mirror of synced 2025-03-03 00:33:16 +01:00

1522 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2019-08-27 16:38:06 -04:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
using OpenTK;
using Toolbox.Library.Forms;
using Toolbox.Library;
using Toolbox.Library.Rendering;
using Toolbox.Library.IO;
2019-08-27 16:38:06 -04:00
namespace LayoutBXLYT
2019-08-27 16:38:06 -04:00
public partial class LayoutViewer : LayoutControlDocked
2019-08-27 16:38:06 -04:00
public LayoutUndoManager UndoManger = new LayoutUndoManager();
public List<BasePane> SelectedPanes = new List<BasePane>();
public Camera2D Camera = new Camera2D();
public class Camera2D
public Matrix4 ModelViewMatrix => ModelMatrix * ViewMatrix * ProjectionMatrix;
public Matrix4 ProjectionMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;
public Matrix4 ViewMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;
public Matrix4 ModelMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;
public float Zoom = 1;
public Vector2 Position;
private LayoutEditor ParentEditor;
private List<BasePane> CopiedPanes = new List<BasePane>();
private RenderableTex backgroundTex;
public BxlytHeader LayoutFile;
public List<BxlytHeader> LayoutFiles = new List<BxlytHeader>();
private Dictionary<string, STGenericTexture> Textures;
private void glControl1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void ResetCamera()
Camera = new Camera2D();
public void ResetLayout(BxlytHeader bxlyt)
LayoutFile = bxlyt;
public Dictionary<string, STGenericTexture> GetTextures()
return Textures;
public GLControl GetGLControl() => glControl1;
public LayoutViewer(LayoutEditor editor, BxlytHeader bxlyt, Dictionary<string, STGenericTexture> textures)
2019-08-27 16:38:06 -04:00
ParentEditor = editor;
Text = bxlyt.FileName;
Textures = textures;
public void LoadLayout(BxlytHeader bxlyt)
LayoutFile = bxlyt;
if (bxlyt.Textures.Count > 0)
var textures = bxlyt.GetTextures;
foreach (var tex in bxlyt.Textures)
//Some games use different cases for archives
string lowerCase = tex.ToLower();
if (textures.ContainsKey(tex))
AddTexture(tex, textures[tex]);
else if (textures.ContainsKey(lowerCase))
AddTexture(tex, textures[lowerCase]);
2019-08-29 19:01:47 -04:00
private void AddTexture(string name, STGenericTexture tex) {
if (!Textures.ContainsKey(name))
Textures.Add(name, tex);
public override void OnControlClosing()
2019-08-29 19:01:47 -04:00
foreach (var tex in LayoutFile.Textures)
if (Textures.ContainsKey(tex))
public void UpdateViewport()
2019-08-27 16:38:06 -04:00
private void glControl1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
if (!Runtime.OpenTKInitialized)
private BxlytShader GlobalShader;
public bool GameWindow = false;
public bool UseOrtho => Runtime.LayoutEditor.UseOrthographicView;
2019-08-29 20:51:41 -04:00
private Color BackgroundColor => Runtime.LayoutEditor.BackgroundColor;
private void OnRender()
if (LayoutFile == null) return;
if (!GameWindow)
if (ParentEditor != null)
if (GameWindow)
private void RenderGameWindow()
int WindowWidth = (int)LayoutFile.RootPane.Width;
int WindowHeight = (int)LayoutFile.RootPane.Height;
GL.Viewport(0, 0, glControl1.Width, glControl1.Height);
if (UseOrtho)
float halfW = WindowWidth, halfH = WindowHeight;
var orthoMatrix = Matrix4.CreateOrthographic(halfW, halfH, -10000, 10000);
GL.LoadMatrix(ref orthoMatrix);
Camera.ProjectionMatrix = orthoMatrix;
var cameraPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, -600);
var perspectiveMatrix = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(cameraPosition) * Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(0.785398f, WindowWidth / WindowHeight, 0.01f, 100000);
GL.LoadMatrix(ref perspectiveMatrix);
Camera.ProjectionMatrix = perspectiveMatrix;
GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
private void RenderEditor()
GL.Viewport(0, 0, glControl1.Width, glControl1.Height);
if (UseOrtho)
float halfW = glControl1.Width / 2.0f, halfH = glControl1.Height / 2.0f;
var orthoMatrix = Matrix4.CreateOrthographic(halfW, halfH, -10000, 10000);
GL.LoadMatrix(ref orthoMatrix);
Camera.ProjectionMatrix = orthoMatrix;
var cameraPosition = new Vector3(Camera.Position.X, Camera.Position.Y, -(Camera.Zoom * 500));
var perspectiveMatrix = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(cameraPosition) * Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(1.3f, glControl1.Width / glControl1.Height, 0.01f, 100000);
GL.LoadMatrix(ref perspectiveMatrix);
Camera.ProjectionMatrix = perspectiveMatrix;
GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
if (UseOrtho && !GameWindow)
GL.Scale(Camera.Zoom, Camera.Zoom, 1);
GL.Translate(Camera.Position.X, Camera.Position.Y, 0);
Camera.ViewMatrix *= Matrix4.CreateScale(Camera.Zoom, Camera.Zoom, 1) *
Matrix4.CreateTranslation(Camera.Position.X, Camera.Position.Y, 0);
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
private void RenderScene(bool showSelectionBox = false)
// GL.Disable(EnableCap.CullFace);
GL.AlphaFunc(AlphaFunction.Always, 0f);
GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
2019-08-30 21:53:00 -04:00
GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0);
2019-08-30 21:53:00 -04:00
if (!GameWindow)
GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0);
if (GlobalShader == null)
GlobalShader = new BxlytShader();
bool PreviewHitbox = false;
if (PreviewHitbox)
foreach (var file in LayoutFiles)
foreach (var pane in file.PaneLookup.Values)
if (!pane.Visible || !pane.DisplayInEditor && !pane.IsRoot)
//Hitbox debug
var hitbox = pane.CreateRectangle();
hitbox = hitbox.GetTransformedRectangle(pane.Parent, pane.Translate, pane.Rotate, pane.Scale);
GL.Color4(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 0, 0));
foreach (var layout in LayoutFiles)
RenderPanes(GlobalShader, layout.RootPane, true, 255, false, null, 0);
Vector2 TopLeft = new Vector2();
Vector2 BottomRight = new Vector2();
foreach (var pane in SelectedPanes)
var rect = pane.CreateRectangle();
TopLeft.X = Math.Min(TopLeft.X, rect.LeftPoint);
TopLeft.Y = Math.Max(TopLeft.Y, rect.TopPoint);
BottomRight.X = Math.Max(BottomRight.X, rect.RightPoint);
BottomRight.Y = Math.Min(BottomRight.Y, rect.BottomPoint);
if (pickAxis == PickAxis.Y)
GL.Vertex2(pane.Translate.X, -999999);
GL.Vertex2(pane.Translate.X, 99999);
if (pickAxis == PickAxis.X)
GL.Vertex2(-999999, pane.Translate.Y);
GL.Vertex2(99999, pane.Translate.Y);
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
if (showSelectionBox)
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
//Create a bounding box for all selected panes
//This box will allow resizing of all selected panes
if (SelectedPanes.Count > 0)
DrawSelectionBox(SelectedPanes, true);
if (UseOrtho)
private static CustomRectangle GetSelectedPanesBounding(List<BasePane> panes)
CustomRectangle rect = new CustomRectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
List<Vector2> points = new List<Vector2>();
foreach (var pane in panes)
var paneRect = pane.CreateRectangle();
rect = paneRect.GetTransformedRectangle(pane.Parent,
pane.GetTranslation(), pane.GetRotation(), pane.GetScale());
points.AddRange(new Vector2[4]
var minX = (int)points.Min(p => p.X);
var maxX = (int)points.Max(p => p.X);
var minY = (int)points.Min(p => p.Y);
var maxY = (int)points.Max(p => p.Y);
rect = new CustomRectangle(minX, maxX, maxY, minY);
return rect;
public static void DrawSelectionBox(List<BasePane> panes, bool isSelected)
//Create a rectangle with the largest points selected
CustomRectangle rect = GetSelectedPanesBounding(panes);
GL.Color4(isSelected ? Color.Red : Color.Green);
if (isSelected)
var transformed = rect;
var leftTop = new Vector2(transformed.LeftPoint, transformed.TopPoint);
var left = new Vector2(transformed.LeftPoint, (transformed.BottomPoint + transformed.TopPoint) / 2);
var leftBottom = new Vector2(transformed.LeftPoint, transformed.BottomPoint);
var rightTop = new Vector2(transformed.RightPoint, transformed.TopPoint);
var right = new Vector2(transformed.RightPoint, (transformed.BottomPoint + transformed.TopPoint) / 2);
var rightBottom = new Vector2(transformed.RightPoint, transformed.BottomPoint);
var top = new Vector2((transformed.RightPoint + transformed.LeftPoint) / 2, transformed.TopPoint);
var bottom = new Vector2((transformed.RightPoint + transformed.LeftPoint) / 2, transformed.BottomPoint);
private static void DrawEdgeSquare(Vector2 position)
float scale = 5;
GL.Vertex2(position.X + -1 * scale, position.Y + -1 * scale);
GL.Vertex2(position.X + 1 * scale, position.Y + -1 * scale);
GL.Vertex2(position.X + 1 * scale, position.Y + 1 * scale);
GL.Vertex2(position.X + -1 * scale, position.Y + 1 * scale);
private void RenderPanes(BxlytShader shader, BasePane pane, bool isRoot, byte parentAlpha, bool parentAlphaInfluence, BasePane partPane = null, int stage = 0)
if (!pane.DisplayInEditor)
//Check XY rotation and draw the pane before it was rotated
bool isRotatedXY = pane.Rotate.X != 0 || pane.Rotate.Y != 0;
if (isRotatedXY && SelectedPanes.Contains(pane))
GL.Translate(pane.Translate.X, pane.Translate.Y, 0);
GL.Rotate(pane.Rotate.Z, 0, 0, 1);
GL.Scale(pane.Scale.X, pane.Scale.Y, 1);
DrawDefaultPane(shader, pane, false);
2019-10-19 20:32:44 -04:00
var translate = pane.GetTranslation();
var rotate = pane.GetRotation();
var scale = pane.GetScale();
2019-09-05 16:24:03 -04:00
if (partPane != null)
translate = translate + pane.Translate;
scale = scale * pane.Scale;
rotate = rotate + pane.Rotate;
var prtPane = (Cafe.PRT1)partPane;
scale = new Syroot.Maths.Vector2F(
scale.X * prtPane.MagnifyX,
scale.Y * prtPane.MagnifyY);
//Note rotation matrix done by shaders
GL.Translate(translate.X, translate.Y, 0);
GL.Scale(scale.X, scale.Y, 1);
byte alpha = pane.Alpha;
if (pane.animController.PaneVertexColors.ContainsKey(LVCTarget.PaneAlpha))
alpha = (byte)pane.animController.PaneVertexColors[LVCTarget.PaneAlpha];
2019-09-05 16:24:03 -04:00
byte effectiveAlpha = (byte)(parentAlpha == 255 ? alpha : (alpha * parentAlpha) / 255);
if (!parentAlphaInfluence)
effectiveAlpha = alpha;
parentAlphaInfluence = parentAlphaInfluence || pane.InfluenceAlpha;
2019-09-02 17:10:24 -04:00
if (!isRoot)
bool isSelected = SelectedPanes.Contains(pane);
if (!pane.Visible && !pane.animController.Visibile)
DrawDefaultPane(shader, pane, isSelected);
else if (pane is IPicturePane)
BxlytToGL.DrawPictureBox(pane, Camera, GameWindow, effectiveAlpha, Textures, isSelected);
else if (pane is IWindowPane)
BxlytToGL.DrawWindowPane(pane, Camera, GameWindow, effectiveAlpha, Textures, isSelected);
else if (pane is IBoundryPane)
2019-11-06 21:27:52 -05:00
shader.SetBasic(pane, Color.White);
BxlytToGL.DrawBoundryPane(pane, GameWindow, effectiveAlpha, isSelected);
else if (pane is ITextPane && Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayTextPane)
var textPane = (ITextPane)pane;
Bitmap bitmap = null;
foreach (var fontFile in FirstPlugin.PluginRuntime.BxfntFiles) {
if (Utils.CompareNoExtension(fontFile.FileName, textPane.FontName))
bitmap = fontFile.GetBitmap(textPane.Text, false, pane);
if (bitmap != null)
BxlytToGL.DrawTextbox(pane, Camera, GameWindow, bitmap, effectiveAlpha,
Textures, SelectedPanes, textPane.RenderableFont == null, isSelected);
DrawDefaultPane(shader, pane, isSelected);
else if (pane is Cafe.SCR1)
BxlytToGL.DrawScissorPane(pane, GameWindow, effectiveAlpha, isSelected);
else if (pane is Cafe.ALI1)
BxlytToGL.DrawAlignmentPane(pane, GameWindow, effectiveAlpha, isSelected);
else if (pane is Cafe.PRT1)
DrawPartsPane(shader, (Cafe.PRT1)pane, effectiveAlpha, isSelected, parentAlphaInfluence);
DrawDefaultPane(shader, pane, isSelected);
isRoot = false;
byte childAlpha = pane.InfluenceAlpha || parentAlphaInfluence ? effectiveAlpha : byte.MaxValue;
foreach (var childPane in pane.Childern)
RenderPanes(shader, childPane, isRoot, childAlpha, parentAlphaInfluence, partPane);
private void DrawRootPane(BasePane pane)
Color color = Color.Black;
if (SelectedPanes.Contains(pane))
color = Color.Red;
CustomRectangle rect = pane.CreateRectangle();
//Draw a quad which is the backcolor but lighter
//Draw outline of root pane
GL.PolygonOffset(0.5f, 2);
private void DrawDefaultPane(BxlytShader shader, BasePane pane, bool isSelectionBox = false)
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayNullPane || GameWindow || Runtime.LayoutEditor.IsGamePreview)
2019-11-06 21:27:52 -05:00
shader.SetBasic(pane, Color.Black);
Vector2[] TexCoords = new Vector2[] {
new Vector2(1,1),
new Vector2(0,1),
new Vector2(0,0),
new Vector2(1,0)
2019-11-06 21:27:52 -05:00
Color color = Color.Black;
if (SelectedPanes.Contains(pane))
color = Color.Red;
Color[] Colors = new Color[] {
BxlytToGL.DrawRectangle(pane, GameWindow, pane.Rectangle, TexCoords, Colors, true, 255, isSelectionBox);
private void DrawPartsPane(BxlytShader shader, Cafe.PRT1 pane, byte effectiveAlpha, bool isSelected, bool parentInfluenceAlpha)
2019-09-05 16:24:03 -04:00
if (Runtime.LayoutEditor.PartsAsNullPanes)
DrawDefaultPane(shader, pane, isSelected);
2019-09-05 16:24:03 -04:00
var partPane = pane.GetExternalPane();
if (partPane != null)
RenderPanes(shader, partPane, true, effectiveAlpha, parentInfluenceAlpha);
2019-09-05 16:24:03 -04:00
DrawDefaultPane(shader, pane, isSelected);
2019-09-05 16:24:03 -04:00
if (pane.Properties != null)
foreach (var prop in pane.Properties)
if (prop.Property != null)
RenderPanes(shader, prop.Property, false, effectiveAlpha, parentInfluenceAlpha || pane.InfluenceAlpha);
2019-09-05 16:24:03 -04:00
private void DrawBackground()
if (backgroundTex == null)
/* backgroundTex = RenderableTex.FromBitmap(Properties.Resources.GridBackground);
backgroundTex.TextureWrapR = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
backgroundTex.TextureWrapT = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, backgroundTex.TexID);
GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapS, (float)backgroundTex.TextureWrapR);
GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapT, (float)backgroundTex.TextureWrapT);
GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (float)backgroundTex.TextureMagFilter);
GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (float)backgroundTex.TextureMinFilter);
float UVscale = 15;
int PanelWidth = 9000;
int PanelWHeight = 9000;
Vector2 scaleCenter = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
Vector2[] TexCoords = new Vector2[] {
new Vector2(1,1),
new Vector2(0,1),
new Vector2(0,0),
new Vector2(1,0),
for (int i = 0; i < TexCoords.Length; i++)
TexCoords[i] = (TexCoords[i] - scaleCenter) * 20 + scaleCenter;
GL.Scale(1, 1, 1);
GL.Translate(0, 0, 0);
GL.Vertex3(PanelWidth, PanelWHeight, 0);
GL.Vertex3(-PanelWidth, PanelWHeight, 0);
GL.Vertex3(-PanelWidth, -PanelWHeight, 0);
GL.Vertex3(PanelWidth, -PanelWHeight, 0);
GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0);
public void UpdateBackgroundColor(Color color)
2019-08-29 20:51:41 -04:00
Runtime.LayoutEditor.BackgroundColor = color;
2019-08-29 20:51:41 -04:00
private void DrawXyLines()
if (GameWindow || Runtime.LayoutEditor.IsGamePreview)
2019-09-16 21:02:00 -04:00
int lineLength = 20;
GL.Vertex2(0, 0);
GL.Vertex2(0, lineLength);
GL.Vertex2(0, 0);
GL.Vertex2(lineLength, 0);
private void DrawGrid()
2019-09-16 21:02:00 -04:00
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayGrid)
var size = 40;
var amount = 300;
int squareGridCounter = 0;
for (var i = -amount; i <= amount; i++)
if (squareGridCounter > 5)
squareGridCounter = 0;
GL.Vertex2(new Vector2(-amount * size, i * size));
GL.Vertex2(new Vector2(amount * size, i * size));
GL.Vertex2(new Vector2(i * size, -amount * size));
GL.Vertex2(new Vector2(i * size, amount * size));
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
private bool mouseCameraDown = false;
private bool mouseDown = false;
private List<BasePane> SelectionBoxPanes = new List<BasePane>();
private bool showSelectionBox = false;
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
private bool isPicked = false;
private bool mouseMoving = false;
private Point originMouse;
private Point pickOriginMouse;
private Point pickMouse;
private Vector2 pickDistance;
private PickAction pickAction = PickAction.None;
private PickAxis pickAxis = PickAxis.All;
private bool snapToGrid = false;
private void glControl1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (GameWindow)
pickAction = PickAction.None;
pickAxis = PickAxis.All;
if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left ||
e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle)
originMouse = e.Location;
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
mouseCameraDown = true;
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
//Pick an object for moving
else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
mouseDown = true;
var coords = OpenGLHelper.convertScreenToWorldCoords(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y);
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
bool hasEdgeHit = false;
var rect = GetSelectedPanesBounding(SelectedPanes);
var edgePick = SearchEdgePicking(rect, coords.X, coords.Y);
if (edgePick != PickAction.None)
pickAction = edgePick;
isPicked = true;
hasEdgeHit = true;
if (hasEdgeHit)
UndoManger.AddToUndo(new LayoutUndoManager.UndoActionTransform(SelectedPanes));
pickOriginMouse = e.Location;
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
BasePane hitPane = null;
SearchHit(LayoutFile.RootPane, coords.X, coords.Y, ref hitPane);
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
if (hitPane != null)
pickAction = PickAction.Translate;
if (!SelectedPanes.Contains(hitPane))
if (Control.ModifierKeys != Keys.Control)
var paneRect = GetSelectedPanesBounding(SelectedPanes);
var paneEdgePick = SearchEdgePicking(paneRect, coords.X, coords.Y);
if (paneEdgePick != PickAction.None)
pickAction = paneEdgePick;
UndoManger.AddToUndo(new LayoutUndoManager.UndoActionTransform(SelectedPanes));
isPicked = true;
} //Check control key (multi selecting panes)
else if (Control.ModifierKeys != Keys.Control)
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
pickOriginMouse = e.Location;
else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
var coords = OpenGLHelper.convertScreenToWorldCoords(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y);
pickOriginMouse = coords;
//Add a content menu
var selectOverlapping = new STToolStripItem("Select Overlapping");
var createPanes = new STToolStripItem("Create Pane");
createPanes.DropDownItems.Add(new STToolStripItem("Null Pane", CreateNullPaneAction));
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
createPanes.DropDownItems.Add(new STToolStripItem("Picture Pane", CreatePicturePaneAction));
createPanes.DropDownItems.Add(new STToolStripItem("Part Pane", CreatePartPaneAction));
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
createPanes.DropDownItems.Add(new STToolStripItem("Text Box Pane", CreateTextPaneAction));
createPanes.DropDownItems.Add(new STToolStripItem("Window Pane", CreateWindowPaneAction));
createPanes.DropDownItems.Add(new STToolStripItem("Boundry Pane", CreateBoundryPaneAction));
var hitPanes = GetHitPanes(LayoutFile.RootPane, coords.X, coords.Y, new List<BasePane>());
for (int i = 0; i < hitPanes.Count; i++)
new STToolStripItem(hitPanes[i].Name, SelectOverlappingAction));
stContextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new STToolStripItem("Show All Hidden Panes", ShowAllPaneAction));
stContextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new STToolStripItem("Paste (Experimental)", PastePaneAction) { Enabled = CopiedPanes.Count > 0 });
if (SelectedPanes.Count > 0)
stContextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new STToolStripSeparator());
stContextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new STToolStripItem("Copy (Experimental)", CopyPaneAction));
stContextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new STToolStripItem("Edit Group"));
stContextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new STToolStripItem("Delete Selected Panes", DeletePaneAction));
stContextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new STToolStripItem("Hide Selected Panes", HidePaneAction));
Console.WriteLine("SelectedPanes " + SelectedPanes.Count);
private void CreatePartPaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
var pane = ParentEditor.AddNewPartPane();
SetupNewPane(pane, pickOriginMouse);
private void CreateNullPaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
var pane = ParentEditor.AddNewNullPane();
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
SetupNewPane(pane, pickOriginMouse);
private void CreatePicturePaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
var pane = ParentEditor.AddNewPicturePane();
SetupNewPane(pane, pickOriginMouse);
private void CreateWindowPaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
var pane = ParentEditor.AddNewWindowPane();
SetupNewPane(pane, pickOriginMouse);
private void CreateTextPaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
var pane = ParentEditor.AddNewTextPane();
SetupNewPane(pane, pickOriginMouse);
if (pane is Cafe.TXT1)
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
private void CreateBoundryPaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
var pane = ParentEditor.AddNewBoundryPane();
SetupNewPane(pane, pickOriginMouse);
private void CopyPaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void PastePaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void CopyPanes()
foreach (var pane in SelectedPanes) {
BasePane copiedPane = (BasePane)pane.Clone();
private void PastePanes()
foreach (var copiedPane in CopiedPanes)
//Copy again as the user may paste the same one multiple times
//This will make sure it's a completely new instance
BasePane pane = (BasePane)copiedPane.Clone();
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
private void SetupNewPane(BasePane pane, Point point)
if (pane == null) return;
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
pane.Translate = new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F(point.X, point.Y, 0);
private void DeletePaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void HidePaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ShowAllPaneAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void HideSelectedPanes()
UndoManger.AddToUndo(new LayoutUndoManager.UndoActionPaneHide(SelectedPanes));
private void ShowHiddenPanes()
UndoManger.AddToUndo(new LayoutUndoManager.UndoActionPaneHide(LayoutFile.PaneLookup.Values.ToList(), false));
private void DeleteSelectedPanes()
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
if (SelectedPanes.Count == 0) return;
//Make sure to fill all the children in selected panes!
for (int i = 0; i < SelectedPanes.Count; i++)
SelectedPanes.AddRange(GetChildren(SelectedPanes, new List<BasePane>(), SelectedPanes[i]));
UndoManger.AddToUndo(new LayoutUndoManager.UndoActionPaneDelete(SelectedPanes, LayoutFile));
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
LayoutFile.RemovePanes(SelectedPanes, LayoutFile.RootPane);
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
private List<BasePane> GetChildren(List<BasePane> selectedPanes, List<BasePane> childrenPanes, BasePane parent)
if (!selectedPanes.Contains(parent))
foreach (var child in parent.Childern)
GetChildren(selectedPanes, childrenPanes, child);
return childrenPanes;
private void SelectOverlappingAction(object sender, EventArgs e)
var toolMenu = sender as STToolStripItem;
if (toolMenu != null)
string name = toolMenu.Text;
if (Control.ModifierKeys != Keys.Control)
if (LayoutFile.PaneLookup.ContainsKey(name))
private void SearchHit(BasePane pane, int X, int Y, ref BasePane SelectedPane)
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
bool isVisible = true;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayPicturePane && pane is IPicturePane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayWindowPane && pane is IWindowPane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayBoundryPane && pane is IBoundryPane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayTextPane && pane is ITextPane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayNullPane && pane.IsNullPane)
isVisible = false;
if (isVisible && pane.DisplayInEditor && pane.IsHit(X, Y) && !pane.IsRoot)
//Select the first possible pane
//If the pane is selected already, pick that instead
//This is useful if the selected pane wants to be moved already
if (SelectedPane == null || SelectedPanes.Contains(pane))
SelectedPane = pane;
//Keep searching even if we found our pane so we can find any that's selected
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
foreach (var childPane in pane.Childern)
SearchHit(childPane, X, Y, ref SelectedPane);
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
private List<BasePane> GetHitPanes(BasePane pane, CustomRectangle rect, List<BasePane> SelectedPanes)
bool isVisible = pane.Visible;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayPicturePane && pane is IPicturePane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayWindowPane && pane is IWindowPane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayBoundryPane && pane is IBoundryPane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayTextPane && pane is ITextPane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayNullPane && pane.IsNullPane)
isVisible = false;
if (isVisible && pane.DisplayInEditor && pane.IsHit(rect) && pane.Name != "RootPane")
if (!SelectedPanes.Contains(pane))
foreach (var childPane in pane.Childern)
GetHitPanes(childPane, rect, SelectedPanes);
return SelectedPanes;
private List<BasePane> GetHitPanes(BasePane pane, int X, int Y, List<BasePane> SelectedPanes)
bool isVisible = pane.Visible;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayPicturePane && pane is IPicturePane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayWindowPane && pane is IWindowPane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayBoundryPane && pane is IBoundryPane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayTextPane && pane is ITextPane)
isVisible = false;
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.DisplayNullPane && pane.IsNullPane)
isVisible = false;
if (isVisible && pane.DisplayInEditor && pane.IsHit(X, Y) && pane.Name != "RootPane")
if (!SelectedPanes.Contains(pane))
foreach (var childPane in pane.Childern)
GetHitPanes(childPane, X, Y, SelectedPanes);
return SelectedPanes;
private PickAction SearchEdgePicking(CustomRectangle transformed, int X, int Y)
var leftTop = new Point(transformed.LeftPoint, transformed.TopPoint);
var left = new Point(transformed.LeftPoint, (transformed.BottomPoint + transformed.TopPoint) / 2);
var leftBottom = new Point(transformed.LeftPoint, transformed.BottomPoint);
var rightTop = new Point(transformed.RightPoint, transformed.TopPoint);
var right = new Point(transformed.RightPoint, (transformed.BottomPoint + transformed.TopPoint) / 2);
var rightBottom = new Point(transformed.RightPoint, transformed.BottomPoint);
var top = new Point((transformed.RightPoint + transformed.LeftPoint) / 2, transformed.TopPoint);
var bottom = new Point((transformed.RightPoint + transformed.LeftPoint) / 2, transformed.BottomPoint);
if (IsEdgeHit(leftTop, X, Y)) return PickAction.DragTopLeft;
else if (IsEdgeHit(left, X, Y)) return PickAction.DragLeft;
else if (IsEdgeHit(leftBottom, X, Y)) return PickAction.DragBottomLeft;
else if (IsEdgeHit(rightTop, X, Y)) return PickAction.DragTopRight;
else if (IsEdgeHit(rightBottom, X, Y)) return PickAction.DragBottomRight;
else if (IsEdgeHit(right, X, Y)) return PickAction.DragRight;
else if (IsEdgeHit(top, X, Y)) return PickAction.DragTop;
else if (IsEdgeHit(bottom, X, Y)) return PickAction.DragBottom;
return PickAction.None;
private bool IsEdgeHit(Point point, int X, int Y, int size = 10)
if ((X > point.X - size) && (X < point.X + size) &&
(Y > point.Y - size) && (Y < point.Y + size))
return true;
return false;
private void glControl1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left || e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle)
pickAxis = PickAxis.All;
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
mouseCameraDown = false;
mouseDown = false;
2019-09-02 19:48:47 -04:00
isPicked = false;
mouseMoving = false;
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
showSelectionBox = false;
foreach (var pane in SelectionBoxPanes)
if (!SelectedPanes.Contains(pane))
if (SelectedPanes.Count > 0)
public enum PickAction
public enum PickAxis
private void glControl1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (GameWindow)
if (UseOrtho)
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
if (SelectedPanes.Count > 0 && !showSelectionBox)
var posWorld = OpenGLHelper.convertScreenToWorldCoords(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y);
//Setup edge picking with move event
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
bool hasPick = false;
var paneRect = GetSelectedPanesBounding(SelectedPanes);
var pickState = SearchEdgePicking(paneRect, posWorld.X, posWorld.Y);
if (pickState != PickAction.None)
if (pickState == PickAction.DragTop)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeNS;
if (pickState == PickAction.DragBottom)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeNS;
if (pickState == PickAction.DragLeft)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeWE;
if (pickState == PickAction.DragRight)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeWE;
if (pickState == PickAction.DragBottomLeft)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeNESW;
if (pickState == PickAction.DragBottomRight)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeNWSE;
if (pickState == PickAction.DragTopLeft)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeNWSE;
if (pickState == PickAction.DragTopRight)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeNESW;
hasPick = true;
else if (isPicked && pickAction != PickAction.None)
if (pickAction == PickAction.Translate)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeAll;
if (pickAction == PickAction.Rotate)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeAll;
if (pickAction == PickAction.Scale)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.SizeAll;
hasPick = true;
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
if (!hasPick)
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
if (isPicked && !showSelectionBox)
var temp = e.Location;
var curPos = OpenGLHelper.convertScreenToWorldCoords(temp.X, temp.Y);
var prevPos = OpenGLHelper.convertScreenToWorldCoords(pickOriginMouse.X, pickOriginMouse.Y);
var pickMouse = new Point((int)(prevPos.X - curPos.X), (int)(prevPos.Y - curPos.Y));
if (pickAction == PickAction.Translate)
foreach (var pane in SelectedPanes)
if (pickOriginMouse != Point.Empty)
float posX = pane.Translate.X;
float posY = pane.Translate.Y;
float posZ = pane.Translate.Z;
if (pickAxis == PickAxis.X)
posX = pane.Translate.X - pickMouse.X;
if (pickAxis == PickAxis.Y)
posY = pane.Translate.Y - pickMouse.Y;
if (pickAxis == PickAxis.All)
posX = pane.Translate.X - pickMouse.X;
posY = pane.Translate.Y - pickMouse.Y;
if (Runtime.LayoutEditor.AnimationEditMode)
if (!Runtime.LayoutEditor.TransformChidlren)
pane.KeepChildrenTransform(posX, posY);
if (snapToGrid)
int gridCubeWidth = 16, gridCubeHeight = 16;
pane.Translate = new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F(
(float)(Math.Round(posX / gridCubeWidth) * gridCubeWidth),
(float)(Math.Round(posY / gridCubeHeight) * gridCubeHeight),
pane.Translate = new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F(posX, posY, posZ);
if (pickAction == PickAction.Scale)
foreach (var pane in SelectedPanes)
if (pickOriginMouse != Point.Empty)
float scaX = pane.Scale.X;
float scaY = pane.Scale.Y;
if (pickAxis == PickAxis.X)
scaX = pane.Scale.X - pickMouse.X;
if (pickAxis == PickAxis.Y)
scaY = pane.Scale.Y - pickMouse.Y;
if (pickAxis == PickAxis.All)
scaX = pane.Scale.X - pickMouse.X;
scaY = pane.Scale.Y - pickMouse.Y;
if (Runtime.LayoutEditor.AnimationEditMode)
if (snapToGrid)
int gridCubeWidth = 16, gridCubeHeight = 16;
pane.Scale = new Syroot.Maths.Vector2F(
(float)(Math.Round(scaX / gridCubeWidth) * gridCubeWidth),
(float)(Math.Round(scaY / gridCubeHeight) * gridCubeHeight));
pane.Scale = new Syroot.Maths.Vector2F(scaX, scaY);
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
else if (!showSelectionBox)
var selectionBox = GetSelectedPanesBounding(SelectedPanes);
//Setup edge picking with move event
foreach (var pane in SelectedPanes)
pane.TransformRectangle(pickAction, selectionBox, pickMouse.X, pickMouse.Y);
pickOriginMouse = temp;
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
if (mouseDown && !isPicked)
var temp = e.Location;
var curPos = OpenGLHelper.convertScreenToWorldCoords(temp.X, temp.Y);
var prevPos = OpenGLHelper.convertScreenToWorldCoords(pickOriginMouse.X, pickOriginMouse.Y);
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
DrawSelectionBox(prevPos, curPos);
if (mouseCameraDown)
var pos = new Vector2(e.Location.X - originMouse.X, e.Location.Y - originMouse.Y);
Camera.Position.X += pos.X;
Camera.Position.Y -= pos.Y;
originMouse = e.Location;
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
private CustomRectangle SelectionBox;
private void DrawSelectionBox(Point point1, Point point2)
int left = point1.X;
int right = point2.X;
int top = point1.Y;
int bottom = point2.Y;
//Determine each point direction to see what is left/right/top/bottom
if (bottom > top)
top = point2.Y;
bottom = point1.Y;
if (left > right)
right = point1.X;
left = point2.X;
showSelectionBox = true;
SelectionBox = new CustomRectangle(left, right, top, bottom);
var hitPanes = GetHitPanes(LayoutFile.RootPane, SelectionBox, new List<BasePane>());
foreach (var pane in hitPanes)
if (!SelectionBoxPanes.Contains(pane))
protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e)
if (UseOrtho)
if (e.Delta > 0 && Camera.Zoom > 0)
Camera.Zoom += 0.1f;
if (e.Delta < 0 && Camera.Zoom < 100 && Camera.Zoom > 0.1)
Camera.Zoom -= 0.1f;
if (e.Delta > 0 && Camera.Zoom > 0.1)
Camera.Zoom -= 0.1f;
if (e.Delta < 0 && Camera.Zoom < 100 && Camera.Zoom > 0)
Camera.Zoom += 0.1f;
private void glControl1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void glControl1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (isPicked && e.KeyCode == Keys.X)
pickAxis = PickAxis.X;
if (isPicked && e.KeyCode == Keys.Y)
pickAxis = PickAxis.Y;
else if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.Z) // Ctrl + Z undo
else if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.R) // Ctrl + R redo
else if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.C) // Ctrl + C copy
else if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.V) // Ctrl + V paste
else if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.A) // Ctrl + A select all
foreach (var pane in LayoutFile.PaneLookup.Values)
if (!pane.IsRoot)
else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete)
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
private void glControl1_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(ListViewItem)))
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;
private void glControl1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(ListViewItem)))
var item = e.Data.GetData(typeof(ListViewItem)) as ListViewItem;
string texture = item.Text;
2020-02-15 20:57:21 -05:00
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
if (Textures.ContainsKey(texture))
var point = this.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
var coords = OpenGLHelper.convertScreenToWorldCoords(point.X, point.Y);
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
var pane = ParentEditor.AddNewPicturePane();
pane.Width = Textures[texture].Width;
pane.Height = Textures[texture].Height;
SetupNewPane(pane, coords);
Tons more layout editor improvements. - The UI has been completely redone. It's far much more clean and intuitive to edit with. - All major pane types can be created now. Part panes are not supported but will be added in a future update due to being more complex to mess with. - Window panes can be fully customized now, with custom frame adjusting, adding, and editing materials per frame and content regions. - Picture panes have improved UV editing, and vertex color editing (which can set by corner or all at once). - Text boxes will have a dialog for selecting the font file. These also can be switchted in the text editor. - Improved pane deleting signifcantly. Material references are removed, and undo/redo works perfectly fine. - Fixed many flags for properties which didn't get set correctly if edited. - Fixed layout saving for text boxes with using the wrong encoding. Also some padding fixes. - Text panes now auto calculate the text length and allow restricted lengths to be edited. - Properties can now be scrolled down, and kept at that state when refocused. - Add a selection box for selecting multiple panes at once - Textures can be added, removed and edited in editor. Make sure these are in the same archive!!! Wii U auto does it in the same archive opened, switch must have a bntx in it. Automatic creaton of these will come - Picture panes can be generated via textures. Drag and drop one from a list. Also keeps the original image sizes. - Fixed window pane rendering with 1 frame and flipping textures. - Materials can add textures, and have new custom blend and alpha modes. when i finish the new layout export dialog. - Added an edit option for image editor to gamma fix smash ultimate bntx.
2019-10-13 21:02:39 -04:00
2019-08-27 16:38:06 -04:00