server: listen_address: "" hostname: "localhost" port: 80 ssl_key: "cert/title.key" ssl_cert: "cert/title.crt" allow_user_registration: True allow_unregistered_serials: True name: "ARTEMiS" is_develop: True is_using_proxy: False proxy_port: 0 proxy_port_ssl: 0 log_dir: "logs" check_arcade_ip: False strict_ip_checking: False title: loglevel: "info" reboot_start_time: "04:00" reboot_end_time: "07:00" # this must be set to 7:00 am for some game, please do not change it database: host: "localhost" username: "aime" password: "aime" name: "aime" port: 3306 protocol: "mysql" ssl_enabled: False sha2_password: False loglevel: "info" enable_memcached: True memcached_host: "localhost" frontend: enable: False port: 8080 loglevel: "info" secret: "" allnet: standalone: False port: 80 loglevel: "info" allow_online_updates: False update_cfg_folder: "" billing: standalone: True loglevel: "info" port: 8443 ssl_key: "cert/server.key" ssl_cert: "cert/server.pem" signing_key: "cert/billing.key" aimedb: enable: True listen_address: "" loglevel: "info" port: 22345 key: "" id_secret: "" id_lifetime_seconds: 86400 mucha: loglevel: "info"