; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Path settings ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [vfs] ; Insert the path to the game AMFS directory here (contains ICF1 and ICF2) amfs= ; Insert the path to the game Option directory here (contains OPxx directories) option= ; Create an empty directory somewhere and insert the path here. ; This directory may be shared between multiple SEGA games. ; NOTE: This has nothing to do with Windows %APPDATA%. appdata= ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device settings ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [aime] ; Controls emulation of the Aime card reader assembly. enable=1 ; Necessary for IDZ Version 2+ to work aimePath=DEVICE\aime.txt felicaGen=0 aimeGen=1 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Network settings ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [dns] ; Insert the hostname or IP address of the server you wish to use here. ; Note that, localhost etc are specifically rejected. default= [netenv] ; Simulate an ideal LAN environment. This may interfere with head-to-head play. ; SEGA games are somewhat picky about their LAN environment, so leaving this ; setting enabled is recommended. enable=1 ; The final octet of the local host's IP address on the virtualized subnet ; (so, if the keychip subnet is and this value is set to 11, ; then the local host's virtualized LAN IP is ; Needed for in store battle, one needs to set it to 12. ;addrSuffix=12 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Board settings ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [keychip] ; The /24 LAN subnet that the emulated keychip will tell the game to expect. ; If you disable netenv then you must set this to your LAN's IP subnet, and ; that subnet must start with 192.168. subnet= [ds] ; Region code on the emulated AMEX board DS EEPROM. ; 1: Japan ; 4: Export (some UI elements in English) ; ; NOTE: Changing this setting causes a factory reset. region=4 [gpio] ; Emulated Nu DIP switch for Distribution Server setting. ; ; If multiple machines are present on the same LAN then set this to 1 on ; exactly one machine and set this to 0 on all others. dipsw1=1 [ffb] ; Enable force feedback (838-15069) board emulation. This is required for ; both DirectInput and XInput steering wheel effects. enable=1 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LED settings ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [led15070] ; Enable emulation of the 837-15070-02 controlled lights, which handle the ; cabinet and seat LEDs. enable=1 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Misc. hooks settings ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [gfx] ; Enables the graphics hook. This is required for some Initial D Zero versions ; for example v1.31 and v2.11 to run properly in fullscreen. enable=0 ; Force the game to run windowed. windowed=0 ; Add a frame to the game window if running windowed. framed=1 ; Select the monitor to run the game on. (Fullscreen only, 0=primary screen) monitor=0 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Custom IO settings ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [aimeio] ; To use a custom card reader IO DLL enter its path here. ; Leave empty if you want to use Segatools built-in keyboard input. path= [idzio] ; To use a custom Initial D Zero IO DLL enter its path here. ; Leave empty if you want to use Segatools built-in gamepad/wheel input. path= ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Input settings ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Keyboard bindings are specified as hexadecimal (prefixed with 0x) or decimal ; (not prefixed with 0x) virtual-key codes, a list of which can be found here: ; ; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes ; ; This is, admittedly, not the most user-friendly configuration method in the ; world. An improved solution will be provided later. [io3] ; Test button virtual-key code. Default is the F1 key. test=0x70 ; Service button virtual-key code. Default is the F2 key. service=0x71 ; Keyboard button to increment coin counter. Default is the F3 key. coin=0x72 ; Input API selection for JVS input emulator. ; Set "xinput" to use a gamepad and "dinput" to use a steering wheel. mode=xinput ; Adjust scaling for steering wheel input. ; ; This setting scales the steering wheel input so that the maximum positive ; and minimum negative steering inputs reported in the operator menu's input ; test screen do not exceed the value below. The maximum possible value is 128, ; and the value that matches the input range of a real cabinet is 97. ; ; NOTE: This is not the same thing as DirectInput steering wheel movement ; range! Segatools cannot control the maximum angle of your physical steering ; wheel controller, this setting is vendor-specific and can only be adjusted ; in the Control Panel. restrict=97 [xinput] ; XInput bindings ; ; Left Stick Steering ; Right Stick (Steering) when "singleStickSteering" is disabled ; Left Trigger Brake ; Right Trigger Accelerator ; Left Shoulder Shift Down ; Right Shoulder Shift Up ; Start/A Start ; Back/B View Change ; X Shift Up ; Y Shift Down ; D-Pad D-Pad ; Automatically reset the simulated shifter to Neutral when XInput Start is ; pressed (e.g. when navigating menus between races). autoNeutral=1 ; Use the left thumbstick for steering instead of both on XInput Controllers. ; Not recommended as it will not give you the precision needed for this game. singleStickSteering=1 ; Use linear steering instead of the default non-linear cubing steering. linearSteering=1 ; Configure deadzones for the left and right thumbsticks. ; The default value for the left stick is 7849, max value is 32767. leftStickDeadzone=7849 ; The default value for the right stick is 8689, max value is 32767. rightStickDeadzone=8689 [dinput] ; Name of the DirectInput wheel to use (or any text that occurs in its name) ; Example: G29 ; ; If this is left blank then the first DirectInput device will be used. deviceName= ; Name of the positional shifter to use (or any subset thereof). ; Leave blank if you do not have a positional shifter; a positional shifter ; will be simulated using the configured Shift Down and Shift Up buttons ; in this case. ; ; Can be the same device as the wheel. ; ; Example: G29 shifterName= ; Name of the DirectInput pedals to use (or any subset thereof). ; Leave blank if you do not have separate pedals; aka the pedals are part of ; the wheel. ; ; The pedals will be mapped to the accelAxis and brakeAxis. pedalsName= ; Pedal mappings. Valid axis names are: ; ; X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ, U, V ; ; (U and V are old names for Slider 1 and Slider 2). ; The examples below are valid for a Logitech G29. brakeAxis=U accelAxis=Y ; DirectInput button numbers to map to menu inputs. Note that buttons are ; numbered from 1; some software numbers buttons from 0. start=1 viewChg=2 ; Button mappings for the simulated six-speed shifter. shiftDn=5 shiftUp=6 ; Button mappings for the positional shifter, if present. gear1=13 gear2=14 gear3=15 gear4=16 gear5=17 gear6=18 ; Invert the accelerator and or brake axis ; (Needed when using DirectInput for the Dualshock 4 for example) reverseAccelAxis=0 reverseBrakeAxis=0 ; Force feedback settings. ; Only works when FFB board emulation is enabled! ; ; It is recommended to change the strength inside the Game Test Mode! ; ; These settings are only used when using DirectInput for the wheel. ; The values are in the range 0%-100%, where 0 disables the effect and ; 100 is the maximum. ; Constant force strength, used for centering spring effect. constantForceStrength=100 ; Damper strength, used for steering wheel damper effect. damperStrength=100 ; Rumble strength, used for road surface effects. ; WARNING: THIS WILL CRASH ON FANATEC (maybe even more) WHEELS! rumbleStrength=100 ; Rumble duration factor from ms to µs, used to scale the duration of the rumble effect. rumbleDuration=1000