mirror of synced 2025-02-26 14:42:04 +01:00

Fix mypy typing

This commit is contained in:
Viv 2024-01-25 16:17:40 -05:00
parent b7e5058067
commit ab954c6d9d
2 changed files with 28 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ class FumenNote:
note_type: str = ''
pos: float = 0.0
pos_abs: float = 0.0
diff: float = 0.0
score_init: int = 0
score_diff: int = 0
padding: float = 0.0

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@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ def convert_tja_to_fumen(tja: TJACourse) -> FumenCourse:
return fumen
def fix_dk_note_types(dk_notes):
def fix_dk_note_types(dk_notes: List[FumenNote]) -> None:
Cluster Don/Ka notes based on their relative positions, then replace
Don/Ka notes with alternate versions (Don2, Don3, Ka2).
@ -431,23 +431,30 @@ def fix_dk_note_types(dk_notes):
NB: Modifies FumenNote objects in-place
# Get the differences between each note and the previous one
dk_note_diffs = [(round(note_2.pos_abs - note_1.pos_abs, 9), note_1)
for (note_1, note_2) in zip(dk_notes, dk_notes[1:])]
for (note_1, note_2) in zip(dk_notes, dk_notes[1:]):
note_1.diff = round(note_2.pos_abs - note_1.pos_abs, 9)
# Isolate the unique difference values and sort them
dk_unique_diffs = sorted(list({ms for ms, _ in dk_note_diffs}))
dk_unique_diffs = sorted(list({note.diff for note in dk_notes}))
# Cluster the notes from the smallest difference to the largest
# (This ensures that 48th notes are clustered before 24th notes, etc.)
clustered_notes = dk_note_diffs
semi_clustered: List[Union[FumenNote, List[FumenNote]]] = list(dk_notes)
for diff_val in dk_unique_diffs:
clustered_notes = cluster_notes(clustered_notes, diff_val)
semi_clustered = cluster_notes(semi_clustered, diff_val)
# Sanity check to ensure that all notes have been clustered
assert all(isinstance(cluster, list) for cluster in semi_clustered)
# mypy doesn't like that I'm combining List[FumenNote] with
# List[List[FumenNote] (https://stackoverflow.com/a/52559625),
# even though I've guaranteed the type using assertions...
clustered_notes: List[List[FumenNote]] = semi_clustered # type: ignore
# In each cluster, replace dons/kas with their alternate versions
def replace_alternate_don_kas(note_clusters):
def replace_alternate_don_kas(note_clusters: List[List[FumenNote]]) -> None:
Replace Don/Ka notes with alternate versions (Don2, Don3, Ka2) based on
positions within a cluster of notes.
@ -471,22 +478,24 @@ def replace_alternate_don_kas(note_clusters):
cluster[-1].note_type = cluster[-1].note_type[:-1]
def cluster_notes(item_list, diff_to_cluster_by):
def cluster_notes(item_list: List[Union[FumenNote, List[FumenNote]]],
cluster_diff: float) \
-> List[Union[FumenNote, List[FumenNote]]]:
"""Group notes based on the differences between them."""
# Preemptively cluster any big DON/KA notes
clustered_big_notes = []
clustered_big_notes: List[Union[FumenNote, List[FumenNote]]] = []
for item in item_list:
if isinstance(item, tuple):
_, note_1 = item
if any(note_1.note_type.startswith(big)
if isinstance(item, FumenNote):
if any(item.note_type.startswith(big)
for big in ['DON', 'KA']):
item_list = clustered_big_notes
# Cluster any remaining small notes
clustered_notes, current_cluster = [], []
clustered_notes: List[Union[FumenNote, List[FumenNote]]] = []
current_cluster: List[FumenNote] = []
for item in item_list:
# If we encounter an already-clustered group of items, the current
# cluster should end
@ -497,14 +506,14 @@ def cluster_notes(item_list, diff_to_cluster_by):
# Handle values that haven't been clustered yet
diff, note_1 = item
assert isinstance(item, FumenNote)
# Start and/or continue the current cluster
if diff == diff_to_cluster_by:
if item.diff == cluster_diff:
# Finish the existing cluster
if current_cluster:
current_cluster = []
# Or, if there is no cluster, append the item