import glob import gzip import json import os import random import re import shutil import subprocess import struct import tempfile import tkinter as tk import sv_ttk import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import padding from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from pydub import AudioSegment from pydub.exceptions import CouldntDecodeError from tkinter import ttk, messagebox selected_songs = set() selected_song_ids = [] # Function to load configuration from file def load_config(): config_file = "config.json" default_config = { #"max_concurrent": 5, # Default values if not specified in config file "lang": "en", "audio_quality": "high", "texture_quality": "high", "custom_songs": False, "custom_song_path": "data_custom/" } try: with open(config_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) # Override default values with values from config file default_config.update(config) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Config file '{config_file}' not found. Using default configuration.") return default_config data_dir = "data/" musicinfo_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "datatable", "musicinfo.json") wordlist_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "datatable", "wordlist.json") previewpos_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "datatable", "previewpos.json") # Load configuration config = load_config() custom_songs = config["custom_songs"] lang = config["lang"] audio_quality = config["audio_quality"] texture_quality = config["texture_quality"] if custom_songs == True: print("Custom Song Loading Enabled") custom_data_dir = config.get('custom_song_path') custom_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "datatable", "musicinfo.json") custom_wordlist_path = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "datatable", "wordlist.json") custom_previewpos_path = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "datatable", "previewpos.json") item_selection_state = {} with open(musicinfo_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as musicinfo_file: music_info = json.load(musicinfo_file) with open(wordlist_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as wordlist_file: word_list = json.load(wordlist_file) if custom_songs == True: with open(custom_musicinfo_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as custom_musicinfo_file: custom_music_info = json.load(custom_musicinfo_file) with open(custom_wordlist_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as custom_wordlist_file: custom_word_list = json.load(custom_wordlist_file) if lang == "jp": genre_map = { 0: ("ポップス", "#219fbb"), 1: ("アニメ", "#ff9700"), 2: ("ボーカロイド", "#a2c4c8"), 3: ("バラエティ", "#8fd321"), 4: ("Unused", "#000000"), 5: ("クラシック", "#d1a016"), 6: ("ゲームミュージック", "#9c72c0"), 7: ("ナムコオリジナル", "#ff5716"), } else: genre_map = { 0: ("Pop", "#219fbb"), 1: ("Anime", "#ff9700"), 2: ("Vocaloid", "#a2c4c8"), 3: ("Variety", "#8fd321"), 4: ("Unused (Kids)", "#000000"), 5: ("Classic", "#d1a016"), 6: ("Game Music", "#9c72c0"), 7: ("Namco Original", "#ff5716"), } if lang == "jp": song_titles = {item["key"]: item["japaneseText"] for item in word_list["items"]} song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["japaneseText"] for item in word_list["items"]} else: song_titles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in word_list["items"]} song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in word_list["items"]} if custom_songs == True: if lang == "jp": custom_song_titles = {item["key"]: item["japaneseText"] for item in custom_word_list["items"]} custom_song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["japaneseText"] for item in custom_word_list["items"]} else: custom_song_titles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in custom_word_list["items"]} custom_song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in custom_word_list["items"]} window = tk.Tk() window.title("Taiko no Tatsujin Song Conversion GUI Tool") window.iconbitmap('gui.ico') # Set the initial size of the window window.geometry("1400x800") # Width x Height # Create a new style for Treeview with grid lines style = ttk.Style() style.configure("Treeview", rowheight=25, borderwidth=1) style.layout("Treeview", [('Treeview.treearea', {'sticky': 'nswe'})]) # Use the new style for the Treeview style.configure("Treeview.Heading", background="lightgrey", foreground="black", borderwidth=1)"Treeview.Heading", background=[('active', 'grey')]) sv_ttk.set_theme("dark") # Create a frame to contain the Treeview and scrollbar main_frame = ttk.Frame(window) main_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True, padx=10, pady=10) # Create Treeview and Scrollbar tree = ttk.Treeview(main_frame, columns=("Select", "ID", "Song Name", "Song Subtitle", "Genre", "Difficulty"), show="headings", selectmode="extended") if lang == "jp": tree.heading("Song Name", text="曲") tree.heading("Song Subtitle", text="曲名") tree.heading("Genre", text="ジャンル順") tree.heading("Difficulty", text="むずかしさ") tree.heading("Select", text="移動") else: tree.heading("Song Name", text="Song Name") tree.heading("Song Subtitle", text="Song Subtitle") tree.heading("Genre", text="Genre") tree.heading("Difficulty", text="Difficulty") tree.heading("Select", text="Select") tree.heading("ID", text="ID") tree.column("Select", width=20, anchor=tk.CENTER) tree.column("ID", width=60, anchor=tk.W) tree.column("Song Name", anchor=tk.W) tree.column("Song Subtitle", anchor=tk.W) tree.column("Genre", width=100, anchor=tk.W) tree.column("Difficulty", width=120, anchor=tk.W) vsb = ttk.Scrollbar(main_frame, orient="vertical", command=tree.yview) tree.configure(yscrollcommand=vsb.set) # Pack Treeview and Scrollbar into the main_frame tree.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) vsb.pack(side="right", fill="y") # Counter for selected items selection_count = tk.IntVar() selection_count.set(0) # Initial selection count def on_search_keyrelease(event): print("Key released:", event.keysym) #filter_treeview() # Search Entry if lang == "jp": search_label = tk.Label(window, text="フィルター曲:", anchor="w") else: search_label = tk.Label(window, text="Filter Songs:", anchor="w") search_label.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=0, anchor="w") search_var = tk.StringVar() search_entry = ttk.Entry(window, textvariable=search_var) search_entry.pack(side="bottom", fill="x", padx=10, pady=10) def toggle_checkbox(event): selected_items = tree.selection() platform = game_platform_var.get() for item_id in selected_items: values = list(tree.item(item_id, "values")) song_id = values[1] # Ensure this points to the correct column for song ID # Retrieve the song data to check the starUra value song = next((song for song in music_info["items"] if str(song["id"]) == song_id), None) if custom_songs and not song: song = next((song for song in custom_music_info["items"] if str(song["id"]) == song_id), None) star_ura = song.get("starUra", 0) if song else 0 increment = 1 if platform == "WIIU3" and star_ura > 0: increment = 2 if values[0] == "☐": values[0] = "☑" if song_id not in selected_song_ids: selected_song_ids.append(song_id) selection_count.set(selection_count.get() + increment) else: values[0] = "☐" if song_id in selected_song_ids: selected_song_ids.remove(song_id) selection_count.set(selection_count.get() - increment) tree.item(item_id, values=values) update_selection_count() return "break" def filter_treeview(): search_text = search_var.get().strip().lower() populate_tree(search_text) # Populate Treeview with filtered data def populate_tree(search_text=""): tree.delete(*tree.get_children()) def add_song_to_tree(song, title_dict, subtitle_dict): song_id = f"{song['id']}" genre_no = song["genreNo"] genre_name, genre_color = genre_map.get(genre_no, ("Unknown Genre", "white")) english_title = title_dict.get(f"song_{song_id}", "-") english_subtitle = subtitle_dict.get(f"song_sub_{song_id}", "-") star_easy = song.get("starEasy", "N/A") star_normal = song.get("starNormal", "N/A") star_hard = song.get("starHard", "N/A") star_mania = song.get("starMania", "N/A") star_ura = song.get("starUra", 0) difficulty_info_parts = [ f"★{star_easy}", f"★{star_normal}", f"★{star_hard}", f"★{star_mania}", ] if star_ura > 0: difficulty_info_parts.append(f"★{star_ura}") difficulty_info = " | ".join(difficulty_info_parts) if (search_text in english_title.lower() or search_text in english_subtitle.lower() or search_text in song_id): values = ["☐", song_id, english_title, english_subtitle, genre_name, difficulty_info] if song_id in selected_song_ids: values[0] = "☑" item_id = tree.insert("", "end", values=values, tags=(genre_name,)) tree.tag_configure(genre_name, background=genre_color) if song_id in selected_song_ids: tree.selection_add(item_id) for song in sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]): add_song_to_tree(song, song_titles, song_subtitles) if custom_songs: for song in sorted(custom_music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]): add_song_to_tree(song, custom_song_titles, custom_song_subtitles) search_entry.bind("", lambda event: filter_treeview()) def sort_tree(sort_option): # Clear existing items in the Treeview tree.delete(*tree.get_children()) def add_sorted_songs(sorted_songs, title_dict, subtitle_dict): for song in sorted_songs: song_id = f"{song['id']}" genre_no = song["genreNo"] genre_name, genre_color = genre_map.get(genre_no, ("Unknown Genre", "white")) english_title = title_dict.get(f"song_{song_id}", "-") english_subtitle = subtitle_dict.get(f"song_sub_{song_id}", "-") star_easy = song.get("starEasy", "N/A") star_normal = song.get("starNormal", "N/A") star_hard = song.get("starHard", "N/A") star_mania = song.get("starMania", "N/A") star_ura = song.get("starUra", 0) difficulty_info_parts = [ f"★{star_easy}", f"★{star_normal}", f"★{star_hard}", f"★{star_mania}", ] if star_ura > 0: difficulty_info_parts.append(f"★{star_ura}") difficulty_info = " | ".join(difficulty_info_parts) values = ["☐", song_id, english_title, english_subtitle, genre_name, difficulty_info] if song_id in selected_song_ids: values[0] = "☑" item_id = tree.insert("", "end", values=values, tags=(genre_name,)) tree.tag_configure(genre_name, background=genre_color) # Re-select item if it was previously selected if song_id in selected_song_ids: tree.selection_add(item_id) if sort_option == "ID": sorted_songs = sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]) add_sorted_songs(sorted_songs, song_titles, song_subtitles) if custom_songs: sorted_custom_songs = sorted(custom_music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]) add_sorted_songs(sorted_custom_songs, custom_song_titles, custom_song_subtitles) elif sort_option == "Song Name": sorted_songs = sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: song_titles.get(f"song_{x['id']}", "-")) add_sorted_songs(sorted_songs, song_titles, song_subtitles) if custom_songs: sorted_custom_songs = sorted(custom_music_info["items"], key=lambda x: custom_song_titles.get(f"song_{x['id']}", "-")) add_sorted_songs(sorted_custom_songs, custom_song_titles, custom_song_subtitles) elif sort_option == "Genre": for genre_no in sorted(genre_map.keys()): sorted_songs = sorted([song for song in music_info["items"] if song["genreNo"] == genre_no], key=lambda x: x["id"]) add_sorted_songs(sorted_songs, song_titles, song_subtitles) if custom_songs: sorted_custom_songs = sorted([song for song in custom_music_info["items"] if song["genreNo"] == genre_no], key=lambda x: x["id"]) add_sorted_songs(sorted_custom_songs, custom_song_titles, custom_song_subtitles) def populate_song_entry(song): #unique_id = "" song_id = f"{song['id']}" genre_no = song["genreNo"] genre_name, genre_color = genre_map.get(genre_no, ("Unknown Genre", "white")) english_title = song_titles.get(f"song_{song_id}", "-") english_subtitle = song_subtitles.get(f"song_sub_{song_id}", "-") if custom_songs == True: english_title = custom_song_titles.get(f"song_{song_id}", "-") english_subtitle = custom_song_subtitles.get(f"song_sub_{song_id}", "-") star_easy = song.get("starEasy", "N/A") star_normal = song.get("starNormal", "N/A") star_hard = song.get("starHard", "N/A") star_mania = song.get("starMania", "N/A") star_ura = song.get("starUra", 0) difficulty_info_parts = [ f"{star_easy}", f"{star_normal}", f"{star_hard}", f"{star_mania}", ] if star_ura > 0: difficulty_info_parts.append(f"{star_ura}") difficulty_info = " | ".join(difficulty_info_parts) tree.insert("", "end", values=("☐", song_id, english_title, english_subtitle, genre_name, difficulty_info)) tree.tag_configure(genre_name, background=genre_color) # Populate the Treeview initially populate_tree() def update_selection_count(event=None): selected_items = tree.selection() count_selected = selection_count.get() # Retrieve the value of selection_count platform = game_platform_var.get() if platform == "PS4": max_entries = 400 elif platform == "WIIU3": if texture_quality == "low": max_entries = 450 else: max_entries = 225 elif platform == "NS1": max_entries = 600 elif platform == "PTB": max_entries = 200 else: max_entries = 0 if len(selected_items) > max_entries: messagebox.showerror("Selection Limit Exceeded", f"Maximum {max_entries} entries can be selected for {platform}.") else: # Update the selection count label text selection_count_label.config(text=f"{count_selected}/{max_entries}") def clear_selection(): # Get all items in the treeview all_items = tree.get_children() for item_id in all_items: values = list(tree.item(item_id, "values")) song_id = values[1] # Ensure this points to the correct column for song ID if values[0] == "☑": values[0] = "☐" tree.item(item_id, values=values) # Clear the selected song IDs and reset the selection count selected_song_ids.clear() selection_count.set(0) # Update the selection count display update_selection_count() tree.bind("", toggle_checkbox) def preview_audio(song_id): preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id) if preview_pos is not None: song_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "sound", f"song_{song_id}.mp3")["ffplay", "-autoexit", "-ss", f"{preview_pos / 1000}", song_filename]) if custom_songs: custom_preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id) if custom_preview_pos is not None: custom_song_filename = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "sound", f"song_{song_id}.mp3")["ffplay", "-autoexit", "-ss", f"{custom_preview_pos / 1000}", custom_song_filename]) def get_preview_pos(song_id): with open(previewpos_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as previewpos_file: previewpos_data = json.load(previewpos_file) for item in previewpos_data: if item["id"] == song_id: return item["previewPos"] if custom_songs: with open(custom_previewpos_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as custom_previewpos_file: custom_previewpos_data = json.load(custom_previewpos_file) for item in custom_previewpos_data: if item["id"] == song_id: return item["previewPos"] return None def preview_selected(): selected_item = tree.selection() if selected_item: song_id = tree.item(selected_item[0])["values"][1] # Ensure this points to the correct column for song ID preview_audio(song_id) def merge_ptb(file1_path, file2_path, output_path): # Load the contents of the first wordlist file with open(file1_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file1: data1 = json.load(file1) # Load the contents of the second wordlist file with open(file2_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file2: data2 = json.load(file2) # Filter out entries from file 1 where key starts with "song_" filtered_items = [item for item in data1['items'] if not item['key'].startswith('song_')] # Update entries from file 2 and add them to the filtered list for item2 in data2['items']: # Set englishUsFontType to 3 item2['englishUsFontType'] = 3 # Add missing translation fields using englishUsText from file 2 languages = ['french', 'italian', 'german', 'spanish', 'chineseT', 'korean', 'portuguese', 'russian', 'turkish', 'arabic', 'dutch', 'chineseS'] for lang in languages: if lang + 'Text' not in item2: item2[lang + 'Text'] = item2['englishUsText'] item2[lang + 'FontType'] = 3 # Add updated item from file 2 to the filtered list filtered_items.append(item2) # Update data1 with the merged and filtered items data1['items'] = filtered_items # Save the updated JSON back to file with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: json.dump(data1, output_file, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) print(f"Merged wordlists saved to '{output_path}'.") def encrypt_file_ptb_audio(input_file, output_file, key, iv): with open(input_file, 'rb') as f_in: data = backend = default_backend() cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=backend) encryptor = cipher.encryptor() padded_data = data + b'\0' * (16 - len(data) % 16) # Pad the data to make it a multiple of block size encrypted_data = encryptor.update(padded_data) + encryptor.finalize() # Write IV followed by encrypted data to output file with open(output_file, 'wb') as f_out: f_out.write(iv) f_out.write(encrypted_data) # audio conversion stuff(ptb) def create_and_encrypt_acb(input_audio, song_id): # Generate a unique random temporary folder name with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='song_') as temp_folder: try: # Convert input audio to 44100Hz WAV temp_wav_file = os.path.join(temp_folder, f'input_{song_id}.wav') audio = AudioSegment.from_file(input_audio) audio = audio.set_frame_rate(44100) audio.export(temp_wav_file, format='wav') # Generate .hca file using VGAudioCli.exe hca_folder = os.path.join(temp_folder, f'song_{song_id}') os.makedirs(hca_folder, exist_ok=True) hca_file = os.path.join(hca_folder, '00000.hca')['data/_resource/executable/VGAudioCli.exe', temp_wav_file, hca_file], check=True) # Copy sample .acb template to temporary location acb_template = 'data/_resource/templates/song_sample.acb' temp_acb_file = os.path.join(temp_folder, f'song_{song_id}.acb') shutil.copy(acb_template, temp_acb_file) # Edit .acb using ACBEditor['data/_resource/executable/ACBEditor.exe', hca_folder], check=True) # Encrypt .acb file to .bin with IV prepended key = bytes.fromhex('54704643596B474170554B6D487A597A') iv = bytes([0xFF] * 16) encrypted_bin_file = os.path.join(temp_folder, f'song_{song_id}.bin') encrypt_file_ptb_audio(temp_acb_file, encrypted_bin_file, key, iv) # Move encrypted .bin file to the root folder final_bin_file = f'song_{song_id}.bin' shutil.move(encrypted_bin_file, final_bin_file) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") def merge_ps4_int(file1_path, file2_path, output_path): # Load the contents of the first wordlist file with open(file1_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file1: data1 = json.load(file1) # Load the contents of the second wordlist file with open(file2_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file2: data2 = json.load(file2) # Define keys to remove from data1, for space saving reasons. (sorry south americans) keys_to_remove_data1 = ["neutralSpanishText","neutralSpanishFontType","brazilPortugueseText","brazilPortugueseFontType"] # Filter out entries from file 1 where key starts with "song_" and remove specific keys filtered_items_data1 = [] for item in data1['items']: if not item['key'].startswith('song_'): # Remove specific keys from item filtered_item = {k: v for k, v in item.items() if k not in keys_to_remove_data1} #filtered_items = [item for item in data1['items'] if not item['key'].startswith('song_')] filtered_items_data1.append(filtered_item) # Define keys to remove from data2 keys_to_remove_data2 = ["japaneseText", "japaneseFontType", "chineseTText","chineseTFontType","koreanText","koreanFontType"] # Filter out specific keys from entries in file 2 filtered_items_data2 = [] for item in data2['items']: # Remove specific keys from item filtered_item = {k: v for k, v in item.items() if k not in keys_to_remove_data2} filtered_items_data2.append(filtered_item) # Extend filtered data1 with filtered data2 filtered_items_data1.extend(filtered_items_data2) # Update data1 with the merged and filtered items data1['items'] = filtered_items_data1 # Save the updated JSON back to file with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: json.dump(data1, output_file, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) print(f"Merged wordlists saved to '{output_path}'.") def merge_ps4_jp(file1_path, file2_path, output_path): # Load the contents of the first wordlist file with open(file1_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file1: data1 = json.load(file1) # Load the contents of the second wordlist file with open(file2_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file2: data2 = json.load(file2) # Define keys to remove from data1 keys_to_remove_data1 = ["frenchText", "frenchFontType", "italianText", "italianFontType", "germanText", "germanFontType", "spanishText", "spanishFontType","neutralSpanishText","neutralSpanishFontType","brazilPortugueseText","brazilPortugueseFontType"] # Filter out entries from file 1 where key starts with "song_" and remove specific keys filtered_items_data1 = [] for item in data1['items']: if not item['key'].startswith('song_'): # Remove specific keys from item filtered_item = {k: v for k, v in item.items() if k not in keys_to_remove_data1} filtered_items_data1.append(filtered_item) # Define keys to remove from data2 keys_to_remove_data2 = [""] # Filter out specific keys from entries in file 2 filtered_items_data2 = [] for item in data2['items']: # Remove specific keys from item filtered_item = {k: v for k, v in item.items() if k not in keys_to_remove_data2} filtered_items_data2.append(filtered_item) # Extend filtered data1 with filtered data2 filtered_items_data1.extend(filtered_items_data2) # Update data1 with the merged and filtered items data1['items'] = filtered_items_data1 # Save the updated JSON back to file with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: json.dump(data1, output_file, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) print(f"Merged wordlists saved to '{output_path}'.") def merge_ns1_int(file1_path, file2_path, output_path): # Load the contents of the first wordlist file with open(file1_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file1: data1 = json.load(file1) # Load the contents of the second wordlist file with open(file2_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file2: data2 = json.load(file2) # Define keys to remove from data1 keys_to_remove_data1 = ["japaneseText", "chineseTText","chineseTFontType","koreanText","koreanFontType"] # Filter out entries from file 1 where key starts with "song_" and remove specific keys filtered_items_data1 = [] for item in data1['items']: if not item['key'].startswith('song_'): # Remove specific keys from item filtered_item = {k: v for k, v in item.items() if k not in keys_to_remove_data1} filtered_items_data1.append(filtered_item) # Define keys to remove from data2 keys_to_remove_data2 = ["japaneseText", "japaneseFontType", "chineseTText","chineseTFontType","koreanText","koreanFontType"] for item2 in data2['items']: # Set englishUsFontType to 3 item2['englishUsFontType'] = 0 # Add missing translation fields using englishUsText from file 2 languages = ['french', 'italian', 'german', 'spanish'] for lang in languages: if lang + 'Text' not in item2: item2[lang + 'Text'] = item2['englishUsText'] item2[lang + 'FontType'] = 3 for item3 in data2['items']: if not item3['key'].startswith('song_detail_'): item3['englishUsFontType'] = 3 # Filter out specific keys from entries in file 2 filtered_items_data2 = [] for item in data2['items']: # Remove specific keys from item filtered_item = {k: v for k, v in item.items() if k not in keys_to_remove_data2} filtered_items_data2.append(filtered_item) # Extend filtered data1 with filtered data2 filtered_items_data1.extend(filtered_items_data2) # Update data1 with the merged and filtered items data1['items'] = filtered_items_data1 # Save the updated JSON back to file with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: json.dump(data1, output_file, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) print(f"Merged wordlists saved to '{output_path}'.") def merge_ns1_jp(file1_path, file2_path, output_path): # Load the contents of the first wordlist file with open(file1_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file1: data1 = json.load(file1) # Load the contents of the second wordlist file with open(file2_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file2: data2 = json.load(file2) # Define keys to remove from data1 keys_to_remove_data1 = ["frenchText", "frenchFontType", "italianText", "italianFontType", "germanText", "germanFontType", "spanishText", "spanishFontType"] # Filter out entries from file 1 where key starts with "song_" and remove specific keys filtered_items_data1 = [] for item in data1['items']: if not item['key'].startswith('song_'): # Remove specific keys from item filtered_item = {k: v for k, v in item.items() if k not in keys_to_remove_data1} filtered_items_data1.append(filtered_item) # Define keys to remove from data2 keys_to_remove_data2 = ["japaneseFontType"] for item2 in data2['items']: # Set englishUsFontType to 3 item2['englishUsFontType'] = 0 for item3 in data2['items']: if not item3['key'].startswith('song_detail_'): item3['englishUsFontType'] = 3 # Filter out specific keys from entries in file 2 filtered_items_data2 = [] for item in data2['items']: # Remove specific keys from item filtered_item = {k: v for k, v in item.items() if k not in keys_to_remove_data2} filtered_items_data2.append(filtered_item) # Extend filtered data1 with filtered data2 filtered_items_data1.extend(filtered_items_data2) # Update data1 with the merged and filtered items data1['items'] = filtered_items_data1 # Save the updated JSON back to file with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: json.dump(data1, output_file, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) print(f"Merged wordlists saved to '{output_path}'.") # audio conversion stuff(ns1/ps4) #from def convert_audio_to_idsp(input_file, output_file): temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: if not input_file.lower().endswith('.wav'): temp_wav_file = os.path.join(temp_folder, "temp.wav") audio = AudioSegment.from_file(input_file) audio.export(temp_wav_file, format="wav") input_file = temp_wav_file vgaudio_cli_path = os.path.join("data/_resource/executable", "VGAudioCli.exe")[vgaudio_cli_path, "-i", input_file, "-o", output_file], check=True) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_folder, ignore_errors=True) #from def convert_audio_to_opus(input_file, output_file): # Create a unique temporary folder to store intermediate files temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # Check if the input file is already in WAV format if not input_file.lower().endswith('.wav'): # Load the input audio file using pydub and convert to WAV temp_wav_file = os.path.join(temp_folder, "temp.wav") audio = AudioSegment.from_file(input_file) audio = audio.set_frame_rate(48000) # Set frame rate to 48000 Hz audio.export(temp_wav_file, format="wav") input_file = temp_wav_file # Path to VGAudioCli executable vgaudio_cli_path = os.path.join("data/_resource/executable", "VGAudioCli.exe") # Run VGAudioCli to convert WAV to Switch OPUS[vgaudio_cli_path, "-i", input_file, "-o", output_file, "--opusheader", "namco"], check=True) finally: # Clean up temporary folder shutil.rmtree(temp_folder, ignore_errors=True) #from def convert_audio_to_wav(input_file, output_file): try: # Load the input audio file using pydub audio = AudioSegment.from_file(input_file) # Ensure the output file has a .wav extension if not output_file.lower().endswith('.wav'): output_file += '.wav' # Export the audio to WAV format audio.export(output_file, format="wav") except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Error during WAV conversion: {e}") #from def convert_audio_to_at9(input_file, output_file): # Create a unique temporary folder to store intermediate files temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # Check if the input file is already in WAV format if not input_file.lower().endswith('.wav'): # Load the input audio file using pydub and convert to WAV temp_wav_file = os.path.join(temp_folder, "temp.wav") audio = AudioSegment.from_file(input_file) audio.export(temp_wav_file, format="wav") input_file = temp_wav_file # Path to AT9Tool executable at9tool_cli_path = os.path.join("data/_resource/executable", "at9tool.exe") # Run VGAudioCli to convert WAV to AT9[at9tool_cli_path, "-e", "-br", "192", input_file, output_file], check=True) finally: # Clean up temporary folder shutil.rmtree(temp_folder, ignore_errors=True) # from def convert_to_mono_48k(input_file, output_file): """Convert input audio file to 16-bit mono WAV with 48000 Hz sample rate.""" try: audio = AudioSegment.from_file(input_file) audio = audio.set_channels(1) # Convert to mono audio = audio.set_frame_rate(48000) # Set frame rate to 48000 Hz audio = audio.set_sample_width(2) # Set sample width to 16-bit (2 bytes) audio.export(output_file, format='wav') except CouldntDecodeError: print(f"Error: Unable to decode {input_file}. Please provide a valid audio file.") #sys.exit(1) def run_encode_tool(input_wav, output_bs): """Run external encode tool with specified arguments."""['data/_resource/executable/encode.exe', '0', input_wav, output_bs, '48000', '14000']) def modify_bnsf_template(output_bs, output_bnsf, header_size, total_samples): """Modify the BNSF template file with calculated values and combine with""" # Calculate the file size of bs_file_size = os.path.getsize(output_bs) # Create modified BNSF data new_file_size = bs_file_size + header_size - 0x8 total_samples_bytes = total_samples.to_bytes(4, 'big') bs_file_size_bytes = bs_file_size.to_bytes(4, 'big') # Read BNSF template data with open('data/_resource/templates/header.bnsf', 'rb') as template_file: bnsf_template_data = bytearray( # Modify BNSF template with calculated values bnsf_template_data[0x4:0x8] = new_file_size.to_bytes(4, 'big') # File size bnsf_template_data[0x1C:0x20] = total_samples_bytes # Total sample count bnsf_template_data[0x2C:0x30] = bs_file_size_bytes # Size of # Append data to modified BNSF template with open(output_bs, 'rb') as bs_file: bs_data = final_bnsf_data = bnsf_template_data + bs_data # Write final BNSF file with open(output_bnsf, 'wb') as output_file: output_file.write(final_bnsf_data) #from def generate_random_uint16_hex(): return format(random.randint(0, 65535), '04X') def select_template_name(game, output_file): base_filename = os.path.splitext(output_file)[0] length = len(base_filename) if game == "nijiiro": if length == 8: return "song_ABC" elif length == 9: return "song_ABCD" elif length == 10: return "song_ABCDE" elif length == 11: return "song_ABCDEF" elif length == 12: return "song_ABCDEFG" elif length == 13: return "song_ABCDEFGH" elif game == "ps4": if length == 8: return "song_ABC" elif length == 9: return "song_ABCD" elif length == 10: return "song_ABCDE" elif length == 11: return "song_ABCDEF" elif game == "ns1": if length == 8: return "song_ABC" elif length == 9: return "song_ABCD" elif length == 10: return "song_ABCDE" elif length == 11: return "song_ABCDEF" elif game == "wiiu3": if length == 8: return "song_ABC" elif length == 9: return "song_ABCD" elif length == 10: return "song_ABCDE" elif length == 11: return "song_ABCDEF" raise ValueError("Unsupported game or output file name length.") def modify_nus3bank_template(game, template_name, audio_file, preview_point, output_file): game_templates = { "nijiiro": { "template_folder": "nijiiro", "templates": { "song_ABC": { "unique_id_offset": 176, "audio_size_offsets": [76, 1568, 1852], "preview_point_offset": 1724, "song_placeholder": "song_ABC", "template_file": "song_ABC.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCD": { "unique_id_offset": 176, "audio_size_offsets": [76, 1568, 1852], "preview_point_offset": 1724, "song_placeholder": "song_ABCD", "template_file": "song_ABCD.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDE": { "unique_id_offset": 176, "audio_size_offsets": [76, 1568, 1852], "preview_point_offset": 1724, "song_placeholder": "song_ABCDE", "template_file": "song_ABCDE.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDEF": { "unique_id_offset": 180, "audio_size_offsets": [76, 1576, 1868], "preview_point_offset": 1732, "song_placeholder": "song_ABCDEF", "template_file": "song_ABCDEF.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDEFG": { "unique_id_offset": 180, "audio_size_offsets": [76, 1672, 1964], "preview_point_offset": 1824, "song_placeholder": "song_ABCDEFG", "template_file": "song_ABCDEFG.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDEFGH": { "unique_id_offset": 180, "audio_size_offsets": [76, 1576, 1868], "preview_point_offset": 1732, "song_placeholder": "song_ABCDEFGH", "template_file": "song_ABCDEFGH.nus3bank" }, } }, "ns1": { "template_folder": "ns1", "templates": { "song_ABC": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 5200, 5420], "preview_point_offset": 5324, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABC", "template_file": "SONG_ABC.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCD": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 5200, 5420], "preview_point_offset": 5324, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABCD", "template_file": "SONG_ABCD.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDE": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 5200, 5404], "preview_point_offset": 5320, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABCDE", "template_file": "SONG_ABCDE.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDEF": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 5208, 5420], "preview_point_offset": 5324, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABCDEF", "template_file": "SONG_ABCDEF.nus3bank" } } }, "ps4": { "template_folder": "ps4", "templates": { "song_ABC": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 3220, 3436], "preview_point_offset": 3344, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABC", "template_file": "SONG_ABC.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCD": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 3220, 3436], "preview_point_offset": 3344, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABCD", "template_file": "SONG_ABCD.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDE": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 3220, 3436], "preview_point_offset": 3344, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABCDE", "template_file": "SONG_ABCDE.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDEF": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 3228, 3452], "preview_point_offset": 3352, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABCDEF", "template_file": "SONG_ABCDEF.nus3bank" } } }, "wiiu3": { "template_folder": "wiiu3", "templates": { "song_ABC": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 3420, 3612], "preview_point_offset": 3540, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABC", "template_file": "SONG_ABC.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCD": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 3420, 3612], "preview_point_offset": 3540, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABCD", "template_file": "SONG_ABCD.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDE": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 3420, 3612], "preview_point_offset": 3540, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABCDE", "template_file": "SONG_ABCDE.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDEF": { "audio_size_offsets": [76, 3428, 3612], "preview_point_offset": 3548, "song_placeholder": "SONG_ABCDEF", "template_file": "SONG_ABCDEF.nus3bank" } } }, } if game not in game_templates: raise ValueError("Unsupported game.") templates_config = game_templates[game] if template_name not in templates_config["templates"]: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported template for {game}.") template_config = templates_config["templates"][template_name] template_folder = templates_config["template_folder"] # Read template nus3bank file from the specified game's template folder template_file = os.path.join("data/_resource/templates", template_folder, template_config['template_file']) with open(template_file, 'rb') as f: template_data = bytearray( # Set unique ID if it exists in the template configuration if 'unique_id_offset' in template_config: # Generate random UInt16 hex for unique ID unique_id_hex = generate_random_uint16_hex() # Set unique ID in the template data at the specified offset template_data[template_config['unique_id_offset']:template_config['unique_id_offset']+2] = bytes.fromhex(unique_id_hex) # Get size of the audio file in bytes audio_size = os.path.getsize(audio_file) # Convert audio size to UInt32 bytes in little-endian format size_bytes = audio_size.to_bytes(4, 'little') # Set audio size in the template data at the specified offsets for offset in template_config['audio_size_offsets']: template_data[offset:offset+4] = size_bytes # Convert preview point (milliseconds) to UInt32 bytes in little-endian format preview_point_ms = int(preview_point) preview_point_bytes = preview_point_ms.to_bytes(4, 'little') # Set preview point in the template data at the specified offset template_data[template_config['preview_point_offset']:template_config['preview_point_offset']+4] = preview_point_bytes # Replace song name placeholder with the output file name in bytes output_file_bytes = output_file.encode('utf-8') template_data = template_data.replace(template_config['song_placeholder'].encode('utf-8'), output_file_bytes.replace(b'.nus3bank', b'')) # Append the audio file contents to the modified template data with open(audio_file, 'rb') as audio: template_data += # Write the modified data to the output file with open(output_file, 'wb') as out: out.write(template_data) print(f"Created {output_file} successfully.") def run_script(script_name, script_args): if script_name == "idsp": input_file, output_file = script_args convert_audio_to_idsp(input_file, output_file) elif script_name == "lopus": input_file, output_file = script_args convert_audio_to_opus(input_file, output_file) elif script_name == "at9": input_file, output_file = script_args convert_audio_to_at9(input_file, output_file) elif script_name == "wav": input_file, output_file = script_args convert_audio_to_wav(input_file, output_file) elif script_name == "bnsf": input_audio, output_bnsf = script_args temp_folder = 'temp' os.makedirs(temp_folder, exist_ok=True) output_wav = os.path.join(temp_folder, 'output_mono.wav') output_bs = os.path.join(temp_folder, '') header_size = 0x30 try: convert_to_mono_48k(input_audio, output_wav) run_encode_tool(output_wav, output_bs) mono_wav = AudioSegment.from_wav(output_wav) total_samples = len(mono_wav.get_array_of_samples()) modify_bnsf_template(output_bs, output_bnsf, header_size, total_samples) print("BNSF file created:", output_bnsf) finally: if os.path.exists(temp_folder): shutil.rmtree(temp_folder) elif script_name == "nus3": game, audio_file, preview_point, output_file = script_args template_name = select_template_name(game, output_file) modify_nus3bank_template(game, template_name, audio_file, preview_point, output_file) else: print(f"Unsupported script: {script_name}") #sys.exit(1) def convert_audio_to_nus3bank(input_audio, audio_type, game, preview_point, song_id): output_filename = f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank" converted_audio_file = f"{input_audio}.{audio_type}" if audio_type in ["bnsf", "at9", "idsp", "lopus", "wav"]: try: run_script(audio_type, [input_audio, converted_audio_file]) run_script("nus3", [game, converted_audio_file, preview_point, output_filename]) print(f"Conversion successful! Created {output_filename}") if os.path.exists(converted_audio_file): os.remove(converted_audio_file) print(f"Deleted {converted_audio_file}") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Error: {e}") else: print(f"Unsupported audio type: {audio_type}") #wiiu3 texture gen # Define a dictionary for vertical forms of certain punctuation marks rotated_chars = { '「': '﹁', '」': '﹂', '『': '﹃', '』': '﹄', '(': '︵', ')': '︶', '[': '﹇', ']': '﹈', '〝': '﹁', '〟': '﹂', '{': '︷', '}': '︸', '⦅': '︹', '⦆': '︺', '<': '︿', '>': '﹀', '《': '︽', '》': '︾', '〈': '︿', '〉': '﹀', '【': '︻', '】': '︼', '〔': '︹', '〕': '︺', '「': '﹁', '」': '﹂', '『': '﹃', '』': '﹄', '(': '︵', ')': '︶', '[': '﹇', ']': '﹈', '{': '︷', '}': '︸', '〈': '︿', '〉': '﹀', '《': '︽', '》': '︾', '【': '︻', '】': '︼', '〔': '︹', '〕': '︺', '~': '|', '~': '|', '(': '︵', ')': '︶', '-': 'l' } rotated_letters = { 'ー': '|', '一': 'l' } full_width_chars = { 'A': 'A', 'B': 'B', 'C': 'C', 'D': 'D', 'E': 'E', 'F': 'F', 'G': 'G', 'H': 'H', 'I': 'I', 'J': 'J', 'K': 'K', 'L': 'L', 'M': 'M', 'N': 'N', 'O': 'O', 'P': 'P', 'Q': 'Q', 'R': 'R', 'S': 'S', 'T': 'T', 'U': 'U', 'V': 'V', 'W': 'W', 'X': 'X', 'Y': 'Y', 'Z': 'Z', 'a': 'a', 'b': 'b', 'c': 'c', 'd': 'd', 'e': 'e', 'f': 'f', 'g': 'g', 'h': 'h', 'i': 'i', 'j': 'j', 'k': 'k', 'l': 'l', 'm': 'm', 'n': 'n', 'o': 'o', 'p': 'p', 'q': 'q', 'r': 'r', 's': 's', 't': 't', 'u': 'u', 'v': 'v', 'w': 'w', 'x': 'x', 'y': 'y', 'z': 'z' } def convert_full_width(text): converted_text = '' for char in text: converted_text += full_width_chars.get(char, char) return converted_text def get_text_bbox(draw, text, font): return draw.textbbox((0, 0), text, font=font) def generate_image(draw, text, font, rotated_font, size, position, alignment, stroke_width, stroke_fill, fill, vertical=False, vertical_small=False): width, height = size # Calculate initial text dimensions text_bbox = get_text_bbox(draw, text, font) text_width = text_bbox[2] - text_bbox[0] text_height = text_bbox[3] - text_bbox[1] if vertical or vertical_small: text_height = 0 max_char_width = 0 for char in text: char_font = rotated_font if char in rotated_chars else font char = rotated_chars.get(char, char) char = rotated_letters.get(char, char) text_bbox = get_text_bbox(draw, char, char_font) text_height += text_bbox[3] - text_bbox[1] char_width = text_bbox[2] - text_bbox[0] if char_width > max_char_width: max_char_width = char_width text_height = max(0, text_height - 1) # Remove the last extra space text_position = (position[0] - max_char_width / 2, (height - text_height) / 2) else: text_bbox = get_text_bbox(draw, text, font) text_width = text_bbox[2] - text_bbox[0] text_height = text_bbox[3] - text_bbox[1] if alignment == 'center': text_position = ((width - text_width) / 2, position[1]) elif alignment == 'right': text_position = (width - text_width, position[1]) else: text_position = position if vertical: y_offset = 5 for char in text: char_font = rotated_font if char in rotated_chars else font char = rotated_chars.get(char, char) char = rotated_letters.get(char, char) text_bbox = get_text_bbox(draw, char, char_font) char_height = (text_bbox[3] + text_bbox[1]) char_width = text_bbox[2] - text_bbox[0] draw.text((text_position[0] - char_width / 2, y_offset), char, font=char_font, fill=fill, stroke_width=stroke_width, stroke_fill=stroke_fill) y_offset += char_height elif vertical_small: y_offset = 5 for char in text: char_font = rotated_font if char in rotated_chars else font char = rotated_chars.get(char, char) char = rotated_letters.get(char, char) text_bbox = get_text_bbox(draw, char, char_font) char_height = (text_bbox[3] + text_bbox[1]) char_width = text_bbox[2] - text_bbox[0] draw.text((text_position[0] - char_width / 2, y_offset), char, font=char_font, fill=fill, stroke_width=stroke_width, stroke_fill=stroke_fill) y_offset += char_height else: draw.text(text_position, text, font=font, fill=fill, stroke_width=stroke_width, stroke_fill=stroke_fill) def create_images(data, id, genreNo, font_path, rotated_font_path, current_unique_id, append_ura=False): font_size_extra_large = 46.06875 font_size_large = 40.60875 font_size_medium = 27.3 font_size_small = 21.84 img_3_5_height = 400 formatted_id = f"{current_unique_id:04d}" texture_output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/texture" folder_name = os.path.join(texture_output_dir, id) os.makedirs(folder_name, exist_ok=True) # Define genre colors genre_colors = [ (0, 78, 88), # pop (159, 61, 2), # anime (90, 98, 129), # vocaloid (55, 74, 0), # variety (0, 0, 0), # unused (kids) (115, 77, 0), # classic (82, 32, 115), # game music (156, 36, 8), # namco original ] genre_color = genre_colors[genreNo] # Initialize text variables japanese_text = "" japanese_sub_text = "" # Find the relevant texts for item in data['items']: if item['key'] == f'song_{id}': japanese_text = item['japaneseText'] if item['key'] == f'song_sub_{id}': japanese_sub_text = item['japaneseText'] # Convert full-width English characters to normal ASCII characters japanese_text = convert_full_width(japanese_text) japanese_sub_text = convert_full_width(japanese_sub_text) if japanese_sub_text else '' # Append "─" character if -ura argument is provided if append_ura: japanese_text += "─" padded_japanese_text = japanese_text + " " padded_japanese_sub_text = japanese_sub_text + " " # Check if texts were found if not japanese_text: print(f"Error: No Japanese text found for song_{id}") return if not japanese_sub_text: print(f"Warning: No Japanese sub text found for song_sub_{id}") font_extra_large = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, int(font_size_extra_large)) font_large = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, int(font_size_large)) font_medium = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, int(font_size_medium)) font_small = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, int(font_size_small)) rotated_font = ImageFont.truetype(rotated_font_path, int(font_size_medium)) # Image 0.png img0_width = 720 img0 ='RGBA', (img0_width, 64), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) draw0 = ImageDraw.Draw(img0) temp_img0 ='RGBA', (2880, 64), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # Temporary image with 2880px width temp_draw0 = ImageDraw.Draw(temp_img0) # Generate the image with the Japanese text generate_image(temp_draw0, padded_japanese_text, font_large, rotated_font, (2880, 64), (0, 10), 'right', 5, 'black', 'white') # Calculate the bounding box of the entire text text_bbox = get_text_bbox(temp_draw0, padded_japanese_text, font_large) text_width = (text_bbox[2] - text_bbox[0]) + 5 # Resize the image if it exceeds the specified height if text_width > img0_width: cropped_img0 = temp_img0.crop((2880 - text_width, 0, 2880, 64)) scaled_img0 = cropped_img0.resize((img0_width, 64), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) final_img0 ='RGBA', (img0_width, 64), (0, 0, 0, 0)) final_img0.paste(scaled_img0) else: # Crop the temporary image to the actual width of the text cropped_img0 = temp_img0.crop((2880 - text_width, 0, 2880, 64)) final_img0 ='RGBA', (img0_width, 64), (0, 0, 0, 0)) final_img0.paste(cropped_img0, (img0_width - text_width, 0)) # Save the final image, '0.png')) # Image 1.png img1_width = 720 img1 ='RGBA', (img1_width, 104), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) draw1 = ImageDraw.Draw(img1) temp_img1 ='RGBA', (2880, 104), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # Temporary image with 2880px width temp_draw1 = ImageDraw.Draw(temp_img1) temp_sub_img1 ='RGBA', (2880, 104), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # Temporary image with 2880px width temp_sub_draw1 = ImageDraw.Draw(temp_sub_img1) # Generate the image with the Japanese text generate_image(temp_draw1, japanese_text, font_extra_large, rotated_font, (2880, 104), (0, 13), 'center', 5, 'black', 'white') # Calculate the bounding box of the entire text text_bbox = get_text_bbox(temp_draw1, japanese_text, font_extra_large) text_width = (text_bbox[2] - text_bbox[0]) + 5 # Resize the image if it exceeds the specified width if text_width > img1_width: # Calculate the crop box to crop equally from both sides left_crop = (2880 - text_width) // 2 right_crop = 2880 - left_crop cropped_img1 = temp_img1.crop((left_crop, 0, right_crop, 104)) scaled_img1 = cropped_img1.resize((img1_width, 104), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) img1_1 ='RGBA', (img1_width, 104), (0, 0, 0, 0)) img1_1.paste(scaled_img1) else: # Crop the temporary image to the actual width of the text left_crop = (2880 - text_width) // 2 right_crop = 2880 - left_crop cropped_img1 = temp_img1.crop((left_crop, 0, right_crop, 104)) img1_1 ='RGBA', (img1_width, 104), (0, 0, 0, 0)) offset = (img1_width - text_width) // 2 img1_1.paste(cropped_img1, (offset, 0)) # Generate the image with the Japanese sub-text generate_image(temp_sub_draw1, japanese_sub_text, font_medium, rotated_font, (2880, 104), (0, 68), 'center', 4, 'black', 'white') # Calculate the bounding box of the entire sub-text text_bbox_sub = get_text_bbox(temp_sub_draw1, japanese_sub_text, font_medium) text_width_sub = (text_bbox_sub[2] - text_bbox_sub[0]) + 5 # Resize the sub-image if it exceeds the specified width if text_width_sub > img1_width: # Calculate the crop box to crop equally from both sides left_crop_sub = (2880 - text_width_sub) // 2 right_crop_sub = 2880 - left_crop_sub cropped_img1_sub = temp_sub_img1.crop((left_crop_sub, 0, right_crop_sub, 104)) scaled_img1_sub = cropped_img1_sub.resize((img1_width, 104), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) img1_2 ='RGBA', (img1_width, 104), (0, 0, 0, 0)) img1_2.paste(scaled_img1_sub) else: # Crop the temporary sub-image to the actual width of the sub-text left_crop_sub = (2880 - text_width_sub) // 2 right_crop_sub = 2880 - left_crop_sub cropped_img1_sub = temp_sub_img1.crop((left_crop_sub, 0, right_crop_sub, 104)) img1_2 ='RGBA', (img1_width, 104), (0, 0, 0, 0)) offset_sub = (img1_width - text_width_sub) // 2 img1_2.paste(cropped_img1_sub, (offset_sub, 0)) final_img1 ='RGBA', (img1_width, 104), (0, 0, 0, 0)) final_img1.paste(img1_1, (0, 0)) final_img1.paste(img1_2, (0, 0), img1_2), '1.png')) # Image 2.png img2_width = 720 img2 ='RGBA', (img2_width, 64), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) draw2 = ImageDraw.Draw(img2) temp_img2 ='RGBA', (2880, 64), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # Temporary image with 2880px width temp_draw2 = ImageDraw.Draw(temp_img2) # Generate the image with the Japanese text generate_image(temp_draw2, japanese_text, font_large, rotated_font, (2880, 64), (0, 4), 'center', 5, 'black', 'white') # Calculate the bounding box of the entire text text_bbox = get_text_bbox(temp_draw2, japanese_text, font_large) text_width = (text_bbox[2] - text_bbox[0]) + 5 # Resize the image if it exceeds the specified height if text_width > img2_width: # Calculate the crop box to crop equally from both sides left_crop = (2880 - text_width) // 2 right_crop = 2880 - left_crop cropped_img2 = temp_img2.crop((left_crop, 0, right_crop, 64)) scaled_img2 = cropped_img2.resize((img2_width, 64), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) final_img2 ='RGBA', (img2_width, 64), (0, 0, 0, 0)) final_img2.paste(scaled_img2) else: # Crop the temporary image to the actual width of the text left_crop = (2880 - text_width) // 2 right_crop = 2880 - left_crop cropped_img2 = temp_img2.crop((left_crop, 0, right_crop, 64)) final_img2 ='RGBA', (img2_width, 64), (0, 0, 0, 0)) offset = (img2_width - text_width) // 2 final_img2.paste(cropped_img2, (offset, 0)), '2.png')) # Image 3.png img3_height = 400 img3 ='RGBA', (96, 400), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) img3_1 ='RGBA', (96, 400), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) img3_2 ='RGBA', (96, 400), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) draw3 = ImageDraw.Draw(img3) temp_img3 ='RGBA', (96, 3000), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # Temporary image with 1000px height temp_draw3 = ImageDraw.Draw(temp_img3) temp_sub_img3 ='RGBA', (96, 3000), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # Temporary image with 1000px height temp_sub_draw3 = ImageDraw.Draw(temp_sub_img3) generate_image(temp_draw3, padded_japanese_text, font_large, rotated_font, (96, 3000), (89, 0), 'center', 5, 'black', 'white', vertical=True) # Crop the temporary image to the actual height of the text y_offset = 0 for char in padded_japanese_text: char_font = rotated_font if char in rotated_chars else font_large char = rotated_chars.get(char, char) char = rotated_letters.get(char, char) text_bbox = get_text_bbox(temp_draw3, char, char_font) char_height = (text_bbox[3] + text_bbox[1]) y_offset += char_height # Crop the temporary image to the actual height of the text temp_img3 = temp_img3.crop((0, 0, 96, y_offset)) # Resize the image if it exceeds the specified height if y_offset > img3_height: img3_1 = temp_img3.resize((96, img3_height), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) else: img3_1 = temp_img3.crop((0, 0, 96, img3_height)) generate_image(temp_sub_draw3, japanese_sub_text, font_medium, rotated_font, (96, 3000), (32, 156), 'center', 4, 'black', 'white', vertical_small=True) # Crop the temporary image to the actual height of the text y_offset = 0 for char in japanese_sub_text: char_font = rotated_font if char in rotated_chars else font_medium char = rotated_chars.get(char, char) char = rotated_letters.get(char, char) text_bbox = get_text_bbox(temp_sub_draw3, char, char_font) char_height = round((text_bbox[3] + text_bbox[1]) * 1.1) y_offset += char_height # Crop the temporary image to the actual height of the text temp_sub_img3 = temp_sub_img3.crop((0, 0, 96, y_offset)) # Resize the image if it exceeds the specified height if y_offset > img3_height: img3_2 = temp_sub_img3.resize((96, img3_height), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) else: img3_2 = temp_sub_img3.crop((0, 0, 96, img3_height)) img3.paste(img3_1, (0, 0)) img3.paste(img3_2, (0, 0), img3_2), '3.png')) # Image 4.png img4_height = 400 img4 ='RGBA', (56, 400), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) draw4 = ImageDraw.Draw(img4) temp_img4 ='RGBA', (56, 3000), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # Temporary image with 3000px height temp_draw4 = ImageDraw.Draw(temp_img4) generate_image(temp_draw4, padded_japanese_text, font_large, rotated_font, (56, 400), (48, 0), 'center', 5, genre_color, 'white', vertical=True) # Crop the temporary image to the actual height of the text y_offset = 0 for char in padded_japanese_text: char_font = rotated_font if char in rotated_chars else font_large char = rotated_chars.get(char, char) char = rotated_letters.get(char, char) text_bbox = get_text_bbox(temp_draw4, char, char_font) char_height = (text_bbox[3] + text_bbox[1]) y_offset += char_height # Crop the temporary image to the actual height of the text temp_img4 = temp_img4.crop((0, 0, 56, y_offset)) # Resize the image if it exceeds the specified height if y_offset > img4_height: img4 = temp_img4.resize((56, img4_height), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) else: img4 = temp_img4.crop((0, 0, 56, img4_height)), '4.png')) # Image 5.png img5_height = 400 img5 ='RGBA', (56, 400), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) draw5 = ImageDraw.Draw(img5) temp_img5 ='RGBA', (56, 3000), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # Temporary image with 1000px height temp_draw5 = ImageDraw.Draw(temp_img5) generate_image(temp_draw5, padded_japanese_text, font_large, rotated_font, (56, 400), (48, 0), 'center', 5, 'black', 'white', vertical=True) # Crop the temporary image to the actual height of the text y_offset = 0 for char in padded_japanese_text: char_font = rotated_font if char in rotated_chars else font_large char = rotated_chars.get(char, char) char = rotated_letters.get(char, char) text_bbox = get_text_bbox(temp_draw5, char, char_font) char_height = (text_bbox[3] + text_bbox[1]) y_offset += char_height # Crop the temporary image to the actual height of the text temp_img5 = temp_img5.crop((0, 0, 56, y_offset)) # Resize the image if it exceeds the specified height if y_offset > img5_height: img5 = temp_img5.resize((56, img5_height), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) else: img5 = temp_img5.crop((0, 0, 56, img5_height)), '5.png')) def generate_wiiu3_texture(id, genreNo, current_unique_id, append_ura, custom_songs): # Load your JSON data from a file if custom_songs == True: with open(rf'{custom_wordlist_path}', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = json.load(f) else: with open(rf'{wordlist_path}', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = json.load(f) font_path = 'data/_resource/font/DFPKanTeiRyu-XB.ttf' rotated_font_path = 'data/_resource/font/KozGoPr6NRegular.otf' create_images(data, id, genreNo, font_path, rotated_font_path, current_unique_id, append_ura) class TextureSurface: def __init__(self): self.mipmaps = [] class NutTexture: def __init__(self, width, height, pixel_format, pixel_type): self.surfaces = [TextureSurface()] self.Width = width self.Height = height self.pixelInternalFormat = pixel_format self.pixelFormat = pixel_type self.HashId = 0 def add_mipmap(self, mipmap_data): self.surfaces[0].mipmaps.append(mipmap_data) @property def MipMapsPerSurface(self): return len(self.surfaces[0].mipmaps) def getNutFormat(self): if self.pixelInternalFormat == 'CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt1Ext': return 0 elif self.pixelInternalFormat == 'CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt3Ext': return 1 elif self.pixelInternalFormat == 'CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Ext': return 2 elif self.pixelInternalFormat == 'RGBA': if self.pixelFormat == 'RGBA': return 14 elif self.pixelFormat == 'ABGR': return 16 else: return 17 else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown pixel format {self.pixelInternalFormat}") class NUT: def __init__(self): self.textures = [] self.endian = 'big' self.version = 0x0200 def add_texture(self, texture): self.textures.append(texture) def save(self, filename): with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write( def build(self): o = bytearray() data = bytearray() if self.endian == 'big': o.extend(struct.pack('>I', 0x4E545033)) # NTP3 else: o.extend(struct.pack('>I', 0x4E545744)) # NTWD if self.version > 0x0200: self.version = 0x0200 o.extend(struct.pack('>H', self.version)) num_textures = len(self.textures) if num_textures != 1 and num_textures != 6: raise ValueError("The number of images must be either 1 or 6.") o.extend(struct.pack('>H', num_textures)) o.extend(b'\x00' * 8) # Reserved space header_length = 0 for texture in self.textures: surface_count = len(texture.surfaces) is_cubemap = surface_count == 6 if surface_count < 1 or surface_count > 6: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported surface amount {surface_count} for texture. 1 to 6 faces are required.") if surface_count > 1 and surface_count < 6: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported cubemap face amount for texture. Six faces are required.") mipmap_count = len(texture.surfaces[0].mipmaps) header_size = 0x50 + (0x10 if is_cubemap else 0) + (mipmap_count * 4 if mipmap_count > 1 else 0) header_size = (header_size + 0xF) & ~0xF # Align to 16 bytes header_length += header_size for texture in self.textures: surface_count = len(texture.surfaces) is_cubemap = surface_count == 6 mipmap_count = len(texture.surfaces[0].mipmaps) data_size = sum((len(mipmap) + 0xF) & ~0xF for mipmap in texture.surfaces[0].mipmaps) header_size = 0x50 + (0x10 if is_cubemap else 0) + (mipmap_count * 4 if mipmap_count > 1 else 0) header_size = (header_size + 0xF) & ~0xF o.extend(struct.pack('>I', data_size + header_size)) o.extend(b'\x00' * 4) # Padding o.extend(struct.pack('>I', data_size)) o.extend(struct.pack('>H', header_size)) o.extend(b'\x00' * 2) # Padding o.extend(b'\x00') o.extend(struct.pack('B', mipmap_count)) o.extend(b'\x00') o.extend(struct.pack('B', texture.getNutFormat())) o.extend(struct.pack('>HH', texture.Width, texture.Height)) o.extend(b'\x00' * 4) # Padding o.extend(struct.pack('>I', 0)) # DDS Caps2 placeholder if self.version >= 0x0200: o.extend(struct.pack('>I', header_length + len(data))) else: o.extend(b'\x00' * 4) # Padding header_length -= header_size o.extend(b'\x00' * 12) # Reserved space if is_cubemap: o.extend(struct.pack('>II', len(texture.surfaces[0].mipmaps[0]), len(texture.surfaces[0].mipmaps[0]))) o.extend(b'\x00' * 8) # Padding if texture.getNutFormat() == 14 or texture.getNutFormat() == 17: self.swap_channel_order_down(texture) for surface in texture.surfaces: for mipmap in surface.mipmaps: mip_start = len(data) data.extend(mipmap) while len(data) % 0x10 != 0: data.extend(b'\x00') if mipmap_count > 1: mip_end = len(data) o.extend(struct.pack('>I', mip_end - mip_start)) while len(o) % 0x10 != 0: o.extend(b'\x00') if texture.getNutFormat() == 14 or texture.getNutFormat() == 17: self.swap_channel_order_up(texture) o.extend(b'\x65\x58\x74\x00') # "eXt\0" o.extend(struct.pack('>II', 0x20, 0x10)) o.extend(b'\x00' * 4) o.extend(b'\x47\x49\x44\x58') # "GIDX" o.extend(struct.pack('>I', 0x10)) o.extend(struct.pack('>I', texture.HashId)) # Texture ID o.extend(b'\x00' * 4) o.extend(data) return o def swap_channel_order_down(self, texture): for surface in texture.surfaces: for i, mipmap in enumerate(surface.mipmaps): mipmap = bytearray(mipmap) for j in range(0, len(mipmap), 4): mipmap[j], mipmap[j + 2] = mipmap[j + 2], mipmap[j] surface.mipmaps[i] = bytes(mipmap) def swap_channel_order_up(self, texture): for surface in texture.surfaces: for i, mipmap in enumerate(surface.mipmaps): mipmap = bytearray(mipmap) for j in range(0, len(mipmap), 4): mipmap[j], mipmap[j + 2] = mipmap[j + 2], mipmap[j] surface.mipmaps[i] = bytes(mipmap) def nvcompress_png_to_dds(png_filepath, dds_filepath, format_option): format_map = { 'dxt1': '-bc1a', 'dxt3': '-bc2', 'dxt5': '-bc3', } format_arg = format_map.get(format_option.lower(), '-bc1') command = f"nvcompress {format_arg} {png_filepath} {dds_filepath}", shell=True, check=True) def load_dds_to_texture(dds_filepath, index, pixel_format): DDS_HEADER_SIZE = 128 # DDS header size in bytes with open(dds_filepath, 'rb') as dds_file: dds_data = print(f"Length of dds_data: {len(dds_data)}") print(f"Bytes from 12 to 20: {dds_data[12:20]}") width, height = struct.unpack_from(' {output_path}') os.remove(input_path) print(f'Deleted input file: {input_path}') except IOError as e: print(f'Error during file operation: {e}') def process_fumens_files(fumen_output_dir): # Ensure fumen_output_dir ends with a slash for proper path joining if not fumen_output_dir.endswith('/'): fumen_output_dir += '/' # Regex pattern to match _1 or _2 in the file name duet_pattern = re.compile(r'_[12]\.bin$') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(fumen_output_dir): for file in files: if file.endswith('.bin'): input_path = os.path.join(root, file) output_dir = '' if # File contains _1 or _2, save to duet folder output_dir = fumen_output_dir + 'duet/' else: # File does not contain _1 or _2, save to solo folder output_dir = fumen_output_dir + 'solo/' # Ensure the output directory exists, create if necessary os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Construct output path output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, file) # Perform endian conversion (lb mode) convert_endian(input_path, output_path, 'lb') def cleanup_fumen_output_dir(fumen_output_dir): # Ensure fumen_output_dir ends with a slash for proper path joining if not fumen_output_dir.endswith('/'): fumen_output_dir += '/' # List of directories to preserve preserve_dirs = ['solo', 'duet'] # Iterate through all directories in fumen_output_dir for dir_name in os.listdir(fumen_output_dir): dir_path = os.path.join(fumen_output_dir, dir_name) # Check if it's a directory and not in the preserve list if os.path.isdir(dir_path) and dir_name not in preserve_dirs: try: # Clear out *.bin files in the directory bin_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_path, '*.bin')) for bin_file in bin_files: os.remove(bin_file) print(f"Deleted file: {bin_file}") # Delete the directory and all its contents recursively shutil.rmtree(dir_path) #os.rmdir(dir_path) print(f"Deleted directory: {dir_path}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error deleting {dir_path}: {e}") def remove_musicinfo_leftover(directory_path): try: # Remove all files in the directory for file_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory_path, '*')): if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.remove(file_path) print(f"Deleted file: {file_path}") # Delete the directory itself shutil.rmtree(directory_path) print(f"Deleted directory: {directory_path}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error deleting {directory_path}: {e}") def remove_texture_leftover(texture_output_dir): try: # Iterate through all files and folders in texture_output_dir for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(texture_output_dir, '*')): if os.path.isfile(path): if path.endswith('.nut'): # Skip *.nut files (preserve them) continue else: # Delete all other files os.remove(path) print(f"Deleted file: {path}") elif os.path.isdir(path): # Delete all directories (folders) shutil.rmtree(path) print(f"Deleted directory: {path}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error deleting files and folders in {texture_output_dir}: {e}") def export_data(): selected_items = [] for item_id in tree.get_children(): if tree.set(item_id, "Select") == "☑": selected_items.append(item_id) game_platform = game_platform_var.get() game_region = game_region_var.get() #max_concurrent = config["max_concurrent"] if game_platform == "PS4": output_dir = "out/Data/ORBIS/datatable" fumen_output_dir = "out/Data/ORBIS/fumen" fumen_hitwide_output_dir = "out/Data/ORBIS/fumen_hitwide" audio_output_dir = "out/Data/ORBIS/sound" musicinfo_filename = "musicinfo.json" max_entries = 400 # Maximum allowed entries for PS4 platform_tag = "ps4" elif game_platform == "NS1": output_dir = "out/Data/NX/datatable" fumen_output_dir = "out/Data/NX/fumen/enso" fumen_hitwide_output_dir = "out/Data/NX/fumen_hitwide/enso" fumen_hitnarrow_output_dir = "out/Data/NX/fumen_hitnarrow/enso" audio_output_dir = "out/Data/NX/sound" musicinfo_filename = "musicinfo.json" max_entries = 600 # Maximum allowed entries for NS1 platform_tag = "ns1" elif game_platform == "WIIU3": output_dir = "out/content/001A/musicInfo" fumen_output_dir = "out/content/001A/fumen" audio_output_dir = "out/content/001A/sound" musicinfo_filename = "musicinfo.xml" texture_output_dir = "out/content/001A/texture" if texture_quality == "low": max_entries = 425 # Maximum allowed entries for Wii U 3 with BC1a else: max_entries = 225 # Maximum allowed entries for Wii U 3 with BC3 platform_tag = "wiiu3" elif game_platform == "PTB": output_dir = "out/Data/Raw/ReadAssets" fumen_output_dir = "out/Data/Raw/fumen" audio_output_dir = "out/Data/Raw/sound/sound" musicinfo_filename = "musicinfo.json" songinfo_filename = "songinfo.json" max_entries = 200 # Maximum allowed entries for PTB platform_tag = "PTB" if game_platform == "WIIU3": print("") else: os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(fumen_output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(audio_output_dir, exist_ok=True) selected_music_info = [] selected_song_info = [] selected_wordlist = [] current_unique_id = 0 if game_platform == "WIIU3": current_unique_id = 500 db_data_count = 0 formatted_id = f"{current_unique_id:04d}" output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/musicInfo" fumen_output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/fumen" audio_output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/sound" texture_output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/texture" def copy_fumens_ura(): # Copy fumen folders for selected songs to output directory song_id = tree.item(item_id)["values"][1] # For default fumens fumen_folder_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "fumen", str(song_id)) if os.path.exists(fumen_folder_path): for file_name in os.listdir(fumen_folder_path): if file_name.endswith("_x.bin") or file_name.endswith("_x_1.bin") or file_name.endswith("_x_2.bin"): original_path = os.path.join(fumen_folder_path, file_name) new_name = "ex_" + file_name.replace("_x", "_m") destination_path = os.path.join(fumen_output_dir, new_name) shutil.copy2(original_path, destination_path) print(f"Copied and renamed {file_name} to {new_name}") # Retrieve song info from music_info song_info = next((item for item in music_info["items"] if item["id"] == song_id), None) # For custom fumens if custom_songs: custom_fumen_folder_path = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "fumen", str(song_id)) if os.path.exists(custom_fumen_folder_path): for file_name in os.listdir(custom_fumen_folder_path): if file_name.endswith("_x.bin") or file_name.endswith("_x_1.bin") or file_name.endswith("_x_2.bin"): original_path = os.path.join(custom_fumen_folder_path, file_name) new_name = "ex_" + file_name.replace("_x", "_m") destination_path = os.path.join(fumen_output_dir, new_name) shutil.copy2(original_path, destination_path) print(f"Copied and renamed {file_name} to {new_name}") # Retrieve song info from custom_music_info song_info = next((item for item in custom_music_info["items"] if item["id"] == song_id), None) def copy_fumens(): # Copy fumen folders for selected songs to output directory song_id = tree.item(item_id)["values"][1] fumen_folder_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "fumen", str(song_id)) if os.path.exists(fumen_folder_path): if game_platform == "WIIU3": shutil.copytree(fumen_folder_path, os.path.join(fumen_output_dir, f"{song_id}")) print() else: shutil.copytree(fumen_folder_path, os.path.join(fumen_output_dir, f"{song_id}")) def copy_fumens_custom(): # Copy fumen folders for selected songs to output directory song_id = tree.item(item_id)["values"][1] fumen_folder_path = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "fumen", str(song_id)) if os.path.exists(fumen_folder_path): if game_platform == "WIIU3": shutil.copytree(fumen_folder_path, os.path.join(fumen_output_dir, f"{song_id}")) print() else: shutil.copytree(fumen_folder_path, os.path.join(fumen_output_dir, f"{song_id}")) try: if len(selected_items) > max_entries: messagebox.showerror("Selection Limit Exceeded", f"Maximum {max_entries} entries can be selected for {game_platform}.") return # Load preview position data with open(previewpos_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as previewpos_file: previewpos_data = json.load(previewpos_file) if custom_songs: with open(custom_previewpos_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as custom_previewpos_file: custom_previewpos_data = json.load(custom_previewpos_file) # Copy fumen folders for selected songs to output directory if game_platform == "WIIU3": print() else: for item_id in selected_items: song_id = tree.item(item_id)["values"][1] fumen_folder_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "fumen", str(song_id)) if os.path.exists(fumen_folder_path): shutil.copytree(fumen_folder_path, os.path.join(fumen_output_dir, f"{song_id}")) song_info = next((item for item in music_info["items"] if item["id"] == song_id), None) if custom_songs: for item_id in selected_items: song_id = tree.item(item_id)["values"][1] custom_fumen_folder_path = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "fumen", str(song_id)) if os.path.exists(custom_fumen_folder_path): shutil.copytree(custom_fumen_folder_path, os.path.join(fumen_output_dir, f"{song_id}")) song_info = next((item for item in custom_music_info["items"] if item["id"] == song_id), None) for item_id in selected_items: song_id = tree.item(item_id)["values"][1] if custom_songs: combined_items = custom_music_info["items"] + music_info["items"] else: combined_items = music_info["items"] song_info = next((item for item in combined_items if item["id"] == song_id), None) if song_info: # Calculate song_order based on genreNo and current_unique_id song_order = (int(song_info["genreNo"]) * 1000) + current_unique_id if game_platform == "WIIU3": pattern = r"^cs\d{4}$" if re.match(pattern, song_info["id"]): custom_songs == True else: custom_songs == False def convert_song_wiiu(song_id, custom_songs): preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id) if custom_songs == True: custom_preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id) if custom_songs == True: song_filename = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "sound", f"song_{song_id}.mp3") else: song_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "sound", f"song_{song_id}.mp3") output_file = os.path.join(audio_output_dir, f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank") convert_audio_to_nus3bank(song_filename, "idsp", platform_tag, str(preview_pos), song_id) if os.path.exists(f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank"): shutil.move(f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank", output_file) print(f"Created {output_file} successfully.") else: print(f"Conversion failed for song_{song_id}.") if os.path.exists(f"song_{song_id}.mp3.idsp"): os.remove(f"song_{song_id}.mp3.idsp") print(f"Deleted song_{song_id}.mp3.idsp") formatted_id = f"{current_unique_id:04d}" output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/musicInfo" fumen_output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/fumen" audio_output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/sound" texture_output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/texture" os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(fumen_output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(audio_output_dir, exist_ok=True) easy_value = int(song_info["starEasy"]) normal_value = int(song_info["starNormal"]) hard_value = int(song_info["starHard"]) extreme_value = int(song_info["starMania"]) if easy_value == 0 and normal_value == 0 and hard_value == 0 and extreme_value > 0: print("Extreme Only Chart Detected") wiiu3_song_info_xml = create_wiiu3_song_info_extreme_xml(song_info, current_unique_id, song_order, word_list) elif easy_value == 0 and normal_value == 0 and extreme_value == 0 and hard_value > 0: print("Hard Only Chart Detected") # this exists literally only for zzff14 lmao wiiu3_song_info_xml = create_wiiu3_song_info_hard_xml(song_info, current_unique_id, song_order, word_list) else: wiiu3_song_info_xml = create_wiiu3_song_info_xml(song_info, current_unique_id, song_order, word_list) root.append(wiiu3_song_info_xml) if re.match(pattern, song_info["id"]): custom_songs == True generate_wiiu3_texture(song_info["id"], song_info["genreNo"], current_unique_id, append_ura=False, custom_songs=True) else: custom_songs == False generate_wiiu3_texture(song_info["id"], song_info["genreNo"], current_unique_id, append_ura=False, custom_songs=False) file_path = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/musicInfo/musicinfo_db" root.set('num', str(db_data_count)) save_xml_to_file(root, file_path) if re.match(pattern, song_info["id"]): custom_songs == True copy_fumens_custom() else: custom_songs == False copy_fumens() print(f"XML file saved to {file_path}") process_music_info(current_unique_id) print(f"DRP File generated") process_fumens_files(fumen_output_dir) print(f"Converted fumen files to big endian.") input_folder = os.path.join(texture_output_dir, song_info["id"],) output_file = os.path.join(texture_output_dir, f"{song_info['id']}.nut") generate_nut_texture(input_folder, output_file) if re.match(pattern, song_info["id"]): custom_songs == True convert_song_wiiu(song_id, custom_songs=True) else: custom_songs == False convert_song_wiiu(song_id, custom_songs=False) root.clear() cleanup_fumen_output_dir(fumen_output_dir) remove_musicinfo_leftover(output_dir) remove_texture_leftover(texture_output_dir) ura_value = int(song_info["starUra"]) if ura_value > 0: current_unique_id += 1 print(ura_value) formatted_id = f"{current_unique_id:04d}" output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/musicInfo" fumen_output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/fumen" audio_output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/sound" texture_output_dir = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/texture" os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(fumen_output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(audio_output_dir, exist_ok=True) wiiu3_song_info_xml = create_wiiu3_song_info_ura_xml(song_info, current_unique_id, song_order, word_list) root.append(wiiu3_song_info_xml) if re.match(pattern, song_info["id"]): custom_songs == True generate_wiiu3_texture(song_info["id"], song_info["genreNo"], current_unique_id, append_ura=True, custom_songs=True) else: custom_songs == False generate_wiiu3_texture(song_info["id"], song_info["genreNo"], current_unique_id, append_ura=True, custom_songs=False) file_path = f"out/content/{formatted_id}/musicInfo/musicinfo_db" root.set('num', str(db_data_count)) save_xml_to_file(root, file_path) copy_fumens_ura() print(f"XML file saved to {file_path}") process_music_info(current_unique_id) print(f"DRP File generated") process_fumens_files(fumen_output_dir) print(f"Converted fumen files to big endian.") input_folder = os.path.join(texture_output_dir, song_info["id"],) output_file = os.path.join(texture_output_dir, f"ex_{song_info['id']}.nut") generate_nut_texture(input_folder, output_file) if re.match(pattern, song_info["id"]): custom_songs == True convert_song_wiiu(song_id, custom_songs=True) else: custom_songs == False convert_song_wiiu(song_id, custom_songs=False) root.clear() cleanup_fumen_output_dir(fumen_output_dir) remove_musicinfo_leftover(output_dir) remove_texture_leftover(texture_output_dir) if re.match(pattern, song_info["id"]): custom_songs == True else: custom_songs == False elif game_platform == "NS1": ns1_song_info = { "id": song_info["id"], "uniqueId": current_unique_id, "songFileName": song_info["songFileName"], "order": song_order, "genreNo": song_info["genreNo"], "secretFlag":False, "dlc":False, "debug":False, "recording":True, "branchEasy": song_info["branchEasy"], "branchNormal": song_info["branchNormal"], "branchHard": song_info["branchHard"], "branchMania": song_info["branchMania"], "branchUra": song_info["branchUra"], "starEasy": song_info["starEasy"], "starNormal": song_info["starNormal"], "starHard": song_info["starHard"], "starMania": song_info["starMania"], "starUra": song_info["starUra"], "shinutiEasy": song_info["shinutiEasy"], "shinutiNormal": song_info["shinutiNormal"], "shinutiHard": song_info["shinutiHard"], "shinutiMania": song_info["shinutiMania"], "shinutiUra": song_info["shinutiUra"], "shinutiEasyDuet": song_info["shinutiEasyDuet"], "shinutiNormalDuet": song_info["shinutiNormalDuet"], "shinutiHardDuet": song_info["shinutiHardDuet"], "shinutiManiaDuet": song_info["shinutiManiaDuet"], "shinutiUraDuet": song_info["shinutiUraDuet"], "scoreEasy": song_info["scoreEasy"], "scoreNormal": song_info["scoreNormal"], "scoreHard": song_info["scoreHard"], "scoreMania": song_info["scoreMania"], "scoreUra": song_info["scoreUra"], "alleviationEasy": False, "alleviationNormal": False, "alleviationHard": False, "alleviationMania": False, "alleviationUra": False, "song_info1": 25721, "song_info2": 39634, "song_info3": 60504, "song_info4": 79618, "song_info5": 98750, "song_info6": -1, "song_info7": -1, "song_info8": -1, "song_info9": -1, "song_info10": -1, "aocID": song_info["id"], "limitedID": -1, "extraID": -1, "tournamentRand": True, "bgDon0": "", "bgDancer0": "", "bgFever0": "", "chibi0": "", "rendaEffect0": "", "dancer0": "", "feverEffect0": "", "bgDon1": "", "bgDancer1": "", "bgFever1": "", "chibi1": "", "rendaEffect1": "", "dancer1": "", "feverEffect1": "", } selected_music_info.append(ns1_song_info) elif game_platform == "PS4": ps4_song_info = { "id": song_info["id"], "uniqueId": current_unique_id, "songFileName": song_info["songFileName"], "order": song_order, "genreNo": song_info["genreNo"], "secretFlag":False, "dlc":False, "entitlementKey":"", "secondKey":False, "entitlementKey2":"", "debug":False, "branchEasy": song_info["branchEasy"], "branchNormal": song_info["branchNormal"], "branchHard": song_info["branchHard"], "branchMania": song_info["branchMania"], "branchUra": song_info["branchUra"], "starEasy": song_info["starEasy"], "starNormal": song_info["starNormal"], "starHard": song_info["starHard"], "starMania": song_info["starMania"], "starUra": song_info["starUra"], "shinutiEasy": song_info["shinutiEasy"], "shinutiNormal": song_info["shinutiNormal"], "shinutiHard": song_info["shinutiHard"], "shinutiMania": song_info["shinutiMania"], "shinutiUra": song_info["shinutiUra"], "shinutiEasyDuet": song_info["shinutiEasyDuet"], "shinutiNormalDuet": song_info["shinutiNormalDuet"], "shinutiHardDuet": song_info["shinutiHardDuet"], "shinutiManiaDuet": song_info["shinutiManiaDuet"], "shinutiUraDuet": song_info["shinutiUraDuet"], "scoreEasy": song_info["scoreEasy"], "scoreNormal": song_info["scoreNormal"], "scoreHard": song_info["scoreHard"], "scoreMania": song_info["scoreMania"], "scoreUra": song_info["scoreUra"], "secret":False, "songFileNameForSelect": song_info["songFileName"], "bgSolo0":"", "bgDuet0":"", "chibi0":"", "rendaEffect0":"", "dancer0":"", "feverEffect0":"", "bgSolo1":"", "bgDuet1":"", "chibi1":"", "rendaEffect1":"", "dancer1":"", "feverEffect1":"" } selected_music_info.append(ps4_song_info) elif game_platform == "PTB": ptb_song_info = { "uniqueId": current_unique_id, "id": song_info["id"], "songFileName": song_info["songFileName"], "order": song_order, "genreNo": song_info["genreNo"], "isLock":False, "isNew":False, "debug":False, "temp":False, "temp2":False, "branchEasy": song_info["branchEasy"], "branchNormal": song_info["branchNormal"], "branchHard": song_info["branchHard"], "branchMania": song_info["branchMania"], "branchUra": song_info["branchUra"], "starEasy": song_info["starEasy"], "starNormal": song_info["starNormal"], "starHard": song_info["starHard"], "starMania": song_info["starMania"], "starUra": song_info["starUra"], "shinutiEasy": song_info["shinutiEasy"], "shinutiNormal": song_info["shinutiNormal"], "shinutiHard": song_info["shinutiHard"], "shinutiMania": song_info["shinutiMania"], "shinutiUra": song_info["shinutiUra"], "shinutiEasyDuet": song_info["shinutiEasyDuet"], "shinutiNormalDuet": song_info["shinutiNormalDuet"], "shinutiHardDuet": song_info["shinutiHardDuet"], "shinutiManiaDuet": song_info["shinutiManiaDuet"], "shinutiUraDuet": song_info["shinutiUraDuet"], "scoreEasy": song_info["scoreEasy"], "scoreNormal": song_info["scoreNormal"], "scoreHard": song_info["scoreHard"], "scoreMania": song_info["scoreMania"], "scoreUra": song_info["scoreUra"], } selected_music_info.append(ptb_song_info) # Find previewPos from previewpos.json based on song_id preview_pos = None for item in previewpos_data: if item["id"] == song_info["id"]: preview_pos = item["previewPos"] break ptb_extra_song_info = { "uniqueId": current_unique_id, "id": song_info["id"], "previewPos": preview_pos if preview_pos is not None else 0, # Use 0 if previewPos not found "fumenOffsetPos":0 } selected_song_info.append(ptb_extra_song_info) current_unique_id += 1 if game_platform == "WIIU3": db_data_count += 1 # Find the wordlist items corresponding to song variations word_keys = [f"song_{song_id}", f"song_sub_{song_id}", f"song_detail_{song_id}"] def find_word_info(key, word_lists): for word_list in word_lists: word_info = next((item for item in word_list["items"] if item["key"] == key), None) if word_info: return word_info return None word_lists = [word_list] if custom_songs: word_lists.append(custom_word_list) for key in word_keys: word_info = find_word_info(key, word_lists) if word_info: selected_wordlist.append(word_info) if game_platform == "PS4": # Find the corresponding preview position for the current song_id preview_pos = next((item["previewPos"] for item in previewpos_data if item["id"] == song_id), None) if custom_songs: custom_preview_pos = next((item["previewPos"] for item in custom_previewpos_data if item["id"] == song_id), None) def convert_song(song_id, custom_songs): preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id) if custom_songs and custom_preview_pos is not None: song_filename = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "sound", f"song_{song_id}.mp3") else: song_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "sound", f"song_{song_id}.mp3") output_file = os.path.join(audio_output_dir, f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank") if audio_quality == "low": convert_audio_to_nus3bank(song_filename, "bnsf", platform_tag, str(preview_pos), song_id) else: convert_audio_to_nus3bank(song_filename, "at9", platform_tag, str(preview_pos), song_id) if os.path.exists(f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank"): shutil.move(f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank", output_file) print(f"Created {output_file} successfully.") else: print(f"Conversion failed for song_{song_id}.") if os.path.exists(f"song_{song_id}.mp3.at9"): os.remove(f"song_{song_id}.mp3.at9") print(f"Deleted song_{song_id}.mp3.at9") # Check if preview_pos or custom_preview_pos is not None and run conversion if preview_pos is not None or (custom_songs and custom_preview_pos is not None): convert_song(song_id, custom_songs) elif game_platform == "PTB": # Find the corresponding preview position for the current song_id preview_pos = next((item["previewPos"] for item in previewpos_data if item["id"] == song_id), None) if custom_songs: custom_preview_pos = next((item["previewPos"] for item in custom_previewpos_data if item["id"] == song_id), None) def convert_song(song_id, custom_songs): preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id) if custom_songs and custom_preview_pos is not None: song_filename = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "sound", f"song_{song_id}.mp3") else: song_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "sound", f"song_{song_id}.mp3") output_file = os.path.join(audio_output_dir, f"song_{song_id}.bin") create_and_encrypt_acb(song_filename, song_id) shutil.move(f"song_{song_id}.bin", output_file) # Check if preview_pos or custom_preview_pos is not None and run conversion if preview_pos is not None or (custom_songs and custom_preview_pos is not None): convert_song(song_id, custom_songs) elif game_platform == "NS1": # Find the corresponding preview position for the current song_id preview_pos = next((item["previewPos"] for item in previewpos_data if item["id"] == song_id), None) if custom_songs: custom_preview_pos = next((item["previewPos"] for item in custom_previewpos_data if item["id"] == song_id), None) def convert_song(song_id, custom_songs): preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id) if custom_songs and custom_preview_pos is not None: song_filename = os.path.join(custom_data_dir, "sound", f"song_{song_id}.mp3") else: song_filename = os.path.join(data_dir, "sound", f"song_{song_id}.mp3") output_file = os.path.join(audio_output_dir, f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank") if audio_quality == "low": convert_audio_to_nus3bank(song_filename, "bnsf", platform_tag, str(preview_pos), song_id) else: convert_audio_to_nus3bank(song_filename, "idsp", platform_tag, str(preview_pos), song_id) if os.path.exists(f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank"): shutil.move(f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank", output_file) print(f"Created {output_file} successfully.") else: print(f"Conversion failed for song_{song_id}.") if os.path.exists(f"song_{song_id}.mp3.idsp"): os.remove(f"song_{song_id}.mp3.idsp") print(f"Deleted song_{song_id}.mp3.idsp") # Check if preview_pos or custom_preview_pos is not None and run conversion if preview_pos is not None or (custom_songs and custom_preview_pos is not None): convert_song(song_id, custom_songs) # Export selected musicinfo and wordlist if game_platform == "PTB": selected_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, musicinfo_filename) selected_wordlist_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.json") selected_songinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, songinfo_filename) with open(selected_songinfo_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_musicinfo_file: json.dump({"items": selected_song_info}, out_musicinfo_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) with open(selected_musicinfo_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_musicinfo_file: json.dump({"items": selected_music_info}, out_musicinfo_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) with open(selected_wordlist_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_wordlist_file: json.dump({"items": selected_wordlist}, out_wordlist_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) merge_ptb('data\\_console\\Raw\\ReadAssets\\wordlist.json', 'out\\Data\\Raw\\ReadAssets\\wordlist.json', 'out\\Data\\Raw\\ReadAssets\\wordlist.json') #Compress each ReadAsset file gzip_compress_file(selected_musicinfo_path) gzip_compress_file(selected_wordlist_path) gzip_compress_file(selected_songinfo_path) #Compress each Remove the json files os.remove(selected_musicinfo_path) os.remove(selected_wordlist_path) os.remove(selected_songinfo_path) #Compressed File definitions compressed_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "musicinfo.gz") compressed_wordlist_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.gz") compressed_songinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "songinfo.gz") # Final Output definitions final_musicinfo = os.path.join(output_dir, "musicinfo.bin") final_wordlist = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.bin") final_songinfo = os.path.join(output_dir, "songinfo.bin") # Encrypt the final files encrypt_file_ptb(compressed_musicinfo_path, final_musicinfo) encrypt_file_ptb(compressed_wordlist_path, final_wordlist) encrypt_file_ptb(compressed_songinfo_path, final_songinfo) # Remove compressed .gz files os.remove(compressed_musicinfo_path) os.remove(compressed_wordlist_path) os.remove(compressed_songinfo_path) elif game_platform == "PS4": selected_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, musicinfo_filename) selected_wordlist_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.json") with open(selected_musicinfo_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_musicinfo_file: json.dump({"items": selected_music_info}, out_musicinfo_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) with open(selected_wordlist_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_wordlist_file: json.dump({"items": selected_wordlist}, out_wordlist_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) if game_region == "JPN/ASIA": merge_ps4_jp('data\\_console\\ORBIS\\datatablejp\\wordlist.json', 'out\\Data\\ORBIS\\datatable\\wordlist.json', 'out\\Data\\ORBIS\\datatable\\wordlist.json') elif game_region == "EU/USA": merge_ps4_int('data\\_console\\ORBIS\\datatableint\\wordlist.json', 'out\\Data\\ORBIS\\datatable\\wordlist.json', 'out\\Data\\ORBIS\\datatable\\wordlist.json') #Compress each datatable file gzip_compress_file_ps4(selected_musicinfo_path) gzip_compress_file_ps4(selected_wordlist_path) #Remove .json files os.remove(selected_musicinfo_path) os.remove(selected_wordlist_path) copy_folder(fumen_output_dir,fumen_hitwide_output_dir) elif game_platform == "NS1": selected_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, musicinfo_filename) selected_wordlist_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.json") with open(selected_musicinfo_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_musicinfo_file: json.dump({"items": selected_music_info}, out_musicinfo_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) with open(selected_wordlist_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_wordlist_file: json.dump({"items": selected_wordlist}, out_wordlist_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) if game_region == "JPN/ASIA": merge_ns1_jp('data\\_console\\NX\\datatable\\wordlist.json', 'out\\Data\\NX\\datatable\\wordlist.json', 'out\\Data\\NX\\datatable\\wordlist.json') elif game_region == "EU/USA": merge_ns1_int('data\\_console\\NX\\datatable\\wordlist.json', 'out\\Data\\NX\\datatable\\wordlist.json', 'out\\Data\\NX\\datatable\\wordlist.json') #Compress each datatable file gzip_compress_file(selected_musicinfo_path) gzip_compress_file(selected_wordlist_path) #Compress each Remove the json files os.remove(selected_musicinfo_path) os.remove(selected_wordlist_path) #Compressed File definitions compressed_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "musicinfo.gz") compressed_wordlist_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.gz") # Final Output definitions final_musicinfo = os.path.join(output_dir, "musicinfo.bin") final_wordlist = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.bin") # Encrypt the final files encrypt_file_ns1(compressed_musicinfo_path, final_musicinfo) encrypt_file_ns1(compressed_wordlist_path, final_wordlist) # Remove compressed .gz files os.remove(compressed_musicinfo_path) os.remove(compressed_wordlist_path) copy_folder(fumen_output_dir,fumen_hitwide_output_dir) copy_folder(fumen_output_dir,fumen_hitnarrow_output_dir) messagebox.showinfo("Export Completed", "Selected songs exported successfully!") except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror("Export Error", f"An error occurred during export: {str(e)}") #Button shenanigans, because the order they appear on the gui, is determined by the literal order they are in the code??? # Top Side if lang == "jp": preview_button = ttk.Button(main_frame, text="オーディオ・プレビュー", command=preview_selected) else: preview_button = ttk.Button(main_frame, text="Preview", command=preview_selected) preview_button.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=10) # Create sorting options if lang == "jp": sort_options = ["ID", "Song Name", "Genre"] sort_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="ソートフィルター:") else: sort_options = ["ID", "Song Name", "Genre"] sort_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="Sort by:") sort_label.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=5) sort_var = tk.StringVar(main_frame) sort_var.set("ID") sort_menu = ttk.Combobox(main_frame, textvariable=sort_var, values=sort_options) sort_menu.bind("<>", lambda _: sort_tree(sort_var.get())) sort_menu.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=0) search_entry.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=10, fill="x") # search bar, currently broken # Bottom Side if lang == "jp": clear_button = ttk.Button(main_frame, text="クリア・セレクション", command=clear_selection) else: clear_button = ttk.Button(main_frame, text="Clear Selection", command=clear_selection) clear_button.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=10) if lang == "jp": export_button = ttk.Button(main_frame, text="エクスポート", command=export_data) else: export_button = ttk.Button(main_frame, text="Export", command=export_data) export_button.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=10) # Create Selection Count Label selection_count_label = ttk.Label(main_frame, text="0/???") selection_count_label.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=10) # Game platform selection game_platform_var = tk.StringVar(main_frame) game_platform_var.set("PS4") game_platform_choices = ["PS4", "NS1", "WIIU3", "PTB"] game_platform_menu = ttk.Combobox(main_frame, textvariable=game_platform_var, values=game_platform_choices) game_platform_menu.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=0) # Create Label for Platform selection if lang == "jp": platform_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="ゲーム機:") else: platform_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="Platform") platform_label.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=5) # Game region selection, needed for wordlist export game_region_var = tk.StringVar(main_frame) game_region_var.set("JPN/ASIA") game_region_choices = ["JPN/ASIA", "EU/USA"] game_region_menu = ttk.Combobox(main_frame, textvariable=game_region_var, values=game_region_choices) game_region_menu.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=10) # Create Label for Region selection if lang == "jp": game_region_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="ゲーム地域:") else: game_region_label = tk.Label(main_frame, text="Game Region:") game_region_label.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=0) window.mainloop()