using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.Parsing; using System.Text; using System.Text.Json; using GameDatabase.Context; using GameDatabase.Entities; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip; using JorgeSerrano.Json; using LocalSaveModScoreMigrator; using SharedProject.Enums; var rootCommand = new RootCommand("Command-line tool to migrate saves from local save mod to local server database."); FileInfo? Parse(SymbolResult result, string defaultFileName) { if (result.Tokens.Count == 0) { return new FileInfo(defaultFileName); } var filePath = result.Tokens.Single().Value; if (File.Exists(filePath)) { return new FileInfo(filePath); } result.ErrorMessage = $"File {filePath} does not exist"; return null; } var saveFileArgument = new Option( name: "--save-file-path", description: "Path to the save file from local save mod", isDefault: true, parseArgument: result => Parse(result, "record_enso_p1.json") ); saveFileArgument.AddAlias("-s"); var dbFileArgument = new Option( name: "--db-file-path", description: "Path to the database file for local server", isDefault: true, parseArgument: result => Parse(result, "wwwroot/taiko.db3") ); dbFileArgument.AddAlias("-db"); var musicInfoArgument = new Option( name: "--musicinfo-file-path", description: "Path to the music info json/bin file", isDefault: true, parseArgument: result => Parse(result, "wwwroot/data/musicinfo.json") ); musicInfoArgument.AddAlias("-m"); var baidArgument = new Option( name: "--baid", description: "Target card's baid, data will be imported to that card", getDefaultValue: () => 1 ); baidArgument.AddAlias("-b"); rootCommand.Add(saveFileArgument); rootCommand.Add(dbFileArgument); rootCommand.Add(musicInfoArgument); rootCommand.Add(baidArgument); rootCommand.SetHandler((saveFile, dbFile, musicInfoFile, baid) => Run(saveFile!, dbFile!, musicInfoFile!, baid), saveFileArgument, dbFileArgument, musicInfoArgument, baidArgument); await rootCommand.InvokeAsync(args); void Run(FileSystemInfo saveFile, FileSystemInfo dbFile, FileSystemInfo musicInfoFile, int baid) { using var db = new TaikoDbContext(dbFile.FullName); var card = db.Cards.FirstOrDefault(card1 => card1.Baid == baid); if (card is null) { Console.ResetColor(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Error.WriteLine($"Card with baid {baid} does not exist!"); Console.ResetColor(); return; } Console.ResetColor(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine($"Baid: {card.Baid}"); Console.WriteLine($"Access code: {card.AccessCode}"); Console.ResetColor(); var localSaveJson = File.ReadAllText(saveFile.FullName); var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = new JsonSnakeCaseNamingPolicy() }; options.Converters.Add(new DateTimeConverter()); options.Converters.Add(new ScoreRankConverter()); var playRecordJson = JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(localSaveJson, options); if (playRecordJson is null) { throw new ApplicationException("Play record json is null"); } Console.WriteLine(playRecordJson.First().SongId); var musicInfoJson = File.ReadAllText(musicInfoFile.FullName); if (musicInfoFile.FullName.EndsWith(".bin")) { var compressed = File.OpenRead(musicInfoFile.FullName); using var gZipInputStream = new GZipInputStream(compressed); using var decompressed = new MemoryStream(); // Decompress gZipInputStream.CopyTo(decompressed); // Reset stream for reading decompressed.Position = 0; musicInfoJson = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decompressed.ToArray()); } var musicInfo = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(musicInfoJson); if (musicInfo is null) { throw new ApplicationException("Music info is null"); } var user = db.UserData.First(); var musicInfoMap = musicInfo.Items.DistinctBy(entry => entry.Id) .ToDictionary(entry => entry.Id, entry => entry.SongId); foreach (var playRecord in playRecordJson) { var key = playRecord.SongId.Split("_")[1]; if (!musicInfoMap.ContainsKey(key)) { Console.ResetColor(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine($"Key {key} does not exist!!!"); Console.ResetColor(); continue; } var songId = musicInfoMap[key]; Console.ResetColor(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine($"Importing song with id: {songId}"); Console.WriteLine($"Song play time: {playRecord.DateTime}"); Console.ResetColor(); var playLog = new SongPlayDatum { Baid = user.Baid, Difficulty = playRecord.Difficulty, Crown = playRecord.Crown, Score = playRecord.Score, ScoreRank = playRecord.Scorerank, ComboCount = playRecord.Combo, DrumrollCount = playRecord.Drumroll, PlayTime = playRecord.DateTime, GoodCount = playRecord.Good, MissCount = playRecord.Bad, OkCount = playRecord.Ok, Skipped = false, SongNumber = 0, SongId = songId }; db.SongPlayData.Add(playLog); var best = new SongBestDatum { Baid = user.Baid, Difficulty = playRecord.Difficulty, BestCrown = playRecord.Crown, BestScore = playRecord.Score, BestScoreRank = playRecord.Scorerank, SongId = songId }; var existing = db.SongBestData.FirstOrDefault(datum => datum.Baid == user.Baid && datum.Difficulty == playLog.Difficulty && datum.SongId == songId); if (existing is null) { db.SongBestData.Add(best); } else { existing.BestCrown = (CrownType)Math.Max((int)existing.BestCrown, (int)playRecord.Crown); existing.BestScoreRank = (ScoreRank)Math.Max((int)existing.BestScoreRank, (int)playRecord.Scorerank); existing.BestScore = Math.Max(existing.BestScore, playRecord.Score); db.SongBestData.Update(existing); } } db.SaveChanges(); }