# TJA Offset Neutraliser Incredibly simple script which can take `.tja` files and remove any audio offsets in them. Modifying both the .ogg audio file and the chart iself. This tool will add a blank measure to make sure no audio is cut off, etc. Recomended to run your TJA files through this tool before using [TjaBatchConvert](https://github.com/cainan-c/TaikoPythonTools/tree/main/TjaBatchConvert) Prerequisites: Python 3.12.3 or newer pydub installed through pip `pip install pydub` Usage: offset_adjust.py [-h] [--file FILE] [--path PATH] [--encoding {shift_jis,utf-8}] Process TJA and OGG files. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --file FILE Path to a single TJA file --path PATH Path to a directory containing folders with TJA files --encoding {shift_jis,utf-8} Encoding type (shift_jis or utf-8)