mirror of synced 2025-03-03 08:36:18 +01:00

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Raw Normal View History

2019-07-13 10:56:21 -04:00

using OpenTK;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
namespace OdysseyEditor
public struct Transform
public Vector3 Pos, Rot, Scale;
public class LevelObj : ICloneable
public const string N_Translate = "Translate";
public const string N_Rotate = "Rotate";
public const string N_Scale = "Scale";
public const string N_Id = "Id";
public const string N_Name = "UnitConfigName";
public const string N_Links = "Links";
public Dictionary<string, dynamic> Prop = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();
public LevelObj(dynamic bymlNode)
if (bymlNode is Dictionary<string, dynamic>) Prop = (Dictionary<string, dynamic>)bymlNode;
else throw new Exception("Not a dictionary");
if (Prop.ContainsKey(N_Links)) Prop[N_Links] = new LinksNode(Prop[N_Links]);
public LevelObj(bool empty = false)
if (empty) return;
Prop.Add(N_Translate, new Dictionary<string, dynamic>());
Prop[N_Translate].Add("X", (Single)0);
Prop[N_Translate].Add("Y", (Single)0);
Prop[N_Translate].Add("Z", (Single)0);
Prop.Add(N_Rotate, new Dictionary<string, dynamic>());
Prop[N_Rotate].Add("X", (Single)0);
Prop[N_Rotate].Add("Y", (Single)0);
Prop[N_Rotate].Add("Z", (Single)0);
Prop.Add(N_Scale, new Dictionary<string, dynamic>());
Prop[N_Scale].Add("X", (Single)1);
Prop[N_Scale].Add("Y", (Single)1);
Prop[N_Scale].Add("Z", (Single)1);
Prop.Add(N_Links, new LinksNode());
this[N_Name] = "newObj";
this[N_Id] = "obj0";
public dynamic this [string name]
if (Prop.ContainsKey(name)) return Prop[name];
else return null;
if (Prop.ContainsKey(name)) Prop[name] = value;
else Prop.Add(name,value);
public Vector3 Pos
get { return new Vector3(this[N_Translate]["X"], this[N_Translate]["Y"], this[N_Translate]["Z"]); }
set {
this[N_Translate]["X"] = (Single)value.X;
this[N_Translate]["Y"] = (Single)value.Y;
this[N_Translate]["Z"] = (Single)value.Z;
public Vector3 Rot
get { return new Vector3(this[N_Rotate]["X"], this[N_Rotate]["Y"], this[N_Rotate]["Z"]); }
this[N_Rotate]["X"] = (Single)value.X;
this[N_Rotate]["Y"] = (Single)value.Y;
this[N_Rotate]["Z"] = (Single)value.Z;
public Vector3 ModelView_Pos
get { return new Vector3(this[N_Translate]["X"], -this[N_Translate]["Z"], this[N_Translate]["Y"]); }
set //set when dragging
this[N_Translate]["X"] = (Single)value.X;
this[N_Translate]["Y"] = (Single)value.Z;
this[N_Translate]["Z"] = -(Single)value.Y;
public Vector3 ModelView_Rot
get { return new Vector3(this[N_Rotate]["X"], -this[N_Rotate]["Z"], this[N_Rotate]["Y"]); } //TODO: check if it matches in-game
public Vector3 Scale
get { return new Vector3(this[N_Scale]["X"], this[N_Scale]["Y"], this[N_Scale]["Z"]); }
this[N_Scale]["X"] = (Single)value.X;
this[N_Scale]["Y"] = (Single)value.Y;
this[N_Scale]["Z"] = (Single)value.Z;
public Vector3 ModelView_Scale
get { return new Vector3(this[N_Scale]["X"], this[N_Scale]["Z"], this[N_Scale]["Y"]); }
public Transform transform
2019-07-13 16:32:07 -04:00
get { return new Transform() { Pos = Pos, Rot = Rot, Scale = Scale }; }
2019-07-13 10:56:21 -04:00
Pos = value.Pos;
Rot = value.Rot;
Scale = value.Scale;
public string ID
get { return this[N_Id]; }
set { this[N_Id] = value;}
public string Name
get { return this.ToString(); }
set { this[N_Name] = value; }
public override string ToString()
string name = this[N_Name];
if (name == null) name = "LevelObj id: " + this[N_Id];
if (name == null) name = "LevelObj";
return name;
public LevelObj Clone()
return new LevelObj(DeepCloneDictArr.DeepClone(Prop));
object ICloneable.Clone()
return Clone();
//[Editor(typeof(LevelObjEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
[Description("This contains every property of this object")]
public Dictionary<string, dynamic> Properties
get { return Prop; }
set { Prop = value; }
public Transform transform_screen => new Transform() { Pos = ModelView_Pos, Rot = ModelView_Rot, Scale = ModelView_Scale };
class LinksNode : Dictionary<string, dynamic>, ICloneable //wrapper so we can use the custom editor
public LinksNode(Dictionary<string, dynamic> dict) : base(dict)
public LinksNode() : base()
public LinksNode Clone()
return new LinksNode(DeepCloneDictArr.DeepClone(this));
object ICloneable.Clone()
return Clone();
//class LevelObjEditor : UITypeEditor
// public override UITypeEditorEditStyle GetEditStyle(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
// {
// return UITypeEditorEditStyle.Modal;
// }
// public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.IServiceProvider provider, object value)
// {
// IWindowsFormsEditorService svc = provider.GetService(typeof(IWindowsFormsEditorService)) as IWindowsFormsEditorService;
// Dictionary<string, dynamic> v = value as Dictionary<string, dynamic>;
// if (svc != null && v != null)
// {
// using (FrmObjEditor form = new FrmObjEditor(v))
// {
// form.ShowDialog();
// v = form.Value.Prop;
// }
// }
// return v; // can also replace the wrapper object here
// }
////[Editor(typeof(C0ListEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
//public class C0List : ICloneable
// List<LevelObj> l = new List<LevelObj>();
// public List<LevelObj> List
// {
// get { return l; }
// set { l = value; }
// }
// public C0List Clone()
// {
// C0List C = new C0List();
// foreach (LevelObj lev in l) C.l.Add(lev.Clone());
// return C;
// }
// public override string ToString()
// {
// return "C0 list";
// }
// object ICloneable.Clone()
// {
// return Clone();
// }
//class C0ListEditor : UITypeEditor
// public override UITypeEditorEditStyle GetEditStyle(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
// {
// return UITypeEditorEditStyle.Modal;
// }
// public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.IServiceProvider provider, object value)
// {
// IWindowsFormsEditorService svc = provider.GetService(typeof(IWindowsFormsEditorService)) as IWindowsFormsEditorService;
// C0List v = value as C0List;
// if (svc != null && v != null)
// {
// ((Form1)System.Windows.Forms.Application.OpenForms["Form1"]).EditC0List(v.List);
// }
// return v;
// }
//public class Rail : ICloneable
// public object this[string propertyName]
// {
// get { return this.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(this, null); }
// set { this.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).SetValue(this, value, null); }
// }
// public Point3D[] GetPointArray()
// {
// List<Point3D> points = new List<Point3D>();
// foreach (Rail.Point p in Points) points.Add(new Point3D(p.X, -p.Z, p.Y));
// return points.ToArray();
// }
// List<int> _Args = new List<int>();
// string _LayerName;
// internal List<Point> _points = new List<Point>();
// //Multi file name ?
// public string _closed;
// int _l_id;
// string _name;
// int _no;
// string _type;
// public Rail(bool Adding = false, Vector3d? BasePosition = null)
// {
// _LayerName = "共通";
// _closed = "FALSE";
// _name = "empty rail";
// _type = "Bezier";
// if (Adding) _points.Add(new Point());
// if (Adding) _points.Add(new Point(1));
// if (BasePosition != null)
// {
// _points[0].X = (float)((Vector3d)BasePosition).X;
// _points[0].Y = (float)((Vector3d)BasePosition).Z;
// _points[0].Z = -(float)((Vector3d)BasePosition).Y;
// _points[1].X = (float)((Vector3d)BasePosition).X;
// _points[1].Y = (float)((Vector3d)BasePosition).Z;
// _points[1].Z = -(float)((Vector3d)BasePosition).Y;
// }
// }
// public override string ToString()
// {
// return _name;
// }
// public string Name
// {
// set
// {
// _name = JapChars(value);
// }
// get { return _name; }
// }
// public string Type
// {
// set { _type = value; }
// get { return _type; }
// }
// public bool Closed
// {
// set { _closed = value == false ? "OPEN" : "CLOSE"; }
// get { return _closed == "OPEN" ? false : true; }
// }
// public int no
// {
// set { _no = value; }
// get { return _no; }
// }
// public int l_id
// {
// set { _l_id = value; }
// get { return _l_id; }
// }
// public List<int> Arg
// {
// set { _Args = value; }
// get { return _Args; }
// }
// internal string JapChars(string input)
// {
// byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input);
// Encoding Enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(932);
// return input;//Enc.GetString(bytes);
// }
// public Rail Clone()
// {
// Rail R = new Rail();
// foreach (int i in _Args) R._Args.Add(i);
// R.LayerName = (string)_LayerName.Clone();
// foreach (Point p in _points) R._points.Add(p.Clone());
// R._closed = (string)_closed.Clone();
// R.l_id = _l_id;
// R.Name = (string)_name.Clone();
// R.no = _no;
// R.Type = (string)_type.Clone();
// return R;
// }
// object ICloneable.Clone()
// {
// return Clone();
// }
// public string LayerName
// {
// set {
// _LayerName = JapChars(value);
// }
// get { return _LayerName; }
// }
// // [Editor(typeof(RailPointEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
// public List<Point> Points
// {
// set { _points = value; }
// get { return _points; }
// }
// // [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))]
// public class Point : ICloneable
// {
// List<int> _Args = new List<int>();
// int _ID;
// public List<Single> _X = new List<Single>();
// public List<Single> _Y = new List<Single>();
// public List<Single> _Z = new List<Single>();
// public Point(int id = 0)
// {
// _ID = id;
// }
// public override string ToString()
// {
// return "Point ID: " + _ID.ToString();
// }
// public Point Clone()
// {
// Point N = new Point();
// foreach (int i in _Args) N._Args.Add(i);
// N.ID = _ID;
// foreach (int s in _X) N._X.Add(s);
// foreach (int s in _Y) N._Y.Add(s);
// foreach (int s in _Z) N._Z.Add(s);
// return N;
// }
// public Point Clone_increment()
// {
// Point N = new Point();
// foreach (int i in _Args) N._Args.Add(i);
// N.ID = _ID + 1;
// foreach (int s in _X) N._X.Add(s + 100);
// foreach (int s in _Y) N._Y.Add(s);
// foreach (int s in _Z) N._Z.Add(s);
// return N;
// }
// object ICloneable.Clone()
// {
// return Clone();
// }
// public List<int> Args
// {
// set { _Args = value; }
// get { return _Args; }
// }
// public int ID
// {
// set { _ID = value; }
// get { return _ID; }
// }
// public Single X
// {
// set { _X.Clear(); _X.Add(value); _X.Add(value); _X.Add(value); }
// get {
// if (_X.Count == 0) X = 0;
// return _X[0];
// }
// }
// public Single Y
// {
// set { _Y.Clear(); _Y.Add(value); _Y.Add(value); _Y.Add(value); }
// get {
// if (_Y.Count == 0) Y = 0;
// return _Y[0];
// }
// }
// public Single Z
// {
// set { _Z.Clear(); _Z.Add(value); _Z.Add(value); _Z.Add(value); }
// get {
// if (_Z.Count == 0) Z = 0;
// return _Z[0];
// }
// }
// }
//class RailPointEditor : UITypeEditor
// public override UITypeEditorEditStyle GetEditStyle(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
// {
// return UITypeEditorEditStyle.Modal;
// }
// public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.IServiceProvider provider, object value)
// {
// IWindowsFormsEditorService svc = provider.GetService(typeof(IWindowsFormsEditorService)) as IWindowsFormsEditorService;
// List<Rail.Point> v = value as List<Rail.Point>;
// if (svc != null && v != null)
// {
// using (FrmRailPointEditor form = new FrmRailPointEditor(v))
// {
// form.ShowDialog();
// v = form.Value;
// }
// }
// return v; // can also replace the wrapper object here
// }
//class Node : ICloneable
// string _StringValue;
// public string _StringNodeType;
// NodeTypes _NodeType;
// [Description("This is the value of this node as a string, change it respecting the type")]
// public string StringValue
// {
// set
// {
// if (_NodeType == NodeTypes.Int) Int32.Parse(value); //Crashes if the value is invalid
// else if (_NodeType == NodeTypes.Single) Single.Parse(value);
// _StringValue = value;
// }
// get { return _StringValue; }
// }
// [Description("The node type can't be changed, it tells what kind of data contains the node")]
// public NodeTypes NodeType
// {
// //set { _NodeType = value; }
// get { return _NodeType; }
// }
// public override string ToString()
// {
// string Prev = "";
// if (_NodeType == NodeTypes.Empty) Prev += "Empty";
// else if (_NodeType == NodeTypes.String) Prev += "String";
// else if (_NodeType == NodeTypes.Int) Prev += "Int";
// else if (_NodeType == NodeTypes.Single) Prev += "Single";
// else Prev += string.Format("Unk Type ({0})", _StringNodeType);
// Prev += " : ";
// Prev += _StringValue;
// return Prev;
// }
// public enum NodeTypes
// {
// String = 0xA0,
// Empty = 0xA1,
// Int = 0xD1,
// Single = 0xD2,
// Other
// }
// string JapChars(string input)
// {
// byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input);
// Encoding Enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(932);
// return input; //Enc.GetString(bytes);
// }
// public Node(string _stringValue, string _type)
// {
// _NodeType = NodeTypes.Other;
// if (_type == "A0") _NodeType = NodeTypes.String;
// else if (_type == "A1") _NodeType = NodeTypes.Empty;
// else if (_type == "D1") _NodeType = NodeTypes.Int;
// else if (_type == "D2") _NodeType = NodeTypes.Single;
// _StringNodeType = _type;
// ApplyValue(_stringValue, _NodeType);
// }
// void ApplyValue(string _stringValue, NodeTypes _type)
// {
// _StringValue = _stringValue;
// switch (_type)
// {
// case NodeTypes.String:
// _StringValue = JapChars(_StringValue);
// _NodeType = NodeTypes.String;
// break;
// case NodeTypes.Empty:
// _NodeType = NodeTypes.Empty;
// break;
// default:
// _NodeType = _type;
// break;
// }
// }
// public Node Clone()
// {
// return new Node(this._StringValue, this._StringNodeType);
// }
// object ICloneable.Clone()
// {
// return Clone();
// }
// public static bool operator ==(Node first, Node second)
// {
// return first.NodeType == second.NodeType && first.StringValue == second.StringValue;
// }
// public static bool operator !=(Node first, Node second)
// {
// return first.NodeType != second.NodeType || first.StringValue != second.StringValue;
// }
// public override bool Equals(object Obj)
// {
// return (Node)Obj == this;
// }
/*String = 0xA0,
Empty = 0xA1,
Int = 0xD1,
Single = 0xD2,