using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using TaikoWebUI.Pages.Dialogs; namespace TaikoWebUI.Pages; public partial class Users { private string inputAccessCode = ""; private MudForm loginForm = default!; private string inputPassword = ""; private DashboardResponse? response; protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { await base.OnInitializedAsync(); response = await Client.GetFromJsonAsync("api/Dashboard"); } private async Task DeleteUser(User user) { var options = new DialogOptions() { DisableBackdropClick = true }; if (!LoginService.AllowUserDelete) { await DialogService.ShowMessageBox( "Error", "User deletion is disabled by admin.", "Ok", null, null, options); return; } var parameters = new DialogParameters { ["user"] = user }; var dialog = DialogService.Show("Delete User", parameters, options); var result = await dialog.Result; if (result.Canceled) return; response = await Client.GetFromJsonAsync("api/Dashboard"); OnLogout(); } private async Task ResetPassword(User user) { var options = new DialogOptions() { DisableBackdropClick = true }; if (LoginService.LoginRequired && !LoginService.IsAdmin) { await DialogService.ShowMessageBox( "Error", "Only admin can reset password.", "Ok", null , null, options); return; } var parameters = new DialogParameters { ["user"] = user }; var dialog = DialogService.Show("Reset Password", parameters, options); var result = await dialog.Result; if (result.Canceled) return; response = await Client.GetFromJsonAsync("api/Dashboard"); } private async Task OnLogin() { if (response != null) { var result = LoginService.Login(inputAccessCode, inputPassword, response); var options = new DialogOptions() { DisableBackdropClick = true }; switch (result) { case 0: await DialogService.ShowMessageBox( "Error", "Only admin can log in.", "Ok", null, null, options); await loginForm.ResetAsync(); break; case 1: NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/Users"); break; case 2: await DialogService.ShowMessageBox( "Error", "Wrong password!", "Ok", null, null, options); break; case 3: await DialogService.ShowMessageBox( "Error", (MarkupString) "Access code not found.
Please play one game with this access code to register it.", "Ok", null, null, options); break; case 4: await DialogService.ShowMessageBox( "Error", (MarkupString) "Access code not registered.
Please use register button to create a password first.", "Ok", null, null, options); break; } } } private void OnLogout() { LoginService.Logout(); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/Users"); } private Task ShowQrCode(User user) { var parameters = new DialogParameters { ["user"] = user }; var options = new DialogOptions() { DisableBackdropClick = true }; DialogService.Show("QR Code", parameters, options); return Task.CompletedTask; } }