
3.1 KiB


!!! danger "Please make sure you downloaded your data from an appropriate source.
This guide is unable to troubleshoot any problems related to bad or poorly managed data."

Nemsys & Valkyrie modes

!!! warning "Valkyrie mode requires a 120hz capable monitor, or to have patched your .dll with Valkyrie Mode 60hz.
You will also need a second 60hz monitor with touchscreen capabilities."

If you do not have that second monitor:

- Open `spicecfg.exe`.
- Head to the `Options` tab.
- Enable `Only Use One Monitor` under the `Graphics (common)` category.

<img src="/img/sdvx6/troubleshooting/1_onemonitor.png">

!!! tip ""

To make use of the Valkyrie Mode, which unlocks the subscreen and 120FPS, we need to go to the `contents\prop` folder and edit the `ea3-config.xml` file.

We're interested in these lines:

		<model __type="str">KFC</model>
		<dest __type="str">J</dest>
		<spec __type="str">G</spec>
		<rev __type="str">A</rev>
		<ext __type="str">2024052100</ext>

This is the line that determines if the game will run in Nemsys (60 FPS) or Valkyrie (120 FPS) mode.

<spec __type="str">F</spec>

Use ^^`F`^^ for Nemsys, or ^^`G`^^ for Valkyrie.    

Changing the game's language

!!! tip ""

Go to the `contents\prop` folder and edit the `ea3-config.xml` file.

We're interested in these lines:

		<model __type="str">KFC</model>
		<dest __type="str">J</dest>
		<spec __type="str">G</spec>
		<rev __type="str">A</rev>
		<ext __type="str">2024052100</ext>

This is the line that determines which region, and therefore which language the game will use.

<dest __type="str">J</dest>

Use ^^`J`^^ for Japanese, ^^`K`^^ for Korean, or ^^`A`^^ for English.

More about ea3-config.xml

!!! tip ""

The `ea3-config.xml` file is located inside the `prop` folder. 

Below is an explanation on what different sections of this file do.

The following lines change the PCBID and HARDID that your system reports to your e-amusement server.  
There is ^^**no need to manually change this**^^ as `spice2x` will do it for us.

<pcbid __type="str">00010203040506070809</pcbid>
<hardid __type="str">00010203040506070809</hardid>

The following line determines what version of the game you are running.  
^^**You should never change this**^^. It should always say `KFC`.

<model __type="str">KFC</model>

^^**You should never change this**^^. It should always say `A` for Exceed Gear.

<rev __type="str">A</rev>

The following line determines your datecode.  
^^**Always keep it up to date**^^ with your game's current version.

<ext __type="str">2024052100</ext>

The following line determine what remote service URL `spice2x` is supposed to connect to.  
There is ^^**no need to manually change this**^^ as `spice2x` will do it for us.

<services __type="str">http://localhost:8083</services>