Some backstory: - In [#45](https://github.com/vivaria/tja2fumen/pull/45), I reworked the header parsing code to make sure every header value was correctly identified. - In [#46](https://github.com/vivaria/tja2fumen/pull/46), I changed how the "branch point" header bytes were set by checking if a song contained only drumroll branching conditions. This fixed drumroll-only songs like BATTLE NO. 1, Shoutoku Taiko, etc. However, I missed a corner case in #46 -- songs with `#BRANCHSTART p,0,0` should still be considered "drumroll only". As well, I neglected to consider the "percentage only" songs. So, I fixed the header bytes there, too. Then, to confirm that my changes do in fact produce correct headers, I enabled the check for `branch_points` for (most) of the songs in the test suite. The tests pass. :)