Add apak rebuilding.
Add support for joints for .mod.
Add support for part property panes attached to the heiarchy tree.
Fix BFLYT TXT1 text encoding for wii u to use big endian unicode.
Fix a bug with textures opening in quick access menu and bntx for gfpak.
Fix tex2 files being used for the bfres material editor which caused a crash.
Fix WTA support for decompressed files.
Auto search file names for WTA files if possible.
Fix g1t decoding images at the wrong position depeding on the header size being incorrect.
Panes can now be selected and moved around.
Panes can be resized from corners or edges.
Improved hit detection for panes.
Mouse left click now selects and moves panes. Use middle mouse or hold shift + left mouse to pan/move camera.
More progress on timeline, but currently not functional so currently disabled atm.
Multiple layout animations can be selected and played at once. Goes to the highest amount of frames.
Start to impliment a parts manager. Will allow editing external layout and animation data, and saving back properly.