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Setting up site search

Material for MkDocs provides an excellent client-side search implementation, omitting the need for the integration of third-party services, which might not be compliant with privacy regulations. Moreover, search even works offline, allowing users to download your documentation.


Built-in search plugin

:octicons-tag-24: 0.1.0 · :octicons-cpu-24: Plugin

The built-in search plugin integrates seamlessly with Material for MkDocs, adding multilingual client-side search with lunr and lunr-languages. It's enabled by default, but must be re-added to mkdocs.yml when other plugins are used:

  - search

The following configuration options are supported:

lang{ #+search.lang }

:octicons-milestone-24: Default: automatically set This option allows to include the language-specific stemmers provided by lunr-languages. Note that Material for MkDocs will set this automatically based on the site language, but it may be overridden, e.g. to support multiple languages:

=== "A single language"

``` yaml
  - search:
      lang: en

=== "Multiple languages"

``` yaml
  - search:
      lang: # (1)!
        - en
        - de

1.  Be aware that including support for other languages increases the
    general JavaScript payload by around 20kb (before `gzip`) and by
    another 15-30kb per language.

The following languages are supported by lunr-languages:

  • ar Arabic
  • da Danish
  • de German
  • du Dutch
  • en English
  • es Spanish
  • fi Finnish
  • fr French
  • hi Hindi
  • hu Hungarian
  • hy Armenian
  • it Italian
  • ja Japanese
  • kn - Kannada
  • ko Korean
  • no Norwegian
  • pt Portuguese
  • ro Romanian
  • ru Russian
  • sa Sanskrit
  • sv Swedish
  • ta Tamil
  • te Telugu
  • th Thai
  • tr Turkish
  • vi Vietnamese
  • zh Chinese

Material for MkDocs goes to great lengths to support languages that are not part of this list by automatically falling back to the stemmer yielding the best result.

separator{ #+search.separator }

:octicons-milestone-24: Default: automatically set The separator for indexing and query tokenization can be customized, making it possible to index parts of words separated by other characters than whitespace and -, e.g. by including .:

  - search:
      separator: '[\s\-\.]+'

With :octicons-tag-24: 9.0.0, a faster and more flexible tokenizer method is shipped, allowing for tokenizing with lookahead, which yields more influence on the way documents are indexed. As a result, we use the following separator setting for this site's search:

  - search:
      separator: '[\s\-,:!=\[\]()"/]+|(?!\b)(?=[A-Z][a-z])|\.(?!\d)|&[lg]t;'

Broken into its parts, the separator induces the following behavior:

=== "Special characters"


The first part of the expression inserts token boundaries for each
document before and after whitespace, hyphens, commas, brackets and
other special characters. If several of those special characters are
adjacent, they are treated as one.

=== "Case changes"


Many programming languages have naming conventions like `PascalCase` or
`camelCase`. By adding this subexpression to the separator,
[words are split at case changes], tokenizing the word `PascalCase`
into `Pascal` and `Case`.

[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Read more on tokenizing case changes]
[tokenize case changes]

=== "Version strings"


When adding `.` to the separator, version strings like `1.2.3` are split
into `1`, `2` and `3`, which makes them undiscoverable via search. When
using this subexpression, a small lookahead is introduced which will
[preserve version strings] and keep them discoverable.

[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Read more on tokenizing version numbers]
[tokenize version numbers]

=== "HTML/XML tags"


If your documentation includes HTML/XML code examples, you may want to allow
users to find specific tag names. Unfortunately, the `<` and `>` control
characters are encoded in code blocks as `&lt;` and `&gt;`. Adding this
subexpression to the separator allows for just that.

[:octicons-arrow-right-24: Read more on tokenizing HTML/XML tags]
[tokenize html-xml tags]

Chinese language support

:octicons-tag-24: 9.2.0b0 · :octicons-beaker-24: Experimental

In order to add support for Chinese languages to the built-in search plugin, install the text segmentation library jieba via pip, and the plugin will run all text through the segmenter:

pip install jieba

The following configuration options are available:

jieba_dict{ #+search.jieba_dict }

:octicons-milestone-24: Default: none This option allows for specifying a custom dictionary to be used by jieba for segmenting text, replacing the default dictionary:

  - search:
      jieba_dict: dict.txt # (1)!
  1. The following alternative dictionaries are provided by jieba:

jieba_dict_user{ #+search.jieba_dict_user }

:octicons-milestone-24: Default: none This option allows for specifying an additional user dictionary to be used by jieba for segmenting text, augmenting the default dictionary:

  - search:
      jieba_dict_user: user_dict.txt

User dictionaries can be used for tuning the segmenter to preserve technical terms.

Search suggestions

:octicons-tag-24: 7.2.0 · :octicons-unlock-24: Feature flag · :octicons-beaker-24: Experimental

When search suggestions are enabled, the search will display the likeliest completion for the last word which can be accepted with the ++arrow-right++ key. Add the following lines to mkdocs.yml:

    - search.suggest

Searching for :octicons-search-24: search su yields ^^search suggestions^^ as a suggestion.

Search highlighting

:octicons-tag-24: 7.2.0 · :octicons-unlock-24: Feature flag · :octicons-beaker-24: Experimental

When search highlighting is enabled and a user clicks on a search result, Material for MkDocs will highlight all occurrences after following the link. Add the following lines to mkdocs.yml:

    - search.highlight

Searching for :octicons-search-24: code blocks highlights all occurrences of both terms.

Search sharing

:octicons-tag-24: 7.2.0 · :octicons-unlock-24: Feature flag

When search sharing is activated, a :material-share-variant: share button is rendered next to the reset button, which allows to deep link to the current search query and result. Add the following lines to mkdocs.yml:

    - search.share

When a user clicks the share button, the URL is automatically copied to the clipboard.


Search boosting

:octicons-tag-24: 8.3.0

Pages can be boosted in search with the front matter search.boost property, which will make them rank higher. Add the following lines at the top of a Markdown file:

=== ":material-arrow-up-circle: Rank up"

``` yaml
  boost: 2 # (1)!

# Document title

1.  :woman_in_lotus_position: When boosting pages, be gentle and start with
    __low values__.

=== ":material-arrow-down-circle: Rank down"

``` yaml
  boost: 0.5

# Document title

Search exclusion

:octicons-tag-24: 9.0.0 · :octicons-beaker-24: Experimental

Pages can be excluded from search with the front matter search.exclude property, removing them from the index. Add the following lines at the top of a Markdown file:

  exclude: true

# Document title

Excluding sections

When Attribute Lists is enabled, specific sections of pages can be excluded from search by adding the data-search-exclude pragma after a Markdown heading:

=== ":octicons-file-code-16: docs/page.md"

``` markdown
# Document title

## Section 1

The content of this section is included

## Section 2 { data-search-exclude }

The content of this section is excluded

=== ":octicons-codescan-16: search_index.json"

``` json
  "docs": [
      "title":"Document title"
      "text":"<p>The content of this section is included</p>",
      "title":"Section 1"

Excluding blocks

When Attribute Lists is enabled, specific sections of pages can be excluded from search by adding the data-search-exclude pragma after a Markdown inline- or block-level element:

=== ":octicons-file-code-16: docs/page.md"

``` markdown
# Document title

The content of this block is included

The content of this block is excluded
{ data-search-exclude }

=== ":octicons-codescan-16: search_index.json"

``` json
  "docs": [
      "text":"<p>The content of this block is included</p>",
      "title":"Document title"