2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
import random
import time
from typing import Any , Dict , Optional , Tuple
from bemani . client . base import BaseClient
from bemani . protocol import Node
class IIDXTricoroClient ( BaseClient ) :
def verify_shop_getname ( self , lid : str ) - > str :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21shop = Node . void ( ' shop ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21shop )
IIDX21shop . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' getname ' )
IIDX21shop . set_attribute ( ' lid ' , lid )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify that response is correct
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/shop/@opname " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/shop/@pid " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/shop/@cls_opt " )
return resp . child ( ' shop ' ) . attribute ( ' opname ' )
def verify_shop_savename ( self , lid : str , name : str ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21shop = Node . void ( ' shop ' )
IIDX21shop . set_attribute ( ' lid ' , lid )
IIDX21shop . set_attribute ( ' pid ' , ' 51 ' )
IIDX21shop . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' savename ' )
IIDX21shop . set_attribute ( ' cls_opt ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21shop . set_attribute ( ' ccode ' , ' US ' )
IIDX21shop . set_attribute ( ' opname ' , name )
IIDX21shop . set_attribute ( ' rcode ' , ' . ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21shop )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify that response is correct
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/shop " )
def verify_pc_common ( self ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' pc ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' common ' )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify that response is correct
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/ir/@beat " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/limit/@phase " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/boss/@phase " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/red/@phase " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/yellow/@phase " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/medal/@phase " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/tricolettepark/@open " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/cafe/@open " )
def verify_music_crate ( self ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' music ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' crate ' )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/music " )
for child in resp . child ( " music " ) . children :
if child . name != ' c ' :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Invalid node { child } in clear rate response! ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
if len ( child . value ) != 12 :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Invalid node data { child } in clear rate response! ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
for v in child . value :
if v < 0 or v > 101 :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Invalid clear percent { child } in clear rate response! ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
def verify_shop_getconvention ( self , lid : str ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' shop ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' getconvention ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' lid ' , lid )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify that response is correct
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/shop/valid " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/shop/@music_0 " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/shop/@music_1 " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/shop/@music_2 " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/shop/@music_3 " )
def verify_pc_visit ( self , extid : int , lid : str ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' pc ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' iidxid ' , str ( extid ) )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' lid ' , lid )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' visit ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' pid ' , ' 51 ' )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify that response is correct
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/@aflg " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/@anum " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/@pflg " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/@pnum " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/@sflg " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/@snum " )
def verify_ranking_getranker ( self , lid : str ) - > None :
for clid in [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' ranking ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' getranker ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' lid ' , lid )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' clid ' , str ( clid ) )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify that response is correct
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/ranking " )
def verify_shop_sentinfo ( self , lid : str ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' shop ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' sentinfo ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' lid ' , lid )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' bflg ' , ' 1 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' bnum ' , ' 2 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' ioid ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' tax_phase ' , ' 0 ' )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify that response is correct
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/shop " )
def verify_pc_get ( self , ref_id : str , card_id : str , lid : str ) - > Dict [ str , Any ] :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' pc ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' rid ' , ref_id )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' did ' , ref_id )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' pid ' , ' 51 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' lid ' , lid )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' cid ' , card_id )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' get ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' ctype ' , ' 1 ' )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify that the response is correct
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/pcdata/@name " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/pcdata/@pid " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/pcdata/@id " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/pcdata/@idstr " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/packinfo " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/commonboss/@deller " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/commonboss/@orb " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/commonboss/@baron " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/secret/flg1 " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/secret/flg2 " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/secret/flg3 " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/achievements/trophy " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/skin " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/grade " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/rlist " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/step " )
name = resp . child ( ' pc/pcdata ' ) . attribute ( ' name ' )
if name != self . NAME :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Invalid name \' { name } \' returned for Ref ID \' { ref_id } \' ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
return {
' extid ' : int ( resp . child ( ' pc/pcdata ' ) . attribute ( ' id ' ) ) ,
' sp_dan ' : int ( resp . child ( ' pc/grade ' ) . attribute ( ' sgid ' ) ) ,
' dp_dan ' : int ( resp . child ( ' pc/grade ' ) . attribute ( ' dgid ' ) ) ,
' deller ' : int ( resp . child ( ' pc/commonboss ' ) . attribute ( ' deller ' ) ) ,
def verify_music_getrank ( self , extid : int ) - > Dict [ int , Dict [ int , Dict [ str , int ] ] ] :
scores : Dict [ int , Dict [ int , Dict [ str , int ] ] ] = { }
for cltype in [ 0 , 1 ] : # singles, doubles
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21music = Node . void ( ' music ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21music )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' getrank ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' iidxid ' , str ( extid ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' cltype ' , str ( cltype ) )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/music/style " )
if int ( resp . child ( ' music/style ' ) . attribute ( ' type ' ) ) != cltype :
raise Exception ( ' Returned wrong clear type for IIDX21music.getrank! ' )
for child in resp . child ( ' music ' ) . children :
if child . name == ' m ' :
if child . value [ 0 ] != - 1 :
raise Exception ( ' Got non-self score back when requesting only our scores! ' )
music_id = child . value [ 1 ]
normal_clear_status = child . value [ 2 ]
hyper_clear_status = child . value [ 3 ]
another_clear_status = child . value [ 4 ]
normal_ex_score = child . value [ 5 ]
hyper_ex_score = child . value [ 6 ]
another_ex_score = child . value [ 7 ]
normal_miss_count = child . value [ 8 ]
hyper_miss_count = child . value [ 9 ]
another_miss_count = child . value [ 10 ]
if cltype == 0 :
normal = 0
hyper = 1
another = 2
else :
normal = 3
hyper = 4
another = 5
if music_id not in scores :
scores [ music_id ] = { }
scores [ music_id ] [ normal ] = {
' clear_status ' : normal_clear_status ,
' ex_score ' : normal_ex_score ,
' miss_count ' : normal_miss_count ,
scores [ music_id ] [ hyper ] = {
' clear_status ' : hyper_clear_status ,
' ex_score ' : hyper_ex_score ,
' miss_count ' : hyper_miss_count ,
scores [ music_id ] [ another ] = {
' clear_status ' : another_clear_status ,
' ex_score ' : another_ex_score ,
' miss_count ' : another_miss_count ,
elif child . name == ' b ' :
music_id = child . value [ 0 ]
clear_status = child . value [ 1 ]
scores [ music_id ] [ 6 ] = {
' clear_status ' : clear_status ,
' ex_score ' : - 1 ,
' miss_count ' : - 1 ,
return scores
def verify_pc_save ( self , extid : int , card : str , lid : str ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' pc ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' achi ' , ' 449 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' opt ' , ' 8208 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' gpos ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' gno ' , ' 8 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' timing ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' help ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' sdhd ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' sdtype ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' notes ' , ' 31.484070 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' pase ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' judge ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' opstyle ' , ' 1 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' hispeed ' , ' 5.771802 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' mode ' , ' 6 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' pmode ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' lift ' , ' 60 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' judgeAdj ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' save ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' iidxid ' , str ( extid ) )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' lid ' , lid )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' cid ' , card )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' cltype ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' ctype ' , ' 1 ' )
pyramid = Node . void ( ' pyramid ' )
IIDX21pc . add_child ( pyramid )
pyramid . set_attribute ( ' point ' , ' 290 ' )
destiny_catharsis = Node . void ( ' destiny_catharsis ' )
IIDX21pc . add_child ( destiny_catharsis )
destiny_catharsis . set_attribute ( ' point ' , ' 290 ' )
bemani_summer_collabo = Node . void ( ' bemani_summer_collabo ' )
IIDX21pc . add_child ( bemani_summer_collabo )
bemani_summer_collabo . set_attribute ( ' point ' , ' 290 ' )
deller = Node . void ( ' deller ' )
IIDX21pc . add_child ( deller )
deller . set_attribute ( ' deller ' , ' 150 ' )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc " )
def verify_music_reg ( self , extid : int , lid : str , score : Dict [ str , Any ] ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21music = Node . void ( ' music ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21music )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' convid ' , ' -1 ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' iidxid ' , str ( extid ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' pgnum ' , str ( score [ ' pgnum ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' pid ' , ' 51 ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' rankside ' , ' 1 ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' cflg ' , str ( score [ ' clear_status ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' reg ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' gnum ' , str ( score [ ' gnum ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' clid ' , str ( score [ ' chart ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' mnum ' , str ( score [ ' mnum ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' is_death ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' theory ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' shopconvid ' , lid )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' mid ' , str ( score [ ' id ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' shopflg ' , ' 1 ' )
IIDX21music . add_child ( Node . binary ( ' ghost ' , bytes ( [ 1 ] * 64 ) ) )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/music/shopdata/@rank " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/music/ranklist/data " )
def verify_music_appoint ( self , extid : int , musicid : int , chart : int ) - > Tuple [ int , bytes ] :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21music = Node . void ( ' music ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21music )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' clid ' , str ( chart ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' appoint ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' ctype ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' iidxid ' , str ( extid ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' subtype ' , ' ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' mid ' , str ( musicid ) )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/music/mydata/@score " )
return (
int ( resp . child ( ' music/mydata ' ) . attribute ( ' score ' ) ) ,
resp . child_value ( ' music/mydata ' ) ,
def verify_pc_reg ( self , ref_id : str , card_id : str , lid : str ) - > int :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' pc ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' lid ' , lid )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' pid ' , ' 51 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' reg ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' cid ' , card_id )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' did ' , ref_id )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' rid ' , ref_id )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' name ' , self . NAME )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify nodes that cause crashes if they don't exist
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/@id " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc/@id_str " )
return int ( resp . child ( ' pc ' ) . attribute ( ' id ' ) )
def verify_pc_playstart ( self ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' pc ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' playstart ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' side ' , ' 1 ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify nodes that cause crashes if they don't exist
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc " )
def verify_music_play ( self , score : Dict [ str , int ] ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21music = Node . void ( ' music ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' opt ' , ' 64 ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' clid ' , str ( score [ ' chart ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' mid ' , str ( score [ ' id ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' gnum ' , str ( score [ ' gnum ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' cflg ' , str ( score [ ' clear_status ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' pgnum ' , str ( score [ ' pgnum ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' pid ' , ' 51 ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' play ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21music )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify nodes that cause crashes if they don't exist
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/music/@clid " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/music/@crate " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/music/@frate " )
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/music/@mid " )
def verify_pc_playend ( self ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21pc = Node . void ( ' pc ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' cltype ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' bookkeep ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' mode ' , ' 1 ' )
IIDX21pc . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' playend ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21pc )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify nodes that cause crashes if they don't exist
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/pc " )
def verify_music_breg ( self , iidxid : int , score : Dict [ str , int ] ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21music = Node . void ( ' music ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' gnum ' , str ( score [ ' gnum ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' iidxid ' , str ( iidxid ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' mid ' , str ( score [ ' id ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' breg ' )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' pgnum ' , str ( score [ ' pgnum ' ] ) )
IIDX21music . set_attribute ( ' cflg ' , str ( score [ ' clear_status ' ] ) )
call . add_child ( IIDX21music )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify nodes that cause crashes if they don't exist
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/music " )
def verify_grade_raised ( self , iidxid : int , shop_name : str , dantype : str ) - > None :
call = self . call_node ( )
# Construct node
IIDX21grade = Node . void ( ' grade ' )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' opname ' , shop_name )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' is_mirror ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' oppid ' , ' 51 ' )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' achi ' , ' 50 ' )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' cflg ' , ' 4 ' if dantype == ' sp ' else ' 3 ' )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' gid ' , ' 5 ' )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' iidxid ' , str ( iidxid ) )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' gtype ' , ' 0 ' if dantype == ' sp ' else ' 1 ' )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' is_ex ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' pside ' , ' 0 ' )
IIDX21grade . set_attribute ( ' method ' , ' raised ' )
call . add_child ( IIDX21grade )
# Swap with server
resp = self . exchange ( ' ' , call )
# Verify nodes that cause crashes if they don't exist
self . assert_path ( resp , " response/grade/@pnum " )
def verify ( self , cardid : Optional [ str ] ) - > None :
# Verify boot sequence is okay
self . verify_services_get (
expected_services = [
' pcbtracker ' ,
' pcbevent ' ,
' local ' ,
' message ' ,
' facility ' ,
' cardmng ' ,
' package ' ,
' posevent ' ,
' pkglist ' ,
' dlstatus ' ,
' eacoin ' ,
' lobby ' ,
' ntp ' ,
' keepalive '
paseli_enabled = self . verify_pcbtracker_alive ( )
self . verify_package_list ( )
self . verify_message_get ( )
lid = self . verify_facility_get ( )
self . verify_pcbevent_put ( )
self . verify_shop_getname ( lid )
self . verify_pc_common ( )
self . verify_music_crate ( )
self . verify_shop_getconvention ( lid )
self . verify_ranking_getranker ( lid )
self . verify_shop_sentinfo ( lid )
# Verify card registration and profile lookup
if cardid is not None :
card = cardid
else :
card = self . random_card ( )
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
print ( f " Generated random card ID { card } for use. " )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
if cardid is None :
self . verify_cardmng_inquire ( card , msg_type = ' unregistered ' , paseli_enabled = paseli_enabled )
ref_id = self . verify_cardmng_getrefid ( card )
if len ( ref_id ) != 16 :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Invalid refid \' { ref_id } \' returned when registering card ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
if ref_id != self . verify_cardmng_inquire ( card , msg_type = ' new ' , paseli_enabled = paseli_enabled ) :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Invalid refid \' { ref_id } \' returned when querying card ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
self . verify_pc_reg ( ref_id , card , lid )
self . verify_pc_get ( ref_id , card , lid )
else :
print ( " Skipping new card checks for existing card " )
ref_id = self . verify_cardmng_inquire ( card , msg_type = ' query ' , paseli_enabled = paseli_enabled )
# Verify pin handling and return card handling
self . verify_cardmng_authpass ( ref_id , correct = True )
self . verify_cardmng_authpass ( ref_id , correct = False )
if ref_id != self . verify_cardmng_inquire ( card , msg_type = ' query ' , paseli_enabled = paseli_enabled ) :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Invalid refid \' { ref_id } \' returned when querying card ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
if cardid is None :
# Verify score handling
profile = self . verify_pc_get ( ref_id , card , lid )
if profile [ ' sp_dan ' ] != - 1 :
raise Exception ( ' Somehow has SP DAN ranking on new profile! ' )
if profile [ ' dp_dan ' ] != - 1 :
raise Exception ( ' Somehow has DP DAN ranking on new profile! ' )
if profile [ ' deller ' ] != 0 :
raise Exception ( ' Somehow has deller on new profile! ' )
scores = self . verify_music_getrank ( profile [ ' extid ' ] )
if len ( scores . keys ( ) ) > 0 :
raise Exception ( ' Somehow have scores on a new profile! ' )
for phase in [ 1 , 2 ] :
if phase == 1 :
dummyscores = [
# An okay score on a chart
' id ' : 1000 ,
' chart ' : 2 ,
' clear_status ' : 4 ,
' pgnum ' : 123 ,
' gnum ' : 123 ,
' mnum ' : 5 ,
} ,
# A good score on an easier chart of the same song
' id ' : 1000 ,
' chart ' : 0 ,
' clear_status ' : 7 ,
' pgnum ' : 246 ,
' gnum ' : 0 ,
' mnum ' : 0 ,
} ,
# A bad score on a hard chart
' id ' : 1003 ,
' chart ' : 2 ,
' clear_status ' : 1 ,
' pgnum ' : 10 ,
' gnum ' : 20 ,
' mnum ' : 50 ,
} ,
# A terrible score on an easy chart
' id ' : 1003 ,
' chart ' : 0 ,
' clear_status ' : 1 ,
' pgnum ' : 2 ,
' gnum ' : 5 ,
' mnum ' : 75 ,
} ,
if phase == 2 :
dummyscores = [
# A better score on the same chart
' id ' : 1000 ,
' chart ' : 2 ,
' clear_status ' : 5 ,
' pgnum ' : 234 ,
' gnum ' : 234 ,
' mnum ' : 3 ,
} ,
# A worse score on another same chart
' id ' : 1000 ,
' chart ' : 0 ,
' clear_status ' : 4 ,
' pgnum ' : 123 ,
' gnum ' : 123 ,
' mnum ' : 35 ,
' expected_clear_status ' : 7 ,
' expected_ex_score ' : 492 ,
' expected_miss_count ' : 0 ,
} ,
for dummyscore in dummyscores :
self . verify_music_reg ( profile [ ' extid ' ] , lid , dummyscore )
self . verify_pc_visit ( profile [ ' extid ' ] , lid )
self . verify_pc_save ( profile [ ' extid ' ] , card , lid )
scores = self . verify_music_getrank ( profile [ ' extid ' ] )
for score in dummyscores :
data = scores . get ( score [ ' id ' ] , { } ) . get ( score [ ' chart ' ] , None )
if data is None :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Expected to get score back for song { score [ " id " ] } chart { score [ " chart " ] } ! ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
if ' expected_ex_score ' in score :
expected_score = score [ ' expected_ex_score ' ]
else :
expected_score = ( score [ ' pgnum ' ] * 2 ) + score [ ' gnum ' ]
if ' expected_clear_status ' in score :
expected_clear_status = score [ ' expected_clear_status ' ]
else :
expected_clear_status = score [ ' clear_status ' ]
if ' expected_miss_count ' in score :
expected_miss_count = score [ ' expected_miss_count ' ]
else :
expected_miss_count = score [ ' mnum ' ]
if data [ ' ex_score ' ] != expected_score :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Expected a score of \' { expected_score } \' for song \' { score [ " id " ] } \' chart \' { score [ " chart " ] } \' but got score \' { data [ " ex_score " ] } \' ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
if data [ ' clear_status ' ] != expected_clear_status :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Expected a clear status of \' { expected_clear_status } \' for song \' { score [ " id " ] } \' chart \' { score [ " chart " ] } \' but got clear status \' { data [ " clear_status " ] } \' ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
if data [ ' miss_count ' ] != expected_miss_count :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Expected a miss count of \' { expected_miss_count } \' for song \' { score [ " id " ] } \' chart \' { score [ " chart " ] } \' but got miss count \' { data [ " miss_count " ] } \' ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
# Verify we can fetch our own ghost
ex_score , ghost = self . verify_music_appoint ( profile [ ' extid ' ] , score [ ' id ' ] , score [ ' chart ' ] )
if ex_score != expected_score :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Expected a score of \' { expected_score } \' for song \' { score [ " id " ] } \' chart \' { score [ " chart " ] } \' but got score \' { data [ " ex_score " ] } \' ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
if len ( ghost ) != 64 :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Wrong ghost length { len ( ghost ) } for ghost! ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
for g in ghost :
if g != 0x01 :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Got back wrong ghost data for song \' { score [ " id " ] } \' chart \' { score [ " chart " ] } \' ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
# Sleep so we don't end up putting in score history on the same second
time . sleep ( 1 )
# Verify that a player without a card can play
self . verify_pc_playstart ( )
self . verify_music_play ( {
' id ' : 1000 ,
' chart ' : 2 ,
' clear_status ' : 4 ,
' pgnum ' : 123 ,
' gnum ' : 123 ,
} )
self . verify_pc_playend ( )
# Verify shop name change setting
self . verify_shop_savename ( lid , ' newname1 ' )
newname = self . verify_shop_getname ( lid )
if newname != ' newname1 ' :
raise Exception ( ' Invalid shop name returned after change! ' )
self . verify_shop_savename ( lid , ' newname2 ' )
newname = self . verify_shop_getname ( lid )
if newname != ' newname2 ' :
raise Exception ( ' Invalid shop name returned after change! ' )
# Verify beginner score saving
self . verify_music_breg ( profile [ ' extid ' ] , {
' id ' : 1000 ,
' clear_status ' : 4 ,
' pgnum ' : 123 ,
' gnum ' : 123 ,
} )
scores = self . verify_music_getrank ( profile [ ' extid ' ] )
if 1000 not in scores :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Didn \' t get expected scores back for song { 1000 } beginner chart! ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
if 6 not in scores [ 1000 ] :
2020-01-07 21:29:07 +00:00
raise Exception ( f ' Didn \' t get beginner score back for song { 1000 } ! ' )
2019-12-08 21:43:49 +00:00
if scores [ 1000 ] [ 6 ] != { ' clear_status ' : 4 , ' ex_score ' : - 1 , ' miss_count ' : - 1 } :
raise Exception ( ' Didn \' t get correct status back from beginner save! ' )
# Verify DAN score saving and loading
self . verify_grade_raised ( profile [ ' extid ' ] , newname , ' sp ' )
self . verify_grade_raised ( profile [ ' extid ' ] , newname , ' dp ' )
profile = self . verify_pc_get ( ref_id , card , lid )
if profile [ ' sp_dan ' ] != 5 :
raise Exception ( ' Got wrong DAN score back for SP! ' )
if profile [ ' dp_dan ' ] != 5 :
raise Exception ( ' Got wrong DAN score back for DP! ' )
else :
print ( " Skipping score checks for existing card " )
# Verify paseli handling
if paseli_enabled :
print ( " PASELI enabled for this PCBID, executing PASELI checks " )
else :
print ( " PASELI disabled for this PCBID, skipping PASELI checks " )
sessid , balance = self . verify_eacoin_checkin ( card )
if balance == 0 :
print ( " Skipping PASELI consume check because card has 0 balance " )
else :
self . verify_eacoin_consume ( sessid , balance , random . randint ( 0 , balance ) )
self . verify_eacoin_checkout ( sessid )