mirror of synced 2025-02-17 18:49:23 +01:00

mai2: implement event reader for pre-dx games

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Trocolli 2023-05-05 00:24:47 -04:00
parent 989c080657
commit 8b9771b5af
3 changed files with 149 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ python read.py --series <Game Code> --version <Version ID> --binfolder /path/to/
The importer for maimai DX will import Events, Music and Tickets.
The importer for maimai Pre-DX will import Events and Music. Not all games will have patch data. Milk - Finale have file encryption, and need an AES key. That key is not provided by the developers.
The importer for maimai Pre-DX will import Events and Music. Not all games will have patch data. Milk - Finale have file encryption, and need an AES key. That key is not provided by the developers. For games that do use encryption, provide the key, as a hex string, with the `--extra` flag. Ex `--extra 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF`
**Important: It is required to use the importer because some games may not function properly or even crash without Events!**

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@ -82,5 +82,5 @@ class Mai2Constants:
def game_ver_to_string(cls, ver: int):
if ver >= 1000:
return cls.VERSION_STRING_OLD[ver / 1000]
return cls.VERSION_STRING_OLD[ver - 1000]
return cls.VERSION_STRING[ver]

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@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import zlib
import codecs
from core.config import CoreConfig
from core.data import Data
@ -34,18 +37,139 @@ class Mai2Reader(BaseReader):
def read(self) -> None:
data_dirs = []
if self.bin_dir is not None:
data_dirs += self.get_data_directories(self.bin_dir)
if self.version < Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI:
if self.bin_dir is not None:
data_dirs += self.get_data_directories(self.bin_dir)
if self.opt_dir is not None:
data_dirs += self.get_data_directories(self.opt_dir)
if self.opt_dir is not None:
data_dirs += self.get_data_directories(self.opt_dir)
for dir in data_dirs:
self.logger.info(f"Read from {dir}")
self.disable_events(f"{dir}/information", f"{dir}/scoreRanking")
for dir in data_dirs:
self.logger.info(f"Read from {dir}")
self.disable_events(f"{dir}/information", f"{dir}/scoreRanking")
self.logger.warn("Pre-DX Readers are not yet implemented!")
if not os.path.exists(f"{self.bin_dir}/tables"):
self.logger.error(f"tables directory not found in {self.bin_dir}")
if self.version >= Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_MILK:
if self.extra is None:
self.logger.error("Milk - Finale requre an AES key via a hex string send as the --extra flag")
key = bytes.fromhex(self.extra)
key = None
evt_table = self.load_table_raw(f"{self.bin_dir}/tables", "mmEvent.bin", key)
txt_table = self.load_table_raw(f"{self.bin_dir}/tables", "mmtextout_jp.bin", key)
score_table = self.load_table_raw(f"{self.bin_dir}/tables", "mmScore.bin", key)
def load_table_raw(self, dir: str, file: str, key: Optional[bytes]) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]]:
if not os.path.exists(f"{dir}/{file}"):
self.logger.warn(f"file {file} does not exist in directory {dir}, skipping")
self.logger.info(f"Load table {file} from {dir}")
if key is not None:
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC)
with open(f"{dir}/{file}", "rb") as f:
f_encrypted = f.read()
f_data = cipher.decrypt(f_encrypted)[0x10:]
with open(f"{dir}/{file}", "rb") as f:
f_data = f.read()[0x10:]
if f_data is None or not f_data:
self.logger.warn(f"file {dir} could not be read, skipping")
f_data_deflate = zlib.decompress(f_data, wbits = zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16)
f_decoded = codecs.utf_16_le_decode(f_data_deflate)[0]
f_split = f_decoded.splitlines()
has_struct_def = "struct " in f_decoded
is_struct = False
struct_def = []
tbl_content = []
if has_struct_def:
for x in f_split:
if x.startswith("struct "):
is_struct = True
struct_name = x[7:-1]
if x.startswith("};"):
is_struct = False
if is_struct:
struct_def.append(x[x.rindex(" ") + 2: -1])
except ValueError:
self.logger.warn(f"rindex failed on line {x}")
if is_struct:
self.logger.warn("Struct not formatted properly")
if not struct_def:
self.logger.warn("Struct def not found")
name = file[:file.index(".")]
if "_" in name:
name = name[:file.index("_")]
for x in f_split:
if not x.startswith(name.upper()):
line_match = re.match(r"(\w+)\((.*?)\)([ ]+\/{3}<[ ]+(.*))?", x)
if line_match is None:
if not line_match.group(1) == name.upper():
self.logger.warn(f"Strange regex match for line {x} -> {line_match}")
vals = line_match.group(2)
comment = line_match.group(4)
line_dict = {}
vals_split = vals.split(",")
for y in range(len(vals_split)):
stripped = vals_split[y].strip().lstrip("L\"").lstrip("\"").rstrip("\"")
if not stripped or stripped is None:
if has_struct_def and len(struct_def) > y:
line_dict[struct_def[y]] = stripped
line_dict[f'item_{y}'] = stripped
if comment:
line_dict['comment'] = comment
if tbl_content:
return tbl_content
self.logger.warning("Failed load table content, skipping")
def get_events(self, base_dir: str) -> None:
self.logger.info(f"Reading events from {base_dir}...")
@ -188,3 +312,16 @@ class Mai2Reader(BaseReader):
self.version, id, ticket_type, price, name
self.logger.info(f"Added ticket {id}...")
def read_old_events(self, events: List[Dict[str, str]]) -> None:
for event in events:
evt_id = int(event.get('イベントID', '0'))
evt_expire_time = float(event.get('オフ時強制時期', '0.0'))
is_exp = bool(int(event.get('海外許可', '0')))
is_aou = bool(int(event.get('AOU許可', '0')))
name = event.get('comment', f'evt_{evt_id}')
self.data.static.put_game_event(self.version, 0, evt_id, name)
if not (is_exp or is_aou):
self.data.static.toggle_game_event(self.version, evt_id, False)