{% extends "base.html" %} {% block body %}
{% highlight "cxml" %}{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight "cxml" %}{% endhighlight %} 1 flag> 0 0 100000 www.ea-pass.konami.net www.konami.jp/am http://am.573.jp http://id.konami.jp http://eagate.573.jp
I'm not totally sure what type share/eapass/valid
is meant to be, but it's optional, so I'd
suggest just not bothering and leaving it out :).
Country | Code |
Hong Kong | HK |
Taiwan | TW |
Korea | KR |
USA | US |
Thailand | TH |
Indonesia | ID |
Singapore | SG |
Phillipines | PH |
Macao | MO |
Japan | JP |
(and associated ports) shold be the IP:port of the cabinet.
is used for Japan, and has the value JP-[prefecture]
where prefecture ranges
from 1 through 47.
TODO: Compile the list of regions
{% endblock %}