@inject AuthService AuthService
@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager
@inject IDialogService DialogService
@using TaikoWebUI.Pages.Dialogs;
@if (AuthService.IsAdmin || !AuthService.LoginRequired)
var baid = AuthService.GetLoggedInBaid();
if (AuthService.LoginRequired && !AuthService.OnlyAdmin && !AuthService.IsLoggedIn) {
@Localizer["Log In"]
if (AuthService.IsLoggedIn)
@Localizer["Song List"]
@Localizer["High Scores"]
@Localizer["Play History"]
@Localizer["Dani Dojo"]
@Localizer["Show QR Code"]
@Localizer["Change Password"]
@Localizer["Access Codes"]
if (AuthService.IsLoggedIn)
@Localizer["Log Out"]
@code {
private bool settingsOpen = false;
protected override void OnInitialized()
AuthService.LoginStatusChanged += HandleAuthStatusChanged;
private void HandleAuthStatusChanged(object? sender, EventArgs e)
protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
AuthService.LoginStatusChanged += HandleAuthStatusChanged;
private async Task ShowQrCode()
var user = await AuthService.GetLoggedInUser();
if (user == null) return;
var parameters = new DialogParameters
["user"] = user
var options = new DialogOptions { DisableBackdropClick = true };
await DialogService.ShowAsync(Localizer["QR Code"], parameters, options);
// Prevent the settings menu from closing
settingsOpen = true;
private async Task Logout()
var result = await DialogService.ShowMessageBox(
"Log Out",
"Are you sure you want to log out?",
yesText: "Log Out",
noText: "Cancel");
if (result == true)
await AuthService.Logout();