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icon: material/alphabet-greek
# Math
[MathJax] and [KaTeX] are two popular libraries for displaying
mathematical content in browsers. Although both libraries offer similar
functionality, they use different syntaxes and have different configuration
options. This documentation site provides information on how to integrate them
with Material for MkDocs easily.
[MathJax]: https://www.mathjax.org/
[LaTeX]: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics
[MathML]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML
[AsciiMath]: http://asciimath.org/
[KaTeX]: https://katex.org/
## Configuration
The following configuration enables support for rendering block and
inline block equations using [MathJax] and [KaTeX].
### MathJax
[MathJax] is a powerful and flexible library that supports multiple input formats,
such as [LaTeX], [MathML], [AsciiMath], as well as various output formats like
HTML, SVG, MathML. To use MathJax within your project, add the following lines
to your `mkdocs.yml`.
=== ":octicons-file-code-16: `docs/javascripts/mathjax.js`"
``` js
window.MathJax = {
tex: {
inlineMath: [["\\(", "\\)"]],
displayMath: [["\\[", "\\]"]],
processEscapes: true,
processEnvironments: true
options: {
ignoreHtmlClass: ".*|",
processHtmlClass: "arithmatex"
document$.subscribe(() => { // (1)!
1. This integrates MathJax with [instant loading].
=== ":octicons-file-code-16: `mkdocs.yml`"
``` yaml
- pymdownx.arithmatex:
generic: true
- javascripts/mathjax.js
- https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=es6
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js
See additional configuration options:
- [Arithmatex]
[Arithmatex]: ../setup/extensions/python-markdown-extensions.md#arithmatex
[instant loading]: ../setup/setting-up-navigation.md#instant-loading
<script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=es6"></script>
<script id="MathJax-script" async src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js"></script>
window.MathJax = {
tex: {
inlineMath: [["\\(", "\\)"]],
displayMath: [["\\[", "\\]"]],
processEscapes: true,
processEnvironments: true
options: {
ignoreHtmlClass: ".*|",
processHtmlClass: "arithmatex"
### KaTeX
[KaTeX] is a lightweight library that focuses on speed and simplicity. It
supports a subset of LaTeX syntax and can render math to HTML and SVG. To use
[KaTeX] within your project, add the following lines to your `mkdocs.yml`.
=== ":octicons-file-code-16: `docs/javascripts/katex.js`"
``` js
document$.subscribe(({ body }) => { // (1)!
renderMathInElement(body, {
delimiters: [
{ left: "$$", right: "$$", display: true },
{ left: "$", right: "$", display: false },
{ left: "\\(", right: "\\)", display: false },
{ left: "\\[", right: "\\]", display: true }
1. This integrates KaTeX with [instant loading].
=== ":octicons-file-code-16: `mkdocs.yml`"
``` yaml
- pymdownx.arithmatex:
generic: true
- javascripts/katex.js
- https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.16.7/katex.min.js
- https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.16.7/contrib/auto-render.min.js
- https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.16.7/katex.min.css
## Usage
### Using block syntax
Blocks must be enclosed in `#!latex $$...$$` or `#!latex \[...\]` on separate
``` latex title="block syntax"
\operatorname{ker} f=\{g\in G:f(g)=e_{H}\}{\mbox{.}}
<div class="result" markdown>
\operatorname{ker} f=\{g\in G:f(g)=e_{H}\}{\mbox{.}}
### Using inline block syntax
Inline blocks must be enclosed in `#!latex $...$` or `#!latex \(...\)`:
``` latex title="inline syntax"
The homomorphism $f$ is injective if and only if its kernel is only the
singleton set $e_G$, because otherwise $\exists a,b\in G$ with $a\neq b$ such
that $f(a)=f(b)$.
<div class="result" markdown>
The homomorphism $f$ is injective if and only if its kernel is only the
singleton set $e_G$, because otherwise $\exists a,b\in G$ with $a\neq b$ such
that $f(a)=f(b)$.
## Comparing MathJax and KaTeX
When deciding between MathJax and KaTeX, there are several key factors to
- __Speed__: KaTeX is generally faster than MathJax. If your site requires
rendering large quantities of complex equations quickly, KaTeX may be the
better choice.
- __Syntax Support__: MathJax supports a wider array of LaTeX commands and can
process a variety of mathematical markup languages (like AsciiMath and MathML).
If you need advanced LaTeX features, MathJax may be more suitable.
- __Output Format__: Both libraries support HTML and SVG outputs. However,
MathJax also offers MathML output, which can be essential for accessibility,
as it is readable by screen readers.
- __Configurability__: MathJax provides a range of configuration options,
allowing for more precise control over its behavior. If you have specific
rendering requirements, MathJax might be a more flexible choice.
- __Browser Support__: While both libraries work well in modern browsers,
MathJax has broader compatibility with older browsers. If your audience uses a
variety of browsers, including older ones, MathJax might be a safer option.
In summary, KaTeX shines with its speed and simplicity, whereas MathJax offers
more features and better compatibility at the expense of speed. The choice
between the two will largely depend on your specific needs and constraints.