2022-05-10 19:54:58 -05:00

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Ultimate Vocal Remover GUI v5.1.0

Release Downloads


This application uses state of the art AI and models to remove vocals from tracks. All of the models provided in this package were trained by UVR's core developers.

  • Core Developers
    • Anjok07- Model collaborator & UVR developer.
    • aufr33 - Model collaborator & fellow UVR developer. This project wouldn't be what it is without your help. Thank you for your continued support!
    • DilanBoskan - Your contributions at the start of this project were essential to the success of UVR. Thank you!

Change Log

  • v4 vs. v5
    • The v5 models significantly outperform the v4 models.
    • The extraction's aggressiveness can be adjusted using the "Aggression Setting". The default value of 10 is optimal for most tracks.
    • All v2 and v4 models have been removed.
    • Ensemble Mode added - This allows the user to get the strongest result from each model.
    • Stacked models have been entirely removed.
      • Stacked model feature has been replaced by the new aggression setting and model ensembling.
    • The NFFT, HOP_SIZE, and SR values are now set internally.
    • MDX-NET AI engine and model support


UVR v5.2.0 and all of it's features are only available on Windows at this time. However, this application can be run on Mac & Linux by performing a manual install, though some features may not be available on those platforms.

Windows Installation

The installer does not require any prerequisite installations. All of the required libraries are included in the installation.

  1. Download the UVR installer here

Manual Developer Installation

  1. Download & install Python 3.9.8 here (Windows link)
    • Note: Ensure the "Add Python 3.9 to PATH" box is checked
  2. Download the Source code zip here - https://github.com/Anjok07/ultimatevocalremovergui/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
  3. Download the models.zip here - https://github.com/Anjok07/ultimatevocalremovergui/releases/download/v5.1.0/models.zip
  4. Extract the ultimatevocalremovergui-master folder within ultimatevocalremovergui-master.zip where ever you wish.
  5. Extract the models folder within models.zip to the ultimatevocalremovergui-master directory.
    • Note: At this time, the GUI is hardcoded to run the models included in this package only.
  6. Open the command prompt from the ultimatevocalremovergui-master directory and run the following commands, separately -
pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
  • FFmpeg

    • FFmpeg must be installed and configured for the application to process any track that isn't a .wav file. Instructions for installing FFmpeg can be found on YouTube, WikiHow, Reddit, GitHub, and many other sources around the web.

    • Note: If you are experiencing any errors when attempting to process any media files, not in the .wav format, please ensure FFmpeg is installed & configured correctly.

  • Running the GUI & Models

    • Open the file labeled 'VocalRemover.py'.
    • It's recommended that you create a shortcut for the file labeled 'VocalRemover.py' to your desktop for easy access.
      • Note: If you are unable to open the 'VocalRemover.py' file, please go to the troubleshooting section below.
    • Note: All output audio files will be in the '.wav' format.

Application Manual

General Options

VR Architecture Options

MDX-Net Options

Ensemble Options

User Ensemble

Other GUI Notes

  • The application will automatically remember your 'save to' path upon closing and reopening until it's changed.
    • Note: The last directory accessed within the application will also be remembered.
  • Multiple conversions are supported.
  • The ability to drag & drop audio files to convert has also been added.
  • Conversion times will significantly depend on your hardware.
    • Note: This application will not be friendly to older or budget hardware. Please proceed with caution! Please pay attention to your PC and make sure it doesn't overheat. We are not responsible for any hardware damage.


Common Issues

  • This application is only compatible with 64-bit platforms.
  • This application is not compatible with 32-bit versions of Python. Please make sure your version of Python is 64-bit.
  • If FFmpeg is not installed, the application will throw an error if the user attempts to convert a non-WAV file.

Issue Reporting

Please be as detailed as possible when posting a new issue. Navigate to the "Error Log" tab in the Help Guide for detailed error information that can be provided to us.


The Ultimate Vocal Remover GUI code is MIT-licensed.

  • Please Note: For all third-party application developers who wish to use our models, please honor the MIT license by providing credit to UVR and its developers Anjok07, aufr33, & tsurumeso.

Additional Credits


  • For anyone interested in the ongoing development of Ultimate Vocal Remover GUI, please send us a pull request, and we will review it. This project is 100% open-source and free for anyone to use and/or modify as they wish.
  • Please note that we do not maintain or directly support any of tsurumesos AI application code. We only maintain the development and support for the Ultimate Vocal Remover GUI and the models provided.
