mirror of synced 2025-02-17 18:49:23 +01:00

sao: fix yui shops

This commit is contained in:
Hay1tsme 2023-11-13 17:17:27 -05:00
parent a9f72cec69
commit e035806b41
9 changed files with 373 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import logging
from csv import *
from random import choice
from typing import Dict, List
from os import path
from core.data import Data
from core import CoreConfig
@ -17,6 +19,19 @@ class SaoBase:
self.version = 0
self.logger = logging.getLogger("sao")
def load_data_csv(self, file: str) -> List[Dict]:
ret = []
if path.exists(f"titles/sao/data/{file}.csv"):
with open(f"titles/sao/data/{file}.csv", "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
data = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=',')
for x in data:
return ret
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to find csv file {file}.csv")
return ret
def handle_noop(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes:
self.logger.info(f"Using Generic handler")
resp_thing = SaoNoopResponse(header.cmd + 1)
@ -835,7 +850,86 @@ class SaoBase:
def handle_c700(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes:
# shop/get_shop_resource_sales_data_list
# TODO: Shop data
# TODO: Get user shop data
req = GetShopResourceSalesDataListRequest(header, request)
resp = GetShopResourceSalesDataListResponse(header.cmd + 1)
return resp.make()
return resp.make()
def handle_d100(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes:
# shop/get_yui_medal_shop_user_data_list
# TODO: Get user shop data
req = GetYuiMedalShopUserDataListRequest(header, request)
resp = GetYuiMedalShopUserDataListResponse(header.cmd + 1)
return resp.make()
def handle_cf0e(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes:
# gasha/get_gasha_medal_shop_user_data_list
# TODO: Get user shop data
req = GetGashaMedalShopUserDataListRequest(header, request)
resp = GetGashaMedalShopUserDataListResponse(header.cmd + 1)
return resp.make()
def handle_d5da(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes:
# master_data/get_m_yui_medal_shops
req = GetMYuiMedalShopDataRequest(header, request)
resp = GetMYuiMedalShopDataResponse(header.cmd + 1)
shops = self.load_data_csv("YuiMedalShops")
for shop in shops:
tmp = YuiMedalShopData.from_args(int(shop['YuiMedalShopId']), shop['Name'], shop['Description'])
tmp.selling_yui_medal = int(shop['SellingYuiMedal'])
tmp.selling_col = int(shop['SellingCol'])
tmp.selling_event_item_id = int(shop['SellingEventItemId'])
tmp.selling_event_item_num = int(shop['SellingEventItemNum'])
tmp.selling_ticket_num = int(shop['SellingTicketNum'])
tmp.purchase_limit = int(shop['PurchaseLimit'])
tmp.pick_up_flag = 1 if shop['PickUpFlag'] == "True" else 0
tmp.product_category = int(shop['ProductCategory'])
tmp.sales_type = int(shop['SalesType'])
tmp.target_days = int(shop['TargetDays'])
tmp.target_hour = int(shop['TargetHour'])
tmp.interval_hour = int(shop['IntervalHour'])
tmp.sort = int(shop['Sort'])
tmp.sales_end_date = datetime(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) # always open
return resp.make()
def handle_d5dc(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes:
# master_data/get_m_yui_medal_shop_items
req = GetMYuiMedalShopItemsRequest(header, request)
resp = GetMYuiMedalShopItemsResponse(header.cmd + 1)
shops = self.load_data_csv("YuiMedalShopItems")
for shop in shops:
tmp = YuiMedalShopItemData.from_args(int(shop['YuiMedalShopItemId']), int(shop['YuiMedalShopId']), int(shop['CommonRewardType']), int(shop['CommonRewardId']), int(shop['CommonRewardNum']), int(shop['Strength']))
tmp.property1_property_id = int(shop['Property1PropertyId'])
tmp.property1_value1 = int(shop['Property1Value1'])
tmp.property1_value2 = int(shop['Property1Value2'])
tmp.property2_property_id = int(shop['Property2PropertyId'])
tmp.property2_value1 = int(shop['Property2Value1'])
tmp.property2_value2 = int(shop['Property2Value2'])
tmp.property3_property_id = int(shop['Property3PropertyId'])
tmp.property3_value1 = int(shop['Property3Value1'])
tmp.property3_value2 = int(shop['Property3Value2'])
tmp.property4_property_id = int(shop['Property4PropertyId'])
tmp.property4_value1 = int(shop['Property4Value1'])
tmp.property4_value2 = int(shop['Property4Value2'])
return resp.make()
def handle_d5fc(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes:
# master_data/get_m_gasha_medal_shops
def handle_d604(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes:
# master_data_2/get_m_res_earn_campaign_shops

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// GashaMedalShopItemId,GashaMedalShopId,CommonRewardType,CommonRewardId,CommonRewardNum,Strength,Property1PropertyId,Property1Value1,Property1Value2,Property2PropertyId,Property2Value1,Property2Value2,Property3PropertyId,Property3Value1,Property3Value2,Property4PropertyId,Property4Value1,Property4Value2

1 // GashaMedalShopItemId GashaMedalShopItemId GashaMedalShopId CommonRewardType CommonRewardId CommonRewardNum Strength Property1PropertyId Property1Value1 Property1Value2 Property2PropertyId Property2Value1 Property2Value2 Property3PropertyId Property3Value1 Property3Value2 Property4PropertyId Property4Value1 Property4Value2
2 15701 15701 1 101000220 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0
3 15702 15702 1 102000230 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0
4 15703 15703 2 101000009 1 0 204000 5 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// GashaMedalShopId,Name,GashaMedalId,UseGashaMedalNum,PurchaseLimit,StartDate,EndDate
15701,"≪不屈の誓い≫キリト",10002,300,-1,"2020/03/10 7:00:00","2020/03/31 2:00:00"
15702,"≪明日への誓い≫アスナ",10002,300,-1,"2020/03/10 7:00:00","2020/03/31 2:00:00"
15703,"ダークリパルサー",10002,60,-1,"2020/03/10 7:00:00","2020/03/31 2:00:00"

1 // GashaMedalShopId GashaMedalShopId Name GashaMedalId UseGashaMedalNum PurchaseLimit StartDate EndDate
2 15701 ≪不屈の誓い≫キリト 10002 300 -1 2020/03/10 7:00:00 2020/03/31 2:00:00
3 15702 ≪明日への誓い≫アスナ 10002 300 -1 2020/03/10 7:00:00 2020/03/31 2:00:00
4 15703 ダークリパルサー 10002 60 -1 2020/03/10 7:00:00 2020/03/31 2:00:00

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// ResEarnCampaignShopItemId,ResEarnCampaignShopId,CommonRewardType,CommonRewardId,CommonRewardNum,Strength,Property1PropertyId,Property1Value1,Property1Value2,Property2PropertyId,Property2Value1,Property2Value2,Property3PropertyId,Property3Value1,Property3Value2,Property4PropertyId,Property4Value1,Property4Value2

1 // ResEarnCampaignShopItemId ResEarnCampaignShopItemId ResEarnCampaignShopId CommonRewardType CommonRewardId CommonRewardNum Strength Property1PropertyId Property1Value1 Property1Value2 Property2PropertyId Property2Value1 Property2Value2 Property3PropertyId Property3Value1 Property3Value2 Property4PropertyId Property4Value1 Property4Value2
2 15701 15701 15701 1 101000220 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0
3 15702 15702 15702 1 102000230 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0
4 15703 15703 15703 2 101000009 1 0 204000 5 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// ResEarnCampaignShopId,ResEarnCampaignApplicationId,Name,SellingYuiMedal,SellingCol,SellingEventItemId,SellingEventItemNum,PurchaseLimit,GetApplicationPoint,StartDate,EndDate
15701,10001,"≪不屈の誓い≫キリト",-1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,"2020/01/01 7:00:00","2020/03/31 2:00:00"
15702,10001,"≪明日への誓い≫アスナ",-1,12,-1,-1,-1,1,"2020/01/01 7:00:00","2020/03/31 2:00:00"
15703,10001,"ダークリパルサー",-1,123,-1,-1,-1,1,"2020/01/01 7:00:00","2020/03/31 2:00:00"

1 // ResEarnCampaignShopId ResEarnCampaignShopId ResEarnCampaignApplicationId Name SellingYuiMedal SellingCol SellingEventItemId SellingEventItemNum PurchaseLimit GetApplicationPoint StartDate EndDate
2 15701 15701 10001 ≪不屈の誓い≫キリト -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 2020/01/01 7:00:00 2020/03/31 2:00:00
3 15702 15702 10001 ≪明日への誓い≫アスナ -1 12 -1 -1 -1 1 2020/01/01 7:00:00 2020/03/31 2:00:00
4 15703 15703 10001 ダークリパルサー -1 123 -1 -1 -1 1 2020/01/01 7:00:00 2020/03/31 2:00:00

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// YuiMedalShopItemId,YuiMedalShopId,CommonRewardType,CommonRewardId,CommonRewardNum,Strength,Property1PropertyId,Property1Value1,Property1Value2,Property2PropertyId,Property2Value1,Property2Value2,Property3PropertyId,Property3Value1,Property3Value2,Property4PropertyId,Property4Value1,Property4Value2

1 // YuiMedalShopItemId YuiMedalShopItemId YuiMedalShopId CommonRewardType CommonRewardId CommonRewardNum Strength Property1PropertyId Property1Value1 Property1Value2 Property2PropertyId Property2Value1 Property2Value2 Property3PropertyId Property3Value1 Property3Value2 Property4PropertyId Property4Value1 Property4Value2
2 1 1 1 101000190 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0
3 2 2 1 110000150 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0
4 3 3 2 120000003 1 0 302000 10 0 301900 20 0 2 0 0 2 0 0

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// YuiMedalShopId,Name,Description,SellingYuiMedal,SellingCol,SellingEventItemId,SellingEventItemNum,SellingTicketNum,PurchaseLimit,PickUpFlag,ProductCategory,SalesType,TargetDays,TargetHour,IntervalHour,SalesStartDate,SalesEndDate,Sort
1,"≪想い馳せる窓辺≫キリト",,5,-1,0,-1,-1,-1,True,0,0,0,0,0,"2019/08/01","2019/11/01 2:00:00",0
2,"≪悪戯なオネーサン≫アルゴ",,5,-1,0,-1,-1,-1,True,0,0,0,0,0,"2019/08/01","2019/11/01 2:00:00",0
3,"ネックレス",,2,-1,0,-1,-1,-1,False,0,0,0,0,0,"2019/08/01","2019/11/01 2:00:00",0

1 // YuiMedalShopId YuiMedalShopId Name Description SellingYuiMedal SellingCol SellingEventItemId SellingEventItemNum SellingTicketNum PurchaseLimit PickUpFlag ProductCategory SalesType TargetDays TargetHour IntervalHour SalesStartDate SalesEndDate Sort
2 1 ≪想い馳せる窓辺≫キリト 5 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 True 0 0 0 0 0 2019/08/01 2019/11/01 2:00:00 0
3 2 ≪悪戯なオネーサン≫アルゴ 5 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 True 0 0 0 0 0 2019/08/01 2019/11/01 2:00:00 0
4 3 ネックレス 2 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 False 0 0 0 0 0 2019/08/01 2019/11/01 2:00:00 0

View File

@ -3103,7 +3103,7 @@ class GetShopResourceSalesDataListRequest(SaoBaseRequest):
user_id = decode_str(data, off)
self.user_id = user_id[0]
off += user_id[1]
class GetShopResourceSalesDataListResponse(SaoBaseResponse):
def __init__(self, cmd_id: int) -> None:
@ -3115,4 +3115,82 @@ class GetShopResourceSalesDataListResponse(SaoBaseResponse):
ret += encode_arr_cls(self.shop_resource_sales_data)
self.header.length = len(ret)
return super().make() + ret
return super().make() + ret
class GetYuiMedalShopUserDataListRequest(SaoBaseRequest):
def __init__(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, data: bytes) -> None:
super().__init__(header, data)
off = 0
user_id = decode_str(data, off)
self.user_id = user_id[0]
off += user_id[1]
class GetYuiMedalShopUserDataListResponse(SaoBaseResponse):
def __init__(self, cmd_id: int) -> None:
self.result = 1 # byte
self.user_data_list: List[YuiMedalShopUserData] = []
def make(self) -> bytes:
ret = encode_byte(self.result)
ret += encode_arr_cls(self.user_data_list)
self.header.length = len(ret)
return super().make() + ret
class GetGashaMedalShopUserDataListRequest(SaoBaseRequest):
def __init__(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, data: bytes) -> None:
super().__init__(header, data)
off = 0
user_id = decode_str(data, off)
self.user_id = user_id[0]
off += user_id[1]
class GetGashaMedalShopUserDataListResponse(SaoBaseResponse):
def __init__(self, cmd_id: int) -> None:
self.result = 1 # byte
self.data_list: List[GashaMedalShopUserData] = []
def make(self) -> bytes:
ret = encode_byte(self.result)
ret += encode_arr_cls(self.data_list)
self.header.length = len(ret)
return super().make() + ret
class GetMYuiMedalShopDataRequest(SaoBaseRequest):
def __init__(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, data: bytes) -> None:
super().__init__(header, data)
self.dummy = decode_byte(data, 0)
class GetMYuiMedalShopDataResponse(SaoBaseResponse):
def __init__(self, cmd_id: int) -> None:
self.result = 1 # byte
self.data_list: List[YuiMedalShopData] = []
def make(self) -> bytes:
ret = encode_byte(self.result)
ret += encode_arr_cls(self.data_list)
self.header.length = len(ret)
return super().make() + ret
class GetMYuiMedalShopItemsRequest(SaoBaseRequest):
def __init__(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, data: bytes) -> None:
super().__init__(header, data)
self.dummy = decode_byte(data, 0)
class GetMYuiMedalShopItemsResponse(SaoBaseResponse):
def __init__(self, cmd_id: int) -> None:
self.result = 1 # byte
self.data_list: List[YuiMedalShopItemData] = []
def make(self) -> bytes:
ret = encode_byte(self.result)
ret += encode_arr_cls(self.data_list)
self.header.length = len(ret)
return super().make() + ret

View File

@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ class ShopResourceSalesData(BaseHelper):
self._sz += sales_resource_data_list[1]
def from_args(cls, resource_id: str = "0", discharge_id: int = "0", remaining: int = 0, purchased: int = 0) -> "ShopResourceSalesData":
def from_args(cls, resource_id: str = "0", discharge_id: str = "0", remaining: int = 0, purchased: int = 0) -> "ShopResourceSalesData":
ret = cls(b"\x00" * 20, 0)
ret.user_shop_resource_id = resource_id
ret.discharge_user_id = discharge_id
@ -610,4 +610,193 @@ class ShopResourceSalesData(BaseHelper):
ret += encode_str(fmt_dt(self.sales_start_date))
ret += encode_arr_cls(self.sales_resource_data_list)
return ret
class YuiMedalShopUserData(BaseHelper):
def __init__(self, data: bytes, offset: int) -> None:
super().__init__(data, offset)
self.yui_medal_shop_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.purchase_num = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
last_purchase_date = decode_str(data, offset + self._sz)
self.last_purchase_date = last_purchase_date[0]
self._sz += last_purchase_date[1]
def from_args(cls, yui_medal_shop_id: int = 0, purchase_num: int = 0, last_purchase_date: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)) -> "YuiMedalShopUserData":
ret = cls(b"\x00" * 20, 0)
ret.yui_medal_shop_id = yui_medal_shop_id
ret.purchase_num = purchase_num
ret.last_purchase_date = last_purchase_date
def make(self) -> bytes:
ret = encode_int(self.yui_medal_shop_id)
ret += encode_int(self.purchase_num)
ret += encode_str(fmt_dt(self.last_purchase_date))
return ret
class GashaMedalShopUserData(BaseHelper):
def __init__(self, data: bytes, offset: int) -> None:
super().__init__(data, offset)
self.gasha_medal_shop_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.purchase_num = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
def from_args(cls, gasha_medal_shop_id: int = 0, purchase_num: int = 0) -> "GashaMedalShopUserData":
ret = cls(b"\x00" * 20, 0)
ret.gasha_medal_shop_id = gasha_medal_shop_id
ret.purchase_num = purchase_num
def make(self) -> bytes:
ret = encode_int(self.gasha_medal_shop_id)
ret += encode_int(self.purchase_num)
return ret
class YuiMedalShopData(BaseHelper):
def __init__(self, data: bytes, offset: int) -> None:
super().__init__(data, offset)
self.yui_medal_shop_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
name = decode_str(data, offset + self._sz)
self.name = name[0]
self._sz += name[1]
description = decode_str(data, offset + self._sz)
self.description = description[0]
self._sz += description[1]
self.selling_yui_medal = decode_short(data, offset + self._sz)
self.selling_col = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self.selling_event_item_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self.selling_event_item_num = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self.selling_ticket_num = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self.purchase_limit = decode_short(data, offset + self._sz)
self.pick_up_flag = decode_byte(data, offset + self._sz)
self.product_category = decode_byte(data, offset + self._sz)
self.sales_type = decode_byte(data, offset + self._sz)
self.target_days = decode_byte(data, offset + self._sz)
self.target_hour = decode_byte(data, offset + self._sz)
self.interval_hour = decode_byte(data, offset + self._sz)
sales_start_date = decode_str(data, offset + self._sz)
self.sales_start_date = prs_dt(sales_start_date[0])
self._sz += sales_start_date[1]
sales_end_date = decode_str(data, offset + self._sz)
self.sales_end_date = prs_dt(sales_end_date[0])
self._sz += sales_end_date[1]
self.sort = decode_byte(data, offset + self._sz)
def from_args(cls, shop_id: int = 0, name: str = "", desc: str = "") -> "YuiMedalShopData":
ret = cls(b"\x00" * 43, 0)
ret.yui_medal_shop_id = shop_id
ret.name = name
ret.description = desc
def make(self) -> bytes:
ret = encode_int(self.yui_medal_shop_id)
ret += encode_str(self.name)
ret += encode_str(self.description)
ret += encode_short(self.selling_yui_medal)
ret += encode_int(self.selling_col)
ret += encode_int(self.selling_event_item_id)
ret += encode_int(self.selling_event_item_num)
ret += encode_int(self.selling_ticket_num)
ret += encode_short(self.purchase_limit)
ret += encode_byte(self.pick_up_flag)
ret += encode_byte(self.product_category)
ret += encode_byte(self.sales_type)
ret += encode_byte(self.target_days)
ret += encode_byte(self.target_hour)
ret += encode_byte(self.interval_hour)
ret += encode_str(self.sales_end_date)
ret += encode_str(self.sales_end_date)
ret += encode_byte(self.sort)
return ret
class YuiMedalShopItemData(BaseHelper):
def __init__(self, data: bytes, offset: int) -> None:
super().__init__(data, offset)
self.yui_medal_shop_item_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.yui_medal_shop_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.common_reward_type = decode_byte(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += BYTE_OFF
self.common_reward_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.common_reward_num = decode_short(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += SHORT_OFF
self.strength = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property1_property_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property1_value1 = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property1_value2 = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property2_property_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property2_value1 = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property2_value2 = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property3_property_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property3_value1 = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property3_value2 = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property4_property_id = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property4_value1 = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
self.property4_value2 = decode_int(data, offset + self._sz)
self._sz += INT_OFF
def from_args(cls, item_id: int = 0, shop_id: int = 0, reward_type: int = 0, reward_id: int = 0, reward_num: int = 0, strength: int = 0) -> "YuiMedalShopItemData":
ret = cls(b"\x00" * 67, 0)
ret.yui_medal_shop_item_id = item_id
ret.yui_medal_shop_id = shop_id
ret.common_reward_type = reward_type
ret.common_reward_id = reward_id
ret.common_reward_num = reward_num
ret.strength = strength
return ret
def make(self) -> bytes:
ret = encode_int(self.yui_medal_shop_item_id)
ret += encode_int(self.yui_medal_shop_id)
ret += encode_byte(self.common_reward_type)
ret += encode_int(self.common_reward_id)
ret += encode_short(self.common_reward_num)
ret += encode_int(self.strength)
ret += encode_int(self.property1_property_id)
ret += encode_int(self.property1_value1)
ret += encode_int(self.property1_value2)
ret += encode_int(self.property2_property_id)
ret += encode_int(self.property2_value1)
ret += encode_int(self.property2_value2)
ret += encode_int(self.property3_property_id)
ret += encode_int(self.property3_value1)
ret += encode_int(self.property3_value2)
ret += encode_int(self.property4_property_id)
ret += encode_int(self.property4_value1)
ret += encode_int(self.property4_value2)
return ret