2022-04-24 23:35:53 +01:00

346 lines
10 KiB

from dataclasses import dataclass
import datetime
import re
import os
from flask import Flask, send_from_directory, render_template, make_response, url_for
from livereload import Server
# Importing performs monkeypatching
import xml_lexer # NOQA: F401
app = Flask(__name__)
app.jinja_options.setdefault('extensions', []).append('jinja2_highlight.HighlightExtension')
HTAG = re.compile(r"<h(\d)[^>]*id=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>([^<]*)</h")
TOC_HTAG_LEVELS = {"1", "2"}
HOST = ""
TEMPLATES = "templates"
PAGES_BASE = "pages"
STATIC = ["images", "static"]
ROOT = os.environ.get("EA_ROOT", "")
"getting_started.html": ("Getting started and following along", {
0: ("A quick one-stop shop for getting setup with the tools you'll want on hand if you want to investigate "
+ "things for yourself.")
"transport.html": ("Transport layer", None),
"packet.html": ("The inner packet structure", None),
"protocol.html": ("Communication protocol details", {
0: ("There are a crazy number of sub pages here, so just go check the contents there.")
"server.html": "Let's write a server",
0: ("Misc pages", {
"cardid.html": ("Parsing and converting card IDs", ())
"intro.html": ("Introduction to RingEdge 2", ()),
"hardware": ("Hardware", ()),
"software": ("Software", {
"jvs.html": "JVS",
"drivers": ("Device drivers", {
"columba.html": "columba",
"mxsram.html": "mxsram",
"mxhwreset.html": "mxhwreset",
"mxsuperio.html": "mxsuperio",
"mxjvs.html": "mxjvs",
"mxparallel.html": "mxparallel",
"mxsmbus.html": "mxsmbus",
"security": ("Security", {
"game.html": "Game encryption",
"dongle.html": "Dongles",
"keychip.html": "Keychips",
"network": ("Networking", {
"allnet.html": "ALL.Net"
class Part:
id: str
name: str
description: str = None
page: str = None
"838-14971": Part("838-14971", "Aime NFC daughter board", "NFC RW BD TN32MSEC003S")
def part(id):
if (part := PARTS.get(id)):
return f'<span class="part" tabindex="0">{}<span><span>Part number</span><span>{}</span><span>Description</span><span>{part.description}</span></span></span>'
return f'<span class="part">{id}</span>'
def generate_xrpc_list():
output = "<ul>"
proto = TEMPLATES + "/" + PAGES_BASE + "/proto"
for base, _, files in os.walk(proto):
prefix = base[len(proto):].replace("\\", "/").strip("/")
if prefix:
prefix = prefix.replace("/", ".") + "."
for i in files:
delim = "_" if prefix else "."
href = f"{ROOT}/proto{base[len(proto):]}/{i}"
output += f"<li><code><a href=\"{href}\">"
output += prefix + i.replace(".html", delim + "%s")
output += "</code></a></li>"
with open(os.path.join(base, i)) as f:
headers = re.findall('<h2 id="([^"]*?)">',
output += "<ul>"
for j in headers:
output += f"<li><code><a href=\"{href}#{j}\">"
output += prefix + i.replace(".html", delim + j)
output += "</code></a></li>"
output += "</ul>"
return output + "</ul>"
def generate_toc(base, name, route, start=1):
parts = route.strip("/").split("/")
for i in parts:
if i in toc:
toc = toc[i]
if isinstance(toc, tuple):
toc = toc[1]
if not isinstance(toc, dict):
return ""
return ""
def walk(toc, path, start=1):
unordered = len(toc) == 1 and 0 in toc
out = f'<{"u" if unordered else "o"}l start="{start}">'
for url in toc:
if isinstance(toc[url], tuple):
name, children = toc[url]
elif isinstance(toc[url], str):
name, children = toc[url], -1
out += "<li>"
if isinstance(url, str):
fqu = f"{ROOT}/{path}"
if not url.startswith("#"):
fqu += "/"
fqu += url
while "//" in fqu:
fqu = fqu.replace("//", "/")
if not fqu.endswith((".html", "/")) and "#" not in fqu:
fqu += "/"
out += f'<a href="{fqu}">{name}</a>'
out += name
out += "</li>"
if children == -1:
if children is None:
filename = "/".join((TEMPLATES, PAGES_BASE, path, url))
while "//" in filename:
filename = filename.replace("//", "/")
if url == "":
filename += "index.html"
with open(filename) as page:
headers = HTAG.findall(
children = {}
for level, anchor, text in headers:
if level in TOC_HTAG_LEVELS:
children[f"#{anchor}"] = text
if not children:
children = None
if children is not None:
out += walk(children, f"{path}/{url}" if isinstance(url, str) else path)
out += f'</{"u" if unordered else "o"}l>'
return out
return walk(toc, route, start)
def generate_footer(base, name, route):
parts = route.strip("/").split("/")
if not parts:
return ""
path = []
for i in parts[:-1]:
if i in toc:
toc = toc[i]
if isinstance(toc, tuple):
toc = toc[1]
if not isinstance(toc, dict):
toc = None
elif toc == CONTENTS:
toc = toc[""]
toc = None
if toc == CONTENTS and len(parts) == 1:
toc = toc[""]
if toc is None:
siblings = None
siblings = [i for i in toc.keys() if isinstance(i, str)]
us_idx = siblings.index(parts[-1])
except ValueError:
us_idx = -1
parent = ROOT + "/" + "/".join(parts[:-1])
if not parent.endswith("/"):
parent += "/"
footer = "<footer><span>"
if siblings and us_idx > 0:
footer += f'<a href="{parent}{siblings[us_idx - 1]}">Previous page</a>'
footer += "</span><span>"
if parts:
crumbs = []
built = ROOT + "/"
for i in parts[:-1]:
built += f"{i}"
if not built.endswith((".html", "/")):
built += "/"
crumbs.append(f'<a href="{built}">{i}</a>')
footer += "/".join(crumbs)
footer += "</span><span>"
if siblings and us_idx < len(siblings) - 1 and us_idx != -1:
footer += f'<a href="{parent}{siblings[us_idx + 1]}">Next page</a>'
footer += "</span></footer>"
return footer
def styles():
return send_from_directory(".", "styles.css")
def tango():
return send_from_directory(".", "tango.css")
def header_script():
return send_from_directory(".", "headers.js")
for i in STATIC:
for base, _, files in os.walk(i):
for name in files:
def handler(base, name):
def handler():
return send_from_directory(base, name)
return handler
local_base = base.replace("\\", "/").strip(".").strip("/")
route = local_base + "/" + name
if not route.startswith("/"):
route = "/" + route
handler = handler(base, name)
handler.__name__ == route
app.add_url_rule(route, route, handler)
for base, _, files in os.walk(TEMPLATES + "/" + PAGES_BASE):
if ".git" in base:
if base.startswith(TEMPLATES):
base = base[len(TEMPLATES):]
for name in files:
if name.endswith(".html"):
def handler(base, name, route):
def handler():
return render_template(
os.path.join(base, name).strip("/").replace("\\", "/"),
generate_toc=lambda start=1: generate_toc(base, name, route, start),
generate_footer=lambda: generate_footer(base, name, route),
return handler
local_base = base.replace("\\", "/").strip(".").strip("/")
if local_base.startswith(PAGES_BASE):
local_base = local_base[len(PAGES_BASE):]
route = local_base + "/" + name
if route.endswith("/index.html"):
route = route[:-10]
if not route.startswith("/"):
route = "/" + route
handler = handler(base, name, route)
handler.__name__ == route
app.add_url_rule(route, route, handler)
def sitemap():
host_base = HOST + ROOT
links = []
for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():
if "GET" in rule.methods and len(rule.arguments) == 0:
url = url_for(rule.endpoint, **(rule.defaults or {}))
if not url.endswith(("/", ".html", ".png")):
path = rule.endpoint
if path.endswith("/"):
path += "index.html"
path = os.path.join(TEMPLATES, PAGES_BASE, path.lstrip("/"))
if os.path.exists(path):
mod_time = os.path.getmtime(path)
mod_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mod_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
mod_time = None
links.append((host_base + url, mod_time))
response = make_response(render_template("sitemap.xml", urls=links[::-1]))
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml"
return response
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
#, port=3000, host="")
server = Server(app.wsgi_app)".")