mirror of synced 2025-03-03 00:33:18 +01:00

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import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from flask_caching import Cache # type: ignore
from bemani.common import ValidatedDict, ID
from bemani.data import Data, Score, Attempt, Link, Song, UserID, RemoteUser
class FrontendBase:
All subclasses should override this attribute with the string
the game series uses in the DB.
game: str = None
If a subclass wishes to constrain music searches to a particular
version, this should be set. If this is left blank, music operations
such as records and attempts will pull from all versions of the game.
version: Optional[int] = None
List of valid chart integers. Should be overridden by the game.
valid_charts: List[int] = []
List of valid rival type strings. Should be overridden by the game.
valid_rival_types: List[str] = []
def __init__(self, data: Data, config: Dict[str, Any], cache: Cache) -> None:
self.data = data
self.config = config
self.cache = cache
def make_index(self, songid: int, chart: int) -> str:
return f'{songid}-{chart}'
def get_duplicate_id(self, musicid: int, chart: int) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]:
return None
def format_score(self, userid: UserID, score: Score) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'userid': str(userid),
'songid': score.id,
'chart': score.chart,
'plays': score.plays,
'points': score.points,
def format_top_score(self, userid: UserID, score: Score) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self.format_score(userid, score)
def format_attempt(self, userid: UserID, attempt: Attempt) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'userid': str(userid),
'songid': attempt.id,
'chart': attempt.chart,
'timestamp': attempt.timestamp,
'raised': attempt.new_record,
'points': attempt.points,
def format_rival(self, link: Link, profile: ValidatedDict) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'type': link.type,
'userid': str(link.other_userid),
'remote': RemoteUser.is_remote(link.other_userid),
def format_profile(self, profile: ValidatedDict, playstats: ValidatedDict) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'name': profile.get_str('name'),
'extid': ID.format_extid(profile.get_int('extid')),
'first_play_time': playstats.get_int('first_play_timestamp'),
'last_play_time': playstats.get_int('last_play_timestamp'),
def format_song(self, song: Song) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'name': song.name,
'artist': song.artist,
'genre': song.genre,
def merge_song(self, existing: Dict[str, Any], new: Song) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return existing
def round_to_ten(self, elems: List[Any]) -> List[Any]:
num = len(elems)
if num % 10 == 0:
return elems
return elems[:-(num % 10)]
def all_games(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, int, str]]:
Override this to return an interator based on a game series factory.
def get_all_songs(self, force_db_load: bool=False) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]:
if not force_db_load:
cached_songs = self.cache.get(f'{self.game}.sorted_songs')
if cached_songs is not None:
return cached_songs
# Find all songs in the game, process notecounts and difficulties
songs: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
for song in self.data.local.music.get_all_songs(self.game, self.version):
if song.chart not in self.valid_charts:
# No beginner chart support
if song.id not in songs:
songs[song.id] = self.format_song(song)
songs[song.id] = self.merge_song(songs[song.id], song)
self.cache.set(f'{self.game}.sorted_songs', songs, timeout=600)
return songs
def get_all_player_info(self, userids: List[UserID], limit: Optional[int]=None, allow_remote: bool=False) -> Dict[UserID, Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]]:
info: Dict[UserID, Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]] = {}
playstats: Dict[UserID, ValidatedDict] = {}
# Find all versions of the users' profiles, sorted newest to oldest.
versions = sorted([version for (game, version, name) in self.all_games()], reverse=True)
for userid in userids:
info[userid] = {}
userlimit = limit
for version in versions:
if allow_remote:
profile = self.data.remote.user.get_profile(self.game, version, userid)
profile = self.data.local.user.get_profile(self.game, version, userid)
if profile is not None:
if userid not in playstats:
stats = self.data.local.game.get_settings(self.game, userid)
if stats is None:
stats = ValidatedDict()
playstats[userid] = stats
info[userid][version] = self.format_profile(profile, playstats[userid])
info[userid][version]['remote'] = RemoteUser.is_remote(userid)
# Exit out if we've hit the limit
if userlimit is not None:
userlimit = userlimit - 1
if userlimit == 0:
return info
def get_latest_player_info(self, userids: List[UserID]) -> Dict[UserID, Dict[str, Any]]:
# Grab the latest profile for each user
all_info = self.get_all_player_info(userids, 1)
info = {}
for userid in userids:
for version in all_info[userid]:
info[userid] = all_info[userid][version]
return info
def get_all_players(self) -> Dict[UserID, Dict[str, Any]]:
userids: Set[UserID] = set()
versions = [version for (game, version, name) in self.all_games()]
for version in versions:
userids.update(self.data.local.user.get_all_players(self.game, version))
return self.get_latest_player_info(list(userids))
def get_network_scores(self, limit: Optional[int]=None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
userids: List[UserID] = []
# Find all attempts across all games
attempts = [
attempt for attempt in self.data.local.music.get_all_attempts(game=self.game, version=self.version, limit=limit)
if attempt[0] is not None
for attempt in attempts:
if attempt[0] not in userids:
return {
'attempts': sorted(
[self.format_attempt(attempt[0], attempt[1]) for attempt in attempts],
key=lambda attempt: (attempt['timestamp'], attempt['songid'], attempt['chart']),
'players': self.get_latest_player_info(userids),
def get_network_records(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
records: Dict[str, Tuple[UserID, Score]] = {}
userids: List[UserID] = []
# Find all high-scores across all games
highscores = self.data.local.music.get_all_records(game=self.game, version=self.version)
for score in highscores:
index = self.make_index(score[1].id, score[1].chart)
if index not in records:
records[index] = score
if score[0] not in userids:
# Also take care of duplicate IDs (revivals, omnimix, etc)
alternate = self.get_duplicate_id(score[1].id, score[1].chart)
if alternate is not None:
altid, altchart = alternate
index = self.make_index(altid, altchart)
if index not in records:
newscore = copy.deepcopy(score)
newscore[1].id = altid
newscore[1].chart = altchart
records[index] = newscore
return {
'records': [
self.format_score(records[index][0], records[index][1]) for index in records
'players': self.get_latest_player_info(userids),
def get_scores(self, userid: UserID, limit: Optional[int]=None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
# Find all attempts across all games
attempts = [
attempt for attempt in self.data.local.music.get_all_attempts(game=self.game, version=self.version, userid=userid, limit=limit)
if attempt[0] is not None
return sorted(
[self.format_attempt(None, attempt[1]) for attempt in attempts],
key=lambda attempt: (attempt['timestamp'], attempt['songid'], attempt['chart']),
def get_records(self, userid: UserID) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
records: Dict[str, Tuple[UserID, Score]] = {}
# Find all high-scores across all games
highscores = self.data.local.music.get_all_scores(game=self.game, version=self.version, userid=userid)
for score in highscores:
index = self.make_index(score[1].id, score[1].chart)
if index not in records:
records[index] = score
current_score = records[index][1].points
current_plays = records[index][1].plays
new_score = score[1].points
new_plays = score[1].plays
if new_score > current_score:
records[index] = score
records[index][1].plays += current_plays
records[index][1].plays += new_plays
# Copy over records to duplicate IDs, such as revivals
indexes = [index for index in records]
for index in indexes:
alternate = self.get_duplicate_id(records[index][1].id, records[index][1].chart)
if alternate is not None:
altid, altchart = alternate
newindex = self.make_index(altid, altchart)
if newindex not in records:
newscore = copy.deepcopy(score)
newscore[1].id = altid
newscore[1].chart = altchart
records[newindex] = newscore
return [self.format_score(None, records[index][1]) for index in records]
def get_top_scores(self, musicid: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
scores = self.data.local.music.get_all_scores(game=self.game, version=self.version, songid=musicid)
userids: List[UserID] = []
for score in scores:
if score[1].chart not in self.valid_charts:
# No beginner chart support
if score[0] not in userids:
for score in scores:
# See if this is a legacy ID
if score[1].id != musicid:
alternative = self.get_duplicate_id(score[1].id, score[1].chart)
if alternative is None:
oldid, oldchart = alternative
if oldid == musicid:
score[1].id = oldid
score[1].chart = oldchart
return {
'topscores': [
self.format_top_score(score[0], score[1]) for score in scores
if score[1].chart in self.valid_charts
'players': self.get_latest_player_info(userids),
def get_rivals(self, userid: UserID) -> Tuple[Dict[int, List[Dict[str, Any]]], Dict[UserID, Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]]]:
rivals = {}
userids = set()
versions = [version for (game, version, name) in self.all_games()]
profiles = {}
for version in versions:
profile = self.data.local.user.get_profile(self.game, version, userid)
if profile is None:
# No profile for this version, so no rivals either.
profiles[version] = profile
rivals[version] = [
link for link in self.data.local.user.get_links(self.game, version, userid)
if link.type in self.valid_rival_types
for rival in rivals[version]:
return (
{version: [self.format_rival(rival, profiles[version]) for rival in rivals[version]] for version in rivals},
self.get_all_player_info(list(userids), allow_remote=True),