import sys import os import struct import random import toml def generate_random_uint16_hex(): return format(random.randint(0, 65535), '04X') def load_template_config(): # Load template configurations from config.toml (if needed in the future) # This function can be expanded to load more template configurations if necessary # For now, we don't need to use this function directly for selecting templates return {} def select_template_name(output_file): # Determine the appropriate template name based on the length of the output file name base_filename = os.path.splitext(output_file)[0] length = len(base_filename) if length == 8: return "song_ABC" elif length == 9: return "song_ABCD" elif length == 10: return "song_ABCDE" elif length == 11: return "song_ABCDEF" else: raise ValueError("Output file name length (excluding extension) must be between 8 and 12 characters.") def modify_nus3bank_template(template_name, audio_file, preview_point, output_file): # Define template configurations based on the selected template_name template_configs = { "song_ABC": { "unique_id_offset": 176, "audio_size_offsets": [76, 1568, 1852], "preview_point_offset": 1724, "song_placeholder": "song_ABC", "template_file": "song_ABC.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCD": { "unique_id_offset": 176, "audio_size_offsets": [76, 1568, 1852], "preview_point_offset": 1724, "song_placeholder": "song_ABCD", "template_file": "song_ABCD.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDE": { "unique_id_offset": 176, "audio_size_offsets": [76, 1568, 1852], "preview_point_offset": 1724, "song_placeholder": "song_ABCDE", "template_file": "song_ABCDE.nus3bank" }, "song_ABCDEF": { "unique_id_offset": 180, "audio_size_offsets": [76, 1576, 1868], "preview_point_offset": 1732, "song_placeholder": "song_ABCDEF", "template_file": "song_ABCDEF.nus3bank" } } # Retrieve template configurations for the specified template_name template_config = template_configs[template_name] # Read template nus3bank file from the templates folder template_file = os.path.join("templates", template_config['template_file']) with open(template_file, 'rb') as f: template_data = bytearray( # Generate random UInt16 hex for unique ID unique_id_hex = generate_random_uint16_hex() # Set unique ID in the template data at the specified offset template_data[template_config['unique_id_offset']:template_config['unique_id_offset']+2] = bytes.fromhex(unique_id_hex) # Get size of the audio file in bytes audio_size = os.path.getsize(audio_file) # Convert audio size to UInt32 bytes in little-endian format size_bytes = audio_size.to_bytes(4, 'little') # Set audio size in the template data at the specified offsets for offset in template_config['audio_size_offsets']: template_data[offset:offset+4] = size_bytes # Convert preview point (milliseconds) to UInt32 bytes in little-endian format preview_point_ms = int(preview_point) preview_point_bytes = preview_point_ms.to_bytes(4, 'little') # Set preview point in the template data at the specified offset template_data[template_config['preview_point_offset']:template_config['preview_point_offset']+4] = preview_point_bytes # Replace song name placeholder with the output file name in bytes output_file_bytes = output_file.encode('utf-8') template_data = template_data.replace(template_config['song_placeholder'].encode('utf-8'), output_file_bytes.replace(b'.nus3bank', b'')) # Append the audio file contents to the modified template data with open(audio_file, 'rb') as audio: template_data += # Write the modified data to the output file with open(output_file, 'wb') as out: out.write(template_data) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("Usage: ") sys.exit(1) audio_file = sys.argv[1] preview_point = sys.argv[2] output_file = sys.argv[3] try: template_name = select_template_name(output_file) modify_nus3bank_template(template_name, audio_file, preview_point, output_file) print(f"Created {output_file} successfully.") except ValueError as e: print(f"Error: {e}") sys.exit(1)