/* SEGA 837-14509-02 USB -> Serial Adapter hook The 837-15093-06 LED controller is connected to the ALLS with an adapter. This tiny board has a FTDI FT232BL chip, and is referenced in schematics as "USB-SER I/F BD". The game queries the presence of the FTDI board itself, followed by a registry check to see which port number is assigned to the FTDI board. If these fail, the "CABINET LED" check on startup will always return "NG". Credits: OLEG */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "fgohook/ftdi.h" #include "hook/iohook.h" #include "hook/table.h" #include "hooklib/setupapi.h" #include "util/dprintf.h" static struct ftdi_config ftdi_cfg; static BOOL WINAPI hook_SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, uint32_t Property, uint32_t *PropertyRegDataType, void *PropertyBuffer, uint32_t PropertyBufferSize, uint32_t *RequiredSize ); static HKEY WINAPI hook_SetupDiOpenDevRegKey( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, uint32_t Scope, uint32_t HwProfile, uint32_t KeyType, REGSAM samDesired ); static LSTATUS WINAPI hook_RegQueryValueExA( HKEY handle, const char *name, void *reserved, uint32_t *type, void *bytes, uint32_t *nbytes); static LSTATUS WINAPI hook_RegCloseKey(HKEY handle); static BOOL (WINAPI *next_SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA)( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, uint32_t Property, uint32_t *PropertyRegDataType, void *PropertyBuffer, uint32_t PropertyBufferSize, uint32_t *RequiredSize ); static HKEY (WINAPI *next_SetupDiOpenDevRegKey)( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, uint32_t Scope, uint32_t HwProfile, uint32_t KeyType, REGSAM samDesired ); static LSTATUS (WINAPI *next_RegQueryValueExA)( HKEY handle, const char *name, void *reserved, uint32_t *type, void *bytes, uint32_t *nbytes); static LSTATUS (WINAPI *next_RegCloseKey)(HKEY handle); static const struct hook_symbol setupapi_syms[] = { { .name = "SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA", .patch = hook_SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA, .link = (void *) &next_SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA, }, { .name = "SetupDiOpenDevRegKey", .patch = hook_SetupDiOpenDevRegKey, .link = (void *) &next_SetupDiOpenDevRegKey, } }; static const struct hook_symbol reg_syms[] = { { .name = "RegQueryValueExA", .patch = hook_RegQueryValueExA, .link = (void *) &next_RegQueryValueExA, }, { .name = "RegCloseKey", .patch = hook_RegCloseKey, .link = (void *) &next_RegCloseKey, } }; const size_t device_fake_key = 0xDEADBEEF; static HANDLE ftdi_fd; static char port_name[8]; HRESULT ftdi_hook_init(const struct ftdi_config *cfg, unsigned int port_no) { HRESULT hr; assert(cfg != NULL); if (!cfg->enable) { return S_FALSE; } if (cfg->port_no != 0) { port_no = cfg->port_no; } hook_table_apply( NULL, "setupapi.dll", setupapi_syms, _countof(setupapi_syms)); hook_table_apply( NULL, "advapi32.dll", reg_syms, _countof(reg_syms)); memcpy(&ftdi_cfg, cfg, sizeof(*cfg)); hr = iohook_open_nul_fd(&ftdi_fd); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } hr = setupapi_add_phantom_dev(&ftdi_guid, L"$ftdi"); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } sprintf(port_name, "COM%d", port_no); dprintf("FTDI: Hook enabled.\n"); return S_OK; } static BOOL WINAPI hook_SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, uint32_t Property, uint32_t *PropertyRegDataType, void *PropertyBuffer, uint32_t PropertyBufferSize, uint32_t *RequiredSize ) { if (!PropertyBuffer || PropertyBufferSize == 0) { *RequiredSize = 16; SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; } *PropertyRegDataType = 1; return TRUE; } static HKEY WINAPI hook_SetupDiOpenDevRegKey( HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, uint32_t Scope, uint32_t HwProfile, uint32_t KeyType, REGSAM samDesired ) { return (HKEY) device_fake_key; } static LSTATUS WINAPI hook_RegCloseKey(HKEY handle) { if (handle == (HKEY) device_fake_key) return ERROR_SUCCESS; return next_RegCloseKey(handle); } static LSTATUS WINAPI hook_RegQueryValueExA( HKEY handle, const char *name, void *reserved, uint32_t *type, void *bytes, uint32_t *nbytes) { if (handle == (HKEY) device_fake_key && !strcmp(name, "PortName")) { strcpy(bytes, port_name); *nbytes = 5; *type = 1; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } return next_RegQueryValueExA( handle, name, reserved, type, bytes, nbytes); }