mirror of synced 2025-02-03 13:13:26 +01:00

460 lines
19 KiB

import os
import re
from utils import readStruct, getBool, shortHex, nameValue, debugPrint, checkValidHeader
from constants import (
# TJA constants
# Fumen constants
branchNames, noteTypes
# TJA-parsing functions ( Original source: https://github.com/WHMHammer/tja-tools/blob/master/src/js/parseTJA.js)
def parseTJA(tja):
# Split into lines
lines = tja.read().splitlines()
lines = [line for line in lines if line] # Discard empty lines
# Line by line
headers = {}
courses = {}
currentCourse = ''
for line in lines:
parsed = parseLine(line)
# Case 1: Comments (ignore)
if parsed['type'] == 'comment':
# Case 2: Global header metadata
elif parsed['type'] == 'header' and parsed['scope'] == 'global':
headers[parsed['name'].lower()] = parsed['value']
# Case 3: Course data (metadata, commands, note data)
# Check to see if we're starting a new course
if parsed['type'] == 'header' and parsed['scope'] == 'course' and parsed['name'] == 'COURSE':
currentCourse = parsed['value']
if currentCourse not in courses.keys():
courses[currentCourse] = []
# Append the line to the current course
# Convert parsed course lines into actual note data
songs = {}
for courseName, courseLines in courses.items():
courseHeader, courseMeasures = getCourse(headers, courseLines)
songs[courseName] = applyFumenStructureToParsedTJA(headers, courseHeader, courseMeasures)
return songs
def parseLine(line):
# Regex matches for various line types
match_comment = re.match(r"//.*", line)
match_header = re.match(r"^([A-Z]+):(.+)", line)
match_command = re.match(r"^#([A-Z]+)(?:\s+(.+))?", line)
match_data = re.match(r"^(([0-9]|A|B|C|F|G)*,?)$", line)
if match_comment:
return {"type": 'comment', "value": line}
elif match_header:
nameUpper = match_header.group(1).upper()
value = match_header.group(2)
if nameUpper in HEADER_GLOBAL:
return {"type": 'header', "scope": 'global', "name": nameUpper, "value": value.strip()}
elif nameUpper in HEADER_COURSE:
return {"type": 'header', "scope": 'course', "name": nameUpper, "value": value.strip()}
elif match_command:
nameUpper = match_command.group(1).upper()
value = match_command.group(2) if match_command.group(2) else ''
if nameUpper in COMMAND:
return {"type": 'command', "name": nameUpper, "value": value.strip()}
elif match_data:
return {"type": 'data', "data": match_data.group(1)}
return {"type": 'unknown', "value": line}
def getCourse(tjaHeaders, lines):
def parseHeaderMetadata(line):
nonlocal headers
if line["name"] == 'COURSE':
headers['course'] = line['value']
elif line["name"] == 'LEVEL':
headers['level'] = int(line['value'])
elif line["name"] == 'SCOREINIT':
headers['scoreInit'] = int(line['value'])
elif line["name"] == 'SCOREDIFF':
headers['scoreDiff'] = int(line['value'])
elif line["name"] == 'TTROWBEAT':
headers['ttRowBeat'] = int(line['value'])
elif line["name"] == 'BALLOON':
if line['value']:
balloons = [int(v) for v in line['value'].split(",")]
balloons = []
headers['balloon'] = balloons
def parseBranchCommands(line):
nonlocal flagLevelhold, targetBranch, currentBranch
if line["name"] == 'BRANCHSTART':
if flagLevelhold:
values = line['value'].split(',')
if values[0] == 'r':
if len(values) >= 3:
targetBranch = 'M'
elif len(values) == 2:
targetBranch = 'E'
targetBranch = 'N'
elif values[0] == 'p':
if len(values) >= 3 and float(values[2]) <= 100:
targetBranch = 'M'
elif len(values) >= 2 and float(values[1]) <= 100:
targetBranch = 'E'
targetBranch = 'N'
elif line["name"] == 'BRANCHEND':
currentBranch = targetBranch
elif line["name"] == 'N':
currentBranch = 'N'
elif line["name"] == 'E':
currentBranch = 'E'
elif line["name"] == 'M':
currentBranch = 'M'
elif line["name"] == 'START' or line['name'] == 'END':
currentBranch = 'N'
targetBranch = 'N'
flagLevelhold = False
def parseMeasureCommands(line):
nonlocal measureDivisor, measureDividend, measureEvents, measureProperties, flagLevelhold
if line['name'] == 'MEASURE':
matchMeasure = re.match(r"(\d+)/(\d+)", line['value'])
if not matchMeasure:
measureDividend = int(matchMeasure.group(1))
measureDivisor = int(matchMeasure.group(2))
elif line['name'] == 'GOGOSTART':
measureEvents.append({"name": 'gogo', "position": len(measureData), "value": '1'})
elif line['name'] == 'GOGOEND':
measureEvents.append({"name": 'gogo', "position": len(measureData), "value": '0'})
elif line['name'] == 'BARLINEON':
measureEvents.append({"name": 'barline', "position": len(measureData), "value": '1'})
elif line['name'] == 'BARLINEOFF':
measureEvents.append({"name": 'barline', "position": len(measureData), "value": '0'})
elif line['name'] == 'SCROLL':
measureEvents.append({"name": 'scroll', "position": len(measureData), "value": float(line['value'])})
elif line['name'] == 'BPMCHANGE':
measureEvents.append({"name": 'bpm', "position": len(measureData), "value": float(line['value'])})
elif line['name'] == 'TTBREAK':
measureProperties['ttBreak'] = True
elif line['name'] == 'LEVELHOLD':
flagLevelhold = True
def parseMeasureData(line):
nonlocal measures, measureData, measureDividend, measureDivisor, measureEvents, measureProperties
data = line['data']
# If measure has ended, then append the measure and start anew
if data.endswith(','):
measureData += data[0:-1]
measure = {
"length": [measureDividend, measureDivisor],
"properties": measureProperties,
"data": measureData,
"events": measureEvents,
measureData = ''
measureEvents = []
measureProperties = {}
# Otherwise, keep tracking measureData
measureData += data
# Define state variables
headers = {'balloon': []} # Charters sometimes exclude `BALLOON` entirely if there are none
measures = []
measureDividend = 4
measureDivisor = 4
measureProperties = {}
measureData = ''
measureEvents = []
currentBranch = 'N'
targetBranch = 'N'
flagLevelhold = False
# Process course lines
for line in lines:
if line["type"] == 'header':
elif line["type"] == 'command' and line['name'] in BRANCH_COMMANDS:
elif line["type"] == 'command' and line['name'] in MEASURE_COMMANDS and currentBranch == targetBranch:
elif line['type'] == 'data' and currentBranch == targetBranch:
# Post-processing: Ensure the first measure has a BPM event
if measures:
firstBPMEventFound = False
# Search for BPM event in the first measure
for i in range(len(measures[0]['events'])):
evt = measures[0]['events'][i]
if evt['name'] == 'bpm' and evt['position'] == 0:
firstBPMEventFound = True
# If not present, insert a BPM event into the first measure using the global header metadata
if not firstBPMEventFound:
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
measures[0]['events'].insert(0, {"name": 'bpm', "position": 0, "value": tjaHeaders['bpm']})
# Post-processing: In case the file doesn't end on a "measure end" symbol (','), append whatever is left
if measureData:
"length": [measureDividend, measureDivisor],
"properties": measureProperties,
"data": measureData,
"events": measureEvents,
# Post-processing: Otherwise, if the file ends on a measure event (e.g. #GOGOEND), append any remaining events
elif measureEvents:
for event in measureEvents:
event['position'] = len(measures[len(measures) - 1]['data'])
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
measures[len(measures) - 1]['events'].append(event)
return headers, measures
def applyFumenStructureToParsedTJA(globalHeader, courseHeader, measures):
"""Merge song metadata, course metadata, and course data into a single fumen-like object."""
song = {'measures': [], 'metadata': {}}
for k, v in globalHeader.items():
song['metadata'][k] = v
for k, v in courseHeader.items():
if k in ['scoreInit', 'scoreDiff']:
song[k] = v
song['metadata'][k] = v
for i, measure in enumerate(measures):
return song
# Fumen-parsing functions
# Fumen format reverse engineering TODOs
# TODO: Figure out the remaining header bytes represent (0x1b0 to 0x207)
# TODO: Figure out what drumroll bytes are (8 bytes after every drumroll)
# NB: fumen2osu.py assumed these were padding bytes, but they're not!! They contain some sort of metadata.
# TODO: Figure out what the unknown Wii1, Wii4, and PS4 notes represent (just in case they're important somehow)
def readFumen(fumenFile, byteOrder=None, debug=False):
Parse bytes of a fumen .bin file into nested measure, branch, and note dictionaries.
For more information on any of the terms used in this function (e.g. scoreInit, scoreDiff),
please refer to KatieFrog's excellent guide: https://gist.github.com/KatieFrogs/e000f406bbc70a12f3c34a07303eec8b
if type(fumenFile) is str:
file = open(fumenFile, "rb")
file = fumenFile
size = os.fstat(file.fileno()).st_size
# Check for valid fumen header (first 432 bytes) using valid byte substrings
fumenHeader = file.read(432)
if not checkValidHeader(fumenHeader):
debugPrint(f"Invalid header!")
# Read the next 80 bytes, which contains unknown information
fumenHeaderUnknown = file.read(80)
# Determine:
# - The byte order (big or little endian)
# - The total number of measures from byte 0x200 (decimal 512)
if byteOrder:
order = ">" if byteOrder == "big" else "<"
totalMeasures = readStruct(file, order, format_string="I", seek=0x200)[0]
# Use the number of measures to determine the byte order
measuresBig = readStruct(file, order="", format_string=">I", seek=0x200)[0]
measuresLittle = readStruct(file, order="", format_string="<I", seek=0x200)[0]
if measuresBig < measuresLittle:
order = ">"
totalMeasures = measuresBig
order = "<"
totalMeasures = measuresLittle
unknownMetadata = readStruct(file, order, format_string="I", seek=0x204)[0]
# Initialize the dict that will contain the chart information
song = {'measures': []}
song['header'] = fumenHeader
song['headerUnknown'] = fumenHeaderUnknown
song['order'] = order
song["length"] = totalMeasures
song["unknownMetadata"] = unknownMetadata
# Determine whether the song has branches from byte 0x1b0 (decimal 432)
hasBranches = getBool(readStruct(file, order, format_string="B", seek=0x1b0)[0])
song["branches"] = hasBranches
# Print general debug metadata about the song
if debug:
debugPrint("Total measures: {0}, {1} branches, {2}-endian".format(
"has" if hasBranches else "no",
"Big" if order == ">" else "Little"
# Start reading measure data from position 0x208 (decimal 520)
for measureNumber in range(totalMeasures):
# Parse the measure data using the following `format_string`:
# "ffBBHiiiiiii" (12 format characters, 40 bytes per measure)
# - 'f': BPM (represented by one float (4 bytes))
# - 'f': fumenOffset (represented by one float (4 bytes))
# - 'B': gogo (represented by one unsigned char (1 byte))
# - 'B': hidden (represented by one unsigned char (1 byte))
# - 'H': <padding> (represented by one unsigned short (2 bytes))
# - 'iiiiii': branchInfo (represented by six integers (24 bytes))
# - 'i': <padding> (represented by one integer (4 bytes)
measureStruct = readStruct(file, order, format_string="ffBBHiiiiiii")
# Create the measure dictionary using the newly-parsed measure data
measure = {}
measure["bpm"] = measureStruct[0]
measure["fumenOffset"] = measureStruct[1]
# if measureNumber == 0:
# measure["offset"] = measure["fumenOffset"] + 240000 / measure["bpm"]
# else:
# prev = song['measures'][measureNumber - 1]
# measure["offset"] = ((prev["offset"] + measure["fumenOffset"] + 240000) /
# (measure["bpm"] - prev["fumenOffset"] - 240000 / prev["bpm"]))
measure["gogo"] = getBool(measureStruct[2])
measure["hidden"] = getBool(measureStruct[3])
measure["padding1"] = measureStruct[4]
measure["branchInfo"] = list(measureStruct[5:11])
measure["padding2"] = measureStruct[11]
# Iterate through the three branch types
for branchNumber in range(len(branchNames)):
# Parse the measure data using the following `format_string`:
# "HHf" (3 format characters, 8 bytes per branch)
# - 'H': totalNotes (represented by one unsigned short (2 bytes))
# - 'H': <padding> (represented by one unsigned short (2 bytes))
# - 'f': speed (represented by one float (4 bytes)
branchStruct = readStruct(file, order, format_string="HHf")
# Create the branch dictionary using the newly-parsed branch data
branch = {}
totalNotes = branchStruct[0]
branch["length"] = totalNotes
branch["padding"] = branchStruct[1]
branch["speed"] = branchStruct[2]
# Print debug metadata about the branches
if debug and (hasBranches or branchNumber == 0 or totalNotes != 0):
branchName = " ({0})".format(
) if hasBranches or branchNumber != 0 else ""
fileOffset = file.tell()
debugPrint("Measure #{0}{1} at {2}-{3} ({4})".format(
measureNumber + 1,
shortHex(fileOffset - 0x8),
shortHex(fileOffset + 0x18 * totalNotes),
nameValue(measure, branch)
debugPrint("Total notes: {0}".format(totalNotes))
# Iterate through each note in the measure (per branch)
for noteNumber in range(totalNotes):
if debug:
fileOffset = file.tell()
debugPrint("Note #{0} at {1}-{2}".format(
noteNumber + 1,
shortHex(fileOffset + 0x17)
), end="")
# Parse the note data using the following `format_string`:
# "ififHHf" (7 format characters, 24 bytes per note cluster)
# - 'i': note type
# - 'f': note position
# - 'i': item
# - 'f': <padding>
# - 'H': scoreInit
# - 'H': scoreDiff
# - 'f': duration
# NB: 'item' doesn't seem to be used at all in this function.
noteStruct = readStruct(file, order, format_string="ififHHf")
# Validate the note type
noteType = noteStruct[0]
if noteType not in noteTypes:
raise ValueError("Error: Unknown note type '{0}' at offset {1}".format(
hex(file.tell() - 0x18))
# Create the note dictionary using the newly-parsed note data
note = {}
note["type"] = noteTypes[noteType]
note["pos"] = noteStruct[1]
note["item"] = noteStruct[2]
note["padding"] = noteStruct[3]
if noteType == 0xa or noteType == 0xc:
# Balloon hits
note["hits"] = noteStruct[4]
note["hitsPadding"] = noteStruct[5]
note['scoreInit'] = noteStruct[4]
note['scoreDiff'] = noteStruct[5] // 4
if "scoreInit" not in song:
song["scoreInit"] = note['scoreInit']
song["scoreDiff"] = note['scoreDiff']
if noteType == 0x6 or noteType == 0x9 or noteType == 0xa or noteType == 0xc:
# Drumroll and balloon duration in ms
note["duration"] = noteStruct[6]
note['durationPadding'] = noteStruct[6]
# Print debug information about the note
if debug:
debugPrint(" ({0})".format(nameValue(note)))
# Seek forward 8 bytes to account for padding bytes at the end of drumrolls
if noteType == 0x6 or noteType == 0x9 or noteType == 0x62:
note["drumrollBytes"] = file.read(8)
# Assign the note to the branch
branch[noteNumber] = note
# Assign the branch to the measure
measure[branchNames[branchNumber]] = branch
# Assign the measure to the song
if file.tell() >= size:
return song