mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:30:36 +01:00
961 lines
40 KiB
961 lines
40 KiB
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk, messagebox
import json
import os
import subprocess
import shutil
import gzip
import concurrent.futures
import functools
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import padding
data_dir = "data/"
musicinfo_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "datatable", "musicinfo.json")
wordlist_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "datatable", "wordlist.json")
previewpos_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "datatable", "previewpos.json")
item_selection_state = {}
with open(musicinfo_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as musicinfo_file:
music_info = json.load(musicinfo_file)
with open(wordlist_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as wordlist_file:
word_list = json.load(wordlist_file)
genre_map = {
0: ("POP", "light blue"),
1: ("Anime", "orange"),
2: ("Vocaloid", "turquoise"),
3: ("Variety", "green"),
4: ("Unused", "gray"),
5: ("Classic", "dark red"),
6: ("Game Music", "purple"),
7: ("Namco Original", "dark orange"),
song_titles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in word_list["items"]}
song_subtitles = {item["key"]: item["englishUsText"] for item in word_list["items"]}
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Taiko no Tatsujin Song Conversion GUI Tool")
# Set the initial size of the window
window.geometry("1000x600") # Width x Height
# Create Treeview and Scrollbar
tree = ttk.Treeview(window, columns=("Select", "Unique ID", "ID", "Song Name", "Song Subtitle", "Genre", "Difficulty"), show="headings")
tree.heading("Unique ID", text="")
tree.heading("ID", text="ID")
tree.heading("Song Name", text="Song Name")
tree.heading("Song Subtitle", text="Song Subtitle")
tree.heading("Genre", text="Genre")
tree.heading("Difficulty", text="Difficulty")
tree.heading("Select", text="Select")
tree.column("Select", width=50, anchor=tk.CENTER)
tree.column("Unique ID", width=0, anchor=tk.W)
tree.column("ID", width=60, anchor=tk.W)
tree.column("Song Name", anchor=tk.W)
tree.column("Song Subtitle", anchor=tk.W)
tree.column("Genre", width=100, anchor=tk.W)
tree.column("Difficulty", width=120, anchor=tk.W)
vsb = ttk.Scrollbar(window, orient="vertical", command=tree.yview)
# Pack Treeview and Scrollbar
tree.pack(side="left", padx=10, pady=10, fill="both", expand=True)
vsb.pack(side="left", fill="y", padx=(0, 10), pady=10)
# Counter for selected items
selection_count = tk.IntVar()
selection_count.set(0) # Initial selection count
# Function to load configuration from file
def load_config():
config_file = "config.json"
default_config = {
"max_concurrent": 5, # Default value if not specified in config file
with open(config_file, "r") as f:
config = json.load(f)
# Override default values with values from config file
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"Config file '{config_file}' not found. Using default configuration.")
return default_config
# Load configuration
config = load_config()
def on_search_keyrelease(event):
print("Key released:", event.keysym)
# Create Search Entry
search_var = tk.StringVar()
search_entry = ttk.Entry(window, textvariable=search_var)
def toggle_checkbox(event):
# Get the item_id based on the event coordinates
item_id = tree.identify_row(event.y)
# Ensure item_id is valid and corresponds to a valid item in the tree
if item_id and tree.exists(item_id):
current_state = item_selection_state.get(item_id, "☐")
if current_state == "☐":
new_state = "☑"
elif current_state == "☑":
new_state = "☐"
# Update the selection state for the item
item_selection_state[item_id] = new_state
# Update the values in the treeview to reflect the new state
tree.item(item_id, values=(new_state,) + tree.item(item_id, "values")[1:])
# Update the selection count based on the state change
if new_state == "☑":
selection_count.set(selection_count.get() + 1) # Increment selection count
elif new_state == "☐":
selection_count.set(selection_count.get() - 1) # Decrement selection count
def filter_treeview():
search_text = search_var.get().strip().lower()
populate_tree(search_text) # Populate Treeview with filtered data
def populate_tree():
global selected_items # Use global variable to persist selection state
# Store currently selected items
current_selection = tree.selection()
# Clear existing items in the Treeview
for song in sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]): # Sort by ID
unique_id = ""
song_id = f"{song['id']}"
genre_no = song["genreNo"]
genre_name, genre_color = genre_map.get(genre_no, ("Unknown Genre", "white"))
english_title = song_titles.get(f"song_{song_id}", "-")
english_subtitle = song_subtitles.get(f"song_sub_{song_id}", "-")
star_easy = song.get("starEasy", "N/A")
star_normal = song.get("starNormal", "N/A")
star_hard = song.get("starHard", "N/A")
star_mania = song.get("starMania", "N/A")
star_ura = song.get("starUra", 0)
difficulty_info_parts = [
if star_ura > 0:
difficulty_info = " | ".join(difficulty_info_parts)
# Check if the search text matches the song name
if search_var.get().strip().lower() in english_title.lower():
item_id = tree.insert("", "end", values=("☐", unique_id, song_id, english_title, english_subtitle, genre_name, difficulty_info))
tree.tag_configure(genre_name, background=genre_color)
# Restore original selection after filtering
for item in current_selection:
if tree.exists(item): # Check if item exists in Treeview
print("Item not found:", item) # Debug print
search_entry.bind("<KeyRelease>", lambda event: populate_tree())
def sort_tree(sort_option):
# Clear existing items in the Treeview
for item in tree.get_children():
if sort_option == "ID":
populate_tree() # Sort by ID
selection_count.set(0) # Reset Counter to 0
elif sort_option == "Song Name":
selection_count.set(0) # Reset Counter to 0
for song in sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: song_titles.get(f"song_{x['id']}", "-")):
elif sort_option == "Genre":
selection_count.set(0) # Reset Counter to 0
for genre_no in sorted(genre_map.keys()):
for song in sorted(music_info["items"], key=lambda x: x["id"]):
if song["genreNo"] == genre_no:
def populate_song_entry(song):
unique_id = ""
song_id = f"{song['id']}"
genre_no = song["genreNo"]
genre_name, genre_color = genre_map.get(genre_no, ("Unknown Genre", "white"))
english_title = song_titles.get(f"song_{song_id}", "-")
english_subtitle = song_subtitles.get(f"song_sub_{song_id}", "-")
star_easy = song.get("starEasy", "N/A")
star_normal = song.get("starNormal", "N/A")
star_hard = song.get("starHard", "N/A")
star_mania = song.get("starMania", "N/A")
star_ura = song.get("starUra", 0)
difficulty_info_parts = [
if star_ura > 0:
difficulty_info = " | ".join(difficulty_info_parts)
item_id = tree.insert("", "end", values=("☐", unique_id, song_id, english_title, english_subtitle, genre_name, difficulty_info))
tree.tag_configure(genre_name, background=genre_color)
# Populate the Treeview initially
def update_selection_count(event=None):
selected_items = tree.selection()
count_selected = selection_count.get() # Retrieve the value of selection_count
platform = game_platform_var.get()
if platform == "PS4":
max_entries = 400
elif platform == "NS1":
max_entries = 600
elif platform == "PTB":
max_entries = 200
max_entries = 0
if len(selected_items) > max_entries:
messagebox.showerror("Selection Limit Exceeded", f"Maximum {max_entries} entries can be selected for {platform}.")
# Update the selection count label text
# Bind the treeview selection event to update_selection_count function
tree.bind("<<TreeviewSelect>>", update_selection_count)
# Bind Treeview click event to toggle item selection
#tree.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: toggle_selection(tree.identify_row(event.y)))
tree.bind("<Button-1>", toggle_checkbox)
#tree.bind("<Button-1>", on_treeview_click)
def preview_audio(song_id):
preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id)
if preview_pos is not None:
song_filename = f"data/sound/song_{song_id}.mp3"
subprocess.run(["ffplay", "-autoexit", "-ss", f"{preview_pos / 1000}", song_filename])
def get_preview_pos(song_id):
with open(previewpos_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as previewpos_file:
previewpos_data = json.load(previewpos_file)
for item in previewpos_data:
if item["id"] == song_id:
return item["previewPos"]
return None
def preview_selected():
selected_item = tree.selection()
if selected_item:
song_id = tree.item(selected_item[0])["values"][2]
def merge_ptb():
command = [
def merge_ps4_int():
command = [
def merge_ps4_jp():
command = [
def merge_ns1_int():
command = [
def merge_ns1_jp():
command = [
def encrypt_file_ptb(input_file, output_file):
# Generate a random initialization vector (IV)
iv = os.urandom(16) # AES block size is 16 bytes
# Pad the key if necessary (AES-128 requires a 16-byte key)
key = bytes.fromhex("54704643596B474170554B6D487A597A")
# Create an AES CBC cipher with the given key and IV
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=default_backend())
encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
with open(input_file, 'rb') as f_in:
with open(output_file, 'wb') as f_out:
# Write the IV to the output file (needed for decryption)
# Encrypt the file chunk by chunk
while True:
chunk = f_in.read(16) # Read 16 bytes at a time
if len(chunk) == 0:
elif len(chunk) % 16 != 0:
# Add padding to the last block if needed
padder = padding.PKCS7(128).padder()
padded_data = padder.update(chunk) + padder.finalize()
chunk = padded_data
encrypted_chunk = encryptor.update(chunk)
# Finalize the encryption (encryptor might have remaining data)
final_chunk = encryptor.finalize()
def encrypt_file_ns1(input_file, output_file):
# Generate a random initialization vector (IV)
iv = os.urandom(16) # AES block size is 16 bytes
# Pad the key if necessary (AES-128 requires a 16-byte key)
key = bytes.fromhex("566342346438526962324A366334394B")
# Create an AES CBC cipher with the given key and IV
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=default_backend())
encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
with open(input_file, 'rb') as f_in:
with open(output_file, 'wb') as f_out:
# Write the IV to the output file (needed for decryption)
# Encrypt the file chunk by chunk
while True:
chunk = f_in.read(16) # Read 16 bytes at a time
if len(chunk) == 0:
elif len(chunk) % 16 != 0:
# Add padding to the last block if needed
padder = padding.PKCS7(128).padder()
padded_data = padder.update(chunk) + padder.finalize()
chunk = padded_data
encrypted_chunk = encryptor.update(chunk)
# Finalize the encryption (encryptor might have remaining data)
final_chunk = encryptor.finalize()
def gzip_compress_file(input_file_path):
# Extract the base filename without extension
file_name, file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_file_path)
# Output file path with .gz extension appended
output_file_path = f'{file_name}.gz'
with open(input_file_path, 'rb') as f_in:
with gzip.open(output_file_path, 'wb') as f_out:
return output_file_path
def gzip_compress_file_ps4(input_file_path):
# Extract the base filename without extension
file_name, file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_file_path)
# Output file path with .gz extension appended
output_file_path = f'{file_name}.bin'
with open(input_file_path, 'rb') as f_in:
with gzip.open(output_file_path, 'wb') as f_out:
return output_file_path
def copy_folder(source_folder, destination_folder):
Copy the entire contents of source_folder to destination_folder.
source_folder (str): Path to the source folder to copy.
destination_folder (str): Path to the destination folder.
bool: True if copy operation is successful, False otherwise.
# Check if destination folder already exists
if os.path.exists(destination_folder):
print(f"Destination folder '{destination_folder}' already exists. Skipping copy.")
return False
# Copy the entire folder from source to destination
shutil.copytree(source_folder, destination_folder)
print(f"Folder '{source_folder}' successfully copied to '{destination_folder}'.")
return True
except shutil.Error as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
return False
except OSError as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
return False
def export_data():
selected_items = []
for item_id in tree.get_children():
if tree.set(item_id, "Select") == "☑":
game_platform = game_platform_var.get()
game_region = game_region_var.get()
max_concurrent = config["max_concurrent"]
processed_ids = set() # Track processed song IDs
if game_platform == "PS4":
output_dir = "out/Data/ORBIS/datatable"
fumen_output_dir = "out/Data/ORBIS/fumen"
fumen_hitwide_output_dir = "out/Data/ORBIS/fumen_hitwide"
audio_output_dir = "out/Data/ORBIS/sound"
musicinfo_filename = "musicinfo.json"
max_entries = 400 # Maximum allowed entries for PS4
platform_tag = "ps4"
elif game_platform == "NS1":
output_dir = "out/Data/NX/datatable"
fumen_output_dir = "out/Data/NX/fumen/enso"
fumen_hitwide_output_dir = "out/Data/NX/fumen_hitwide/enso"
fumen_hitnarrow_output_dir = "out/Data/NX/fumen_hitnarrow/enso"
audio_output_dir = "out/Data/NX/sound"
musicinfo_filename = "musicinfo.json"
max_entries = 600 # Maximum allowed entries for NS1
platform_tag = "ns1"
elif game_platform == "PTB":
output_dir = "out/Data/Raw/ReadAssets"
fumen_output_dir = "out/Data/Raw/fumen"
audio_output_dir = "out/Data/Raw/sound/sound"
musicinfo_filename = "musicinfo.json"
songinfo_filename = "songinfo.json"
max_entries = 200 # Maximum allowed entries for PTB
platform_tag = "PTB"
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(fumen_output_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(audio_output_dir, exist_ok=True)
selected_music_info = []
selected_song_info = []
selected_wordlist = []
current_unique_id = 0
if len(selected_items) > max_entries:
messagebox.showerror("Selection Limit Exceeded", f"Maximum {max_entries} entries can be selected for {game_platform}.")
# Load preview position data
with open(previewpos_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as previewpos_file:
previewpos_data = json.load(previewpos_file)
# Copy fumen folders for selected songs to output directory
for item_id in selected_items:
song_id = tree.item(item_id)["values"][2]
fumen_folder_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "fumen", str(song_id))
if os.path.exists(fumen_folder_path):
shutil.copytree(fumen_folder_path, os.path.join(fumen_output_dir, f"{song_id}"))
song_info = next((item for item in music_info["items"] if item["id"] == song_id), None)
for item_id in selected_items:
song_id = tree.item(item_id)["values"][2]
song_info = next((item for item in music_info["items"] if item["id"] == song_id), None)
if song_info:
# Calculate song_order based on genreNo and current_unique_id
song_order = (int(song_info["genreNo"]) * 1000) + current_unique_id
if game_platform == "NS1":
ns1_song_info = {
"id": song_info["id"],
"uniqueId": current_unique_id,
"songFileName": song_info["songFileName"],
"order": song_order,
"genreNo": song_info["genreNo"],
"branchEasy": song_info["branchEasy"],
"branchNormal": song_info["branchNormal"],
"branchHard": song_info["branchHard"],
"branchMania": song_info["branchMania"],
"branchUra": song_info["branchUra"],
"starEasy": song_info["starEasy"],
"starNormal": song_info["starNormal"],
"starHard": song_info["starHard"],
"starMania": song_info["starMania"],
"starUra": song_info["starUra"],
"shinutiEasy": song_info["shinutiEasy"],
"shinutiNormal": song_info["shinutiNormal"],
"shinutiHard": song_info["shinutiHard"],
"shinutiMania": song_info["shinutiMania"],
"shinutiUra": song_info["shinutiUra"],
"shinutiEasyDuet": song_info["shinutiEasyDuet"],
"shinutiNormalDuet": song_info["shinutiNormalDuet"],
"shinutiHardDuet": song_info["shinutiHardDuet"],
"shinutiManiaDuet": song_info["shinutiManiaDuet"],
"shinutiUraDuet": song_info["shinutiUraDuet"],
"scoreEasy": song_info["scoreEasy"],
"scoreNormal": song_info["scoreNormal"],
"scoreHard": song_info["scoreHard"],
"scoreMania": song_info["scoreMania"],
"scoreUra": song_info["scoreUra"],
"alleviationEasy": False,
"alleviationNormal": False,
"alleviationHard": False,
"alleviationMania": False,
"alleviationUra": False,
"song_info1": 25721,
"song_info2": 39634,
"song_info3": 60504,
"song_info4": 79618,
"song_info5": 98750,
"song_info6": -1,
"song_info7": -1,
"song_info8": -1,
"song_info9": -1,
"song_info10": -1,
"aocID": song_info["id"],
"limitedID": -1,
"extraID": -1,
"tournamentRand": True,
"bgDon0": "",
"bgDancer0": "",
"bgFever0": "",
"chibi0": "",
"rendaEffect0": "",
"dancer0": "",
"feverEffect0": "",
"bgDon1": "",
"bgDancer1": "",
"bgFever1": "",
"chibi1": "",
"rendaEffect1": "",
"dancer1": "",
"feverEffect1": "",
elif game_platform == "PS4":
ps4_song_info = {
"id": song_info["id"],
"uniqueId": current_unique_id,
"songFileName": song_info["songFileName"],
"order": song_order,
"genreNo": song_info["genreNo"],
"branchEasy": song_info["branchEasy"],
"branchNormal": song_info["branchNormal"],
"branchHard": song_info["branchHard"],
"branchMania": song_info["branchMania"],
"branchUra": song_info["branchUra"],
"starEasy": song_info["starEasy"],
"starNormal": song_info["starNormal"],
"starHard": song_info["starHard"],
"starMania": song_info["starMania"],
"starUra": song_info["starUra"],
"shinutiEasy": song_info["shinutiEasy"],
"shinutiNormal": song_info["shinutiNormal"],
"shinutiHard": song_info["shinutiHard"],
"shinutiMania": song_info["shinutiMania"],
"shinutiUra": song_info["shinutiUra"],
"shinutiEasyDuet": song_info["shinutiEasyDuet"],
"shinutiNormalDuet": song_info["shinutiNormalDuet"],
"shinutiHardDuet": song_info["shinutiHardDuet"],
"shinutiManiaDuet": song_info["shinutiManiaDuet"],
"shinutiUraDuet": song_info["shinutiUraDuet"],
"scoreEasy": song_info["scoreEasy"],
"scoreNormal": song_info["scoreNormal"],
"scoreHard": song_info["scoreHard"],
"scoreMania": song_info["scoreMania"],
"scoreUra": song_info["scoreUra"],
"songFileNameForSelect": song_info["songFileName"],
elif game_platform == "PTB":
ptb_song_info = {
"uniqueId": current_unique_id,
"id": song_info["id"],
"songFileName": song_info["songFileName"],
"order": song_order,
"genreNo": song_info["genreNo"],
"branchEasy": song_info["branchEasy"],
"branchNormal": song_info["branchNormal"],
"branchHard": song_info["branchHard"],
"branchMania": song_info["branchMania"],
"branchUra": song_info["branchUra"],
"starEasy": song_info["starEasy"],
"starNormal": song_info["starNormal"],
"starHard": song_info["starHard"],
"starMania": song_info["starMania"],
"starUra": song_info["starUra"],
"shinutiEasy": song_info["shinutiEasy"],
"shinutiNormal": song_info["shinutiNormal"],
"shinutiHard": song_info["shinutiHard"],
"shinutiMania": song_info["shinutiMania"],
"shinutiUra": song_info["shinutiUra"],
"shinutiEasyDuet": song_info["shinutiEasyDuet"],
"shinutiNormalDuet": song_info["shinutiNormalDuet"],
"shinutiHardDuet": song_info["shinutiHardDuet"],
"shinutiManiaDuet": song_info["shinutiManiaDuet"],
"shinutiUraDuet": song_info["shinutiUraDuet"],
"scoreEasy": song_info["scoreEasy"],
"scoreNormal": song_info["scoreNormal"],
"scoreHard": song_info["scoreHard"],
"scoreMania": song_info["scoreMania"],
"scoreUra": song_info["scoreUra"],
# Find previewPos from previewpos.json based on song_id
preview_pos = None
for item in previewpos_data:
if item["id"] == song_info["id"]:
preview_pos = item["previewPos"]
ptb_extra_song_info = {
"uniqueId": current_unique_id,
"id": song_info["id"],
"previewPos": preview_pos if preview_pos is not None else 0, # Use 0 if previewPos not found
current_unique_id += 1
# Find the wordlist items corresponding to song variations
word_keys = [f"song_{song_id}", f"song_sub_{song_id}", f"song_detail_{song_id}"]
for key in word_keys:
word_info = next((item for item in word_list["items"] if item["key"] == key), None)
if word_info:
if game_platform == "PS4":
# Find the corresponding preview position for the current song_id
preview_pos = next((item["previewPos"] for item in previewpos_data if item["id"] == song_id), None)
if preview_pos is not None:
# Run the audio conversion command based on the game platform
def convert_song(song_id):
preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id)
song_filename = f"data/sound/song_{song_id}.mp3"
output_file = os.path.join(audio_output_dir, f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank")
command = [
str(preview_pos), # Convert preview_pos to string
shutil.move(f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank", output_file)
elif game_platform == "NS1":
# Find the corresponding preview position for the current song_id
preview_pos = next((item["previewPos"] for item in previewpos_data if item["id"] == song_id), None)
if preview_pos is not None:
# Run the audio conversion command based on the game platform
def convert_song(song_id):
preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id)
song_filename = f"data/sound/song_{song_id}.mp3"
output_file = os.path.join(audio_output_dir, f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank")
command = [
str(preview_pos), # Convert preview_pos to string
shutil.move(f"song_{song_id}.nus3bank", output_file)
elif game_platform == "PTB":
# Find the corresponding preview position for the current song_id
preview_pos = next((item["previewPos"] for item in previewpos_data if item["id"] == song_id), None)
if preview_pos is not None:
# Run the audio conversion command based on the game platform
def convert_song(song_id):
preview_pos = get_preview_pos(song_id)
song_filename = f"data/sound/song_{song_id}.mp3"
output_file = os.path.join(audio_output_dir, f"song_{song_id}.bin")
command = [
shutil.move(f"song_{song_id}.bin", output_file)
if len(selected_items) > 0:
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_concurrent) as executor:
futures = []
for item_id in selected_items:
song_id = tree.item(item_id)["values"][2]
if song_id not in processed_ids:
# Submit conversion task for this song ID
futures.append(executor.submit(convert_song, song_id))
processed_ids.add(song_id) # Mark as processed
# Wait for all tasks to complete
messagebox.showinfo("No Songs Selected", "Please select songs to export.")
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Export Error", f"An error occurred during export: {str(e)}")
# Export selected musicinfo and wordlist
if game_platform == "PTB":
selected_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, musicinfo_filename)
selected_wordlist_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.json")
selected_songinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, songinfo_filename)
with open(selected_songinfo_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_musicinfo_file:
json.dump({"items": selected_song_info}, out_musicinfo_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
with open(selected_musicinfo_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_musicinfo_file:
json.dump({"items": selected_music_info}, out_musicinfo_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
with open(selected_wordlist_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_wordlist_file:
json.dump({"items": selected_wordlist}, out_wordlist_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
#Compress each ReadAsset file
#Compress each Remove the json files
#Compressed File definitions
compressed_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "musicinfo.gz")
compressed_wordlist_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.gz")
compressed_songinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "songinfo.gz")
# Final Output definitions
final_musicinfo = os.path.join(output_dir, "musicinfo.bin")
final_wordlist = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.bin")
final_songinfo = os.path.join(output_dir, "songinfo.bin")
# Encrypt the final files
encrypt_file_ptb(compressed_musicinfo_path, final_musicinfo)
encrypt_file_ptb(compressed_wordlist_path, final_wordlist)
encrypt_file_ptb(compressed_songinfo_path, final_songinfo)
# Remove compressed .gz files
elif game_platform == "PS4":
selected_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, musicinfo_filename)
selected_wordlist_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.json")
with open(selected_musicinfo_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_musicinfo_file:
json.dump({"items": selected_music_info}, out_musicinfo_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
with open(selected_wordlist_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_wordlist_file:
json.dump({"items": selected_wordlist}, out_wordlist_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
if game_region == "JPN/ASIA":
elif game_region == "EU/USA":
#Compress each datatable file
#Remove .json files
elif game_platform == "NS1":
selected_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, musicinfo_filename)
selected_wordlist_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.json")
with open(selected_musicinfo_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_musicinfo_file:
json.dump({"items": selected_music_info}, out_musicinfo_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
with open(selected_wordlist_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_wordlist_file:
json.dump({"items": selected_wordlist}, out_wordlist_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
if game_region == "JPN/ASIA":
elif game_region == "EU/USA":
#Compress each datatable file
#Compress each Remove the json files
#Compressed File definitions
compressed_musicinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "musicinfo.gz")
compressed_wordlist_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.gz")
# Final Output definitions
final_musicinfo = os.path.join(output_dir, "musicinfo.bin")
final_wordlist = os.path.join(output_dir, "wordlist.bin")
# Encrypt the final files
encrypt_file_ns1(compressed_musicinfo_path, final_musicinfo)
encrypt_file_ns1(compressed_wordlist_path, final_wordlist)
# Remove compressed .gz files
messagebox.showinfo("Export Completed", "Selected songs exported successfully!")
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Export Error", f"An error occurred during export: {str(e)}")
#Button shenanigans, because the order they appear on the gui, is determined by the literal order they are in the code???
# Top Side
preview_button = ttk.Button(window, text="Preview", command=preview_selected)
preview_button.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=10)
# Create sorting options
sort_options = ["ID", "Song Name", "Genre"]
sort_label = tk.Label(window, text="Sort by:")
sort_label.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=5)
sort_var = tk.StringVar(window)
sort_menu = tk.OptionMenu(window, sort_var, *sort_options, command=lambda _: sort_tree(sort_var.get()))
sort_menu.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=0)
# search_entry.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=10, fill="x") # search bar, currently broken
# Bottom Side
export_button = ttk.Button(window, text="Export", command=export_data)
export_button.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=10)
# Create Selection Count Label
selection_count_label = ttk.Label(window, text="0/???")
selection_count_label.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=10)
game_platform_var = tk.StringVar(window)
game_platform_choices = ["PS4", "NS1", "PTB"]
game_platform_menu = tk.OptionMenu(window, game_platform_var, *game_platform_choices)
game_platform_menu.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=0)
# Create Label for Platform selection
platform_label = tk.Label(window, text="Platform")
platform_label.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=5)
# Game region selection, needed for wordlist export.
game_region_var = tk.StringVar(window)
game_region_choices = ["JPN/ASIA", "EU/USA"]
game_region_menu = tk.OptionMenu(window, game_region_var, *game_region_choices)
game_region_menu.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=10)
game_region_label = tk.Label(window, text="Game Region:")
game_region_label.pack(side="bottom", padx=20, pady=0)
# Doesn't function?
# Update selection count when tree selection changes
#tree.bind("<<TreeviewSelect>>", lambda event: update_selection_count())