There's 3 options to sort songs by: ID (A-Z), Song Name (A-Z) and Genre
This is still a work in-progress, so please report any issues found to me, along with suggestions for features or game support.
Python 3.12.3 or newer
tkinter installed through pip `pip install tk`
cryptography installed through pip `pip install cryptography`
pydub installed through pip `pip install pydub`
ffplay installed in `path`.
Game Data properly converted to the format this tool expects, stored in a folder called `data`.
Due to copyright reasons, etc. no song data will be provided with this tool, however template data can be found within the `data` folder, which should give an idea of what the tool requires.
Currently, due to the nature of this relying on some Windows executables, this tool currently only supports Windows.
I will be looking into getting it running on Unix-based operating systems. (Linux/macOS)