2023-10-01 19:40:41 +03:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using TaikoSoundEditor.Commons.IO;
using TaikoSoundEditor.Commons.Utils;
2023-07-28 19:02:47 +03:00
using TaikoSoundEditor.Data;
namespace TaikoSoundEditor
2023-10-01 19:40:41 +03:00
partial class MainForm
2023-07-28 19:02:47 +03:00
private void CreateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Logger.Info($"Clicked Create Button");
AudioFileSelector.Path = "";
TJASelector.Path = "";
SongNameBox.Text = "(6 characters id...)";
TabControl.SelectedIndex = 2;
private void CreateBackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Logger.Info($"Clicked Back Button");
TabControl.SelectedIndex = 1;
private void TJASelector_PathChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)
if (TJASelector.Path == null) return;
if (SongNameBox.Text != "" && SongNameBox.Text != "(6 characters id...)") return;
var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(TJASelector.Path);
if (name.Length == 6)
SongNameBox.Text = name;
private void AddSilenceBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
SilenceBox.Enabled = AddSilenceBox.Checked;
private void CreateOkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => ExceptionGuard.Run(() =>
Logger.Info($"Clicked Ok Button");
var audioFilePath = AudioFileSelector.Path;
var tjaPath = TJASelector.Path;
var songName = SongNameBox.Text;
var id = Math.Max(MusicAttributes.GetNewId(), AddedMusic.Count == 0 ? 0 : AddedMusic.Max(_ => _.UniqueId) + 1);
Logger.Info($"Audio File = {audioFilePath}");
Logger.Info($"TJA File = {tjaPath}");
Logger.Info($"Song Name (Id) = {songName}");
Logger.Info($"UniqueId = {id}");
if (songName == null || songName.Length == 0 || songName.Length > 6)
WarnWithBox("Invalid song name.");
if (!MusicAttributes.IsValidSongId(songName) || AddedMusic.Any(m => m.Id == songName))
WarnWithBox("Duplicate song name. Choose another");
FeedbackBox.AppendText("Creating temp dir\r\n");
FeedbackBox.AppendText("Parsing TJA\r\n");
Logger.Info("Parsing TJA");
var tja = TjaEncAuto.Checked ? TJA.ReadDefault(tjaPath)
: TjaEncUTF8.Checked ? TJA.ReadAsUTF8(tjaPath)
: TJA.ReadAsShiftJIS(tjaPath);
File.WriteAllText("tja.txt", tja.ToString());
var seconds = AddSilenceBox.Checked ? (int)Math.Ceiling(tja.Headers.Offset + (int)SilenceBox.Value) : 0;
if (seconds < 0) seconds = 0;
FeedbackBox.AppendText("Converting to wav\r\n");
WAV.ConvertToWav(audioFilePath, $@".-tmp\{songName}.wav", seconds);
Logger.Info("Adjusting seconds of silence");
tja.Headers.Offset -= seconds;
tja.Headers.DemoStart += seconds;
var text = File.ReadAllLines(tjaPath);
text = text.Select(l =>
if (l.StartsWith("OFFSET:"))
return $"OFFSET:{tja.Headers.Offset:n3}";
if (l.StartsWith("DEMOSTART:"))
return $"DEMOSTART:{tja.Headers.DemoStart:n3}";
return l;
var missingCourses = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }.Where(i => !tja.Courses.Keys.Contains(i)).ToArray();
var courseNames = new string[] { "Easy", "Normal", "Hard", "Oni" };
if (missingCourses.Length > 0)
var caption = $"There are missing courses in the TJA file for difficulties: {string.Join(", ", missingCourses.Select(i => courseNames[i]))}.\n" +
$"Do you want to add a placeholder for the missing courses?";
if (MessageBox.Show(caption, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
foreach (var difficulty in missingCourses)
text = text.Concat(new string[]
tja.Courses[difficulty] = new TJA.Course(difficulty, new TJA.CourseHeader(), new List<TJA.Measure>
new TJA.Measure(new int[]{1,1}, new Dictionary<string, bool>(), "1", new List<TJA.MeasureEvent>())
Logger.Info("Creating temporary tja");
2023-10-01 19:40:41 +03:00
var newTja = $@".-tmp\{Path.GetFileName(tjaPath)}";
2023-07-28 19:02:47 +03:00
File.WriteAllLines(newTja, text);
FeedbackBox.AppendText("Running tja2fumen\r\n");
var tja_binaries = TJA.RunTja2Fumen(newTja);
Logger.Info("Creating new sonud data");
FeedbackBox.AppendText("Creating sound data\r\n");
NewSongData ns = new NewSongData();
ns.UniqueId = id;
ns.Id = songName;
ns.Wav = File.ReadAllBytes($@".-tmp\{songName}.wav");
ns.EBin = tja_binaries[0];
ns.HBin = tja_binaries[1];
ns.MBin = tja_binaries[2];
ns.NBin = tja_binaries[3];
ns.EBin1 = tja_binaries[5];
ns.HBin1 = tja_binaries[6];
ns.MBin1 = tja_binaries[7];
ns.NBin1 = tja_binaries[8];
ns.EBin2 = tja_binaries[10];
ns.HBin2 = tja_binaries[11];
ns.MBin2 = tja_binaries[12];
ns.NBin2 = tja_binaries[13];
2023-10-01 19:40:41 +03:00
var selectedMusicInfo = LoadedMusicBox.SelectedItem as IMusicInfo;
2023-07-28 19:02:47 +03:00
2023-10-01 19:40:41 +03:00
var mi = (selectedMusicInfo ?? (NewSoundsBox.SelectedItem as NewSongData)?.MusicInfo ?? DatatableTypes.CreateMusicInfo()).Clone();
2023-07-28 19:02:47 +03:00
mi.Id = songName;
mi.UniqueId = id;
ns.MusicInfo = mi;
2023-10-01 19:40:41 +03:00
var mo = DatatableTypes.CreateMusicOrder(Genre.Pop, songName, id);
2023-07-28 19:02:47 +03:00
ns.MusicOrder = mo;
2023-10-01 19:40:41 +03:00
var ma = selectedMusicInfo != null ? MusicAttributes.GetByUniqueId(selectedMusicInfo.UniqueId).Clone() : DatatableTypes.CreateMusicAttribute("", 0);
2023-07-28 19:02:47 +03:00
ma.Id = songName;
ma.UniqueId = id;
ma.New = true;
ns.MusicAttribute = ma;
2023-10-01 19:40:41 +03:00
ns.Word = WordList.GetBySong(songName) ?? DatatableTypes.CreateWord($"song_{songName}");
2023-07-30 08:11:24 +03:00
ns.Word.JapaneseText = tja.Headers.Title;
2023-10-01 19:40:41 +03:00
ns.WordSub = WordList.GetBySongSub(songName) ?? DatatableTypes.CreateWord($"song_{songName}");
2023-07-30 08:11:24 +03:00
ns.WordSub.JapaneseText = tja.Headers.Subtitle;
2023-10-01 19:40:41 +03:00
ns.WordDetail = WordList.GetBySongDetail(songName) ?? DatatableTypes.CreateWord($"song_{songName}", tja.Headers.TitleJa);
2023-07-30 08:11:24 +03:00
ns.WordDetail.JapaneseText = tja.Headers.TitleJa;
mi.EasyOnpuNum = tja.Courses[0].NotesCount;
2023-07-28 19:02:47 +03:00
mi.NormalOnpuNum = tja.Courses[1].NotesCount;
mi.HardOnpuNum = tja.Courses[2].NotesCount;
mi.ManiaOnpuNum = tja.Courses[3].NotesCount;
mi.BranchEasy = tja.Courses[0].HasBranches;
mi.BranchNormal = tja.Courses[1].HasBranches;
mi.BranchHard = tja.Courses[2].HasBranches;
mi.BranchMania = tja.Courses[3].HasBranches;
mi.StarEasy = tja.Courses[0].Headers.Level;
mi.StarNormal = tja.Courses[1].Headers.Level;
mi.StarHard = tja.Courses[2].Headers.Level;
mi.StarMania = tja.Courses[3].Headers.Level;
if (tja.Courses.ContainsKey(4))
FeedbackBox.AppendText("URA course detected\r\n");
mi.UraOnpuNum = tja.Courses[4].NotesCount;
mi.StarUra = tja.Courses[4].Headers.Level;
mi.BranchUra = tja.Courses[4].HasBranches;
ma.CanPlayUra = true;
ma.CanPlayUra = false;
FeedbackBox.AppendText("Adjusting shinuti\r\n");
mi.ShinutiEasy = (mi.ShinutiScoreEasy / mi.EasyOnpuNum) / 10 * 10;
mi.ShinutiNormal = (mi.ShinutiScoreNormal / mi.NormalOnpuNum) / 10 * 10;
mi.ShinutiHard = (mi.ShinutiScoreHard / mi.HardOnpuNum) / 10 * 10;
mi.ShinutiMania = (mi.ShinutiScoreMania / mi.ManiaOnpuNum) / 10 * 10;
mi.ShinutiEasyDuet = (mi.ShinutiScoreEasyDuet / mi.EasyOnpuNum) / 10 * 10;
mi.ShinutiNormalDuet = (mi.ShinutiScoreNormalDuet / mi.NormalOnpuNum) / 10 * 10;
mi.ShinutiHardDuet = (mi.ShinutiScoreHardDuet / mi.HardOnpuNum) / 10 * 10;
mi.ShinutiManiaDuet = (mi.ShinutiScoreManiaDuet / mi.ManiaOnpuNum) / 10 * 10;
if (ma.CanPlayUra)
mi.ShinutiScoreUra = 1002320;
mi.ShinutiScoreUraDuet = 1002320;
mi.ShinutiUra = (mi.ShinutiScoreUra / mi.UraOnpuNum) / 10 * 10;
mi.ShinutiUraDuet = (mi.ShinutiScoreUraDuet / mi.UraOnpuNum) / 10 * 10;
if (ma.CanPlayUra)
ns.XBin = tja_binaries[4];
ns.XBin1 = tja_binaries[9];
ns.XBin2 = tja_binaries[14];
mi.SongFileName = $"sound/song_{songName}";
mi.RendaTimeEasy = 0;
mi.RendaTimeHard = 0;
mi.RendaTimeMania = 0;
mi.RendaTimeNormal = 0;
mi.RendaTimeUra = 0;
mi.FuusenTotalEasy = 0;
mi.FuusenTotalHard = 0;
mi.FuusenTotalMania = 0;
mi.FuusenTotalNormal = 0;
mi.FuusenTotalUra = 0;
Dictionary<string, int> genres = new Dictionary<string, int>
{ "POP", 0 },
{ "ANIME", 1 },
{ "KIDS", 2 },
{ "VOCALOID", 3 },
{ "GAME MUSIC", 4 },
if (tja.Headers.Genre != null && genres.ContainsKey(tja.Headers.Genre.ToUpper()))
mi.GenreNo = genres[tja.Headers.Genre.ToUpper()];
FeedbackBox.AppendText("Converting to idsp\r\n");
IDSP.WavToIdsp($@".-tmp\{songName}.wav", $@".-tmp\{songName}.idsp");
var idsp = File.ReadAllBytes($@".-tmp\{songName}.idsp");
FeedbackBox.AppendText("Creating nus3bank file\r\n");
ns.Nus3Bank = NUS3Bank.GetNus3Bank(songName, id, idsp, tja.Headers.DemoStart);
Logger.Info("Conversion done");
NewSoundsBox.SelectedItem = ns;
TabControl.SelectedIndex = 1;
2023-07-29 09:15:24 +03:00
Logger.Info("Adding to music orders");
2023-07-28 19:02:47 +03:00
private static void CreateTmpDir()
Logger.Info($"Creating .-tmp/");
if (!Directory.Exists(".-tmp"))
private static void WarnWithBox(string message)
Logger.Warning("Displayed: " + message);