Added support for previewing layout animations.
This includes pane SRT, tex SRT, material color (white/black blending), texture patterns, pane visibilty, and vertex colors.
Added textbox previewing. The scaling will be off, and more features is planned (caching font data to disk for faster loading, improve rendering, etc).
Rotations now render correctly for X/Y axis.
Added game window preview. This removes any editor only drawn objects and also fits the layout to the screen (aka root pane) size.
Add support for rendering custom blending with layout materials.
Add support for loading character icons for mk8d. These are hardcoded and have been manually set. Note these will only load if within the menu.szs.
Convert white colors to srgb for more accurate colors.
Fix displaying bflims with using bc4 alpha and no alpha.
Preview alpha theshhold for color blending.
Fix window pane alpha if frame vertex colors are disabled.
Window panes render near perfectly aside from materials. Update fixes the texture flip flags and other uv fixes,
Fixed UV transformation issues. Commonly when a uv is suppose to be centered but it shifts wrong.
Add basic white and black color blending.
Fix LA8 texture rendering.
Start on BRLAN support.
Fixed texture coordinate transformations from materials.
Window panes of all types, horizinal, around, and 1,4, and 8 frames are all supported.
Note window pane uv coordinates are very wip, and need proper flipping and transformation from the flags.
Fix bflim editor issues with filling contents.
Add support for bayonetta/astral chain dat.
Add support for darc archives.
Support previewing window panes for bflyt (1 frame atm with around kind)
Add bflan reading. Saving needs more testing and will be enabled soon.
Bflyt editor will keep the editor open within an archive when saved.
A custom dialog will be added soon to customize saving parameters.
Bflims will be loaded if in the same folder as the bflyt when opened.