import os import shutil import zipfile import re import glob import pytest from conftest import convert from tja2fumen.parsers import parse_fumen @pytest.mark.parametrize('id_song', [ pytest.param('emma'), pytest.param('butou5'), pytest.param('shoto9', marks=pytest.mark.skip("TJA measures do not match fumen.")), pytest.param('genpe'), pytest.param('gimcho'), pytest.param('imcanz'), pytest.param('clsca'), pytest.param('linda'), pytest.param('senpac'), pytest.param('hol6po'), pytest.param('mikdp'), pytest.param('ia6cho'), ]) def test_converted_tja_vs_cached_fumen(id_song, tmp_path, entry_point): # Define the testing directory path_test = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Define the working directory path_temp = os.path.join(tmp_path, id_song) os.mkdir(path_temp) # Copy input TJA to working directory path_tja = os.path.join(path_test, "data", f"{id_song}.tja") path_tja_tmp = os.path.join(path_temp, f"{id_song}.tja") shutil.copy(path_tja, path_tja_tmp) # Convert TJA file to fumen files convert(path_test, path_tja_tmp, entry_point) # Fetch output fumen paths paths_out = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_temp, "*.bin")) assert paths_out, f"No bin files generated in {path_temp}" order = "xmhne" # Ura Oni -> Oni -> Hard -> Normal -> Easy paths_out = sorted(paths_out, key=lambda s: [order.index(c) if c in order else len(order) for c in s]) # Extract cached fumen files to working directory path_binzip = os.path.join(path_test, "data", f"{id_song}.zip") path_bin = os.path.join(path_temp, "ca_bins") with zipfile.ZipFile(path_binzip, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(path_bin) # Compare cached fumen with generated fumen for path_out in paths_out: # Difficulty introspection to help with debugging i_difficult_id = os.path.basename(path_out).split(".")[0].split("_")[1] # 0. Read fumen data (converted vs. cached) path_out_fumen = os.path.join(path_bin, os.path.basename(path_out)) co_song = parse_fumen(path_out, exclude_empty_measures=True) ca_song = parse_fumen(path_out_fumen, exclude_empty_measures=True) # 1. Check song headers checkValidHeader(co_song.header) checkValidHeader(ca_song.header) for header_property in ['order', 'b432_b435_has_branches', 'b436_b439_hp_max', 'b440_b443_hp_clear', 'b444_b447_hp_gain_good', 'b448_b451_hp_gain_ok', 'b452_b455_hp_loss_bad', 'b456_b459_normal_normal_ratio', 'b460_b463_normal_professional_ratio', 'b464_b467_normal_master_ratio']: check(co_song.header, ca_song.header, header_property, abv=1) # NB: KAGEKIYO's branching condition is very unique (BIG only), which # cannot be expressed in a TJA file. So, we skip checking the # `branch_point` header values for KAGEKIYO. if id_song != 'genpe': for header_property in ['b000_b431_timing_windows', 'b468_b471_branch_pts_good', 'b472_b475_branch_pts_ok', 'b476_b479_branch_pts_bad', 'b480_b483_branch_pts_drumroll', 'b484_b487_branch_pts_good_big', 'b488_b491_branch_pts_ok_big', 'b492_b495_branch_pts_drumroll_big', 'b496_b499_branch_pts_balloon', 'b500_b503_branch_pts_kusudama']: check(co_song.header, ca_song.header, header_property) # 2. Check song metadata check(co_song, ca_song, 'score_init') check(co_song, ca_song, 'score_diff') # 3. Check measure data for i_measure in range(max([len(co_song.measures), len(ca_song.measures)])): # NB: We could assert that len(measures) is the same for both # songs, then iterate through zipped measures. But, if there is a # mismatched number of measures, we want to know _where_ it # occurs. So, we let the comparison go on using the max length of # both songs until something else fails. co_measure = co_song.measures[i_measure] ca_measure = ca_song.measures[i_measure] # 3a. Check measure metadata check(co_measure, ca_measure, 'bpm', i_measure, abv=0.01) check(co_measure, ca_measure, 'offset_start', i_measure, abv=0.15) check(co_measure, ca_measure, 'gogo', i_measure) check(co_measure, ca_measure, 'barline', i_measure) # NB: KAGEKIYO's fumen has some strange details that can't be # replicated using the TJA charting format. So, for now, we use a # special case to skip checking: # A) notes for certain measures and # B) branchInfo if id_song == 'genpe': # A) The 2/4 measures in the Ura of KAGEKIYO's official Ura # fumen don't match the charts. In the official # fumen, the note ms offsets of branches 5/12/17/etc. go _past_ # the duration of the measure. This behavior is impossible to # represent using the TJA format, so we skip checking notes # for these measures, since the rest of the measures have # perfect note ms offsets anyway. if (i_difficult_id == "x" and i_measure in [5, 6, 12, 13, 17, 18, 26, 27, 46, 47, 51, 52, 56, 57]): continue # B) The branching condition for KAGEKIYO is very strange # (accuracy for the 7 big notes in the song) So, we only test # the branchInfo bytes for non-KAGEKIYO songs: else: check(co_measure, ca_measure, 'branch_info', i_measure) # 3b. Check measure notes for i_branch in ['normal', 'professional', 'master']: co_branch = co_measure.branches[i_branch] ca_branch = ca_measure.branches[i_branch] # NB: We only check speed for non-empty branches, as fumens # store speed changes even for empty branches. if co_branch.length != 0: check(co_branch, ca_branch, 'speed', i_measure, i_branch) # NB: We could assert that len(notes) is the same for both # songs, then iterate through zipped notes. But, if there is a # mismatched number of notes, we want to know _where_ it # occurs. So, we let the comparison go on using the max length # of both branches until something else fails. for i_note in range(max([co_branch.length, ca_branch.length])): co_note = co_branch.notes[i_note] ca_note = ca_branch.notes[i_note] check(co_note, ca_note, 'note_type', i_measure, i_branch, i_note, func=normalize_type) check(co_note, ca_note, 'pos', i_measure, i_branch, i_note, abv=0.1) # NB: Drumroll duration doesn't always end exactly on a # beat. Plus, TJA charters often eyeball drumrolls, # leading them to be often off by a 1/4th/8th/16th/etc. # These charting errors are fixable, but tedious to do # when writing tests. So, I've added a try/except so that # they can be checked locally with a breakpoint when # adding new songs, but so that fixing every # duration-related chart error isn't 100% mandatory. try: check(co_note, ca_note, 'duration', i_measure, i_branch, i_note, abv=25.0) except AssertionError: pass if ca_note.note_type in ["Balloon", "Kusudama"]: check(co_note, ca_note, 'hits', i_measure, i_branch, i_note) else: check(co_note, ca_note, 'score_init', i_measure, i_branch, i_note) check(co_note, ca_note, 'score_diff', i_measure, i_branch, i_note) # NB: 'item' still needs to be implemented: # # check(co_note, ca_note, 'item', i_measure, # i_branch, i_note) def check(converted_obj, cached_obj, prop, measure=None, branch=None, note=None, func=None, abv=None): # NB: TJA parser/converter uses 0-based indexing, but TJA files use # 1-based indexing. So, we increment 1 in the error message to more easily # identify problematic lines in TJA files. msg_failure = f"'{prop}' mismatch" msg_failure += f": measure '{measure+1}'" if measure is not None else "" msg_failure += f", branch '{branch}'" if branch is not None else "" msg_failure += f", note '{note+1}'" if note is not None else "" converted_val = converted_obj.__getattribute__(prop) cached_val = cached_obj.__getattribute__(prop) if func: assert func(converted_val) == func(cached_val), msg_failure elif abv: assert converted_val == pytest.approx(cached_val, abs=abv), msg_failure else: assert converted_val == cached_val, msg_failure def normalize_type(note_type): return re.sub(r'[0-9]', '', note_type) def checkValidHeader(header): assert len(header.raw_bytes) == 520 assert header.b432_b435_has_branches in [0, 1] assert header.b436_b439_hp_max == 10000 assert header.b440_b443_hp_clear in [6000, 7000, 8000] assert 10 <= header.b444_b447_hp_gain_good <= 1020 assert 5 <= header.b448_b451_hp_gain_ok <= 1020 assert -765 <= header.b452_b455_hp_loss_bad <= -20 assert header.b456_b459_normal_normal_ratio <= 65536 assert header.b460_b463_normal_professional_ratio <= 65536 assert header.b464_b467_normal_master_ratio <= 65536 assert header.b468_b471_branch_pts_good in [20, 0, 1, 2] assert header.b472_b475_branch_pts_ok in [10, 0, 1] assert header.b476_b479_branch_pts_bad == 0 assert header.b480_b483_branch_pts_drumroll in [1, 0] assert header.b484_b487_branch_pts_good_big in [20, 0, 1, 2] assert header.b488_b491_branch_pts_ok_big in [10, 0, 1] assert header.b492_b495_branch_pts_drumroll_big in [1, 0] assert header.b496_b499_branch_pts_balloon in [30, 0, 1] assert header.b500_b503_branch_pts_kusudama in [30, 0]