDatum.cs b/GameDatabase/Entities/DanStageScoreDatum.cs
index 5f134ba..a4ade62 100644
--- a/GameDatabase/Entities/DanStageScoreDatum.cs
+++ b/GameDatabase/Entities/DanStageScoreDatum.cs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
public class DanStageScoreDatum
- public uint Baid { get; set; }
+ public ulong Baid { get; set; }
public uint DanId { get; set; }
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Entities/SongBestDatum.cs b/GameDatabase/Entities/SongBestDatum.cs
index 214ba21..8d26e9a 100644
--- a/GameDatabase/Entities/SongBestDatum.cs
+++ b/GameDatabase/Entities/SongBestDatum.cs
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
namespace GameDatabase.Entities
- public partial class SongBestDatum
- {
- public uint Baid { get; set; }
- public uint SongId { get; set; }
- public Difficulty Difficulty { get; set; }
- public uint BestScore { get; set; }
- public uint BestRate { get; set; }
- public CrownType BestCrown { get; set; }
- public ScoreRank BestScoreRank { get; set; }
+ public partial class SongBestDatum
+ {
+ public ulong Baid { get; set; }
+ public uint SongId { get; set; }
+ public Difficulty Difficulty { get; set; }
+ public uint BestScore { get; set; }
+ public uint BestRate { get; set; }
+ public CrownType BestCrown { get; set; }
+ public ScoreRank BestScoreRank { get; set; }
- public virtual Card? Ba { get; set; }
- }
+ public virtual Card? Ba { get; set; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Entities/SongPlayDatum.cs b/GameDatabase/Entities/SongPlayDatum.cs
index 173e4c1..a6e85a6 100644
--- a/GameDatabase/Entities/SongPlayDatum.cs
+++ b/GameDatabase/Entities/SongPlayDatum.cs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace GameDatabase.Entities
public partial class SongPlayDatum
public long Id { get; set; }
- public uint Baid { get; set; }
+ public ulong Baid { get; set; }
public uint SongNumber { get; set; }
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Entities/UserDatum.cs b/GameDatabase/Entities/UserDatum.cs
index 246b70c..2dc25b2 100644
--- a/GameDatabase/Entities/UserDatum.cs
+++ b/GameDatabase/Entities/UserDatum.cs
@@ -2,33 +2,37 @@
namespace GameDatabase.Entities
- public partial class UserDatum
- {
- public uint Baid { get; set; }
- public string MyDonName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- public string Title { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- public uint TitlePlateId { get; set; }
- public string FavoriteSongsArray { get; set; } = "[]";
- public string ToneFlgArray { get; set; } = "[]";
- public string TitleFlgArray { get; set; } = "[]";
- public string CostumeFlgArray { get; set; } = "[[],[],[],[],[]]";
- public string GenericInfoFlgArray { get; set; } = "[]";
- public short OptionSetting { get; set; }
- public int NotesPosition { get; set; }
- public bool IsVoiceOn { get; set; }
- public bool IsSkipOn { get; set; }
- public uint SelectedToneId { get; set; }
- public DateTime LastPlayDatetime { get; set; }
- public uint LastPlayMode { get; set; }
- public uint ColorBody { get; set; }
- public uint ColorFace { get; set; }
- public uint ColorLimb { get; set; }
- public string CostumeData { get; set; } = "[[],[],[],[],[]]";
- public bool DisplayDan { get; set; }
- public bool DisplayAchievement { get; set; }
- public Difficulty AchievementDisplayDifficulty { get; set; }
- public int AiWinCount { get; set; }
- public virtual Card? Ba { get; set; }
- }
+ public partial class UserDatum
+ {
+ public ulong Baid { get; set; }
+ public string MyDonName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ public uint MyDonNameLanguage { get; set; }
+ public string Title { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ public uint TitlePlateId { get; set; }
+ public string FavoriteSongsArray { get; set; } = "[]";
+ public string ToneFlgArray { get; set; } = "[]";
+ public string TitleFlgArray { get; set; } = "[]";
+ public string CostumeFlgArray { get; set; } = "[[],[],[],[],[]]";
+ public string GenericInfoFlgArray { get; set; } = "[]";
+ public short OptionSetting { get; set; }
+ public int NotesPosition { get; set; }
+ public bool IsVoiceOn { get; set; }
+ public bool IsSkipOn { get; set; }
+ public string DifficultyPlayedArray { get; set; } = "[]";
+ public string DifficultySettingArray { get; set; } = "[]";
+ public uint SelectedToneId { get; set; }
+ public DateTime LastPlayDatetime { get; set; }
+ public uint LastPlayMode { get; set; }
+ public uint ColorBody { get; set; }
+ public uint ColorFace { get; set; }
+ public uint ColorLimb { get; set; }
+ public string CostumeData { get; set; } = "[]";
+ public bool DisplayDan { get; set; }
+ public bool DisplayAchievement { get; set; }
+ public Difficulty AchievementDisplayDifficulty { get; set; }
+ public int AiWinCount { get; set; }
+ public string TokenCountDict { get; set; } = "{}";
+ public string UnlockedSongIdList { get; set; } = "[]";
+ public virtual Card? Ba { get; set; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GameDatabase/GameDatabase.csproj b/GameDatabase/GameDatabase.csproj
index 79420dd..b3f8cfc 100644
--- a/GameDatabase/GameDatabase.csproj
+++ b/GameDatabase/GameDatabase.csproj
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
- net6.0
+ net8.0
+ 11
- all
- runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
+ all
+ runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230916161613_AddTokenCountDictAndUnlockedSongIdListToUserdata.Designer.cs b/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230916161613_AddTokenCountDictAndUnlockedSongIdListToUserdata.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..767f34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230916161613_AddTokenCountDictAndUnlockedSongIdListToUserdata.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+using System;
+using GameDatabase.Context;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion;
+#nullable disable
+namespace TaikoLocalServer.Migrations
+ [DbContext(typeof(TaikoDbContext))]
+ [Migration("20230916161613_AddTokenCountDictAndUnlockedSongIdListToUserdata")]
+ partial class AddTokenCountDictAndUnlockedSongIdListToUserdata
+ {
+ ///
+ protected override void BuildTargetModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
+ {
+#pragma warning disable 612, 618
+ modelBuilder.HasAnnotation("ProductVersion", "7.0.0-rc.1.22426.7");
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("IsWin")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty");
+ b.ToTable("AiScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiSectionScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SectionIndex")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Crown")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DrumrollCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("GoodCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("IsWin")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("MissCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OkCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Score")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty", "SectionIndex");
+ b.ToTable("AiSectionScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("AccessCode")
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("AccessCode");
+ b.HasIndex(new[] { "Baid" }, "IX_Card_Baid")
+ .IsUnique();
+ b.ToTable("Card", (string)null);
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DanId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ArrivalSongCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ClearState")
+ .ValueGeneratedOnAdd()
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER")
+ .HasDefaultValue(0u);
+ b.Property("ComboCountTotal")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SoulGaugeTotal")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "DanId");
+ b.ToTable("DanScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanStageScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DanId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongNumber")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BadCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ComboCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DrumrollCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("GoodCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("HighScore")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OkCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("PlayScore")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("TotalHitCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "DanId", "SongNumber");
+ b.ToTable("DanStageScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.SongBestDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestCrown")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestRate")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestScore")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestScoreRank")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty");
+ b.ToTable("SongBestData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.SongPlayDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Id")
+ .ValueGeneratedOnAdd()
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ComboCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Crown")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DrumrollCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("GoodCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("HitCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("MissCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OkCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("PlayTime")
+ .HasColumnType("datetime");
+ b.Property("Score")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ScoreRank")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ScoreRate")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Skipped")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongNumber")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Id");
+ b.HasIndex("Baid");
+ b.ToTable("SongPlayData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.UserDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("AchievementDisplayDifficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("AiWinCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ColorBody")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ColorFace")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ColorLimb")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("CostumeData")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("CostumeFlgArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("DisplayAchievement")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DisplayDan")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("FavoriteSongsArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("GenericInfoFlgArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("IsSkipOn")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("IsVoiceOn")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("LastPlayDatetime")
+ .HasColumnType("datetime");
+ b.Property("LastPlayMode")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("MyDonName")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("NotesPosition")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OptionSetting")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SelectedToneId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Title")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("TitleFlgArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("TitlePlateId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("TokenCountDict")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("ToneFlgArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("UnlockedSongIdList")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.HasKey("Baid");
+ b.ToTable("UserData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", "Ba")
+ .WithMany()
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid")
+ .HasPrincipalKey("Baid")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Ba");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiSectionScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.AiScoreDatum", "Parent")
+ .WithMany("AiSectionScoreData")
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Parent");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", "Ba")
+ .WithMany()
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid")
+ .HasPrincipalKey("Baid")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Ba");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanStageScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.DanScoreDatum", "Parent")
+ .WithMany("DanStageScoreData")
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid", "DanId")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Parent");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.SongBestDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", "Ba")
+ .WithMany()
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid")
+ .HasPrincipalKey("Baid")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Ba");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.SongPlayDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", "Ba")
+ .WithMany()
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid")
+ .HasPrincipalKey("Baid")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Ba");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.UserDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", "Ba")
+ .WithMany()
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid")
+ .HasPrincipalKey("Baid")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Ba");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Navigation("AiSectionScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Navigation("DanStageScoreData");
+ });
+#pragma warning restore 612, 618
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230916161613_AddTokenCountDictAndUnlockedSongIdListToUserdata.cs b/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230916161613_AddTokenCountDictAndUnlockedSongIdListToUserdata.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..816aee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230916161613_AddTokenCountDictAndUnlockedSongIdListToUserdata.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
+#nullable disable
+namespace TaikoLocalServer.Migrations
+ ///
+ public partial class AddTokenCountDictAndUnlockedSongIdListToUserdata : Migration
+ {
+ ///
+ protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
+ {
+ migrationBuilder.AddColumn(
+ name: "TokenCountDict",
+ table: "UserData",
+ type: "TEXT",
+ nullable: false,
+ defaultValue: "");
+ migrationBuilder.AddColumn(
+ name: "UnlockedSongIdList",
+ table: "UserData",
+ type: "TEXT",
+ nullable: false,
+ defaultValue: "");
+ }
+ ///
+ protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
+ {
+ migrationBuilder.DropColumn(
+ name: "TokenCountDict",
+ table: "UserData");
+ migrationBuilder.DropColumn(
+ name: "UnlockedSongIdList",
+ table: "UserData");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230918052543_AddDifficultyPlayedArrayAndDifficultySettingArrayToUserData.Designer.cs b/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230918052543_AddDifficultyPlayedArrayAndDifficultySettingArrayToUserData.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e75389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230918052543_AddDifficultyPlayedArrayAndDifficultySettingArrayToUserData.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+using System;
+using GameDatabase.Context;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion;
+#nullable disable
+namespace TaikoLocalServer.Migrations
+ [DbContext(typeof(TaikoDbContext))]
+ [Migration("20230918052543_AddDifficultyPlayedArrayAndDifficultySettingArrayToUserData")]
+ partial class AddDifficultyPlayedArrayAndDifficultySettingArrayToUserData
+ {
+ ///
+ protected override void BuildTargetModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
+ {
+#pragma warning disable 612, 618
+ modelBuilder.HasAnnotation("ProductVersion", "7.0.0-rc.1.22426.7");
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("IsWin")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty");
+ b.ToTable("AiScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiSectionScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SectionIndex")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Crown")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DrumrollCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("GoodCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("IsWin")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("MissCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OkCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Score")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty", "SectionIndex");
+ b.ToTable("AiSectionScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("AccessCode")
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("AccessCode");
+ b.HasIndex(new[] { "Baid" }, "IX_Card_Baid")
+ .IsUnique();
+ b.ToTable("Card", (string)null);
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DanId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ArrivalSongCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ClearState")
+ .ValueGeneratedOnAdd()
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER")
+ .HasDefaultValue(0u);
+ b.Property("ComboCountTotal")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SoulGaugeTotal")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "DanId");
+ b.ToTable("DanScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanStageScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DanId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongNumber")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BadCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ComboCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DrumrollCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("GoodCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("HighScore")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OkCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("PlayScore")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("TotalHitCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "DanId", "SongNumber");
+ b.ToTable("DanStageScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.SongBestDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestCrown")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestRate")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestScore")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestScoreRank")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty");
+ b.ToTable("SongBestData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.SongPlayDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Id")
+ .ValueGeneratedOnAdd()
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ComboCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Crown")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DrumrollCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("GoodCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("HitCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("MissCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OkCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("PlayTime")
+ .HasColumnType("datetime");
+ b.Property("Score")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ScoreRank")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ScoreRate")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Skipped")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongNumber")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Id");
+ b.HasIndex("Baid");
+ b.ToTable("SongPlayData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.UserDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("AchievementDisplayDifficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("AiWinCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ColorBody")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ColorFace")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ColorLimb")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("CostumeData")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("CostumeFlgArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("DifficultyPlayedArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("DifficultySettingArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("DisplayAchievement")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DisplayDan")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("FavoriteSongsArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("GenericInfoFlgArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("IsSkipOn")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("IsVoiceOn")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("LastPlayDatetime")
+ .HasColumnType("datetime");
+ b.Property("LastPlayMode")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("MyDonName")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("NotesPosition")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OptionSetting")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SelectedToneId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Title")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("TitleFlgArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("TitlePlateId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("TokenCountDict")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("ToneFlgArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("UnlockedSongIdList")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.HasKey("Baid");
+ b.ToTable("UserData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", "Ba")
+ .WithMany()
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid")
+ .HasPrincipalKey("Baid")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Ba");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiSectionScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.AiScoreDatum", "Parent")
+ .WithMany("AiSectionScoreData")
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Parent");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", "Ba")
+ .WithMany()
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid")
+ .HasPrincipalKey("Baid")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Ba");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanStageScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.DanScoreDatum", "Parent")
+ .WithMany("DanStageScoreData")
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid", "DanId")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Parent");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.SongBestDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", "Ba")
+ .WithMany()
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid")
+ .HasPrincipalKey("Baid")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Ba");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.SongPlayDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", "Ba")
+ .WithMany()
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid")
+ .HasPrincipalKey("Baid")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Ba");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.UserDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.HasOne("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", "Ba")
+ .WithMany()
+ .HasForeignKey("Baid")
+ .HasPrincipalKey("Baid")
+ .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)
+ .IsRequired();
+ b.Navigation("Ba");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Navigation("AiSectionScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Navigation("DanStageScoreData");
+ });
+#pragma warning restore 612, 618
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230918052543_AddDifficultyPlayedArrayAndDifficultySettingArrayToUserData.cs b/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230918052543_AddDifficultyPlayedArrayAndDifficultySettingArrayToUserData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240b325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230918052543_AddDifficultyPlayedArrayAndDifficultySettingArrayToUserData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
+#nullable disable
+namespace TaikoLocalServer.Migrations
+ ///
+ public partial class AddDifficultyPlayedArrayAndDifficultySettingArrayToUserData : Migration
+ {
+ ///
+ protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
+ {
+ migrationBuilder.AddColumn(
+ name: "DifficultyPlayedArray",
+ table: "UserData",
+ type: "TEXT",
+ nullable: false,
+ defaultValue: "[]");
+ migrationBuilder.AddColumn(
+ name: "DifficultySettingArray",
+ table: "UserData",
+ type: "TEXT",
+ nullable: false,
+ defaultValue: "[]");
+ }
+ ///
+ protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
+ {
+ migrationBuilder.DropColumn(
+ name: "DifficultyPlayedArray",
+ table: "UserData");
+ migrationBuilder.DropColumn(
+ name: "DifficultySettingArray",
+ table: "UserData");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230918101009_AddMyDonNameLanguageToUserData.Designer.cs b/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230918101009_AddMyDonNameLanguageToUserData.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e38bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameDatabase/Migrations/20230918101009_AddMyDonNameLanguageToUserData.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+using System;
+using GameDatabase.Context;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion;
+#nullable disable
+namespace TaikoLocalServer.Migrations
+ [DbContext(typeof(TaikoDbContext))]
+ [Migration("20230918101009_AddMyDonNameLanguageToUserData")]
+ partial class AddMyDonNameLanguageToUserData
+ {
+ ///
+ protected override void BuildTargetModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
+ {
+#pragma warning disable 612, 618
+ modelBuilder.HasAnnotation("ProductVersion", "7.0.0-rc.1.22426.7");
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("IsWin")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty");
+ b.ToTable("AiScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.AiSectionScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SectionIndex")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Crown")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DrumrollCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("GoodCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("IsWin")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("MissCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OkCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Score")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty", "SectionIndex");
+ b.ToTable("AiSectionScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.Card", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("AccessCode")
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("AccessCode");
+ b.HasIndex(new[] { "Baid" }, "IX_Card_Baid")
+ .IsUnique();
+ b.ToTable("Card", (string)null);
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DanId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ArrivalSongCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ClearState")
+ .ValueGeneratedOnAdd()
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER")
+ .HasDefaultValue(0u);
+ b.Property("ComboCountTotal")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SoulGaugeTotal")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "DanId");
+ b.ToTable("DanScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.DanStageScoreDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DanId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongNumber")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BadCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ComboCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DrumrollCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("GoodCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("HighScore")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OkCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("PlayScore")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("TotalHitCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "DanId", "SongNumber");
+ b.ToTable("DanStageScoreData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.SongBestDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestCrown")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestRate")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestScore")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("BestScoreRank")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Baid", "SongId", "Difficulty");
+ b.ToTable("SongBestData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.SongPlayDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Id")
+ .ValueGeneratedOnAdd()
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ComboCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Crown")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Difficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DrumrollCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("GoodCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("HitCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("MissCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OkCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("PlayTime")
+ .HasColumnType("datetime");
+ b.Property("Score")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ScoreRank")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ScoreRate")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("Skipped")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongId")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("SongNumber")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.HasKey("Id");
+ b.HasIndex("Baid");
+ b.ToTable("SongPlayData");
+ });
+ modelBuilder.Entity("GameDatabase.Entities.UserDatum", b =>
+ {
+ b.Property("Baid")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("AchievementDisplayDifficulty")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("AiWinCount")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ColorBody")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ColorFace")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("ColorLimb")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("CostumeData")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("CostumeFlgArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("DifficultyPlayedArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("DifficultySettingArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("DisplayAchievement")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("DisplayDan")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("FavoriteSongsArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("GenericInfoFlgArray")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("IsSkipOn")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("IsVoiceOn")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("LastPlayDatetime")
+ .HasColumnType("datetime");
+ b.Property("LastPlayMode")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("MyDonName")
+ .IsRequired()
+ .HasColumnType("TEXT");
+ b.Property("MyDonNameLanguage")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("NotesPosition")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property("OptionSetting")
+ .HasColumnType("INTEGER");
+ b.Property