- Added support for Card Maker 1.36.xx - Added cards importer to ONGEKI importer - Added 4 new 1.36 gachas (requires importing them from opt files) - Fixed version for Card Maker opt importer
631 lines
23 KiB
631 lines
23 KiB
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Dict
from random import randint
import pytz
import json
from core.config import CoreConfig
from titles.ongeki.base import OngekiBase
from titles.ongeki.const import OngekiConstants
from titles.ongeki.config import OngekiConfig
class OngekiBright(OngekiBase):
def __init__(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig, game_cfg: OngekiConfig) -> None:
super().__init__(core_cfg, game_cfg)
self.version = OngekiConstants.VER_ONGEKI_BRIGHT
def handle_get_game_setting_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
ret = super().handle_get_game_setting_api_request(data)
ret["gameSetting"]["dataVersion"] = "1.30.00"
ret["gameSetting"]["onlineDataVersion"] = "1.30.00"
return ret
def handle_cm_get_user_data_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
# check for a bright profile
p = self.data.profile.get_profile_data(data["userId"], self.version)
if p is None:
return {}
cards = self.data.card.get_user_cards(data["userId"])
if cards is None or len(cards) == 0:
# This should never happen
f"handle_get_user_data_api_request: Internal error - No cards found for user id {data['userId']}")
return {}
# get the dict representation of the row so we can modify values
user_data = p._asdict()
# remove the values the game doesn't want
# TODO: replace datetime objects with strings
# add access code that we don't store
user_data["accessCode"] = cards[0]["access_code"]
# hardcode Card Maker version for now
# Card Maker 1.34.00 = 1.30.01
# Card Maker 1.36.00 = 1.35.04
user_data["compatibleCmVersion"] = "1.30.01"
return {"userId": data["userId"], "userData": user_data}
def handle_printer_login_api_request(self, data: Dict):
return {"returnCode": 1}
def handle_printer_logout_api_request(self, data: Dict):
return {"returnCode": 1}
def handle_cm_get_user_card_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
user_cards = self.data.item.get_cards(data["userId"])
if user_cards is None:
return {}
max_ct = data["maxCount"]
next_idx = data["nextIndex"]
start_idx = next_idx
end_idx = max_ct + start_idx
if len(user_cards[start_idx:]) > max_ct:
next_idx += max_ct
next_idx = -1
card_list = []
for card in user_cards:
tmp = card._asdict()
return {
"userId": data["userId"],
"length": len(card_list[start_idx:end_idx]),
"nextIndex": next_idx,
"userCardList": card_list[start_idx:end_idx]
def handle_cm_get_user_character_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
user_characters = self.data.item.get_characters(data["userId"])
if user_characters is None:
return {}
max_ct = data["maxCount"]
next_idx = data["nextIndex"]
start_idx = next_idx
end_idx = max_ct + start_idx
if len(user_characters[start_idx:]) > max_ct:
next_idx += max_ct
next_idx = -1
character_list = []
for character in user_characters:
tmp = character._asdict()
return {
"userId": data["userId"],
"length": len(character_list[start_idx:end_idx]),
"nextIndex": next_idx,
"userCharacterList": character_list[start_idx:end_idx]
def handle_get_user_gacha_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
user_gachas = self.data.item.get_user_gachas(data["userId"])
if user_gachas is None:
return {
"userId": data["userId"],
"length": 0,
"userGachaList": []
user_gacha_list = []
for gacha in user_gachas:
tmp = gacha._asdict()
tmp["dailyGachaDate"] = datetime.strftime(
tmp["dailyGachaDate"], "%Y-%m-%d")
return {
"userId": data["userId"],
"length": len(user_gacha_list),
"userGachaList": user_gacha_list
def handle_cm_get_user_item_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
return self.handle_get_user_item_api_request(data)
def handle_cm_get_user_gacha_supply_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
# not used for now? not sure what it even does
user_gacha_supplies = self.data.item.get_user_gacha_supplies(
if user_gacha_supplies is None:
return {
"supplyId": 1,
"length": 0,
"supplyCardList": []
supply_list = [gacha["cardId"] for gacha in user_gacha_supplies]
return {
"supplyId": 1,
"length": len(supply_list),
"supplyCardList": supply_list
def handle_get_game_gacha_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
returns all current active banners (gachas)
"Select Gacha" requires maxSelectPoint set and isCeiling set to 1
game_gachas = []
# for every gacha_id in the OngekiConfig, grab the banner from the db
for gacha_id in self.game_cfg.gachas.enabled_gachas:
game_gacha = self.data.static.get_gacha(self.version, gacha_id)
if game_gacha:
# clean the database rows
game_gacha_list = []
for gacha in game_gachas:
tmp = gacha._asdict()
tmp["startDate"] = datetime.strftime(
tmp["startDate"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
tmp["endDate"] = datetime.strftime(
tmp["endDate"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
tmp["noticeStartDate"] = datetime.strftime(
tmp["noticeStartDate"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
tmp["noticeEndDate"] = datetime.strftime(
tmp["noticeEndDate"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
tmp["convertEndDate"] = datetime.strftime(
tmp["convertEndDate"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# make sure to only show gachas for the current version
# so only up to bright, 1140 is the first bright memory gacha
if self.version == OngekiConstants.VER_ONGEKI_BRIGHT_MEMORY:
elif self.version == OngekiConstants.VER_ONGEKI_BRIGHT and tmp["gachaId"] < 1140:
return {
"length": len(game_gacha_list),
"gameGachaList": game_gacha_list,
# no clue
"registIdList": []
def handle_roll_gacha_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
Handle a gacha roll API request
gacha_id = data["gachaId"]
num_rolls = data["times"]
# change_rate is the 5 gacha rool SR gurantee once a week
change_rate = data["changeRate"]
# SSR book which guarantees a SSR card, itemKind=15, itemId=1
book_used = data["bookUseCount"]
if num_rolls not in {1, 5, 11}:
return {}
# https://gamerch.com/ongeki/entry/462978
# 77% chance of gett ing a R card
# 20% chance of getting a SR card
# 3% chance of getting a SSR card
rarity = [1 for _ in range(77)]
rarity += [2 for _ in range(20)]
rarity += [3 for _ in range(3)]
# gachaId 1011 is "無料ガチャ" (free gacha), which requires GatchaTickets
# itemKind=11, itemId=1 and appearenty sucks
# 94% chance of getting a R card
# 5% chance of getting a SR card
# 1% chance of getting a SSR card
if gacha_id == 1011:
rarity = [1 for _ in range(94)]
rarity += [2 for _ in range(5)]
rarity += [3 for _ in range(1)]
# gachaId 1012 is "無料ガチャ(SR確定)" (SR confirmed! free gacha), which
# requires GatchaTickets itemKind=11, itemId=4 and always guarantees
# a SR card or higher
# 92% chance of getting a SR card
# 8% chance of getting a SSR card
elif gacha_id == 1012:
rarity = [2 for _ in range(92)]
rarity += [3 for _ in range(8)]
assert len(rarity) == 100
# uniform distribution to get the rarity of the card
rolls = [rarity[randint(0, len(rarity)-1)] for _ in range(num_rolls)]
# if SSR book used, make sure you always get one SSR
if book_used == 1:
if rolls.count(3) == 0:
# if there is no SSR, re-roll
return self.handle_roll_gacha_api_request(data)
# make sure that 11 rolls always have at least 1 SR or SSR
elif (num_rolls == 5 and change_rate is True) or num_rolls == 11:
if rolls.count(2) == 0 and rolls.count(3) == 0:
# if there is no SR or SSR, re-roll
return self.handle_roll_gacha_api_request(data)
# get a list of cards for each rarity
cards_r = self.data.static.get_cards_by_rarity(self.version, 1)
cards_sr, cards_ssr = [], []
# free gachas are only allowed to get their specific cards! (R irrelevant)
if gacha_id in {1011, 1012}:
gacha_cards = self.data.static.get_gacha_cards(gacha_id)
for card in gacha_cards:
if card["rarity"] == 3:
"cardId": card["cardId"],
"rarity": 2
elif card["rarity"] == 4:
"cardId": card["cardId"],
"rarity": 3
cards_sr = self.data.static.get_cards_by_rarity(self.version, 2)
cards_ssr = self.data.static.get_cards_by_rarity(self.version, 3)
# get the promoted cards for that gacha and add them multiple
# times to increase chances by factor chances
chances = 10
gacha_cards = self.data.static.get_gacha_cards(gacha_id)
for card in gacha_cards:
# make sure to add the cards to the corresponding rarity
if card["rarity"] == 2:
cards_r += [{
"cardId": card["cardId"],
"rarity": 1
}] * chances
if card["rarity"] == 3:
cards_sr += [{
"cardId": card["cardId"],
"rarity": 2
}] * chances
elif card["rarity"] == 4:
cards_ssr += [{
"cardId": card["cardId"],
"rarity": 3
}] * chances
# get the card id for each roll
rolled_cards = []
for i in range(len(rolls)):
if rolls[i] == 1:
rolled_cards.append(cards_r[randint(0, len(cards_r)-1)])
elif rolls[i] == 2:
rolled_cards.append(cards_sr[randint(0, len(cards_sr)-1)])
elif rolls[i] == 3:
rolled_cards.append(cards_ssr[randint(0, len(cards_ssr)-1)])
game_gacha_card_list = []
for card in rolled_cards:
"gachaId": data["gachaId"],
"cardId": card["cardId"],
# +1 because Card Maker is weird
"rarity": card["rarity"] + 1,
"weight": 1,
"isPickup": False,
"isSelect": False
return {
"length": len(game_gacha_card_list),
"gameGachaCardList": game_gacha_card_list
def handle_cm_upsert_user_gacha_api_request(self, data: Dict):
upsert = data["cmUpsertUserGacha"]
user_id = data["userId"]
gacha_id = data["gachaId"]
gacha_count = data["gachaCnt"]
play_date = datetime.strptime(data["playDate"][:10], '%Y-%m-%d')
select_point = data["selectPoint"]
total_gacha_count, ceiling_gacha_count = 0, 0
daily_gacha_cnt, five_gacha_cnt, eleven_gacha_cnt = 0, 0, 0
daily_gacha_date = datetime.strptime('2000-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d')
# check if the user previously rolled the exact same gacha
user_gacha = self.data.item.get_user_gacha(user_id, gacha_id)
if user_gacha:
total_gacha_count = user_gacha["totalGachaCnt"]
ceiling_gacha_count = user_gacha["ceilingGachaCnt"]
daily_gacha_cnt = user_gacha["dailyGachaCnt"]
five_gacha_cnt = user_gacha["fiveGachaCnt"]
eleven_gacha_cnt = user_gacha["elevenGachaCnt"]
# parse just the year, month and date
daily_gacha_date = user_gacha["dailyGachaDate"]
# if the saved dailyGachaDate is different from the roll,
# reset dailyGachaCnt and change the date
if daily_gacha_date != play_date:
daily_gacha_date = play_date
daily_gacha_cnt = 0
totalGachaCnt=total_gacha_count + gacha_count,
ceilingGachaCnt=ceiling_gacha_count + gacha_count,
dailyGachaCnt=daily_gacha_cnt + gacha_count,
fiveGachaCnt=five_gacha_cnt+1 if gacha_count == 5 else five_gacha_cnt,
elevenGachaCnt=eleven_gacha_cnt+1 if gacha_count == 11 else eleven_gacha_cnt,
if "userData" in upsert and len(upsert["userData"]) > 0:
# check if the profile is a bright memory profile
p = self.data.profile.get_profile_data(data["userId"], self.version)
if p is not None:
# save the bright memory profile
user_id, self.version, upsert["userData"][0])
# save the bright profile
user_id, self.version, upsert["userData"][0])
if "userCharacterList" in upsert:
for x in upsert["userCharacterList"]:
self.data.item.put_character(user_id, x)
if "userItemList" in upsert:
for x in upsert["userItemList"]:
self.data.item.put_item(user_id, x)
if "userCardList" in upsert:
for x in upsert["userCardList"]:
self.data.item.put_card(user_id, x)
# if "gameGachaCardList" in upsert:
# for x in upsert["gameGachaCardList"]:
return {'returnCode': 1, 'apiName': 'CMUpsertUserGachaApi'}
def handle_cm_upsert_user_select_gacha_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
upsert = data["cmUpsertUserSelectGacha"]
user_id = data["userId"]
if "userData" in upsert and len(upsert["userData"]) > 0:
# check if the profile is a bright memory profile
p = self.data.profile.get_profile_data(data["userId"], self.version)
if p is not None:
# save the bright memory profile
user_id, self.version, upsert["userData"][0])
# save the bright profile
user_id, self.version, upsert["userData"][0])
if "userCharacterList" in upsert:
for x in upsert["userCharacterList"]:
self.data.item.put_character(user_id, x)
if "userCardList" in upsert:
for x in upsert["userCardList"]:
self.data.item.put_card(user_id, x)
if "selectGachaLogList" in data:
for x in data["selectGachaLogList"]:
return {'returnCode': 1, 'apiName': 'cmUpsertUserSelectGacha'}
def handle_get_game_gacha_card_by_id_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
game_gacha_cards = self.data.static.get_gacha_cards(data["gachaId"])
if game_gacha_cards == []:
# fallback to be at least able to select that gacha
return {
"gachaId": data["gachaId"],
"length": 6,
"isPickup": False,
"gameGachaCardList": [
"gachaId": data["gachaId"],
"cardId": 100984,
"rarity": 4,
"weight": 1,
"isPickup": False,
"isSelect": True
"gachaId": data["gachaId"],
"cardId": 100997,
"rarity": 3,
"weight": 2,
"isPickup": False,
"isSelect": True
"gachaId": data["gachaId"],
"cardId": 100998,
"rarity": 3,
"weight": 2,
"isPickup": False,
"isSelect": True
"gachaId": data["gachaId"],
"cardId": 101020,
"rarity": 2,
"weight": 3,
"isPickup": False,
"isSelect": True
"gachaId": data["gachaId"],
"cardId": 101021,
"rarity": 2,
"weight": 3,
"isPickup": False,
"isSelect": True
"gachaId": data["gachaId"],
"cardId": 101022,
"rarity": 2,
"weight": 3,
"isPickup": False,
"isSelect": True
"emissionList": [],
"afterCalcList": [],
"ssrBookCalcList": []
game_gacha_card_list = []
for gacha_card in game_gacha_cards:
tmp = gacha_card._asdict()
return {
"gachaId": data["gachaId"],
"length": len(game_gacha_card_list),
"isPickup": False,
"gameGachaCardList": game_gacha_card_list,
# again no clue
"emissionList": [],
"afterCalcList": [],
"ssrBookCalcList": []
def handle_get_game_theater_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
shows a banner after every print, not sure what its used for
return {
"length": 1,
"gameTheaterList": [{
"theaterId": 1,
"theaterName": "theaterName",
"startDate": "2018-01-01 00:00:00.0",
"endDate": "2038-01-01 00:00:00.0",
"gameSubTheaterList": [{
"theaterId": 1,
"id": 2,
"no": 4
"registIdList": []
return {
"length": 0,
"gameTheaterList": [],
"registIdList": []
def handle_cm_upsert_user_print_playlog_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
return {
"returnCode": 1,
"orderId": 0,
"serialId": "11111111111111111111",
"apiName": "CMUpsertUserPrintPlaylogApi"
def handle_cm_upsert_user_printlog_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
return {
"returnCode": 1,
"orderId": 0,
"serialId": "11111111111111111111",
"apiName": "CMUpsertUserPrintlogApi"
def handle_cm_upsert_user_print_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
user_print_detail = data["userPrintDetail"]
# generate random serial id
serial_id = ''.join([str(randint(0, 9)) for _ in range(20)])
# not needed because are either zero or unset
user_print_detail["printDate"] = datetime.strptime(
user_print_detail["printDate"], '%Y-%m-%d'
# add the entry to the user print table with the random serialId
return {
"returnCode": 1,
"serialId": serial_id,
"apiName": "CMUpsertUserPrintApi"
def handle_cm_upsert_user_all_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
upsert = data["cmUpsertUserAll"]
user_id = data["userId"]
if "userData" in upsert and len(upsert["userData"]) > 0:
# check if the profile is a bright memory profile
p = self.data.profile.get_profile_data(data["userId"], self.version)
if p is not None:
# save the bright memory profile
user_id, self.version, upsert["userData"][0])
# save the bright profile
user_id, self.version, upsert["userData"][0])
if "userActivityList" in upsert:
for act in upsert["userActivityList"]:
user_id, act["kind"], act["id"], act["sortNumber"],
act["param1"], act["param2"], act["param3"], act["param4"])
if "userItemList" in upsert:
for x in upsert["userItemList"]:
self.data.item.put_item(user_id, x)
if "userCardList" in upsert:
for x in upsert["userCardList"]:
self.data.item.put_card(user_id, x)
return {'returnCode': 1, 'apiName': 'cmUpsertUserAll'}