mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 00:22:58 +01:00
Overhaul GUI to support new features
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Drum Session (Any Update) (PlayStation 4)
Pop Tap Beat (Any Update) (iOS/MacOS/Apple TV)
A version of this tool with all song data can be found elsewhere.
There's 3 options to sort songs by: ID (A-Z), Song Name (A-Z) and Genre
There's 3 options to sort songs by: ID (A-Z), Song Name (A-Z) and Genre
This is still a work in-progress, so please report any issues found to me, along with suggestions for features or game support.
@ -18,17 +19,15 @@ tkinter installed through pip `pip install tk`
cryptography installed through pip `pip install cryptography`
pydub installed through pip `pip install pydub`
ffplay installed in `path`.
Song Data properly converted to the format this tool expects, stored in a folder called `data`.
Song Data properly converted to the format this tool expects, stored in a folder called `data` or `data_custom`.
Due to copyright reasons, etc. no song data will be provided with this tool, however you can use [TjaBatchConvert](https://github.com/cainan-c/TaikoPythonTools/tree/main/TjaBatchConvert) to convert custom charts to a format this tool expects.
Currently, due to the nature of this relying on some Windows executables, this tool currently only supports Windows.
I will be looking into getting it running on Unix-based operating systems. (Linux/macOS)
### Additional Features
Multi-Language Support. (Can be set in config.json, supports en(English) and jp(Japanese)).
Custom Song Data loading through the "data_custom" folder. (Path can be changed in config.json).
# Additional Features
This tool now supports the ability to load songs from an additional folder. This is designed to allow both Official song data and Custom Song data to be used in-conjunction with eachother.
![song conversion tool](https://i.imgur.com/TnRlAxR.png)
![song conversion tool](https://i.imgur.com/zGr0OTb.png)
## Tools Used
at9tool - Used to convert audio to the Sony AT9 format.
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"max_concurrent": 25,
"lang": "jp",
"custom_songs": false,
"custom_song_path": "data_custom/"
@ -11,11 +11,15 @@ from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import padding
selected_songs = set()
selected_song_ids = []
# Function to load configuration from file
def load_config():
config_file = "config.json"
default_config = {
"max_concurrent": 5, # Default value if not specified in config file
"lang": "en",
"custom_songs": False,
"custom_song_path": "data_custom/"
@ -39,7 +43,7 @@ previewpos_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "datatable", "previewpos.json")
config = load_config()
custom_songs = config["custom_songs"]
# custom_song_path = config["custom_path"]
lang = config["lang"]
if custom_songs == True:
print("Custom Song Loading Enabled")
@ -63,23 +67,43 @@ if custom_songs == True:
with open(custom_wordlist_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as custom_wordlist_file:
custom_word_list = json.load(custom_wordlist_file)
genre_map = {
0: ("POP", "light blue"),
1: ("Anime", "orange"),
2: ("Vocaloid", "turquoise"),
3: ("Variety", "green"),
4: ("Unused", "gray"),
5: ("Classic", "dark red"),
6: ("Game Music", "purple"),
7: ("Namco Original", "dark orange"),
if lang == "jp":
genre_map = {
0: ("ポップス", "light blue"),
1: ("アニメ", "orange"),
2: ("ボーカロイド", "turquoise"),
3: ("バラエティ", "green"),
4: ("Unused", "gray"),
5: ("クラシック", "dark red"),
6: ("ゲームミュージック", "purple"),
7: ("ナムコオリジナル", "dark orange"),
genre_map = {
0: ("POP", "light blue"),
1: ("Anime", "orange"),
2: ("Vocaloid", "turquoise"),
3: ("Variety", "green"),
4: ("Unused", "gray"),
5: ("Classic", "dark red"),
6: ("Game Music", "purple"),
7: ("Namco Original", "dark orange"),
song_titles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in word_list["items"]}
song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in word_list["items"]}
if lang == "jp":
song_titles = {item["key"]: item["japaneseText"] for item in word_list["items"]}
song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["japaneseText"] for item in word_list["items"]}
song_titles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in word_list["items"]}
song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in word_list["items"]}
if custom_songs == True:
custom_song_titles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in custom_word_list["items"]}
custom_song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in custom_word_list["items"]}
if lang == "jp":
custom_song_titles = {item["key"]: item["japaneseText"] for item in custom_word_list["items"]}
custom_song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["japaneseText"] for item in custom_word_list["items"]}
custom_song_titles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in custom_word_list["items"]}
custom_song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in custom_word_list["items"]}
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Taiko no Tatsujin Song Conversion GUI Tool")
@ -87,15 +111,27 @@ window.title("Taiko no Tatsujin Song Conversion GUI Tool")
# Set the initial size of the window
window.geometry("1000x600") # Width x Height
# Create a frame to contain the Treeview and scrollbar
main_frame = ttk.Frame(window)
main_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True, padx=10, pady=10)
# Create Treeview and Scrollbar
tree = ttk.Treeview(window, columns=("Select", "Unique ID", "ID", "Song Name", "Song Subtitle", "Genre", "Difficulty"), show="headings")
tree = ttk.Treeview(main_frame, columns=("Select", "Unique ID", "ID", "Song Name", "Song Subtitle", "Genre", "Difficulty"), show="headings", selectmode="extended")
if lang == "jp":
tree.heading("Song Name", text="曲")
tree.heading("Song Subtitle", text="曲名")
tree.heading("Genre", text="ジャンル順")
tree.heading("Difficulty", text="むずかしさ")
tree.heading("Select", text="移動")
tree.heading("Song Name", text="Song Name")
tree.heading("Song Subtitle", text="Song Subtitle")
tree.heading("Genre", text="Genre")
tree.heading("Difficulty", text="Difficulty")
tree.heading("Select", text="Select")
tree.heading("Unique ID", text="")
tree.heading("ID", text="ID")
tree.heading("Song Name", text="Song Name")
tree.heading("Song Subtitle", text="Song Subtitle")
tree.heading("Genre", text="Genre")
tree.heading("Difficulty", text="Difficulty")
tree.heading("Select", text="Select")
tree.column("Select", width=50, anchor=tk.CENTER)
tree.column("Unique ID", width=0, anchor=tk.W)
@ -105,12 +141,12 @@ tree.column("Song Subtitle", anchor=tk.W)
tree.column("Genre", width=100, anchor=tk.W)
tree.column("Difficulty", width=120, anchor=tk.W)
vsb = ttk.Scrollbar(window, orient="vertical", command=tree.yview)
vsb = ttk.Scrollbar(main_frame, orient="vertical", command=tree.yview)
# Pack Treeview and Scrollbar
tree.pack(side="left", padx=10, pady=10, fill="both", expand=True)
vsb.pack(side="left", fill="y", padx=(0, 10), pady=10)
# Pack Treeview and Scrollbar into the main_frame
tree.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True)
vsb.pack(side="right", fill="y")
# Counter for selected items
selection_count = tk.IntVar()
@ -120,55 +156,50 @@ def on_search_keyrelease(event):
print("Key released:", event.keysym)
# Create Search Entry
# Search Entry
search_label = tk.Label(window, text="Filter Songs:", anchor="w")
search_label.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=0, anchor="w")
search_var = tk.StringVar()
search_entry = ttk.Entry(window, textvariable=search_var)
search_entry.pack(side="bottom", fill="x", padx=10, pady=10)
def toggle_checkbox(event):
# Get the item_id based on the event coordinates
item_id = tree.identify_row(event.y)
selected_items = tree.selection()
for item_id in selected_items:
values = list(tree.item(item_id, "values"))
song_id = values[2] # Assume the song ID is in the third column
# Ensure item_id is valid and corresponds to a valid item in the tree
if item_id and tree.exists(item_id):
current_state = item_selection_state.get(item_id, "☐")
if values[0] == "☐":
values[0] = "☑"
if song_id not in selected_song_ids:
selection_count.set(selection_count.get() + 1) # Increment selection count
values[0] = "☐"
if song_id in selected_song_ids:
selection_count.set(selection_count.get() - 1) # Decrement selection count
if current_state == "☐":
new_state = "☑"
elif current_state == "☑":
new_state = "☐"
tree.item(item_id, values=values)
# Update the selection state for the item
item_selection_state[item_id] = new_state
update_selection_count() # Call update_selection_count to update the count instantly
# Update the values in the treeview to reflect the new state
tree.item(item_id, values=(new_state,) + tree.item(item_id, "values")[1:])
# Update the selection count based on the state change
if new_state == "☑":
selection_count.set(selection_count.get() + 1) # Increment selection count
elif new_state == "☐":
selection_count.set(selection_count.get() - 1) # Decrement selection count
return "break"
def filter_treeview():
search_text = search_var.get().strip().lower()
populate_tree(search_text) # Populate Treeview with filtered data
def populate_tree():
global selected_items # Use global variable to persist selection state
# Store currently selected items
current_selection = tree.selection()
def populate_tree(search_text=""):
# Clear existing items in the Treeview
for song in sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]): # Sort by ID
unique_id = ""
def add_song_to_tree(song, title_dict, subtitle_dict):
song_id = f"{song['id']}"
genre_no = song["genreNo"]
genre_name, genre_color = genre_map.get(genre_no, ("Unknown Genre", "white"))
english_title = song_titles.get(f"song_{song_id}", "-")
english_subtitle = song_subtitles.get(f"song_sub_{song_id}", "-")
english_title = title_dict.get(f"song_{song_id}", "-")
english_subtitle = subtitle_dict.get(f"song_sub_{song_id}", "-")
star_easy = song.get("starEasy", "N/A")
star_normal = song.get("starNormal", "N/A")
@ -189,18 +220,36 @@ def populate_tree():
difficulty_info = " | ".join(difficulty_info_parts)
# Check if the search text matches the song name
if search_var.get().strip().lower() in english_title.lower():
item_id = tree.insert("", "end", values=("☐", unique_id, song_id, english_title, english_subtitle, genre_name, difficulty_info))
if search_text in english_title.lower():
values = ["☐", "", song_id, english_title, english_subtitle, genre_name, difficulty_info]
if song_id in selected_song_ids:
values[0] = "☑"
item_id = tree.insert("", "end", values=values)
tree.tag_configure(genre_name, background=genre_color)
# Re-select item if it was previously selected
if song_id in selected_song_ids:
if custom_songs == True:
for song in sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]): # Sort by ID
add_song_to_tree(song, song_titles, song_subtitles)
if custom_songs:
for song in sorted(custom_music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]): # Sort by ID
unique_id = ""
add_song_to_tree(song, custom_song_titles, custom_song_subtitles)
search_entry.bind("<KeyRelease>", lambda event: filter_treeview())
def sort_tree(sort_option):
# Clear existing items in the Treeview
def add_sorted_songs(sorted_songs, title_dict, subtitle_dict):
for song in sorted_songs:
song_id = f"{song['id']}"
genre_no = song["genreNo"]
genre_name, genre_color = genre_map.get(genre_no, ("Unknown Genre", "white"))
english_title = custom_song_titles.get(f"song_{song_id}", "-")
english_subtitle = custom_song_subtitles.get(f"song_sub_{song_id}", "-")
english_title = title_dict.get(f"song_{song_id}", "-")
english_subtitle = subtitle_dict.get(f"song_sub_{song_id}", "-")
star_easy = song.get("starEasy", "N/A")
star_normal = song.get("starNormal", "N/A")
@ -212,7 +261,7 @@ def populate_tree():
if star_ura > 0:
@ -220,46 +269,35 @@ def populate_tree():
difficulty_info = " | ".join(difficulty_info_parts)
# Check if the search text matches the song name
if search_var.get().strip().lower() in english_title.lower():
item_id = tree.insert("", "end", values=("☐", unique_id, song_id, english_title, english_subtitle, genre_name, difficulty_info))
tree.tag_configure(genre_name, background=genre_color)
# Restore original selection after filtering
for item in current_selection:
if tree.exists(item): # Check if item exists in Treeview
print("Item not found:", item) # Debug print
search_entry.bind("<KeyRelease>", lambda event: populate_tree())
def sort_tree(sort_option):
# Clear existing items in the Treeview
for item in tree.get_children():
values = ["☐", "", song_id, english_title, english_subtitle, genre_name, difficulty_info]
if song_id in selected_song_ids:
values[0] = "☑"
item_id = tree.insert("", "end", values=values)
tree.tag_configure(genre_name, background=genre_color)
# Re-select item if it was previously selected
if song_id in selected_song_ids:
if sort_option == "ID":
populate_tree() # Sort by ID
selection_count.set(0) # Reset Counter to 0
sorted_songs = sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"])
add_sorted_songs(sorted_songs, song_titles, song_subtitles)
if custom_songs:
sorted_custom_songs = sorted(custom_music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"])
add_sorted_songs(sorted_custom_songs, custom_song_titles, custom_song_subtitles)
elif sort_option == "Song Name":
selection_count.set(0) # Reset Counter to 0
for song in sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: song_titles.get(f"song_{x['id']}", "-")):
if custom_songs == True:
for song in sorted(custom_music_info["items"], key=lambda x: custom_song_titles.get(f"song_{x['id']}", "-")):
sorted_songs = sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: song_titles.get(f"song_{x['id']}", "-"))
add_sorted_songs(sorted_songs, song_titles, song_subtitles)
if custom_songs:
sorted_custom_songs = sorted(custom_music_info["items"], key=lambda x: custom_song_titles.get(f"song_{x['id']}", "-"))
add_sorted_songs(sorted_custom_songs, custom_song_titles, custom_song_subtitles)
elif sort_option == "Genre":
selection_count.set(0) # Reset Counter to 0
for genre_no in sorted(genre_map.keys()):
for song in sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]):
if song["genreNo"] == genre_no:
if custom_songs == True:
for song in sorted(custom_music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]):
if song["genreNo"] == genre_no:
sorted_songs = [song for song in music_info["items"] if song["genreNo"] == genre_no]
add_sorted_songs(sorted_songs, song_titles, song_subtitles)
if custom_songs:
sorted_custom_songs = [song for song in custom_music_info["items"] if song["genreNo"] == genre_no]
add_sorted_songs(sorted_custom_songs, custom_song_titles, custom_song_subtitles)
def populate_song_entry(song):
unique_id = ""
@ -321,7 +359,7 @@ tree.bind("<<TreeviewSelect>>", update_selection_count)
# Bind Treeview click event to toggle item selection
#tree.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: toggle_selection(tree.identify_row(event.y)))
tree.bind("<Button-1>", toggle_checkbox)
tree.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", toggle_checkbox)
#tree.bind("<Button-1>", on_treeview_click)
def preview_audio(song_id):
@ -1042,48 +1080,63 @@ def export_data():
# Top Side
preview_button = ttk.Button(window, text="Preview", command=preview_selected)
if lang == "jp":
preview_button = ttk.Button(main_frame, text="オーディオ・プレビュー", command=preview_selected)
preview_button = ttk.Button(main_frame, text="Preview", command=preview_selected)
preview_button.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=10)
# Create sorting options
sort_options = ["ID", "Song Name", "Genre"]
sort_label = tk.Label(window, text="Sort by:")
if lang == "jp":
sort_options = ["ID", "曲", "ジャンル順"]
sort_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="ソートフィルター:")
sort_options = ["ID", "Song Name", "Genre"]
sort_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="Sort by:")
sort_label.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=5)
sort_var = tk.StringVar(window)
sort_var = tk.StringVar(main_frame)
sort_menu = tk.OptionMenu(window, sort_var, *sort_options, command=lambda _: sort_tree(sort_var.get()))
sort_menu = tk.OptionMenu(main_frame, sort_var, *sort_options, command=lambda _: sort_tree(sort_var.get()))
sort_menu.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=0)
# search_entry.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=10, fill="x") # search bar, currently broken
search_entry.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=10, fill="x") # search bar, currently broken
# Bottom Side
export_button = ttk.Button(window, text="Export", command=export_data)
if lang == "jp":
export_button = ttk.Button(main_frame, text="エクスポート", command=export_data)
export_button = ttk.Button(main_frame, text="Export", command=export_data)
export_button.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=10)
# Create Selection Count Label
selection_count_label = ttk.Label(window, text="0/???")
selection_count_label = ttk.Label(main_frame, text="0/???")
selection_count_label.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=10)
game_platform_var = tk.StringVar(window)
game_platform_var = tk.StringVar(main_frame)
game_platform_choices = ["PS4", "NS1", "PTB"]
game_platform_menu = tk.OptionMenu(window, game_platform_var, *game_platform_choices)
game_platform_menu = tk.OptionMenu(main_frame, game_platform_var, *game_platform_choices)
game_platform_menu.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=0)
# Create Label for Platform selection
platform_label = tk.Label(window, text="Platform")
if lang == "jp":
platform_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="ゲーム機:")
platform_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="Platform")
platform_label.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=5)
# Game region selection, needed for wordlist export.
game_region_var = tk.StringVar(window)
game_region_var = tk.StringVar(main_frame)
game_region_choices = ["JPN/ASIA", "EU/USA"]
game_region_menu = tk.OptionMenu(window, game_region_var, *game_region_choices)
game_region_menu = tk.OptionMenu(main_frame, game_region_var, *game_region_choices)
game_region_menu.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=10)
game_region_label = tk.Label(window, text="Game Region:")
if lang == "jp":
game_region_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="ゲーム地域:")
game_region_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="Game Region:")
game_region_label.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=0)
# Doesn't function?
Reference in New Issue
Block a user