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If you want to get the best out of Material for MkDocs, Insiders is what you're looking for – it's an exclusive version of Material for MkDocs that offers additional features and enhancements. By becoming a sponsor, you get early access
Material for MkDocs Insiders offers an enhanced experience with early access to exclusive features that aren't available in the community edition. Become a sponsor and make use of these features directly!
You’ve already seen the benefits of using Material for MkDocs; imagine what more you can achieve with Insiders. Your sponsorship helps us continue to innovate and improve, ensuring Material for MkDocs remains a cutting-edge tool. Discover how your contributions make a difference.
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Additional information
Explore the following section to learn more about Material for MkDocs, why you should sponsor us, what's in it for you, and who is sponsoring us.
:fontawesome-solid-circle-question: Why sponsor us
Learn how to support our goal of becoming the leading tool in documentation
:material-gift: What's in it for you
Discover exclusive benefits and features available only to our monthly sponsors
:fontawesome-solid-people-group: Who is sponsoring
Get to know our awesome sponsors, financially backing Material for MkDocs
Sponsoring guide
Learn how to become a sponsor of Material for MkDocs Insiders and start your sponsorship journey by choosing the right tier for you:
:material-animation-outline: Sponsoring tiers
Find the perfect monthly sponsoring tier that fits your needs and requirements
:octicons-heart-fill-24:{ .mdx-heart } How to sponsor
Follow our step-by-step guide on how to become a sponsor to get you started
Additional information
If you require additional and detailed information about payment, billing, access management, and more, here is everything you need to know:
:material-hand-coin: Payment and billing
All the information you need about payment methods and billing cycles
:material-key-variant: Access management
Learn about access management to Insiders – for individuals and organizations
:material-clock-time-three: Runtime and cancellation
Receive information on the duration of your sponsorship and the cancellation process
:material-lock-open: Privacy
Our commitment to your privacy – learn assurances on valuing your privacy
:material-briefcase: License
Get details on the licensing of Material for MkDocs Insiders and its requirements
:material-email: Support
Overview of our support options available, ensuring you get the information you need
Using Insiders
Once you have become a sponsor, you can start using Material for MkDocs Insiders, get all the information you need to get started:
:material-download: Getting started
Step-by-step instructions on how to install Material for MkDocs Insiders
:octicons-versions-16: Changelog
Review the latest changes and additions to Material for MkDocs Insiders
:material-update: Upgrade
Stay updated with the latest changes and improvements in the Insiders edition
We're looking forward to welcoming you as a sponsor!