Update primative type for meshes. This will allow custom primative types for rendering.
Add strikers and punch out wii model/texture support (older formats of LM2/LM3).
Add LM2 Arcade model support (updated format of MKAGPDX)
Add support for LM2/LM3 pck audio archives.
Add support for LM2 message/localization data.
LM3 uses an updated format of LM2 Darkmoon. Currently this can now load textures. Most of them should load fine, however ASTC_6x6 textures keep giving me issues so those may or may not error out.
Models for LM3 is currently not supported due to the various changes but is planned.
Load vertex positions for layouts in rectangle class. This will be used for proper rotation adjusting.
Add latest muunt editor files.
Add somewhat functional mk8 camera bin editor. Points can be moved around. The map orientation determines the position of the icons to map over the model.
Fix window content UV map for layouts.
Add 2D KCL renderer for top down KCL preview for both muunt and camera editors.
Panes can now be selected and moved around.
Panes can be resized from corners or edges.
Improved hit detection for panes.
Mouse left click now selects and moves panes. Use middle mouse or hold shift + left mouse to pan/move camera.
More progress on timeline, but currently not functional so currently disabled atm.
Multiple layout animations can be selected and played at once. Goes to the highest amount of frames.
Start to impliment a parts manager. Will allow editing external layout and animation data, and saving back properly.
Add support for bayonetta/astral chain dat.
Add support for darc archives.
Support previewing window panes for bflyt (1 frame atm with around kind)
Add bflan reading. Saving needs more testing and will be enabled soon.
Bflyt editor will keep the editor open within an archive when saved.
A custom dialog will be added soon to customize saving parameters.
Bflims will be loaded if in the same folder as the bflyt when opened.
Limit the texture renderer to prevent memory issues.
Prevent textures to be loaded and bound if gl textures cannot load.
Fix gen bntx types (PC) from having inaccuate target set.
Fixed loading files from clicked on when a single instance of the tool is used.
Fixed the UV editor, which loads materails and texture maps properly.
Adjusted loading archives which produced some duplicate file issues when the archive loads the file, and a tree node is clicked on. Ie bntx clearing, but another one would stay in memory.
Fixed bntx replacing.