# Taiko Local Server This is a server for Taiko no Tatsujin Nijiiro ver 08.18 ## Setup ### Prerequisite - A working game, with dongle and card reader emulation. You can use [TaikoArcadeLoader](https://github.com/BroGamer4256/TaikoArcadeLoader) for these if you haven't. ### Quick Setup With the newest release (from [this](https://github.com/BroGamer4256/TaikoArcadeLoader/tree/95d633850d89cb7099e98ffe74cd23632fe26e56) commit) of TaikoArcadeLoader, you no longer need to run AMAuthd, AMUpdater or reverse proxy. 1. Extract the server release anywhere 2. From the game files, copy `music_attribute.bin`, `music_order.bin`, `musicinfo.bin` and `wordlist.bin` to `wwwroot/data` folder. 3. (Optional) Instead of direct copy, extract the specified game files (using 7zip), rename them by adding the file extension `.json` and copy the jsons over. 4. (Optional) In `Certificates` folder, import `root.pfx` to trusted root store, `cert.pfx` to personal store. All the other import options can be kept default. 5. Visit http://localhost:5000 and (Optional, only if you have done step 4) https://localhost:10122, if the web ui starts without errors, the config is fine. 6. Modify comfig.toml from TAL, edit the following line: ```toml server = "https://divamodarchive.com" # Change https://divamodarchive.com to your/server's ip, like ``` 7. Now the game should be able to connect. ### About certificates If you want to change the certificate used by server, just replace `cert.pfx` in `Certificates` folder. The bundled certificate includes the following DNS names: ``` DNS Name=nbgi-amnet.jp DNS Name=v402-front.mucha-prd.nbgi-amnet.jp DNS Name=*.mucha-prd.nbgi-amnet.jp DNS Name=localhost DNS Name=vsapi.taiko-p.jp ``` You will need to modify hosts file to use them.