mirror of synced 2025-03-02 23:53:16 +01:00
2024-01-09 14:42:17 -05:00

382 lines
16 KiB

from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Union
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, UniqueConstraint, PrimaryKeyConstraint, and_, case
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, TIMESTAMP, Boolean, JSON
from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.sql import func, select, update, delete
from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import coalesce
from sqlalchemy.engine import Row
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert
from core.data.schema import BaseData, metadata
from ..const import PokkenConstants
# Some more of the repeated fields could probably be their own tables, for now I just did the ones that made sense to me
# Having the profile table be this massive kinda blows for updates but w/e, **kwargs to the rescue
profile = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
ForeignKey("aime_user.id", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade"),
Column("trainer_name", String(16)), # optional
Column("home_region_code", Integer),
Column("home_loc_name", String(255)),
Column("pref_code", Integer),
Column("navi_newbie_flag", Boolean),
Column("navi_enable_flag", Boolean),
Column("pad_vibrate_flag", Boolean),
Column("trainer_rank_point", Integer),
Column("wallet", Integer),
Column("fight_money", Integer),
Column("score_point", Integer),
Column("grade_max_num", Integer),
Column("extra_counter", Integer), # Optional
Column("tutorial_progress_flag", JSON), # Repeated, Integer
Column("total_play_days", Integer),
Column("play_date_time", Integer),
Column("achievement_flag", JSON), # Repeated, Integer
Column("lucky_box_fail_num", Integer),
Column("event_reward_get_flag", Integer),
Column("rank_pvp_all", Integer),
Column("rank_pvp_loc", Integer),
Column("rank_cpu_all", Integer),
Column("rank_cpu_loc", Integer),
Column("rank_event", Integer),
Column("awake_num", Integer),
Column("use_support_num", Integer),
Column("rankmatch_flag", Integer),
Column("rankmatch_max", Integer), # Optional
Column("rankmatch_progress", JSON), # Repeated, Integer
Column("rankmatch_success", Integer), # Optional
Column("beat_num", Integer), # Optional
Column("title_text_id", Integer),
Column("title_plate_id", Integer),
Column("title_decoration_id", Integer),
Column("support_pokemon_list", JSON), # Repeated, Integer
Column("support_set_1_1", Integer), # Repeated, Integer
Column("support_set_1_2", Integer),
Column("support_set_2_1", Integer), # Repeated, Integer
Column("support_set_2_2", Integer),
Column("support_set_3_1", Integer), # Repeated, Integer
Column("support_set_3_2", Integer),
Column("navi_trainer", Integer),
Column("navi_version_id", Integer),
Column("aid_skill_list", JSON), # Repeated, Integer
Column("aid_skill", Integer),
Column("comment_text_id", Integer),
Column("comment_word_id", Integer),
Column("latest_use_pokemon", Integer),
Column("ex_ko_num", Integer),
Column("wko_num", Integer),
Column("timeup_win_num", Integer),
Column("cool_ko_num", Integer),
Column("perfect_ko_num", Integer),
Column("record_flag", Integer),
Column("continue_num", Integer),
Column("avatar_body", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_gender", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_background", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_head", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_battleglass", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_face0", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_face1", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_face2", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_bodyall", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_wear", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_accessory", Integer), # Optional
Column("avatar_stamp", Integer), # Optional
Column("event_state", Integer),
Column("event_id", Integer),
Column("sp_bonus_category_id_1", Integer),
Column("sp_bonus_key_value_1", Integer),
Column("sp_bonus_category_id_2", Integer),
Column("sp_bonus_key_value_2", Integer),
Column("last_play_event_id", Integer), # Optional
Column("event_achievement_flag", JSON), # Repeated, Integer
Column("event_achievement_param", JSON), # Repeated, Integer
Column("battle_num_vs_wan", Integer), # 4?
Column("win_vs_wan", Integer),
Column("battle_num_vs_lan", Integer), # 3?
Column("win_vs_lan", Integer),
Column("battle_num_vs_cpu", Integer), # 2
Column("win_cpu", Integer),
Column("battle_num_tutorial", Integer), # 1?
pokemon_data = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
ForeignKey("aime_user.id", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade"),
Column("char_id", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("illustration_book_no", Integer),
Column("pokemon_exp", Integer),
Column("battle_num_vs_wan", Integer), # 4?
Column("win_vs_wan", Integer),
Column("battle_num_vs_lan", Integer), # 3?
Column("win_vs_lan", Integer),
Column("battle_num_vs_cpu", Integer), # 2
Column("win_cpu", Integer),
Column("battle_all_num_tutorial", Integer), # ???
Column("battle_num_tutorial", Integer), # 1?
Column("bp_point_atk", Integer),
Column("bp_point_res", Integer),
Column("bp_point_def", Integer),
Column("bp_point_sp", Integer),
UniqueConstraint("user", "char_id", name="pokken_pokemon_data_uk"),
class PokkenProfileData(BaseData):
async def touch_profile(self, user_id: int) -> Optional[int]:
sql = select([profile.c.id]).where(profile.c.user == user_id)
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()['id']
async def create_profile(self, user_id: int) -> Optional[int]:
sql = insert(profile).values(user=user_id)
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(user=user_id)
result = await self.execute(conflict)
if result is None:
self.logger.error(f"Failed to create pokken profile for user {user_id}!")
return None
return result.lastrowid
async def set_profile_name(self, user_id: int, new_name: str, gender: Union[int, None] = None) -> None:
sql = update(profile).where(profile.c.user == user_id).values(
avatar_gender=gender if gender is not None else profile.c.avatar_gender
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
f"Failed to update pokken profile name for user {user_id}!"
async def put_extra(
user_id: int,
extra_counter: int,
evt_reward_get_flg: int,
total_play_days: int,
awake_num: int,
use_support_ct: int,
beat_num: int,
aid_skill: int,
last_evt: int
) -> None:
sql = update(profile).where(profile.c.user == user_id).values(
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
self.logger.error(f"Failed to put extra data for user {user_id}")
async def update_profile_tutorial_flags(self, user_id: int, tutorial_flags: List) -> None:
sql = update(profile).where(profile.c.user == user_id).values(
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
f"Failed to update pokken profile tutorial flags for user {user_id}!"
async def update_profile_achievement_flags(self, user_id: int, achievement_flags: List) -> None:
sql = update(profile).where(profile.c.user == user_id).values(
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
f"Failed to update pokken profile achievement flags for user {user_id}!"
async def update_profile_event(self, user_id: int, event_state: List, event_flags: List[int], event_param: List[int], last_evt: int = None) -> None:
sql = update(profile).where(profile.c.user == user_id).values(
last_play_event_id=last_evt if last_evt is not None else profile.c.last_play_event_id,
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
f"Failed to update pokken profile event state for user {user_id}!"
async def add_profile_points(
self, user_id: int, rank_pts: int, money: int, score_pts: int, grade_max: int
) -> None:
sql = update(profile).where(profile.c.user == user_id).values(
trainer_rank_point = profile.c.trainer_rank_point + rank_pts,
fight_money = profile.c.fight_money + money,
score_point = profile.c.score_point + score_pts,
grade_max_num = grade_max
async def get_profile(self, user_id: int) -> Optional[Row]:
sql = profile.select(profile.c.user == user_id)
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
async def put_pokemon(
user_id: int,
pokemon_id: int,
illust_no: int,
atk: int,
res: int,
defe: int,
sp: int
) -> Optional[int]:
sql = insert(pokemon_data).values(
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(
bp_point_atk=pokemon_data.c.bp_point_atk + atk,
bp_point_res=pokemon_data.c.bp_point_res + res,
bp_point_def=pokemon_data.c.bp_point_def + defe,
bp_point_sp=pokemon_data.c.bp_point_sp + sp,
result = await self.execute(conflict)
if result is None:
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to insert pokemon ID {pokemon_id} for user {user_id}")
return None
return result.lastrowid
async def add_pokemon_xp(
user_id: int,
pokemon_id: int,
xp: int
) -> None:
sql = update(pokemon_data).where(and_(pokemon_data.c.user==user_id, pokemon_data.c.char_id==pokemon_id)).values(
pokemon_exp=coalesce(pokemon_data.c.pokemon_exp, 0) + xp
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to add {xp} XP to pokemon ID {pokemon_id} for user {user_id}")
async def get_pokemon_data(self, user_id: int, pokemon_id: int) -> Optional[Row]:
sql = pokemon_data.select(and_(pokemon_data.c.user == user_id, pokemon_data.c.char_id == pokemon_id))
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
async def get_all_pokemon_data(self, user_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]:
sql = pokemon_data.select(pokemon_data.c.user == user_id)
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchall()
async def put_pokemon_battle_result(
self, user_id: int, pokemon_id: int, match_type: PokkenConstants.BATTLE_TYPE, match_result: PokkenConstants.BATTLE_RESULT
) -> None:
Records the match stats (type and win/loss) for the pokemon and profile
coalesce(pokemon_data.c.win_vs_wan, 0)
sql = update(pokemon_data).where(and_(pokemon_data.c.user==user_id, pokemon_data.c.char_id==pokemon_id)).values(
battle_num_tutorial=coalesce(pokemon_data.c.battle_num_tutorial, 0) + 1 if match_type==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_TYPE.TUTORIAL else coalesce(pokemon_data.c.battle_num_tutorial, 0),
battle_all_num_tutorial=coalesce(pokemon_data.c.battle_all_num_tutorial, 0) + 1 if match_type==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_TYPE.TUTORIAL else coalesce(pokemon_data.c.battle_all_num_tutorial, 0),
battle_num_vs_cpu=coalesce(pokemon_data.c.battle_num_vs_cpu, 0) + 1 if match_type==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_TYPE.AI else coalesce(pokemon_data.c.battle_num_vs_cpu, 0),
win_cpu=coalesce(pokemon_data.c.win_cpu, 0) + 1 if match_type==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_TYPE.AI and match_result==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_RESULT.WIN else coalesce(pokemon_data.c.win_cpu, 0),
battle_num_vs_lan=coalesce(pokemon_data.c.battle_num_vs_lan, 0) + 1 if match_type==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_TYPE.LAN else coalesce(pokemon_data.c.battle_num_vs_lan, 0),
win_vs_lan=coalesce(pokemon_data.c.win_vs_lan, 0) + 1 if match_type==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_TYPE.LAN and match_result==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_RESULT.WIN else coalesce(pokemon_data.c.win_vs_lan, 0),
battle_num_vs_wan=coalesce(pokemon_data.c.battle_num_vs_wan, 0) + 1 if match_type==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_TYPE.WAN else coalesce(pokemon_data.c.battle_num_vs_wan, 0),
win_vs_wan=coalesce(pokemon_data.c.win_vs_wan, 0) + 1 if match_type==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_TYPE.WAN and match_result==PokkenConstants.BATTLE_RESULT.WIN else coalesce(pokemon_data.c.win_vs_wan, 0),
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to record match stats for user {user_id}'s pokemon {pokemon_id} (type {match_type.name} | result {match_result.name})")
async def put_stats(
user_id: int,
exkos: int,
wkos: int,
timeout_wins: int,
cool_kos: int,
perfects: int,
continues: int,
) -> None:
Records profile stats
sql = update(profile).where(profile.c.user==user_id).values(
ex_ko_num=coalesce(profile.c.ex_ko_num, 0) + exkos,
wko_num=coalesce(profile.c.wko_num, 0) + wkos,
timeup_win_num=coalesce(profile.c.timeup_win_num, 0) + timeout_wins,
cool_ko_num=coalesce(profile.c.cool_ko_num, 0) + cool_kos,
perfect_ko_num=coalesce(profile.c.perfect_ko_num, 0) + perfects,
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to update stats for user {user_id}")
async def update_support_team(self, user_id: int, support_id: int, support1: int = None, support2: int = None) -> None:
sql = update(profile).where(profile.c.user==user_id).values(
support_set_1_1=support1 if support_id == 1 else profile.c.support_set_1_1,
support_set_1_2=support2 if support_id == 1 else profile.c.support_set_1_2,
support_set_2_1=support1 if support_id == 2 else profile.c.support_set_2_1,
support_set_2_2=support2 if support_id == 2 else profile.c.support_set_2_2,
support_set_3_1=support1 if support_id == 3 else profile.c.support_set_3_1,
support_set_3_2=support2 if support_id == 3 else profile.c.support_set_3_2,
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to update support team {support_id} for user {user_id}")