mirror of https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material.git synced 2025-02-06 22:24:28 +01:00

31 KiB
Raw Blame History


Upgrading to 5.x


  • Reactive architecture try app.dialog$.next("Hi!") in the console

  • Instant loading make Material behave like a Single Page Application

  • Improved CSS customization with CSS variables set your brand's colors

  • Improved CSS resilience, e.g. proper sidebar locking for customized headers

  • Improved icon integration and configuration now including over 5k icons

  • Added possibility to use any icon for logo, repository and social links

  • Search UI does not freeze anymore (moved to web worker)

  • Search index built only once when using instant loading

  • Improved extensible keyboard handling

  • Support for prebuilt search indexes

  • Support for displaying stars and forks for GitLab repositories

  • Support for scroll snapping of sidebars and search results

  • Reduced HTML and CSS footprint due to deprecation of Internet Explorer support

  • Slight facelifting of some UI elements (Admonitions, tables, ...)

How to upgrade

Changes to mkdocs.yml

Following is a list of changes that need to be made to mkdocs.yml. Note that you only have to adjust the value if you defined it, so if your configuration does not contain the key, you can skip it.


Optional features like tabs and instant loading are now implemented as flags and can be enabled by listing them in mkdocs.yml under theme.features:

=== "5.x"

``` yaml
    - tabs
    - instant

=== "4.x"

``` yaml
    tabs: true


The logo icon configuration was centralized under theme.icon.logo and can now be set to any of the icons bundled with the theme:

=== "5.x"

``` yaml
    logo: material/cloud

=== "4.x"

``` yaml
    icon: cloud


The repo icon configuration was centralized under theme.icon.repo and can now be set to any of the icons bundled with the theme:

=== "5.x"

``` yaml
    repo: fontawesome/brands/gitlab

=== "4.x"

``` yaml
  repo_icon: gitlab


Search is now configured as part of the plugin options. Note that the search languages must now be listed as an array of strings and the tokenizer was renamed to separator:

=== "5.x"

``` yaml
  - search:
      separator: '[\s\-\.]+'
        - en
        - de
        - ru

=== "4.x"

``` yaml
    language: en, de, ru
    tokenizer: [\s\-\.]+


Social links stayed in the same place, but the type key was renamed to icon in order to match the new way of specifying which icon to be used:

=== "5.x"

``` yaml
    - icon: fontawesome/brands/github-alt
      link: https://github.com/squidfunk

=== "4.x"

``` yaml
    - type: github
      link: https://github.com/squidfunk

Changes to *.html files

The templates have undergone a set of changes to make them future-proof. If you've used theme extension to override a block or template, make sure that it matches the new structure:

  • If you've overridden a block, check base.html for potential changes
  • If you've overridden a template, check the respective *.html file for potential changes


@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
   This file was automatically generated - do not edit
 {% import "partials/language.html" as lang with context %}
-{% set feature = config.theme.feature %}
 {% set palette = config.theme.palette %}
 {% set font = config.theme.font %}
 <!doctype html>
@@ -30,19 +29,6 @@
       {% elif config.site_author %}
         <meta name="author" content="{{ config.site_author }}">
       {% endif %}
-      {% for key in [
-        "clipboard.copy",
-        "clipboard.copied",
-        "search.language",
-        "search.pipeline.stopwords",
-        "search.pipeline.trimmer",
-        "search.result.none",
-        "search.result.one",
-        "search.result.other",
-        "search.tokenizer"
-      ] %}
-        <meta name="lang:{{ key }}" content="{{ lang.t(key) }}">
-      {% endfor %}
       <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ config.theme.favicon | url }}">
       <meta name="generator" content="mkdocs-{{ mkdocs_version }}, mkdocs-material-5.0.0">
     {% endblock %}
@@ -56,9 +42,9 @@
       {% endif %}
     {% endblock %}
     {% block styles %}
-      <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/stylesheets/application.********.css' | url }}">
+      <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/stylesheets/main.********.min.css' | url }}">
       {% if palette.primary or palette.accent %}
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/stylesheets/application-palette.********.css' | url }}">
+        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/stylesheets/palette.********.min.css' | url }}">
       {% endif %}
       {% if palette.primary %}
         {% import "partials/palette.html" as map %}
@@ -69,20 +55,17 @@
       {% endif %}
     {% endblock %}
     {% block libs %}
-      <script src="{{ 'assets/javascripts/modernizr.********.js' | url }}"></script>
     {% endblock %}
     {% block fonts %}
       {% if font != false %}
         <link href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" rel="preconnect" crossorigin>
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={{
             font.text | replace(' ', '+') + ':300,400,400i,700%7C' +
             font.code | replace(' ', '+')
         <style>body,input{font-family:"{{ font.text }}","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}code,kbd,pre{font-family:"{{ font.code }}","Courier New",Courier,monospace}</style>
       {% endif %}
     {% endblock %}
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/fonts/material-icons.css' | url }}">
     {% if config.extra.manifest %}
       <link rel="manifest" href="{{ config.extra.manifest | url }}" crossorigin="use-credentials">
     {% endif %}
@@ -95,47 +77,50 @@
     {% endblock %}
     {% block extrahead %}{% endblock %}
+  {% set direction = config.theme.direction | default(lang.t('direction')) %}
   {% if palette.primary or palette.accent %}
     {% set primary = palette.primary | replace(" ", "-") | lower %}
     {% set accent  = palette.accent  | replace(" ", "-") | lower %}
-    <body dir="{{ lang.t('direction') }}" data-md-color-primary="{{ primary }}" data-md-color-accent="{{ accent }}">
+    <body dir="{{ direction }}" data-md-color-primary="{{ primary }}" data-md-color-accent="{{ accent }}">
   {% else %}
-    <body dir="{{ lang.t('direction') }}">
+    <body dir="{{ direction }}">
   {% endif %}
-    <svg class="md-svg">
-      <defs>
-        {% set platform = config.extra.repo_icon or config.repo_url %}
-        {% if "github" in platform %}
-          {% include "assets/images/icons/github.f0b8504a.svg" %}
-        {% elif "gitlab" in platform %}
-          {% include "assets/images/icons/gitlab.6dd19c00.svg" %}
-        {% elif "bitbucket" in platform %}
-          {% include "assets/images/icons/bitbucket.1b09e088.svg" %}
-        {% endif %}
-      </defs>
-    </svg>
     <input class="md-toggle" data-md-toggle="drawer" type="checkbox" id="__drawer" autocomplete="off">
     <input class="md-toggle" data-md-toggle="search" type="checkbox" id="__search" autocomplete="off">
-    <label class="md-overlay" data-md-component="overlay" for="__drawer"></label>
+    <label class="md-overlay" for="__drawer"></label>
+    <div data-md-component="skip">
+      {% if page.toc | first is defined %}
+        {% set skip = page.toc | first %}
+        <a href="{{ skip.url | url }}" class="md-skip">
+          {{ lang.t('skip.link.title') }}
+        </a>
+      {% endif %}
+    </div>
+    <div data-md-component="announce">
+      {% if self.announce() %}
+        <aside class="md-announce">
+          <div class="md-announce__inner md-grid md-typeset">
+            {% block announce %}{% endblock %}
+          </div>
+        </aside>
+      {% endif %}
+    </div>
     {% block header %}
       {% include "partials/header.html" %}
     {% endblock %}
-    <div class="md-container">
+    <div class="md-container" data-md-component="container">
       {% block hero %}
         {% if page and page.meta and page.meta.hero %}
           {% include "partials/hero.html" with context %}
         {% endif %}
       {% endblock %}
-      {% if feature.tabs %}
-        {% include "partials/tabs.html" %}
-      {% endif %}
+      {% block tabs %}
+        {% if "tabs" in config.theme.features %}
+          {% include "partials/tabs.html" %}
+        {% endif %}
+      {% endblock %}
-      <main class="md-main" role="main">
-        <div class="md-main__inner md-grid" data-md-component="container">
+      <main class="md-main" data-md-component="main">
+        <div class="md-main__inner md-grid">
           {% block site_nav %}
             {% if nav %}
               <div class="md-sidebar md-sidebar--primary" data-md-component="navigation">
@@ -160,41 +141,25 @@
             <article class="md-content__inner md-typeset">
               {% block content %}
                 {% if page.edit_url %}
-                  <a href="{{ page.edit_url }}" title="{{ lang.t('edit.link.title') }}" class="md-icon md-content__icon">&#xE3C9;</a>
+                  <a href="{{ page.edit_url }}" title="{{ lang.t('edit.link.title') }}" class="md-content__button md-icon">
+                    {% include ".icons/material/pencil.svg" %}
+                  </a>
                 {% endif %}
+                {% block source %}
+                  {% if page and page.meta and page.meta.source %}
+                    {% include "partials/source-link.html" %}
+                  {% endif %}
+                {% endblock %}
                 {% if not "\x3ch1" in page.content %}
                   <h1>{{ page.title | default(config.site_name, true)}}</h1>
                 {% endif %}
                 {{ page.content }}
-                {% block source %}
-                  {% if page and page.meta and page.meta.source %}
-                    <h2 id="__source">{{ lang.t("meta.source") }}</h2>
-                    {% set repo = config.repo_url %}
-                    {% if repo | last == "/" %}
-                      {% set repo = repo[:-1] %}
-                    {% endif %}
-                    {% set path = page.meta.path | default([""]) %}
-                    {% set file = page.meta.source %}
-                    <a href="{{ [repo, path, file] | join('/') }}" title="{{ file }}" class="md-source-file">
-                      {{ file }}
-                    </a>
-                  {% endif %}
-                {% endblock %}
+                {% if page and page.meta %}
+                  {% if page.meta.git_revision_date_localized or
+                        page.meta.revision_date
+                  %}
+                    {% include "partials/source-date.html" %}
-                {% if page and page.meta and (
-                      page.meta.git_revision_date_localized or
-                      page.meta.revision_date
-                ) %}
-                  {% set label = lang.t("source.revision.date") %}
-                  <hr>
-                  <div class="md-source-date">
-                    <small>
-                      {% if page.meta.git_revision_date_localized %}
-                        {{ label }}: {{ page.meta.git_revision_date_localized }}
-                      {% elif page.meta.revision_date %}
-                        {{ label }}: {{ page.meta.revision_date }}
-                      {% endif %}
-                    </small>
-                  </div>
                 {% endif %}
               {% endblock %}
               {% block disqus %}
@@ -208,29 +174,35 @@
         {% include "partials/footer.html" %}
       {% endblock %}
     {% block scripts %}
-      <script src="{{ 'assets/javascripts/application.********.js' | url }}"></script>
-      {% if lang.t("search.language") != "en" %}
-        {% set languages = lang.t("search.language").split(",") %}
-        {% if languages | length and languages[0] != "" %}
-          {% set path = "assets/javascripts/lunr/" %}
-          <script src="{{ (path ~ 'lunr.stemmer.support.js') | url }}"></script>
-          {% for language in languages | map("trim") %}
-            {% if language != "en" %}
-              {% if language == "ja" %}
-                <script src="{{ (path ~ 'tinyseg.js') | url }}"></script>
-              {% endif %}
-              {% if language in ("ar", "da", "de", "es", "fi", "fr", "hu", "it", "ja", "nl", "no", "pt", "ro", "ru", "sv", "th", "tr", "vi") %}
-                <script src="{{ (path ~ 'lunr.' ~ language ~ '.js') | url }}"></script>
-              {% endif %}
-            {% endif %}
-          {% endfor %}
-          {% if languages | length > 1 %}
-            <script src="{{ (path ~ 'lunr.multi.js') | url }}"></script>
-          {% endif %}
-        {% endif %}
-      {% endif %}
-      <script>app.initialize({version:"{{ mkdocs_version }}",url:{base:"{{ base_url }}"}})</script>
+      <script src="{{ 'assets/javascripts/vendor.********.min.js' | url }}"></script>
+      <script src="{{ 'assets/javascripts/bundle.********.min.js' | url }}"></script>
+      {%- set translations = {} -%}
+      {%- for key in [
+        "clipboard.copy",
+        "clipboard.copied",
+        "search.config.lang",
+        "search.config.pipeline",
+        "search.config.separator",
+        "search.result.placeholder",
+        "search.result.none",
+        "search.result.one",
+        "search.result.other"
+      ] -%}
+        {%- set _ = translations.update({ key: lang.t(key) }) -%}
+      {%- endfor -%}
+      <script id="__lang" type="application/json">
+        {{- translations | tojson -}}
+      </script>
+      {% block config %}{% endblock %}
+      <script>
+        app = initialize({
+          base: "{{ base_url }}",
+          features: {{ config.theme.features | tojson }},
+          search: Object.assign({
+            worker: "{{ 'assets/javascripts/worker/search.********.min.js' | url }}"
+          }, typeof search !== "undefined" && search)
+        })
+      </script>
       {% for path in config["extra_javascript"] %}
         <script src="{{ path | url }}"></script>
       {% endfor %}


@@ -5,34 +5,34 @@
     <div class="md-footer-nav">
-      <nav class="md-footer-nav__inner md-grid">
+      <nav class="md-footer-nav__inner md-grid" aria-label="{{ lang.t('footer.title') }}">
         {% if page.previous_page %}
-          <a href="{{ page.previous_page.url | url }}" title="{{ page.previous_page.title | striptags }}" class="md-flex md-footer-nav__link md-footer-nav__link--prev" rel="prev">
-            <div class="md-flex__cell md-flex__cell--shrink">
-              <i class="md-icon md-icon--arrow-back md-footer-nav__button"></i>
+          <a href="{{ page.previous_page.url | url }}" title="{{ page.previous_page.title | striptags }}" class="md-footer-nav__link md-footer-nav__link--prev" rel="prev">
+            <div class="md-footer-nav__button md-icon">
+              {% include ".icons/material/arrow-left.svg" %}
-            <div class="md-flex__cell md-flex__cell--stretch md-footer-nav__title">
-              <span class="md-flex__ellipsis">
+            <div class="md-footer-nav__title">
+              <div class="md-ellipsis">
                 <span class="md-footer-nav__direction">
                   {{ lang.t("footer.previous") }}
                 {{ page.previous_page.title }}
-              </span>
+              </div>
         {% endif %}
         {% if page.next_page %}
-          <a href="{{ page.next_page.url | url }}" title="{{ page.next_page.title | striptags }}" class="md-flex md-footer-nav__link md-footer-nav__link--next" rel="next">
-            <div class="md-flex__cell md-flex__cell--stretch md-footer-nav__title">
-              <span class="md-flex__ellipsis">
+          <a href="{{ page.next_page.url | url }}" title="{{ page.next_page.title | striptags }}" class="md-footer-nav__link md-footer-nav__link--next" rel="next">
+            <div class="md-footer-nav__title">
+              <div class="md-ellipsis">
                 <span class="md-footer-nav__direction">
                   {{ lang.t("footer.next") }}
                 {{ page.next_page.title }}
-              </span>
+              </div>
-            <div class="md-flex__cell md-flex__cell--shrink">
-              <i class="md-icon md-icon--arrow-forward md-footer-nav__button"></i>
+            <div class="md-footer-nav__button md-icon">
+              {% include ".icons/material/arrow-right.svg" %}
         {% endif %}


@@ -2,51 +2,43 @@
   This file was automatically generated - do not edit
 <header class="md-header" data-md-component="header">
-  <nav class="md-header-nav md-grid">
-    <div class="md-flex">
-      <div class="md-flex__cell md-flex__cell--shrink">
-        <a href="{{ config.site_url | default(nav.homepage.url, true) | url }}" title="{{ config.site_name }}" aria-label="{{ config.site_name }}" class="md-header-nav__button md-logo">
-          {% if config.theme.logo.icon %}
-            <i class="md-icon">{{ config.theme.logo.icon }}</i>
-          {% else %}
-            <img alt="logo" src="{{ config.theme.logo | url }}" width="24" height="24">
-          {% endif %}
-        </a>
-      </div>
-      <div class="md-flex__cell md-flex__cell--shrink">
-        <label class="md-icon md-icon--menu md-header-nav__button" for="__drawer"></label>
-      </div>
-      <div class="md-flex__cell md-flex__cell--stretch">
-        <div class="md-flex__ellipsis md-header-nav__title" data-md-component="title">
-          {% if config.site_name == page.title %}
-            {{ config.site_name }}
-          {% else %}
-            <span class="md-header-nav__topic">
-              {{ config.site_name }}
-            </span>
-            <span class="md-header-nav__topic">
-              {% if page and page.meta and page.meta.title %}
-                {{ page.meta.title }}
-              {% else %}
-                {{ page.title }}
-              {% endif %}
-            </span>
-          {% endif %}
+  <nav class="md-header-nav md-grid" aria-label="{{ lang.t('header.title') }}">
+    <a href="{{ config.site_url | default(nav.homepage.url, true) | url }}" title="{{ config.site_name }}" class="md-header-nav__button md-logo" aria-label="{{ config.site_name }}">
+      {% include "partials/logo.html" %}
+    </a>
+    <label class="md-header-nav__button md-icon" for="__drawer">
+      {% include ".icons/material/menu" ~ ".svg" %}
+    </label>
+    <div class="md-header-nav__title" data-md-component="header-title">
+      {% if config.site_name == page.title %}
+        <div class="md-header-nav__ellipsis md-ellipsis">
+          {{ config.site_name }}
-      </div>
-      <div class="md-flex__cell md-flex__cell--shrink">
-        {% if "search" in config["plugins"] %}
-          <label class="md-icon md-icon--search md-header-nav__button" for="__search"></label>
-          {% include "partials/search.html" %}
-        {% endif %}
-      </div>
-      {% if config.repo_url %}
-        <div class="md-flex__cell md-flex__cell--shrink">
-          <div class="md-header-nav__source">
-            {% include "partials/source.html" %}
-          </div>
+      {% else %}
+        <div class="md-header-nav__ellipsis">
+          <span class="md-header-nav__topic md-ellipsis">
+            {{ config.site_name }}
+          </span>
+          <span class="md-header-nav__topic md-ellipsis">
+            {% if page and page.meta and page.meta.title %}
+              {{ page.meta.title }}
+            {% else %}
+              {{ page.title }}
+            {% endif %}
+          </span>
       {% endif %}
+    {% if "search" in config["plugins"] %}
+      <label class="md-header-nav__button md-icon" for="__search">
+        {% include ".icons/material/magnify.svg" %}
+      </label>
+      {% include "partials/search.html" %}
+    {% endif %}
+    {% if config.repo_url %}
+      <div class="md-header-nav__source">
+        {% include "partials/source.html" %}
+      </div>
+    {% endif %}


@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
   This file was automatically generated - do not edit
-{% set feature = config.theme.feature %}
 {% set class = "md-hero" %}
-{% if not feature.tabs %}
+{% if "tabs" not in config.theme.features %}
   {% set class = "md-hero md-hero--expand" %}
 {% endif %}
 <div class="{{ class }}" data-md-component="hero">


@@ -3,12 +3,4 @@
 {% import "partials/language/" + config.theme.language + ".html" as lang %}
 {% import "partials/language/en.html" as fallback %}
-{% macro t(key) %}{{ {
-  "direction": config.theme.direction,
-  "search.language": (
-    config.extra.search | default({})
-  ).language,
-  "search.tokenizer": (
-    config.extra.search | default({})
-  ).tokenizer | default("", true),
-}[key] or lang.t(key) or fallback.t(key) }}{% endmacro %}
+{% macro t(key) %}{{ lang.t(key) | default(fallback.t(key)) }}{% endmacro %}


@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  This file was automatically generated - do not edit
+{% if config.theme.logo %}
+  <img src="{{ config.theme.logo | url }}" alt="logo">
+{% else %}
+  {% set icon = config.theme.icon.logo or "material/library" %}
+  {% include ".icons/" ~ icon ~ ".svg" %}
+{% endif %}


@@ -14,9 +14,15 @@
     {% endif %}
     <label class="md-nav__link" for="{{ path }}">
       {{ nav_item.title }}
+      <span class="md-nav__icon md-icon">
+        {% include ".icons/material/chevron-right.svg" %}
+      </span>
-    <nav class="md-nav" data-md-component="collapsible" data-md-level="{{ level }}">
+    <nav class="md-nav" aria-label="{{ nav_item.title }}" data-md-level="{{ level }}">
       <label class="md-nav__title" for="{{ path }}">
+        <span class="md-nav__icon md-icon">
+          {% include ".icons/material/arrow-left.svg" %}
+        </span>
         {{ nav_item.title }}
       <ul class="md-nav__list" data-md-scrollfix>
@@ -39,6 +45,9 @@
     {% if toc | first is defined %}
       <label class="md-nav__link md-nav__link--active" for="__toc">
         {{ nav_item.title }}
+        <span class="md-nav__icon md-icon">
+          {% include ".icons/material/table-of-contents.svg" %}
+        </span>
     {% endif %}
     <a href="{{ nav_item.url | url }}" title="{{ nav_item.title | striptags }}" class="md-nav__link md-nav__link--active">


@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
   This file was automatically generated - do not edit
-<nav class="md-nav md-nav--primary" data-md-level="0">
-  <label class="md-nav__title md-nav__title--site" for="__drawer">
-    <a href="{{ config.site_url | default(nav.homepage.url, true) | url }}" title="{{ config.site_name }}" class="md-nav__button md-logo">
-      {% if config.theme.logo.icon %}
-        <i class="md-icon">{{ config.theme.logo.icon }}</i>
-      {% else %}
-        <img alt="logo" src="{{ config.theme.logo | url }}" width="48" height="48">
-      {% endif %}
+<nav class="md-nav md-nav--primary" aria-label="{{ lang.t('nav.title') }}" data-md-level="0">
+  <label class="md-nav__title" for="__drawer">
+    <a href="{{ config.site_url | default(nav.homepage.url, true) | url }}" title="{{ config.site_name }}" class="md-nav__button md-logo" aria-label="{{ config.site_name }}">
+      {% include "partials/logo.html" %}
     {{ config.site_name }}


@@ -6,15 +6,18 @@
   <label class="md-search__overlay" for="__search"></label>
   <div class="md-search__inner" role="search">
     <form class="md-search__form" name="search">
-      <input type="text" class="md-search__input" name="query" aria-label="Search" placeholder="{{ lang.t('search.placeholder') }}" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off" spellcheck="false" data-md-component="query" data-md-state="active">
+      <input type="text" class="md-search__input" name="query" aria-label="{{ lang.t('search.placeholder') }}" placeholder="{{ lang.t('search.placeholder') }}" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off" spellcheck="false" data-md-component="search-query" data-md-state="active">
       <label class="md-search__icon md-icon" for="__search">
+        {% include ".icons/material/magnify.svg" %}
+        {% include ".icons/material/arrow-left.svg" %}
-      <button type="reset" class="md-icon md-search__icon" data-md-component="reset" tabindex="-1">
-        &#xE5CD;
+      <button type="reset" class="md-search__icon md-icon" aria-label="{{ lang.t('search.reset') }}" data-md-component="search-reset" tabindex="-1">
+        {% include ".icons/material/close.svg" %}
     <div class="md-search__output">
       <div class="md-search__scrollwrap" data-md-scrollfix>
-        <div class="md-search-result" data-md-component="result">
+        <div class="md-search-result" data-md-component="search-result">
           <div class="md-search-result__meta">
             {{ lang.t("search.result.placeholder") }}


@@ -3,9 +3,12 @@
 {% if config.extra.social %}
   <div class="md-footer-social">
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'assets/fonts/font-awesome.css' | url }}">
     {% for social in config.extra.social %}
-      <a href="{{ social.link }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="{{ social.type }}" class="md-footer-social__link fa fa-{{ social.type }}"></a>
+      {% set _,rest = social.link.split("//") %}
+      {% set domain = rest.split("/")[0] %}
+      <a href="{{ social.link }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="{{ domain }}" class="md-footer-social__link">
+        {% include ".icons/" ~ social.icon ~ ".svg" %}
+      </a>
     {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}


@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  This file was automatically generated - do not edit
+{% import "partials/language.html" as lang with context %}
+{% set label = lang.t("source.revision.date") %}
+<div class="md-source-date">
+  <small>
+    {% if page.meta.git_revision_date_localized %}
+      {{ label }}: {{ page.meta.git_revision_date_localized }}
+    {% elif page.meta.revision_date %}
+      {{ label }}: {{ page.meta.revision_date }}
+    {% endif %}
+  </small>


@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  This file was automatically generated - do not edit
+{% import "partials/language.html" as lang with context %}
+{% set repo = config.repo_url %}
+{% if repo | last == "/" %}
+  {% set repo = repo[:-1] %}
+{% endif %}
+{% set path = page.meta.path | default([""]) %}
+<a href="{{ [repo, path, page.meta.source] | join('/') }}" title="{{ file }}" class="md-content__button md-icon">
+  {{ lang.t("meta.source") }}
+  {% include ".icons/" ~ config.theme.icon.repo ~ ".svg" %}


@@ -2,24 +2,11 @@
   This file was automatically generated - do not edit
 {% import "partials/language.html" as lang with context %}
-{% set platform = config.extra.repo_icon or config.repo_url %}
-{% if "github" in platform %}
-  {% set repo_type = "github" %}
-{% elif "gitlab" in platform %}
-  {% set repo_type = "gitlab" %}
-{% elif "bitbucket" in platform %}
-  {% set repo_type = "bitbucket" %}
-{% else %}
-  {% set repo_type = "" %}
-{% endif %}
-<a href="{{ config.repo_url }}" title="{{ lang.t('source.link.title') }}" class="md-source" data-md-source="{{ repo_type }}">
-  {% if repo_type %}
-    <div class="md-source__icon">
-      <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24">
-        <use xlink:href="#__{{ repo_type }}" width="24" height="24"></use>
-      </svg>
-    </div>
-  {% endif %}
+<a href="{{ config.repo_url }}" title="{{ lang.t('source.link.title') }}" class="md-source">
+  <div class="md-source__icon md-icon">
+    {% set icon = config.theme.icon.repo or "fontawesome/brands/git-alt" %}
+    {% include ".icons/" ~ icon ~ ".svg" %}
+  </div>
   <div class="md-source__repository">
     {{ config.repo_name }}


@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   This file was automatically generated - do not edit
-{% if nav_item.is_homepage %}
+{% if nav_item.is_homepage or nav_item.url == "index.html" %}
   <li class="md-tabs__item">
     {% if not page.ancestors | length and nav | selectattr("url", page.url) %}
       <a href="{{ nav_item.url | url }}" class="md-tabs__link md-tabs__link--active">


@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 {% if page.ancestors | length > 0 %}
   {% set class = "md-tabs md-tabs--active" %}
 {% endif %}
-<nav class="{{ class }}" data-md-component="tabs">
+<nav class="{{ class }}" aria-label="{{ lang.t('tabs.title') }}" data-md-component="tabs">
   <div class="md-tabs__inner md-grid">
     <ul class="md-tabs__list">
       {% for nav_item in nav %}


@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     {{ toc_item.title }}
   {% if toc_item.children %}
-    <nav class="md-nav">
+    <nav class="md-nav" aria-label="{{ toc_item.title }}">
       <ul class="md-nav__list">
         {% for toc_item in toc_item.children %}
           {% include "partials/toc-item.html" %}


@@ -2,35 +2,22 @@
   This file was automatically generated - do not edit
 {% import "partials/language.html" as lang with context %}
-<nav class="md-nav md-nav--secondary">
+<nav class="md-nav md-nav--secondary" aria-label="{{ lang.t('toc.title') }}">
   {% endif %}
   {% if toc | first is defined %}
     <label class="md-nav__title" for="__toc">
+      <span class="md-nav__icon md-icon">
+        {% include ".icons/material/arrow-left.svg" %}
+      </span>
       {{ lang.t("toc.title") }}
     <ul class="md-nav__list" data-md-scrollfix>
       {% for toc_item in toc %}
         {% include "partials/toc-item.html" %}
       {% endfor %}
-      {% if page.meta.source and page.meta.source | length > 0 %}
-        <li class="md-nav__item">
-          <a href="#__source" class="md-nav__link md-nav__link--active">
-            {{ lang.t("meta.source") }}
-          </a>
-        </li>
-      {% endif %}
-      {% set disqus = config.extra.disqus %}
-      {% if page and page.meta and page.meta.disqus is string %}
-        {% set disqus = page.meta.disqus %}
-      {% endif %}
-      {% if not page.is_homepage and disqus %}
-        <li class="md-nav__item">
-          <a href="#__comments" class="md-nav__link md-nav__link--active">
-            {{ lang.t("meta.comments") }}
-          </a>
-        </li>
-      {% endif %}
   {% endif %}